Fixed/Single Speed Commuting

Clever Pun
Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
edited May 2019 in Commuting chat
Keep it out of the racing thread people

here's the place for electric blue chains wrapped around your newly greased ring

I'm looking forward to giving it a try and my pista will be set up with 48 -17 SS and 18 for the fixed. A red chain would look funking sweet :lol:
Purveyor of sonic doom

Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
Fixed Pista- FCN 5
Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14


  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    I can't believe we've been evicted from the Racing thread.

    I blame Jedster, pictures should be limited to large fruit flans, Mr T and that hot one of Vicki Pendleton in the buff on her bike.

    Chainring pictures are Verboten.....

    So - it was a bit windy last night - let's say I'll consider my rear cog options for when winter comes and I start to stall.......
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Aha! The other fixed gear commuters!

    So... which one of you rides from shebu towards ealing at the same time as I do? THe one with the red rims... You're great for my fitness, whoever you are, but I do struggle to keep up!

    Furthermore, How do you do a trackstand? Hmmmmmm? I keep trying and I get the wobbles within about 0.5 of a second.
  • jedster
    jedster Posts: 1,717
    Furthermore, How do you do a trackstand? Hmmmmmm? I keep trying and I get the wobbles within about 0.5 of a second.

    there's all sorts of tips like:
    try it on a slight uphill
    point the front wheel up the camber
    fix your eyes on a point ahead of you

    but to be honest my modest skills have been developed just by practising at just about every light and junction. THe more you try it the longer you are able to hold it and the steadier you get.

    BTW I ride SS or geared not fixed which should make things harder. There's nothing special about my balance of bike handling skills so if I can do it...

  • Interesting! Thanks for the tips....

    I'm fixed fixed, and I'm trying to put my weight on my back foot, it's starting to work, but I always find that my front wheel steering lets me down. I fell (very gently) on a bus this morning, which the driver thought was very amusing... :lol:
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    I can trackstand a freewheel bike all day long but it is much harder on a fixed imho. The difficult bit is the backwards pressure on the pedals which is a bit counter-intuitive. Practice makes perfect I agree.
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    Interesting! Thanks for the tips....

    I'm fixed fixed, and I'm trying to put my weight on my back foot, it's starting to work, but I always find that my front wheel steering lets me down. I fell (very gently) on a bus this morning, which the driver thought was very amusing... :lol:

    Weight on the back foot - OK then I'll try it....

    I have to say I had a bit of trackstanding drama the other day.

    Wobbling around and steadily gaining on the car in front....

    Lights change - I'm getting closer - he's going to move off - any moment now - getting closer - oh for crying out loud GO - getting proper close - WHY AREN'T YOU GOING - oh no - stumbled off bike and had to grab hold of the scooter next to me to not fall on my arse.

    All the roadies behind took a piece of my pride with them from the free sample stand I set up.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
    BUICK Posts: 362
    I can't imagine trackstanding with a freewheel... on a fixy you are playing off the tension of backwards and forwards pressure, so mostly you are quite still and balanced, but when needed you can actually wheel backwards to regain your equilibrium. I couldn't trackstand until I abandoned clipless on the fixy - if you do fall it happens pretty suddenly and I don't want to go down like that, so it affected my confidence and I'd bail at the slightest wobble. I also practised quite a lot over a few days when I had enforced time off sick - in the lounge!
    '07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
    '07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
    STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*
  • Hahahahhahaaa!

    I'm not laughing at your misfortune, I'm laughing because that is exactly what I do! Wobbling around trying to trackstand, with my front wheel going maniacally from left to right... 'GO YOU B&ST&RDS GO WHY AREN'T YOU GOING'!!!!! ARRRRRGH!!!!!... as I fall on a large vehicle to one side of me...

  • Oh and I'm clipped in... hence the falling... if you're wondering why I don't just unclip and put my foot down it's because I'm still trying to balance as I slowly topple...
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    BUICK wrote:
    I can't imagine trackstanding with a freewheel... on a fixy you are playing off the tension of backwards and forwards pressure, so mostly you are quite still and balanced, but when needed you can actually wheel backwards to regain your equilibrium. I couldn't trackstand until I abandoned clipless on the fixy - if you do fall it happens pretty suddenly and I don't want to go down like that, so it affected my confidence and I'd bail at the slightest wobble. I also practised quite a lot over a few days when I had enforced time off sick - in the lounge!

    on a freewheel you balance against the front brake, and you can "reset" the pedals to quarter past 9 if you seee what I mean. try that technique on a fixie and soon the pedals are at 5 to 6 and you're stuffed. It's just trying to learn a different technique which is difficult (for me, anyway) as the muscles and instinct remember the old way. Especially as I still ride a freewheel at weekends.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    Greg T wrote:

    So - it was a bit windy last night - let's say I'll consider my rear cog options for when winter comes and I start to stall.......

