Cavendish "two finger" signals....



  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Jeez - this thread is degenerating quickly.

    Cav did a silly thing
    Everyone inc Cav acknowledged it was a silly thing
    UCI fine Cav
    Team withdraw Cav from race
    World does not end, race continues.

    Meanwhile internet forums full of people that have never met Cav, never raced, didn't see the end of the race, have no idea of what is going on go mental about it - exactly as a certain Mr Wiggins predicted.

    Somehow we're onto pissing on war graves which in my book takes us dangerously near Godwin's rule.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    Wiggins got it wrong mind, he said this would keep internet forums busy for an evening, not two freaking days!
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    mroli wrote:
    Jeez - this thread is degenerating quickly.

    Cav did a silly thing
    Everyone inc Cav acknowledged it was a silly thing
    UCI fine Cav
    Team withdraw Cav from race
    World does not end, race continues.

    Meanwhile internet forums full of people that have never met Cav, never raced, didn't see the end of the race, have no idea of what is going on go mental about it - exactly as a certain Mr Wiggins predicted.

    Somehow we're onto pissing on war graves which in my book takes us dangerously near Godwin's rule.

    You are right. He was wrong, he admitted it and he was punished. It wasn't a big deal but it was a deal non the less.You say everyone acknowledged it was a silly thing, that isn't the case. I just fail to see how some forumites think it wasn't worthy of comment or rebuke. If you are out with your mates larking around then what language you use or gestures you make are ok as long as they are acceptable within the context of your group and don't offend anyone else i.e not in front of my mum or my daughters. In the public domain, big crowds, centre stage live TV what he did was unacceptable but some don't see it as that. The war graves analogy is there to prompt the the question where do you draw the line? I'm sure there will be someone out there who may consider that no big deal. As a big Cav fan I am worried about his readiness for the Tour.
    But he has held his hands up which wa the right thing to do. I think he deserved a slap on the wrist but I also believe withdrawing him from the race was too harsh a penalty. I

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • heystacky
    heystacky Posts: 30
    And his teeth look great :D
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    mroli wrote:
    Jeez - this thread is degenerating quickly.

    Cav did a silly thing

    Everyone inc Cav acknowledged it was a silly thing
    Not quite...
    rockmount wrote:
    Go Cav !

    I just got an HTC phone, and tomorrow I'm goin' out to buy some Columbia pants, shoes, shirts, and socks !!!
    If you've had the season he's had so far, with all the bellends slating him, would you not want to send out a message.

    Anyone who's offended by this should have their head lookin' at, bunch of tools
    crossing the line with a double two finger salute would have put Cav on my absolute all time hero and permanent birthday invitation list, one handed is still pretty good though.

    did anyone honestly expect him to cross the line with a wry grin and whimper given the shoot early season he's had ?!!

    the boy clearly loves winning and seems to be good at it, long may it continue (and the unorthadox celebrations).
    rents wrote:
    A terrific way to show he's back. However im sure he will be heartbroken to know a group of grumpy middle aged men on a forum are appalled by his behaviour.
    Moomaloid wrote:
    I think its funny... love the way he rubs people up the wrong way... keep it up son!
    Nickwill wrote:
    ... I would prefer to see Cav carry on being himself, rather than succumb to the PR people who would airbrush him in to anonymity!
    Go Cav!
    What is it with English sports fans? Why do they have to do their heroes down? You guys can't enjoy one of us being great you have to find a reason to hate! Get on board or emigrate!
    he makes the sport interesting, and the critics/media needed putting in their place. i really don't see the problem...
    Ben6899 wrote:
    Two fingers. So ******* what?

    As I have said before; too many people choose to be offended far too often. Go out and ride your bike instead of whining like a ***** on here.

  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Cavendish is a Total W&$kr - I really hope someone would kick his head in some day to teach the little upstart a lesson.....typical of the 5'5" MIDGET brigade to have a huge chip on their shoulders this Prick has NO class !!!!

    Wow. You have some real anger and jealousy issues to work out there buddy if you want a total stranger to have 'their head kicked in' because they are good at what they do.

    Seek help. And soon.
  • The Prodigy
    The Prodigy Posts: 832
    iainf72 wrote:
    I wonder what the boys at Sky thought, I bet it was the exact opposite of what Bob thought. They would love to see Bob getting abit upset with Cav. Or maybe Cav is plotting his escape?

    Sky would've done exactly the same thing.

    It was a silly little thing, but it was clearly premeditated AND it's typical of a pattern of behaviour. This is only the Tour of Romandie but what would've happened if his first significant win of the year had come in the Tour?

    As with all things, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Cavendish is in the public eye and journalists are going to judge and comment on his performances.

