Silly commuting racing



  • snooks wrote:
    ...some (mentioning no names...But you know who you are) have been measuring your thighs! I'm thinking -1 penalty for everyone who measured, and -2 for those who measured and posted!

    Those were darks days... We all did things we weren't proud of. Things we wouldn't necessarily want our children or our grandchildren to find out about. But we did what we thought we had to do, and we got the job done.

    We don't need some fresh off the yacht, johnny-come-lately, telling us how he'd have done things differently, damnit! :wink:
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • cjcp: Unfortunately, working just out of town and living in the 'burbs, the only scalps available to me are the occasional pannier clad juggernaut, or sweet old lady on a shopper whose perm would suffer a severe setback were I to whip her scalp off with a blood-curdling scream. Wouldn't be cricket either would it?

    On the other hand and a future target that I'm in training for, are the herds - no skeins, of extremely hairless - glowing? radiating? Damn near invisible due to the reflective properties of oiled thigh - shaved (like a lady) roadies. You know the ones, near mythical beasts that hunt in packs that even the motorised fear to overtake (mainly 'cos they ride four abreast) and bring down we lesser mortals. Logo clad and white of teeth, they glide past with a barely audible click and hardly an acknowledgement (O right mate?) and a hint of...Perfume??

    But I've got them in me sights. The Velorapter Stare of Comeuppance has fallen upon them...And they in turn shall fall. Oh yes indeed.

    Note to self: Buy more pile ointment at lunchtime.
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    I had my ring enlarged over the weekend.

    Prior to this I was finding things too slow and pedestrian for my racy tastes - everyone was advising caution - "you might not like it", "It will be too much" and "will you be able to take it in all weathers?". They advised that I increase my ring size slowly - experiment with the scene and see if I "liked it". I didn't buy this - let's go large on this one I said - as big as you think I can take.

    So I took my courage in hand and after a small cash transaction had taken place and I was fully satisfied I got my bigger ring.

    I have to say that cruising is more relaxed and easy than I thought it would be. I thought I'd struggle to get warmed up but once you get going stood up it's easier to ease into a good rythm and swing away.

    I'd advise anyone toying with their ring to take the step and man up.

    You will not take a backwards glance.

    48 16
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Greg T wrote:
    I had my ring enlarged over the weekend.

    Prior to this I was finding things too slow and pedestrian for my racy tastes - everyone was advising caution - "you might not like it", "It will be too much" and "will you be able to take it in all weathers?". They advised that I increase my ring size slowly - experiment with the scene and see if I "liked it". I didn't buy this - let's go large on this one I said - as big as you think I can take.

    So I took my courage in hand and after a small cash transaction had taken place and I was fully satisfied I got my bigger ring.

    I have to say that cruising is more relaxed and easy than I thought it would be. I thought I'd struggle to get warmed up but once you get going stood up it's easier to ease into a good rythm and swing away.

    I'd advise anyone toying with their ring to take the step and man up.

    You will not take a backwards glance.

    48 16

    Three words...

    Best. Post. Ever.
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Glad to see you've finally stepped up Greg. 48x16 - well that's where the action is. I've got to say though I'm seriously considering dropping down to a 15t, still find I spin out too early.

    This morning was a massive disappointment – rode form Willesden Green, down the Edgeware Road and onto Borough. Not a single challenge the whole way; ate 1 courier for Breakfast and destroyed about 10 hybrids and several MTB’s. Met one roadie at Lambeth bridge but he clearly wasn’t playing. I’m getting a bit disillusioned with all this. 2 years ago – before the game became official – I had some great competition on my Vauxhall to Blackfriars embankment commute, but these days there’s just no competition out there. I’m considering changing my route.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    :lol: Pile cream and the expansion of one's ring in two posts. I see people are quickly into their stride after the weekend break.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    aFTER A NICE WEEKEND OF CYCLING ROUND THE MOORS NEAR lEEDS and incompetent caps lockery I was refreshed and ready to rumble back with the city folk.

    As a side note, as we were climbing the Leeds road I saw a solitary rider in the distance, I said sorry to my mate who struggles on hills somewhat and I went off in search of a scalp, I caught up to this roadie who happened to be a girl but on a very nice CF pinerelli said hello then completely burnt her off on the borrowed specialized tricross I was on, felt good but no points but then who cares??? The kudos were mine, you're never really out of THE GAME.