    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • There's something about fixed riders and trackstands. the guys here are all trying backwards circles.. a couple have done it. I just trackstand in clipless on a ss. It gets boring and I have toppled over.. of some reason it's very counter integrative to unclip whilst falling to that same side.. it hurts and looks well silly holding onto the bike and slamming down on your side, bike still attached. Luckily I have huge bar ends which at the blow...

    rainy last night so our ride was 5 miles long at an averge of 7mph! they played chicken at no-hander skids judging it just right to hit a down-slope in the parking lot just before stopping..

    I can't wait to be part of this.. thing! On the other hand my punctureproof and grippy even in the rain tyres with a freewheel is much more useful everyday, but doesn't get the admiring glances of the (was he gay or just very trendy and nice looking?) dude at the pub.
    FCN4: Langster Pro
    FCN8 Dawes Audax
    FCN13: Pompetamine dad and daughter bike

    FCN5 Modded Dawes Hybrid R.I.P.
    FCN6 Fixed beater bike (on loan to brother in law)
  • btw Greg you're going to be stuffed with a 10 mph headwind in the rain! try wearing your cap on those days!

    I'm fine I could be moving to Scotland with mine! :shock:

    does anyone play polo? do you get an FCN -1 for doing so. and also am I allowed to talk about The Game on this thread? I hope we are more chilled and there isn't an underclass (game players) uprising as in t'other thread (weakling geared cylsists) :wink::lol:
    FCN4: Langster Pro
    FCN8 Dawes Audax
    FCN13: Pompetamine dad and daughter bike

    FCN5 Modded Dawes Hybrid R.I.P.
    FCN6 Fixed beater bike (on loan to brother in law)
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    also am I allowed to talk about The Game on this thread?

    I hope we are more chilled


    After this morning I'm incandescent with rage.

    I've got the Met Police helicopter hovering over the building as it's been attracted by a thermal signature that reads "Chernobyl" on the heat-o-meter.

    "Chiiled" is a euphomism for "I got dropped - but hey - my yogurt's lovely this morning and hey! Look at the birds."

    Keep your backsliding chat for the "I'd play the game but I'm spiritually and morally weak" thread.


    I read on the game thread that Lost in thought (hereafter LIT) is a burd!

    What! A burd on a singlie - is this allowed? I don't have dreads or a goatee and had to apply to the Ministry of sub cult genres for my singlie licence - how did she slip through the net?

    I'm not strictly legal either as I have rucksac rather than a messenger bag and no piercings......
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • I am so totally busted...

    I have added a picture to avoid this misconception that as I'm on a fixed I must be a bloke...

    Maybe I should just sneak off and pretend i ride a hybrid to avoid incurring the rage of the purists. :)
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    yours isn't even fixed thouhg is it Greg (correct me if I'm wrong)
  • it's cool I know of a fixed riding girl in London and a cool one near me who has gears but is refusing to use them.. attaway!

    This forum is oozing testosterone it's mad. You may want to be wary og Greg^^ when he returns.. he eats fixed bikes for snacks between crankstrokes. And relishes riding up behind girls. 2 reasons not to post mroe details of where you ride LIT :wink:
    FCN4: Langster Pro
    FCN8 Dawes Audax
    FCN13: Pompetamine dad and daughter bike

    FCN5 Modded Dawes Hybrid R.I.P.
    FCN6 Fixed beater bike (on loan to brother in law)
  • yours isn't even fixed thouhg is it Greg (correct me if I'm wrong)
    here's a purist. brakeless? :D
    FCN4: Langster Pro
    FCN8 Dawes Audax
    FCN13: Pompetamine dad and daughter bike

    FCN5 Modded Dawes Hybrid R.I.P.
    FCN6 Fixed beater bike (on loan to brother in law)
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    here's a purist. brakeless? :D

    good god no I am not that crazy. I still have a rear brake as well though I may take it off if I ever get round to it. But I like ridiing on the hoods so having a lever but no caliper seems a bit stupid
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    yours isn't even fixed thogh is it Greg (correct me if I'm wrong)


    As far as I can see this thread says Fixed / Single Speed - so you can take your fundamentalist talk and ram it

    The fixed cog's on order and I don't know why I'm getting defensive anyway - my road bike of doom is sitting in the garage and my sword arm's itching to getback in the groove.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • It's ok, he won't be able to stay close behind me for long :)

    Naaaaaah I'm joking. I'm not that fast.

