Silly Commuter Stats



  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,061
    CiB wrote:
    Guys. It's all over, nearly. I'll let the stats board run till the end of the year and hand out metaphorical gongs accordingly, but then it'll disappear. I could leave it to run till March when it would die off anyway (change of web host, change of needs etc) but there's no logic to dropping it partway through the year.

    So... As of Jan next year either revert to ITB's code blocks (see early pages of this thread), or use Strava, MapMyRide etc and have a much better interface. Or just ride for the fun & enjoyment of it.

    Equally it can't be beyond the wit & intelligence of someone on here to throw together something similar and quite possibly better. Feel free. 2½ months is plenty of time to get something up & running.


    Thanks Chris all your hard work over these years has been much appreciated, I'll buy you a beer one of these days :lol:
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    itboffin wrote:
    Thanks Chris all your hard work over these years has been much appreciated, I'll buy you a beer one of these days :lol:

    Taa for the link. I've joined that but it is a bit inferior to SCStats - visually very poor in comparison to SCS and excessively complicated. It's a different thing really. And who is everyone on it anyway! :lol:

    I do hope someone will rescue the real thing but much thanks to Chris for supporting it for so long. This thread should be stickied at least!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • I am back on the bike now, just indoors on rollers. I've been told that riding isn't going to effect the recovery of my shoulder, but that I shouldn't ride on the road until it's stronger. After 8 weeks of not riding, half an hour at a moderate pace is killing me and I didn't know it was possible to sweat so much...
    Dolan Preffisio
    2010 Cube Agree SL
  • Good to hear your starting to mend .. it's stuff like this that always makes me angry when people start to talk of "oh, oh a cyclist went through a red light" or "why don't they wear a helmet". It's just not an issue .. the issue is the crap, pain and long term effects that people have to go through when someone drives a car into them.

    Sorry .. maybe that should have gone into the rant section.

    On a positive note (?) at least you've got all winter to get ready for next season rather than it being just around the corner with no form. Plenty of time to get in some nice easy base miles to get your fitness back.
    Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail

    strava profile
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    CiB wrote:
    Guys. It's all over, nearly. I'll let the stats board run till the end of the year and hand out metaphorical gongs accordingly, but then it'll disappear. I could leave it to run till March when it would die off anyway (change of web host, change of needs etc) but there's no logic to dropping it partway through the year.

    Thanks for keeping it going, I'll be sad to see it's passing but perhaps it's time to take it a little easier
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    CiB wrote:
    Guys. It's all over, nearly. I'll let the stats board run till the end of the year and hand out metaphorical gongs accordingly, but then it'll disappear. I could leave it to run till March when it would die off anyway (change of web host, change of needs etc) but there's no logic to dropping it partway through the year.

    So... As of Jan next year either revert to ITB's code blocks (see early pages of this thread), or use Strava, MapMyRide etc and have a much better interface. Or just ride for the fun & enjoyment of it.

    Equally it can't be beyond the wit & intelligence of someone on here to throw together something similar and quite possibly better. Feel free. 2½ months is plenty of time to get something up & running.

    As I've just been threatened with a ban that may well be enough for me to willingly depart these shores for good, a quick reminder that Stats won't be around in the new year.

    Thanks for the kind messages above. Glad you enjoyed it; I certainly did. :)
  • talius
    talius Posts: 282
    Yes, thanks CiB, has been really good. And shame it is going to end.

    Any way the code can be moved to another site?
    Merckx EMX 5
    Ribble 7005 Audax / Campag Centaur

    RIP - Scott Speedster S10
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    CiB wrote:
    As I've just been threatened with a ban that may well be enough for me to willingly depart these shores for good, a quick reminder that Stats won't be around in the new year.

    Pfft. Anyone who is anyone has been threatened with a ban on here - don't let it bother you in the slightest. There's more slapped wrists, naughty steps and standing in the corner at BR than there is at any half decent kindergarten!

    This thread needs to be stickied to encourage a new host. TBH, the crap Strava version can only in it's wildest dreams imagine itself as merely a very pale and feeble imitation of the real thing.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • gingaman
    gingaman Posts: 576
    Thanks CiB for all your hard work. This was my first year on stats and I don't want it to be my last! Does anyone know what would it cost to have a website with the stats on for next year? CiB, would you let us have your code? ;)
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Could always use Strava to log the miles and put together a page using the Strava API that displays the stats in a Rolf friendly format.
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • I am back on the bike now, just indoors on rollers. I've been told that riding isn't going to effect the recovery of my shoulder, but that I shouldn't ride on the road until it's stronger. After 8 weeks of not riding, half an hour at a moderate pace is killing me and I didn't know it was possible to sweat so much...

    Remarkable how quickly one detrains, I had a serious accident in December took me five months to start riding again, as you say remarkably slow and sweaty...

    Don't discount the tiring effects of trauma, healing is tiring. I found it reasonably quickly came back.
  • I'm keen to start again as soon as I can. Driving into work is depressing, especially the half hour traffic jam I have to endure going home every night. Guess staying dry and warm isn't all bad though ☺
    Dolan Preffisio
    2010 Cube Agree SL
  • I'm keen to start again as soon as I can. Driving into work is depressing, especially the half hour traffic jam I have to endure going home every night. Guess staying dry and warm isn't all bad though ☺

    there is that, I wasn't able to drive, so it was bus/train....
  • menthel
    menthel Posts: 2,484
    I would seemed to have ended the day on 4999km cycled for the year. how amusing!
    RIP commute...
    Sometimes seen bimbling around on a purple Fratello Disc or black and red Aprire Vincenza.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Seems a top 15 placing is assured for me unless SaladFunky pulls out mega mileage over the next 4 weeks, I'm giving him some chance by only riding for 3 weeks in December unless I get a couple of miles in on a Senor Boris bike in Barcelona.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • dav1
    dav1 Posts: 1,298
    Thanks for all the work! SC stats has been a lot of fun and motivation to do a few more miles for me.