    This morning early on noticed someone on my six, I upped it a little keeping some in reserve so if there was an attempt I'd just kick on and leave the chubby faced Bianchi rider looking even more rosey cheeked... he was just on my wheel for quite a few miles, didn't say hello at traffic lights so I didn't point out large holes in the road, still waiting for his move, the headwind was blustery but this early in the week no problem... all the way from beckenham to the lombard roundabout he just sat there then eventually turned off... tsk poor effort. During that time we whizzed past a proper fixie one braker but with toe clips and non cycling clothes his fcn went to 5 the selfish git.

    no points but a clean sheet and kudos for myself
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • snooks wrote:
    Big fellas, but out of shape
    If, like me, you prefer pies to pedallin', and you can take the slippery snakes on higher FCN's you are indeed carrying more dark matter in your rotund physique and you deserve every scalping point your fat fuelled legs can carry.

    Fit taking fat
    If you're fit and more slippery than a jellied eel with a liberal dousing of Wet Lube - for chains, your FCN is between 2-4, and you think passing lardsters like me on the same FCN as you is a fare scalp, can you really live with yourself? can you? really? what seriously? obviously didn't read this bit of the rules : "If you get confused on the road, think of it this way if you drop anyone who looks faster that you +1. If you get dropped by anyone that looks slower than you -1

    That's a good rule of thumb, but gosh darnit, its war out there!

    When you've beaten your opponent to the ground you don't offer to give him a push, you kick him to death (figuratively speaking...)

    If you look like you've been poured into your lycra, and you're chasing after someone on a better bike than you who looks like he was poured into his but forgot to say 'when', then you don't owe him anything. Sometimes, if you want to ride with the king, you've got to pay more than the price label on the bike...

    Obviously, dropping someone whose saddle you can't see doesn't make me feel quite so warm and fuzzy inside as dropping 8 stone of metabolically perfect, can-help-slimming- or-weight-control-only-as-part-of-a-calorie-controlled-diet, teflon smoothness. but that's not the point. It's good, it's just a different kind of good.

    But that's for the hunted, if they're hunting you, that's a different kettle of fish entirely...
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • snooks wrote:
    Big fellas, but out of shape
    If, like me, you prefer pies to pedallin', and you can take the slippery snakes on higher FCN's you are indeed carrying more dark matter in your rotund physique and you deserve every scalping point your fat fuelled legs can carry.

    Fit taking fat
    If you're fit and more slippery than a jellied eel with a liberal dousing of Wet Lube - for chains, your FCN is between 2-4, and you think passing lardsters like me on the same FCN as you is a fare scalp, can you really live with yourself? can you? really? what seriously? obviously didn't read this bit of the rules : "If you get confused on the road, think of it this way if you drop anyone who looks faster that you +1. If you get dropped by anyone that looks slower than you -1

    That's a good rule of thumb, but gosh darnit, its war out there!

    When you've beaten your opponent to the ground you don't offer to give him a push, you kick him to death (figuratively speaking...)

    If you look like you've been poured into your lycra, and you're chasing after someone on a better bike than you who looks like he was poured into his but forgot to say 'when', then you don't owe him anything. Sometimes, if you want to ride with the king, you've got to pay more than the price label on the bike...

    Obviously, dropping someone whose saddle you can't see doesn't make me feel quite so warm and fuzzy inside as dropping 8 stone of metabolically perfect, can-help-slimming- or-weight-control-only-as-part-of-a-calorie-controlled-diet, teflon smoothness. but that's not the point. It's good, it's just a different kind of good.

    But that's for the hunted, if they're hunting you, that's a different kettle of fish entirely...

    What if you look as if you've been poured into your Lycra but some body spilled a bit?
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    velorazzi wrote:
    What if you look as if you've been poured into your Lycra but some body spilled a bit?

    In lycra I look like someone poured half a hundredweight of potatoes into a condom.

    It's probably why I pick up so many Klingon drafters on the embankment - they don't want to follow me they just can't break out of the suction tunnel behind my bulk and get gathered up, that probably explains all the screaming....
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    I must share my feelings of rage and disgust before they eat me from inside out like a jammy dodger in a toddler's sticky mitts!

