Fixed/Single Speed Commuting



  • I'm a very inadequate man - being a burd.

    Chainring - 48
    Sprocket - 17
    Cranks - 16.5cm

    So, gear inches = 76.2

    I have no idea what that means... is it crap?
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    facemunk wrote:
    I'm a very inadequate man - being a burd.

    Chainring - 48
    Sprocket - 17
    Cranks - 16.5cm

    So, gear inches = 76.2

    I have no idea what that means... is it crap?

    Beg pardon Lady

    48/17 t'ain't too bad really. 76 is fairly respectable by any standards. I'm on a 52/17 which gives 82 so a fair bit stiffer.

    LiT is the proper mentalist though on a 6 million/1 giving her about 2000 at the last count I think, is that right LiT??? :lol:

    76 is a reasonable pootle about town no major hills ratio which will give you an ok cruising speed of about 16-18 mph. I wanted a bit more top end speed hence the switch to a 52 from the factory spec 48.
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Better than quite a few men on here...

    Hi facemunk, welcome to the commuting forum. There are loads of women on here - bet the rest of bikeradar is well jealous :)
  • Littigator wrote:
    facemunk wrote:
    I'm a very inadequate man - being a burd.

    Chainring - 48
    Sprocket - 17
    Cranks - 16.5cm

    So, gear inches = 76.2

    I have no idea what that means... is it crap?

    LiT is the proper mentalist though on a 6 million/1 giving her about 2000 at the last count I think, is that right LiT??? :lol:

    Yep, that's right, on my 7mile commute I actually only rotate the cranks through 1 and a half turns... :lol:

    Actually mine's slipped to 89 since I my old bike (92) was nicked and I got a new one.

    And there's no such thing as a crap GI or a good GI, there's just the right GI for you.

    But don't tell any of the others on here that I said that. :D
  • I've got to say, the lack of top-speed is irritating, makes me lose out on the Game every time, but it's a dream to get up there compared to the roadie. The control, the feel.... ooooh I love it.

    Have wanted a fixie for a long time, and finally got up there nerve to do it - and now I want to make it faster. but it's a lot of faff surely..
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262

    And there's no such thing as a crap GI or a good GI, there's just the right GI for you.

    But don't tell any of the others on here that I said that. :D

    oh oh oh Sir Sir LiT just admitted there's no such thing as a crap GI Sir, look Sir there Sir

    Shut Up Littigator sit back in your seat and stop being such a licky creep!

    :cry: Yes Sir
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Littigator wrote:

    And there's no such thing as a crap GI or a good GI, there's just the right GI for you.

    But don't tell any of the others on here that I said that. :D

    oh oh oh Sir Sir LiT just admitted there's no such thing as a crap GI Sir, look Sir there Sir

    Shut Up Littigator sit back in your seat and stop being such a licky creep!

    :cry: Yes Sir


  • Litt writes:

    > 76 is a reasonable pootle about town no major hills ratio which will give you an ok cruising speed of about 16-18 mph. a cadence of 75rpm? Pah!

    Look back up the thread for a discussion of cadence vs GI. I'm of the view that grinding around at 70-75rpm will knacker your knees and is only compensation for poor pedalling technique.
    Don't listen to the poseurs... Good fixed riders will be spinning 100rpm+ when cruising and hitting over 150 on a descent. If your fitness puts you at a 17mph cruise you want a 64" gear (yes, really). If you're fit enough to cruise at 23mph, then a 76" Gear is fine..

    Be smooth, think turbine, not piston, relax and move your feet in circles.

    I did my most of my first two years fixed on a 64" gear. The winter hack still runs 64", with a smaller ring to gear down to 56" when the weather's really crap (headwind, slippy roads etc). I only just moved up to a 70" on the lightweight summer bike, cruising at 20+ on long gentle descents.

  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Good fixed riders will be spinning 100rpm+ when cruising and hitting over 150 on a descent.