    I found out the other day that my fixie has a 'flip-flop hub' so I could have a freewheel but I don't wanna... Why would I? I only have a little front brake, mounted on the horizontal bit of the bar...

    I do miss by genuine old-school back-pedal brake though. Can you get those on a road bike wheel? I doubt it...
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    I only have a little front brake, mounted on the horizontal bit of the bar...

    LIT seems to have more cojones, and less brakes than I do.

    I'm struggling with this.......

    Also she seems to do the Shepherds bush roundabout - on a bike not an armoured vehicle...............

    I think we should drop a line to the mods and get her banned - she's making us look really bad.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Greg T wrote:
    I read on the game thread that Lost in thought (hereafter LIT) is a burd!

    What! A burd on a singlie - is this allowed? I don't have dreads or a goatee and had to apply to the Ministry of sub cult genres for my singlie licence - how did she slip through the net?

    I'm not strictly legal either as I have rucksac rather than a messenger bag and no piercings......

    Yes, but you managed to pass the entrance exam and are now a fully licensed urban hipster douchebag... :wink:

    Trackstanding on a freewheel is quite doable, you just have to be a little more flexible in your approach than you do with a fixed. Rather than countering the forward movement by back-pedalling, you have to use your hands and body to to throw the bike backwards slightly. I've found the best way to learn to trackstand is to practice by moving forward very slowly, eventually coming to a complete stop, then setting off again. Repeat, gradually lengthening the time spent standing as you get more confident.

    Of course, that might smack a little too much off 'trying' for you laidback fixed wheel style icons...

    (Sorry for barging into the fixed/singlie chillout backstage area, I have ridden fixed and will again. I just have to be able to justify getting another bike...)
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • I am so totally busted...

    I have added a picture to avoid this misconception that as I'm on a fixed I must be a bloke...

    Maybe I should just sneak off and pretend i ride a hybrid to avoid incurring the rage of the purists. :)

    You don't need to worry about offending the purists, you do need to worry about the maelstrom of undirected testosterone which seems to howl about these pages...

    Everyone talks a good game (not The Game, obviously) but would probably blush and fall off if a girl on a fixie so much as stopped at the same set of lights as them...
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    for my build I'm not sure whether to get a small bmx style brake (only one) on the horizontal or get hoods as that's where I spend most of my riding time at present.

    I think hoods could ruin Nitto bars? opinions?

    also sadlle bag... for inner tube, spanner, pump and tyre irons... any suggestions or is it keep it in the bag?
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    I have a little saddle bag for tube, multi tool and irons.

    I've got Schwalbe Marathon's on though so given the mahoosive pain in the arse I had putting them on in the first place if they ever puncture I'm just going to torch the bike and burn them off.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    Greg T wrote:
    I have a little saddle bag for tube, multi tool and irons.

    I've got Schwalbe Marathon's on though so given the mahoosive pain in the ars* I had putting them on in the first place if they ever puncture I'm just going to torch the bike and burn them off.

    blimey it is a tractor....
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • for my build I'm not sure whether to get a small bmx style brake (only one) on the horizontal or get hoods as that's where I spend most of my riding time at present.

    From my experience of the bmx-style brake in London and the hoods on my roadie in Essex (where the hills are), I prefer the bmx-style, but then I tend to ride on the horizontal bit most unless I'm really going for it.

    I think that the brakes ought to be wherever your hands are the most, basically!

    And I have a little saddle bag doobree that has various bits and bobs in it, cheap things, as they keep being stolen!

    I have been told by bike shop guy that I need new tyres, any suggestions?
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    I think that the brakes ought to be wherever your hands are the most, basically!

    I have been told by bike shop guy that I need new tyres, any suggestions?

    good point about the breaks... but the track asthetics might be ruined!!!!

    Conti ultra gators/Armadillos will stop the puncture worry... you are on 23's right?

    or you could get flashy coloured nonsense?
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    Clever Pun wrote:

    I puncture every couple of months at least on gator skins.......

    That's why I switched to the Schwalbe Marathons......

    I've only been on them for a week and I'll say this - I haven't punctured yet (in a week) and they really don't like overbanding (red / yellow lines)....

    Schwalbe's are supposed to be very puncture resistant - we'll see.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?