    Yesterday as I strolled through the rain around Highbury & Is tube area, a foul and perverted sight hove into view.

    This abomination of all things two wheeled comprised a fixie (nothing strange there, I hear you say),but wait, it had more spoke cards stuck into the back wheel than a 7 year old's bike after he's watched an episode of CHiPs!

    Wheel rims and tyres both in white (uuurrghhhh, too tarty for words), chopped handlebars barely wide enough for a two fingered grip on each side (why of God WHY do they persist in this cyclopic delusion), but the worst was the front all white disc wheel...WTF! I mean, a white disk on the front. Surely the most deluded tarty ridiculousness ever conceived of by the beanie cap wearing brigade.

    I was so enraged by this sight as it wheeled round Highbury Corner that I almost tore a bike chained to nearby railings and set off in pursuit to not only scalp this backward bike riding fool but to tear him a new a*se in proportions he'd never forget! Sadly my wife's sharp elbow in the ribs brought me back to reality and I had to continue on my way hoping that one day i would see this foul spectacle again whilst I was in mounted mode.

    I feel somewhat expunged of this fury inducing cyclo-fop having shared it here, but the sight of the most tartiest fixie on London's streets will haunt me for some time to come.
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • Greg T wrote:
    velorazzi wrote:
    What if you look as if you've been poured into your Lycra but some body spilled a bit?

    In lycra I look like someone poured half a hundredweight of potatoes into a condom.

    It's probably why I pick up so many Klingon drafters on the embankment - they don't want to follow me they just can't break out of the suction tunnel behind my bulk and get gathered up, that probably explains all the screaming....

    Ahhh...But this is the deception. like painting a stealth bomber bright pink...Hang on, that wouldn't work - but you know what I mean. Lure them into a false sense of security; looking like easy prey, and then...BAM! Orf with their scalps.

    It's a good look this year.
  • Orf with their scalps. :lol:
    The user previously known as Sea_Green_Incorruptible.

    Soloist Team:
    Cycle Path Cruiser:
    Knobbly Action:
  • Bird34
    Bird34 Posts: 4
    "Girls doing boys like they are girls
    Go girl! If you're a roadie you're counted as a hairy legged roadie (even though you might well shave) unless you are really a ladeee shaved lady roadie (i.e. serious Roadie) then you'll have to be a man about the whole thing and ride your FCN...but no growing beards to lower your FCN! "

    Mmmmm not happy about the hairy legged roadie bit.... but will never be a serious roadie, fundamental sloth will no doubt prevail. Rats.

    Whoever was bemoaning their low (not particularly) speed, wheels my friend, go faster wheels :D:D:D Really, I am not worthy of the bike I ride, at all!!!
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    Bird34 wrote:
    Really, I am not worthy of the bike I ride, at all!!!

    We are not slaves to the rules (apart from Hybrids - if I'm demonstrating a child's tricycle and a hybrid passes me I'll throw it over my shoulder and chase them down the road on foot)....

    have a chat with yourself about those around you and weigh up in odds - there are too many and too subtle for codification....

    Work out who's who, keep the bottom 50% behind and push on for the upper orders......

    Good luck.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • jedster
    jedster Posts: 1,717

    Velorazzi's little opener put me in a philosophical frame of mind:

    14 yr old sort of hybrid Mtb with slicks, flat bars as opposed to risers, bar ends
    full SKS mudguards
    Black's rucksack with flashing lights (useful when dropped keys in winter and locked self in garage with lights off)
    socks when cold (feet not turkey)
    Merino T
    Helmet with visor
    8 or 9?

    Or for white knuckle days:

    Pinnarello Sestriere road bike
    Full muddies again - but not a touring bike as no pannier bosses. Italians don't do panniers do they?
    Coloured tyres (they were on it when I bought it - honest...b*gger)
    triple chainset (sob)
    lycra clipless pedals
    Socks, helmet and rucksack as above

    Ooh, and I'm hairy in a manful way.

    Give us a clue fellers...

    My two commuter bikes are not dissimilar (although 12 years old? you're a mere johnny come lately with that newfangled technology. My rigid steel stumpy is a '92).