    I won't tell him how ridiculous this looks if you won't :wink:
  • WGWarburton,

    I think it's each to their own on this one - I prefer to push harder on a stiffer gear, and I think I get a better top speed than I would on a softer gear. Also, I find that if i'm spinning like a maniac that makes my knees hurt far more.

    And to be completely fair, I don't think I am a poser (or poseuse...) just because that is my preference...

    So nyerrrrr! :P
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    biondino wrote:
    Good fixed riders will be spinning 100rpm+ when cruising and hitting over 150 on a descent.

    I won't tell him how ridiculous this looks if you won't :wink:

    Here he goes again, WGWGWGGGGAAWASSBURTON, if you want to bounce around town at 150 rpm then that's fine but quite frankly I don't see the need for it. Pro-class road riders need to hit 130-150 rpm but there is absolutely no need for anything over 120 for your average commuter.

    Having a larger GI gives a greater range of speed.

    Yes on a nice smooth track putting all your weight on your saddle and 'turbine' spinning nice and quick is fine. Try that on pot-holed roads and your knees may thank you but your a*se certainly won't , nor your spine for that matter.
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Litt writes:

    > 76 is a reasonable pootle about town no major hills ratio which will give you an ok cruising speed of about 16-18 mph. a cadence of 75rpm? Pah!

    Look back up the thread for a discussion of cadence vs GI. I'm of the view that grinding around at 70-75rpm will knacker your knees and is only compensation for poor pedalling technique.
    Don't listen to the poseurs... Good fixed riders will be spinning 100rpm+ when cruising and hitting over 150 on a descent. If your fitness puts you at a 17mph cruise you want a 64" gear (yes, really). If you're fit enough to cruise at 23mph, then a 76" Gear is fine..

    Be smooth, think turbine, not piston, relax and move your feet in circles.

    I did my most of my first two years fixed on a 64" gear. The winter hack still runs 64", with a smaller ring to gear down to 56" when the weather's really crap (headwind, slippy roads etc). I only just moved up to a 70" on the lightweight summer bike, cruising at 20+ on long gentle descents.


  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    Litt writes:

    > 76 is a reasonable pootle about town no major hills ratio which will give you an ok cruising speed of about 16-18 mph. a cadence of 75rpm? Pah!

    Look back up the thread for a discussion of cadence vs GI. I'm of the view that grinding around at 70-75rpm will knacker your knees and is only compensation for poor pedalling technique.
    Don't listen to the poseurs... Good fixed riders will be spinning 100rpm+ when cruising and hitting over 150 on a descent. If your fitness puts you at a 17mph cruise you want a 64" gear (yes, really). If you're fit enough to cruise at 23mph, then a 76" Gear is fine..

    Be smooth, think turbine, not piston, relax and move your feet in circles.

    I did my most of my first two years fixed on a 64" gear. The winter hack still runs 64", with a smaller ring to gear down to 56" when the weather's really crap (headwind, slippy roads etc). I only just moved up to a 70" on the lightweight summer bike, cruising at 20+ on long gentle descents.



    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Did some one mention MASSIVE RINGS .......

    Actually where is GregT these days? I miss his witty banter.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • You guys are taking me too seriously, but if you don't want to hear it I'll shut up :-)

  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Now that's just not the attitude, suck it up soldier (oops corrected, how embarrassing) and fight back, damn you.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    You guys are taking me too seriously, but if you don't want to hear it I'll shut up :-)


    No ITB, WGWs right, I was in far to serious/bad a mood yesterday and went off on a bit of a rant, sorry dude my mistake :)

    I am of course cough still right about the gear ratios though :wink:
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • You guys are taking me too seriously, but if you don't want to hear it I'll shut up :-)


    It's a problem with the internet, that.

    Try adding more little yellow faces if you're joking!

    And we're still right... :D
  • No worries, guys.