    I didn't mean what did sky think of the salute, more like what do they think about the whol affair and his relationship with Bob. Bob and Cav are usually all loved up. I would have thought they would be happy to see a deterioration in that relationship.
  • fastercyclist
    fastercyclist Posts: 396
    iainf72 wrote:
    I wonder what the boys at Sky thought, I bet it was the exact opposite of what Bob thought. They would love to see Bob getting abit upset with Cav. Or maybe Cav is plotting his escape?

    Sky would've done exactly the same thing.

    It was a silly little thing, but it was clearly premeditated AND it's typical of a pattern of behaviour. This is only the Tour of Romandie but what would've happened if his first significant win of the year had come in the Tour?

    As with all things, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Cavendish is in the public eye and journalists are going to judge and comment on his performances.

    I didn't mean what did sky think of the salute, more like what do they think about the whol affair and his relationship with Bob. Bob and Cav are usually all loved up. I would have thought they would be happy to see a deterioration in that relationship.

    They'll keep Cav, but he will find it harder to find a team like Sky - I suspect cycling's super-slick operation does not want an emotional loose cannon on board. I suspect that gesture will cost him thousands of pounds in lost potential earnings when he wants to switch teams. That's the real pity I feel for him, he just cost himself some serious money and not in the fines.
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • Fastlad
    Fastlad Posts: 908
    C'mon, just look at that picture of him!!!! The guy is behaving like a total juvenile. I'm glad he was excluded from the race. Sure, i don't know him but from what i see, i wouldn't even be interested in knowing him. That boy needs a damn good boot up the backside.
  • eskimo Joe
    eskimo Joe Posts: 764
    What really pisses me off about this is that him winning the race was not reported in a lot of non cycling media , but you can see it everywhere mow his team have pulled him.
    Suburban studs yodel better than anyone else
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Cavendish is a Total W&$kr - I really hope someone would kick his head in some day to teach the little upstart a lesson.....typical of the 5'5" MIDGET brigade to have a huge chip on their shoulders this Prick has NO class !!!!

    I think he should have his brain scooped out and boiled, his fingers cut off and his genitals lacerated by paper cuts. That'll teach him not to put 2 fingers in the air, and will be proportionate to his hideous crime against humanity.
  • neilr4
    neilr4 Posts: 161
    johnfinch wrote:
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Cavendish is a Total W&$kr - I really hope someone would kick his head in some day to teach the little upstart a lesson.....typical of the 5'5" MIDGET brigade to have a huge chip on their shoulders this Prick has NO class !!!!

    I think he should have his brain scooped out and boiled, his fingers cut off and his genitals lacerated by paper cuts. That'll teach him not to put 2 fingers in the air, and will be proportionate to his hideous crime against humanity.

    I so agree :lol:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Five foot five midget? Wow, at 5ft 6in and a half, I'm Gigantor !
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    They'll keep Cav, but he will find it harder to find a team like Sky - I suspect cycling's super-slick operation does not want an emotional loose cannon on board. I suspect that gesture will cost him thousands of pounds in lost potential earnings when he wants to switch teams. That's the real pity I feel for him, he just cost himself some serious money and not in the fines.

    Oh please. :roll:
  • gattocattivo
    gattocattivo Posts: 500
    RichN95 wrote:
    Similarly, the anti-cycling, pro-speeding rants of people like Jeremy Clarkson do tend to validate and reinforce the selfish and anti-social attitudes of many drivers even though some, as you do with Chavendish, defend him on the basis that he is 'entertaining'. You might like to reflect on this the next time a 'BMW driver' cuts you up...

    This doesn't actually make any sense. If posters here had devoted space to bigging up Clarkson and defending his right to make 'pro-speeding rants', then, yes, they would have food for thought next time they had trouble with a speeding motorist. But instead they've largely been defending Cavendish from over-the-top sanctimonious bile in response to a fairly innocuous gesture - they should only have to pause to reflect on this if in the near future Cavendish unexpectedly cycles past them on flicks them the Vs and they find themselves mortally offended.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I'm not mortally offended. I am not judging him for his gesture.

    Its just when you have the British cycling press giving him a lot of page coverage, verbal endorsements and us as cycling fans looking for a champion, this was not the behaviour of a champion. When every gesture is scrutinised and put under the microscope, like us on here, 12 pages of rhetoric later not attesting to his cycling ability and talent but over his winning celebration is to tell all and sundry to Fcuk off, he is an embarrasment, mainly to the fans who want him to be great.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    edited May 2010
    Similarly, the anti-cycling, pro-speeding rants of people like Jeremy Clarkson do tend to validate and reinforce the selfish and anti-social attitudes of many drivers even though some, as you do with Chavendish, defend him on the basis that he is 'entertaining'. You might like to reflect on this the next time a 'BMW driver' cuts you up...
    This doesn't actually make any sense..
    Yes it does, unless - as you seem to do - you willfully ignore the point that was actually being made. The OP argued that there was nothing wrong with what Chavendish did as the actions of public figures like him have no influence on others, especially youngsters. I pointed out that this does not seem credible, after all it is frequently argued that people identify with successful sports people and often try to emulate them, even to the extent of taking up competitive sport. I also pointed out that that the argument that 'the behaviour of high-profile public figures does not have an influence on others' would probably be denied by the OP in other contexts, as when it is argued that the anti-cyclist rants of the likes of Clarkson are mere 'entertainment' and have no influence on driver attitudes.