    As others have directed you to the calculator, I'd merely urge you to look inward (grasshopper) your heart will tell you whether you SHOULD be faster than your opponent. Instinct combined with honesty is able to decern relative food chain rankins to incredibly subtle degrees.

    The wisdom of this has only become apparent to me in recent weeks. Before that I was enjoying the stealth charcteristics of my steeds. Now, I'm more honest with myself - my single-speed conversion MTB with guards and a rack and my baggies do not provide any protection to my ego when faced with stripped-down fast hybrids. On paper yes but in my soul, never.

    This has got me thinking. The prevailing wisdom here has been that scalping is ying and yang - the scalper's satisfaction is equal and opposite to the victim's pain.

    But I wonder, I really wonder, is this right? Afterall, I suspect a SPD wielding, fast hybrid rider without guards and panier is going to feel lasting pain if I scalp him but will I feel satisfaction? Only a for a fleeting instant.

    So what happens to the kudos lost in transfer? Is it tribute to the cycling gods or is it sucked into the void - a little rip in the harmony of the universe caused by a stealthy q-bike...

    I'm concerned.

  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    jedster wrote:
    So what happens to the kudos lost in transfer? Is it tribute to the cycling gods or is it sucked into the void - a little rip in the harmony of the universe caused by a stealthy q-bike...

    I'm concerned.


    Hybrids are the bane of my life........

    I reckon there's a big overlap on the high hybrid / entry level roadie zones. A dude might decide on a hybrid rather than a trek allez as he doesn't like the look of the saddle.

    However he's fit as a Butchers dog and has a mean streak a mile wide (attrib Pyhthon '85).....

    I may be persiaded by the collateral damage argument, getting done certainly burns deep and long - scalping is transitory and just sets you up for the next one....The game is appararently more addictive than crack coccaine..... We should think about what happens to the spare damage energy.....

    Does this explain Global Warming?
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • victor ludorum
    victor ludorum Posts: 310
    edited August 2008
    Being scalped causes pain. Pain leads to suffering, suffering leads to anger and ager leads to (self) hate... Being scalped the path to the dark side is.

    The latest research, developed here at The Game Labs HQ, indicates that, in the build up to committing a scalping, we develop a pre-emptive energy debt which is only replaced in the process of the scalping - hence the apparently rapid dissipation.

    One only has to witness the dreadful effects that accompanies a failed scalping to see how the effect of this energy debt drains the soul and diminishes the ego of the would-be scalper. Admittedly, to do this, one has to use the Game-Labs Kirlian Photography and on-the-road cycle-therapy unit, built at a cost of £500m, but is available for hire (we have to make the money back some how...)

    Under controlled laboratory conditions, we have been exposing mice and small primates to the experience of attempting to catch a roadie before the lights and then having them fail, only to be unexpectedly scalped themselves by a brompton in a tabard who they didn't hear approaching over the rushing of the blood in their ears. The results aren't pretty. Let's just say that, if we'd asked, we'd never have gotten it past the ethics panel.
    Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
    (John F Kennedy)

    Hairy Roadie (new scoring) FCN 1/2
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    No easy re-introduction for me this morning after two weeks off.

    Planned to gently ease the legs back into it, but a hairy roadie in pro team kit rolled past at a set of lights on the King's Road and headed off at speed when the lights went green. I felt compelled to give chase. My legs didn't want to and the wobble of my stomach suggested that it would be foolish to do so. But, as has been said, The Game plays you, so I gave chase.

    I caught up, puffing more than just a bit, and a reasonably high speed game of tit-for-tat ensued along Embankment. By Vauxhall Bridge lights, I was pouring with sweat and seriously doubting the wisdom of stuffing my face with pasties and scones during the previous two weeks. We went separate ways after Parliament Square - me going down Whitehall and back on to Embankment, but I was pulled up by the lights by the Blackfriars slip road and he had just caught up by the time he turned off left after the Blackfriars underpass, so no knock out blow delivered by either party and honours even, I think. A very worthy adversary.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • jedster wrote:

    My two commuter bikes are not dissimilar (although 12 years old? you're a mere johnny come lately with that newfangled technology. My rigid steel stumpy is a '92).