    Saw on an Interbike news bit that the SR-SA S3X fixed 3-speed is anticipated in the US in January for about $140 or so...

    I'm keen to try one.. Gear ratios arn't ideal but there's talk (talk is cheap...:-) ) of a close-ratio version if this is a success.

  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    yeah there was a bit of chat a week or so ago about the 3 speed fixie that was being released.

    Views were split as to whether this diluted the 'purity' of riding fixed or not...any thoughts????

    ding ding round 2 :wink:
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Interesting!

    I had one of those internal shifters on my shopper/pootler when I was a student in Oxford, the bike was cheap, as mine always are, but it stopped shifting after about 2 months use, and never had more then one gear again... :(

    Does anyone know how they actually work, these internal shifing hubs?


    I have to say, that although I don't think it is a problem of purity, the reason I got a ss bike in the first place was that I felt gears weren't needed in London, and that there's very little on it that will break. Adding gears back into the mix isn't something I'd do.

    Interesting nonetheless!
  • If I could have a 10, 12 and 16 at the back then I'd be interested - power cogs!
  • If I could have a 10, 12 and 16 at the back then I'd be interesting - power cogs!

    10/12/14 ;)... that would be interesting... although I'm not exactly spinning out on my 14 at the minute...
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    10 and 12 :shock: just remind me what you're running on the front?
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Litts writes:

    > Views were split as to whether this diluted the 'purity' of riding fixed or not...any thoughts????

    I'd say yes, it does dilute it but that wouldn't stop me.

    I like the feel of riding fixed, and I think this would keep that, as long as there isn't too much backlash. I also like the lightness and lack of complication, maintenance etc. I think that much of that ought to be sustained, too, though clearly some will be lost. If the hub's well made then it should still be reliable, and there's still a strong, straight chain.

    I'd choose this over a singlespeed, for sure- they just don't appeal to me at all and I don't really know why... Wierd!

  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Littigator wrote:
    You guys are taking me too seriously, but if you don't want to hear it I'll shut up :-)


    No ITB, WGWs right, I was in far to serious/bad a mood yesterday and went off on a bit of a rant, sorry dude my mistake :)

    I am of course cough still right about the gear ratios though :wink:

    mood swings you say, mmmm.... :idea:
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • ITB have you got your massive ring yet?

    chortle chortle....
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Nope :( it's coming from the USA - but I do have a killer back ache that's stopping me from riding :( I think I may have over cooked it on the school run this week :?
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • I had to share..

    last night, on the dull commute home, I stop at some lights at the top of a 'hill' (aka a teeny bit of a hill) in Clapham South. A woman on a ridgeback 'ladies' machine stops right by me, on the outside, a wheel in front. 'How aggressive' I think...

    Lights change, I set off, she keeps pace, on the outside, a wheel in front.I can see her pushing it, the road in front and rear is clear so I push too - this is all downhill. Soon my little legs are whizzing round and bike's staring to wobble (I'm trying to think' spin not piston' but it's hard). She takes me down the hill. Grrr, 'how rude' I think...

    She hits the base of the hill and starts to labour up the other side, so then I take my chance; I positively kill her up that hill, I love the way a fixie flies up these hills, beautiful spinning and all the power straight into the wheel... I speed past her and smile as I go 'how I love my fixie' I think...

    just wanted to share - much fun :-)

    (am off for a SS v fixed over the south coast this weekend, wish me luck :-) especially as it's v my ex!)
  • You've gotta love the uphill fixie riding! :D

    But I wonder if you should consider a bigger gear if you're spinning out to the extent that the bike's wobbling. Maybe see if your LBS has one and take it for a spin... or if you've got a flip-flop hub then you could get a sprocket for the freewheel side? They're only about a tenner...

    Or if you're in London come to the next beers and have a go on mine! :D

    Or ignore me entirely and stick to your current gearing. :)

    And ITB i think this may be your back's pre-emptive strike in fear of the massive ring... :shock: