Phil & Paul's Cycling Cliche Bingo



  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    I think we should add any mention of the credit crunch. Not because anyone says it particularly frequentlyu, but ebcasue they're bound to...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Paul said "In the sport of professional cycling" at one point yesterday too...
  • 5 points for Paul berating Phil about how, in the last 5 km, you must ride on the front of the group - and how riding at the back means you are involved in crashes and can lose contact etc. etc. Phil never seems to agree... he must acknowledge that this is far easier said than done!
  • funkin
    funkin Posts: 29
    "According to the computer, the peleton should catch the breakaway group at XX kilometers"
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    I tried playing our game, I really did. After 20 minutes on Saturday, I gave up, with my score to that point reading 4386 points. If you watch the Versus coverage and add in the clichés from the rest of that crew, you'd easily quadruple that tally. What a cliché-fest Versus is! Awful!
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    The God of Thunder was out today and I think I caught a Big George there too :D
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    There was a "Big Mick Rogers" too
  • berliner
    berliner Posts: 340
    "I think it's Steven Roche...................................................(can't think of anthing funny to follow)
  • berliner
    berliner Posts: 340
    I think it's Micheal Jackson !!
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    It bugs me when Paul Sherwen keeps calling them "machines". Yes they are machines, but we tend to call them "bikes".
  • jon208
    jon208 Posts: 335
    "He's been thrown a bone - and it could be a meaty one!"

    Genius! A future classic. Love listening to these guys. You know at the end of each show when they ask for emails? Anyone else tempted to email them a link to this thread?

  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Go for it, they might even do a compilation of their finest moments :lol:
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Gotta say, they are 2 of the better sports commentators out there. Of course if you do commentate on a 3 week race every single year, you are going to slip into clichés, and I'd prefer to listen to these two than watch Match of the Day.
  • jon208
    jon208 Posts: 335
    I think they're ace! Can you imagine commentating on the Tour year after year. Three weeks at a time, when for huge chunks of a race (lets be honest) there's little exciting going on. I think if I tried it I'd end up doing an Alan Partridge within about five minutes!
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    Apparently the commentaters read this so I think we should suggest something for them to slip into commentary at a certain point during the race, just for us :)
  • avalon
    avalon Posts: 345
    How about complete and utter?.
    That should fool the occasional viewer.
    Yes Phil,the complete and occasional viewer should be fooled. But Larnse won't.
  • Go-KL
    Go-KL Posts: 8
    From listening yesterday: 'The breakaway have pulled off a real coup' stated at least 3 times in 10 or so minutes. 1pt for each.
    Side wind = echelon formation. 1pt + 5 bonus points for detailed description of what is an echelon including the precise angle in degrees.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Paul and Phil - if you read this, please compare any rider of your choosing to a wildebeest over the next few weeks. Thank you.
  • They could wind us up:

    Phil: He's a strong rider that's for sure.
    Paul: Indeed, as strong as cheese.

    Perhaps it's only me that finds that funny.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Can we get one of Alan Partidge's comments do you think? Particularly when they show an aerial shot, I'd like the classic line - "as we look down on the peloton that look like cattle in a mad sort of way....cattle on bikes"
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    APIII wrote:
    Can we get one of Alan Partidge's comments do you think? Particularly when they show an aerial shot, I'd like the classic line - "as we look down on the peloton that look like cattle in a mad sort of way....cattle on bikes"
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    Oi, Phil, Paul. Do this. Do it, please.
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I've just caught a reference to teams moving their prawns up to the front in the TTT. I think he was trying to use a chess analogy :D

    Oh and any time a rider pulls off some manouvre to avoid an accident (eg. Cancellara very nearly going off a corner today, Armstrong going off-road after Beloki's crash years ago) - "he's SUCH a talented bike rider!"
  • I'm looking forward to seeing the heads of state of this years Tour de France work their way up to the front end of the main field and start to control this professional bike race. When it starts getting grippy and the road points skyward young Andy Schleck will start tapping out a fast tempo while big Jens Voigt wrestles with his machine up the famous slopes of Mount Ventoux many points for that?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    iain_j wrote:
    I've just caught a reference to teams moving their prawns up to the front in the TTT. I think he was trying to use a chess analogy :D

    Oh and any time a rider pulls off some manouvre to avoid an accident (eg. Cancellara very nearly going off a corner today, Armstrong going off-road after Beloki's crash years ago) - "he's SUCH a talented bike rider!"

    Great bike handling skills!
  • Peacenik
    Peacenik Posts: 292
    How many times did Phil L refer to Cancellara as 'Spartacus'?
    FCN - 3 (hairy-legged roadie)
    FCN - 6 (single speed)
  • Not nearly as many times as they used the prefix 'big' to nearly every roleur/sprinter on the stage. Oh, that and Paul repeatedly saying 'Here today" and muntering on about Armstrong being out for 3.5 years, keeping himself in shape and reading the race in the sport of professional bike racing. Over and over and over and over. Oh, and Paul was doing his "and there is big <insert name of rider> wearing the jersey of the TT champion of <insert longest winded possible pronunciation of a country name>" for every fcuking team every time they showed them.

    I didn't catch any 'turning themselves inside out' comments, was I asleep?

    I tuned into Eurosport for a change of record.
  • beatsystem
    beatsystem Posts: 118
    Once again its very easy to knock these people,if your all so f clever why dont you do it.
  • I'm too clever to do it. And I'm too busy posting on here. And I'm too good looking. Cleared that one up?
  • Peacenik
    Peacenik Posts: 292
    beatsystem wrote:
    Once again its very easy to knock these people,if your all so f clever why dont you do it.

    I'm very grateful to them for doing it. Maybe we're just having a bit of fun on this thread :lol:
    FCN - 3 (hairy-legged roadie)
    FCN - 6 (single speed)
  • natrix
    natrix Posts: 1,111
    iain_j wrote:
    I've just caught a reference to teams moving their prawns up to the front in the TTT. I think he was trying to use a chess analogy :D

    The prawns quote was brilliant, I had a mental image of these huge pink prawns, pedalling like crazy trying to get up to the head of the team!!!

    They both do a great job of the commentary, especially when they dig deep into their suitcase of cliches!!
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