    I forgot to mention a sneaky 3rd machine lurking in the darkest recesses of my garage. It's a second, third or more hand road racer. Reynolds frame, full Campag super record etc...But it's over 30 years old and in pieces at the mo. It jettisons bits at every opp. Might turn into a bastardised Frankenstein's fixie. I've just salivated down my shirt now.

    Also, my 14 yr old mtb is a replacement for the one that miraculously managed to unbolt and open the shed door, let itself out of the garden gate and find itself a new owner and adventures new - and not even a postcard.

    ...Take your point though.
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    The latest research, developed here at The Game Labs HQ,


    Under controlled laboratory conditions, we have been exposing mice and small primates to the experience of attempting to catch a roadie before the lights and then having them fail, only to be unexpectedly scalped themselves by a brompton in a tabard who they didn't hear approaching over the rushing of the blood in their ears. The results aren't pretty. Let's just say that, if we'd asked, we'd never have gotten it past the ethics panel.


    I have been living with the warrior monks for so long that I have been neglecting the Scientific branch.

    Very glad to hear that we are applying the full rigour of science to the game.....

    Listening to inner voices, getting off my tits on hallucinogenic mushrooms and doing Yoga was enlightening but subject to subjective errors driven mainly by over doing it on the mead whilst taking the advice of the game Attitude God Thor.....

    I'll try and clean up my act and get a clipboard.....
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    I found myself playing two different kind of games last week.

    The first. I was in Streatham heading towards Croydon, as I was rolling to the traffic lights by the Cinema I noticed this other Roadie - in Converse and baggies - behind me and close enough for his front tyre to have coitus with my back tyre. As we acknowledged each other at the lights it was a challenge for sure.

    Now this small stretch of Streatham highstreet is notorious for traffic, so when the lights went green all the cars moved and inch and me and my oppenent began filtering. It was clear that the filtering was a race to see who could get through the row of cars first. Barely missing wing mirrors and forcing cars to stop early, I even mounted the pavement to get around a van and behind me, having gone right to my left, was the roadie's front tyre trying to have coitus with my back tyre again. We got through the cars and onto the second stage of race the down hill bit. I went left and got stuck behind a bus he slipped through the bus and a Land Rover (I presume that all the tyre coitus his bike had made it possible for him to slip through such a small space...), I tried to chase but a scooter tried the same moved realised it couldn't fit and blocked my way. I gave chase afterwards and would have caught him but he turned off.

    The Second. Along Clapham Common, heading towards Balham, then Tooting. A guy on a fixie was going at it at some speed. I purposely stuck close to him but never passed him all along the highstreet, I even pulled up beside him while going 'flat out' to say hello then snuck in behind him. I saw the muscles in his legs tense and his riding style getting more aggressive but I wouldn't let him shake me until I turned off, got to a park and collapsed privately where no one could see...

    Oh and the third, though this was a Sunday and a leisure ride. Was riding along around the Embankment and some guy in a Trek roadie in full spandex/lycra and sunglasses passes me and as he does looks at me to 'says hello'. He probably was being friendly, but I had set out that day to have a 25mile ride and chase other cyclist down where possible - I should really just join a cycling club and have official races..... Anyway 9th gear, top crank and the sound of my bike as I powered passed him. On the way home, flat tyre... Oh the shame...
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • jedster
    jedster Posts: 1,717
    I even pulled up beside him while going 'flat out' to say hello then snuck in behind him. I saw the muscles in his legs tense and his riding style getting more aggressive but I wouldn't let him shake me until I turned off, got to a park and collapsed privately where no one could see...

    Now these are truly nasty tactics. Well played!

    Just coming alongside to let him know you are there, watch him turn on the power to unsustainable levels while you tuck in behind. Wait for his quads to explode then silde on through.

    I have so much more to learn...

  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    It is a little known fact that before he made it big in the record Industry Mick Jagger had a job in town working in a bike shop (now defunct) in the city....

    An early player of the Game the first draft of one of songs can be seen below..