    So... I need to pull a record (for me) 900 mile month if I am going to make my 7k target after the past few months left me with no free time whatsoever. Might need an extra large Xmas dinner after the effort :lol:
    Giant TCR advanced 2 (Summer/race)
    Merlin single malt fixie (Commuter/winter/training)
    Trek superfly 7 (Summer XC)
    Giant Yukon singlespeed conversion (winter MTB/Ice/snow)

    Carrera virtuoso - RIP
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,890
    Hit my personal 5,000km annual mileage target on Sunday.

  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    Since I started recording on SC stats (in 2009, how did that happen?) I have commuted 30,000 miles.

    Thanks, Chris
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Slightly OT but still stats related. Got my mileage spreadsheet set up so that when I add mileage in one cell it adds it to yearly total and mileage on components depending on the bike ridden, might not seem much to some but for me it is.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    Thanks CiB.

    Spent an hour copying all my data into a spreadsheet. 66 miles to go to hit the target of 8,000 for the year.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,061
    JZed wrote:
    Thanks CiB.

    Spent an hour copying all my data into a spreadsheet. 66 miles to go to hit the target of 8,000 for the year.

    A real man would knock that out tonight
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • stuaff
    stuaff Posts: 1,736
    itboffin wrote:
    JZed wrote:
    Thanks CiB.

    Spent an hour copying all my data into a spreadsheet. 66 miles to go to hit the target of 8,000 for the year.

    A real man would knock that out tonight
    Do you know one?

    Thanks for all the hard work over the years CiB.
    Dahon Speed Pro TT; Trek Portland
    Viner Magnifica '08 ; Condor Squadra
    LeJOG in aid of the Royal British Legion. Please sponsor me at
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    itboffin wrote:
    JZed wrote:
    Thanks CiB.

    Spent an hour copying all my data into a spreadsheet. 66 miles to go to hit the target of 8,000 for the year.

    A real man would knock that out tonight

    Too busy consuming beer. One bottle per KOM. Hiccup.

    How those Tena Men working out for you?
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,061
    Less moist thanks very much. Happy nights now ;-)
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Cheers for all your efforts, Chris. *doffs cap*

    All the best for Christmas and 2015.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Thanks all, esp ITB for thinking it up, and you Chris J. I'm still making good use of the Wiggle stuff from the 1st year's collection that you organised - a workstand mainly, a few bits & bobs. Cheers again for that. :)

    And if anyone wants to emulate JZed and d/l theirs or others' miles for personal use, you've got until the midnight on NYE, then it times out.

    It was fun doing it, tweaking it, changing the colour scheme after ITB's carefully considered constructive criticism of the first incarnation from... blimey - May 2009. Happy days.. :)
    itboffin wrote:

    Very nice but I have a couple of issues, listed here in OCD order :roll:

    The colours are all wrong, seriously wrong! Jash back me up here...!
    Colours - yeah. Subjective I suppose. I copied a bit of CSS from somewhere and thought it looked a bit trendy with those values. Up here in Bumpkinsville it could be considered a touch avant garde y'know. Feel free to suggest a nicer combination. Pls supply the hex colour codes in advance... :)
    itboffin wrote:
    Er you didn't import the existing data ie Mine - v important, it's always about me :wink:
    Deliberate act. I wanted to be able to gauge the uptake, not have a grid full of data and then spend a week or two wondering who had stumbled across it. Clearly yours should have been tho as the originator and instigator of SC Stats (c) 2009. Humblest apologies.
    itboffin wrote:
    I've not seen a copy of the proposed solution SLA agreement, signed in scalp red by the wise ones (might take awhile) :lol:
    I work in IT, so the spec will follow. At least it'll be correct, with the final deliverable matching said spec. And better still, it works exactly as coded. What more could a user want? What's that? Input into the design stage? Pull the other one. :P
    itboffin wrote:
    Did I mentioned the colour scheme :shock: hello!
    No. What's up with it?
    itboffin wrote:
    But generally v nice, clearly that time could have been spent cycling :P
    As stated, bike in dock, boy elder in hospital so one of us is at home with boy Jr, one of us in Ward 5. I promise to do 2 hours of Hail Marys on the rollers tomorrow morning though when he comes out.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,061

    It's been so much fun over these many years and I'm sure you'll continue punishing yourselves in the spirit of good healthy competition with in most cases total strangers.

    Again thanks for all your hard work on putting a shared idea into action.

    And yes its all about ME 8)
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    jimmypippa wrote:
    Since I started recording on SC stats (in 2009, how did that happen?) I have commuted 30,000 miles.

    Thanks, Chris

    63000 for me
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    In the six years I've been recording mileage my total is just under 25,000 miles.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    I think that's it for me this year, don't think I'll be out today, other than for a 5 mile run. At least this year I can "hand on heart" state no "offs" for me this year.

    Thanks again for all the effort put in, I'll have to find something else to work out my OCD compulsions next year.