hull and surrounding area....



  • I'm looking for a carbon ht but not sure which one yet daz.

    did you get caught in the rain cube?
  • Might be popping out for an early evening ride for some fitness, either towards Skidby or over the bridge.
  • Just a quick question folks, has anybody used full cycle home mechanics before or heard anything about him??
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    Never heard of them...if youre after doing any repairs/tune up,i have self learnt using the power of google,the only thing i cant get my head round is gears,but ive found Doug Scott cycles near Desmond Ave or Bobs bikes next to railway bridge on Bev road dont charge much to sort stuff out for you if youre on a budget,if you have money to spare go to Freetown cycles.....
  • I found him on facebook, i just like the idea of not having to be without my bike as i use it daily for work.
  • Biggus86
    Biggus86 Posts: 385
    altern_8 wrote:
    i have self learnt using the power of google,the only thing i cant get my head round is gears

    New years resolution man, should be all over it by summer.

    Heading up to Kinnoull Hill after finding out there's some decent trails in there, it hosted the Fair City Enduro last weekend. Trust me to find this gem now -.-
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    But just think pal,you will have the wonders of the Brantingham hills again just over a hour away,easliy better then youre Laggans/Kinnoull Hill/Glentress etc.... :lol:
  • Biggus86
    Biggus86 Posts: 385
    Haha, funny guy :p
  • Ayup, I ride Dalby, Hamsterley as well as others more further a field mainly early morning Saturday before they get too busy so let me know if anybody fancies hitting a trail.
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    The majority of us on here tend to ride around the area of Hull,there are a couple of us who use to do the Moors/Peaks and Dales but due to work commitments/lack of transport its been few and far between over the last couple of years.
  • Mtbdaz
    Mtbdaz Posts: 90
    now then dudes

    anyone fancy next sat or sun afternoon for a blast up raywell/foreshore ?

  • If the weather is good this week ill be heading out that way daz
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    Just a heads up regarding heading out St.Andrews/foreshore,me and Giggsmaster came through St.Andrews Quay on Saturday heading back towards Hull Marina and the TPT/Riverside Quay path was closed off ABOUT HERE,dont know how long for or why,so we had to take the path along side the A63 to English street instead,not sure if there are any signs from Wellington Street end saying its closed or not......but i am hoping to be heading out that way either tomorrow/monday or middle of the week,so i will have a look if its still closed.
  • Mtbdaz
    Mtbdaz Posts: 90
    sat or sun midge?

    yeah cheers for that stu.... u able to make it ???
  • Hoping to get out both days, so not really bothered which day you wanna do mate
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    Mtbdaz wrote:
    yeah cheers for that stu.... u able to make it ???

    Went out tonight and came back past St.Andrews,the fence looks like it is going to be up for a while as they have made it so you cant get round it by putting it out over the water(if that makes sense),and the gate is locked at ice arena end with a sign on it saying footpath closed.

    Im heading out to Brantingham tomorrow so ill see how muddy it is,and make a decision on weekend,if i was going out that way it would be Sunday.....
  • altern_8 wrote:

    Went out tonight and came back past St.Andrews,the fence looks like it is going to be up for a while as they have made it so you cant get round it by putting it out over the water(if that makes sense),and the gate is locked at ice arena end with a sign on it saying footpath closed.

    Im heading out to Brantingham tomorrow so ill see how muddy it is,and make a decision on weekend,if i was going out that way it would be Sunday.....

    So you can't do the riding roofs segment then Stu?
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    Yea Andy,you cant do Riding roofs only in Hull/Albert Dock East and West Bound/Albert Dock and ## St Andrews dock Lord Line wastelands..........the path is closed from HERE to HERE,if you click on the two "HERE" it will take you to a map showing you where its closed from going out and coming back you would have to use English street and the path along side the A63.

    There was a notice on the gate at ice arena end but i didnt get chance to read it tonight,ill have a look what it says tomorrow.
  • Mtbdaz
    Mtbdaz Posts: 90
    what time we looking at on sunday?
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    Im off out tomorrow at some point but doubt ill be heading over to Brantingham,be sticking more to cycle tracks.
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    The TPT from back of ice arena to St.Andrews dock will be closed to at least June 2015 due to the £6.3 million River Humber/St Albert dock flood defence being built,it was suppose to be finished by 2017 but due to the flooding last December they have brought it forward by 2 thats why its closed now.
  • Afternoon guys.

    The week following Christmas i'll be off work and will be looking to go out for some local rides if anyone is up for it.
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    notxalckram>>>>Our Kid was over Brantingham the other night and he said its a mud bath at the moment,he said he was slipping and sliding even on the flat parts,and said he is going to give it a miss until it starts drying out a bit.....Barkey knows the area well and knows the parts that dont get to muddy during winter,but even he is sticking to the roads over there at the moment.

    So for me it looks like road and cycle tracks for a while through winter just to try and get some miles in and keep some kind of fitness up.
  • Ah that's not good. I've been cycling 6 miles a day for work for the past 2 months so fitness isn't an issue.

    Might go a right along the Hornsea route.
  • Afternoon,

    I need some advice on a bike repair.

    My rear brake squeals, it makes the most horrible noise that would probably wake a comatose drunk in Manchester.

    I took it to Ken Ellerker's to be fixed in November, the brake seemed to work fine for a day or so. But the problem came back, I cleaned the back brake thoroughly, cleaned the pads etc and still the noise was there. Over the festive period I didn't have much time to take the bike back in.

    Today the noise still happens when the pressure is applied to my rear brake lever. Do you think Ken Ellerker's will fix it for free? Considering I paid £100 to fix the issue amongst other issues in November?

    I've emailed them who said it could be contamination from the road, BUT... I've been cycling to work 5 days a week since November and used only the front brake because of this noise. And the front brake is fine, no noise, no squealing. So as logic goes, it can't be contamination if the front brake is fine.
  • Ouija
    Ouija Posts: 1,386
    The front brake doesn't contaminate as much as the back brake because the back brake and rotor get a load of crap thrown at it from the front. And constantly using the brake keeps the rotor and pads reasonably clean.

    The most common reason for squealing is uneven pad coating on the rotor, causing oscillations in the caliper as you clamp down on it (which then transfers the vibration to the frame, causing a god awful racket). Mine were doing the same thing a couple of weeks ago after replacing some bent rotors with some new ones and not bedding them in properly. When that happens (as it does from time to time) i just get some sand paper, fold it in two press it against the rotor and spin them for a few minutes to help take some of the pad coating off. Repeat after every ride for a few days and do some hard braking in the meantime to bed things back in (putting up with the awful squealing and everything juddering) and after a week or two everything clears up.
  • I'll give that a go then. Can't afford any repairs just yet.
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    I would also make sure youre brake caliper is in line with youre rotor by setting it up,and making sure youre bolts are back brake was making a noise just pushing the bike,but after a few emergency stops(dont lock up wheel),it was fine.
  • notxalckram
    notxalckram Posts: 104
    Morning guys,

    Been a while!

    Is anyone interested in going out for a ride this Easter weekend? Preferably out west maybe?
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    I will be out on Saturday(as long as it aint raining) but not sure what route i will be doing with all this rain we have had,suppose it depends if its dry enough to do some off road over to Brantingham or not.