    If Chavendish had not been penalised for his immature and yobbish behaviour this would have given out the message that this sort of thing is acceptable, even at the higest level of the sport, something that would have made it much harder to argue that similar behaviour by others was unacceptable. I for one don't what to see juniors emulating their 'hero' by gesturing 'fuck off' to others when the cross the line. I also wonder what other gestures those who defend him feel are acceptable 'victory salutes'. The 'knob head'? The 'wanker'?
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    dmclite wrote:
    I'm not mortally offended. I am not judging him for his gesture.

    Its just when you have the British cycling press giving him a lot of page coverage, verbal endorsements and us as cycling fans looking for a champion, this was not the behaviour of a champion. When every gesture is scrutinised and put under the microscope, like us on here, 12 pages of rhetoric later not attesting to his cycling ability and talent but over his winning celebration is to tell all and sundry to Fcuk off, he is an embarrasment, mainly to the fans who want him to be great.
    Spot on.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Children don't watch professional cycling. Except perhaps the posters on this forum. :roll:
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Moomaloid wrote:
    I think its funny... love the way he rubs people up the wrong way... keep it up son!

    +1. No matter what this kid does he's never gonna be liked by the majority of people. This is mainly because Cav knows he's the best sprinter in the world and doesn't mind telling everyone that he is. This makes him come across as cocky and arrogant. So what if it does!
    He's the best!
    He's clean!
    And he's British!
    Chapeau' Cav and keep it up.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Cavendish is a Total W&$kr - I really hope someone would kick his head in some day to teach the little upstart a lesson.....typical of the 5'5" MIDGET brigade to have a huge chip on their shoulders this Prick has NO class !!!!
    No class? What do you define as class? He is one of the classiest bike riders in the world, certainly the fastest.
    By the way do you actually know him, met him or even spoken to him to make your "class" judgement of him?
    I suppose you have more class and ability so look forward to seeing you in green in TDF in July.
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    No-one's denying he's a class cyclist - that would be impossible. He's also an arrogant and offensive tw@t. Is anyone here actually suggesting that once you get near the top of your profession that gives you an automatic right to behave any way you choose, no matter how repellant? Really?? Personally I have far more respect for top achievers who carry it off with modesty.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    dmclite wrote:
    I'm not mortally offended. I am not judging him for his gesture.

    Its just when you have the British cycling press giving him a lot of page coverage, verbal endorsements and us as cycling fans looking for a champion, this was not the behaviour of a champion. When every gesture is scrutinised and put under the microscope, like us on here, 12 pages of rhetoric later not attesting to his cycling ability and talent but over his winning celebration is to tell all and sundry to Fcuk off, he is an embarrasment, mainly to the fans who want him to be great.


    It amazes me how small issues normally not about people's performances can create threads of double digit pages. Why dwell on these things.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466

    It amazes me how small issues normally not about people's performances can create threads of double digit pages. Why dwell on these things.[/quote]

    It wouldn't be such an issue other than for the fact that some people see it as hip or cool. Just take a look at some of those "Go Cav" postings that Biking Bernie pulled out from the thread. They think it's great behaviour. What else do they think is cool?

    There can't be anyone on the planet who doubts his ability. But there is no place in the public arena for that. If that had been acknowledged at the outset on the forum the thread would have probably gone as follows:

    1. That was a stupid thing to do. Totally out of order.

    2. Yeah you're right

    Somehow this "Go Cav" brigade seem to think that supporting someone means that you have to defend them even when they are in the wrong. That's rubbish. I'm a fan but on this occassion he did a stupid thing. He admits it now himself. I worry about those who can't see that.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    This happened on Thursday. It is now Sunday. Can we let it lie PLEASE?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    This happened on Thursday. It is now Sunday. Can we let it lie PLEASE?

    Pierre is on his way to finish off Birdgate forever.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    iainf72 wrote:
    This happened on Thursday. It is now Sunday. Can we let it lie PLEASE?

    Pierre is on his way to finish off Birdgate forever.

    Thank fcuk

    Sorry if I offended anyone with that, I know people are delicate
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    This happened on Thursday. It is now Sunday. Can we let it lie PLEASE?

    Not until everyone has agreed with everyone else or something...