    I see a red bike and I want to push it back
    Bright colours all over I want it at my back
    I see the girls glide by dressed in their roadie clothes
    I have to turn my crank until my chain ring glows

    I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
    Shaved Roadies moving slow, they cannot get me back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    You don’t see a guy scalped so bad every single day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my road bike and I must have it greased up fast
    Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to race the lights
    It's not easy speeding up when both your legs are shagged

    No more will my perineum turn a deeper blue
    I can’t believe it also hurts when I sit to poo
    If I push crank enough into the setting sun
    My wife will wash my kit before the morning comes

    I see a red bike and I want to push it back
    Bright colours all over I want it at my back
    I see the girls glide by dressed in their roadie clothes
    I have to turn my crank until my chain ring glows

    I wanna see your face behind my back, back there right, right on my wheel
    Don't wanna see your bum, flying in my face
    I wanna see you pained, pained, pained, pained at the back, yeah.

    Most recognise the later version was inferior in most respects and had fewer bikes in it.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    jedster wrote:
    I even pulled up beside him while going 'flat out' to say hello then snuck in behind him. I saw the muscles in his legs tense and his riding style getting more aggressive but I wouldn't let him shake me until I turned off, got to a park and collapsed privately where no one could see...

    Now these are truly nasty tactics. Well played!

    Just coming alongside to let him know you are there, watch him turn on the power to unsustainable levels while you tuck in behind. Wait for his quads to explode then silde on through.

    I have so much more to learn...


    To be honest until this thread I thought I had issues as I nearly always overtake or try to race every bike I see.

    It was bad when I was on a Giant M2 (Hybrid) then I could/would often loose to Roadies and faster hybrids on 700s as my acceleration was good but the distance-speed wasn't sustainable. But now I'm on a Roadie its worse as I see every bikeride as a competition even when there aren't any bikes on the road.

    Personally I think I need to join a club...
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    jedster wrote:
    I even pulled up beside him while going 'flat out' to say hello then snuck in behind him. I saw the muscles in his legs tense and his riding style getting more aggressive but I wouldn't let him shake me until I turned off, got to a park and collapsed privately where no one could see...

    Now these are truly nasty tactics. Well played!

    Just coming alongside to let him know you are there, watch him turn on the power to unsustainable levels while you tuck in behind. Wait for his quads to explode then silde on through.

    I have so much more to learn...


    To be honest until this thread I thought I had issues as I nearly always overtake or try to race every bike I see.

    It was bad when I was on a Giant M2 (Hybrid) then I could/would often loose to Roadies and faster hybrids on 700s as my acceleration was good but the distance-speed wasn't sustainable. But now I'm on a Roadie its worse as I see every bikeride as a competition even when there aren't any bikes on the road.

    Personally I think I need to join a club...

    That's because it is. :D
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Greg T wrote:
    It is a little known fact that before he made it big in the record Industry Mick Jagger had a job in town working in a bike shop (now defunct) in the city....

    An early player of the Game the first draft of one of songs can be seen below..

    I see a red bike and I want to push it back
    Bright colours all over I want it at my back
    I see the girls glide by dressed in their roadie clothes
    I have to turn my crank until my chain ring glows

    I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
    Shaved Roadies moving slow, they cannot get me back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    You don’t see a guy scalped so bad every single day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my road bike and I must have it greased up fast
    Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to race the lights
    It's not easy speeding up when both your legs are shagged

    No more will my perineum turn a deeper blue
    I can’t believe it also hurts when I sit to poo
    If I push crank enough into the setting sun
    My wife will wash my kit before the morning comes

    I see a red bike and I want to push it back
    Bright colours all over I want it at my back
    I see the girls glide by dressed in their roadie clothes
    I have to turn my crank until my chain ring glows

    I wanna see your face behind my back, back there right, right on my wheel
    Don't wanna see your bum, flying in my face
    I wanna see you pained, pained, pained, pained at the back, yeah.

    Most recognise the later version was inferior in most respects and had fewer bikes in it.

    Poetry, just blo0dy poetry :lol:
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    Right, a crisis has befallen my bike radar status :cry:

    No Longer can I post from work...this could be one of two things....actually three things

    1/ my computer is slowly cr4pping out on me, which it is, but that wouldn't explain why I can connect while I'm connected to the network, but can at home

    2/ Or work don't like us connecting to a rival publishing company's website and writing on their forums

    3/ They are on to me and realise I don't work while I'm in the office :shock: truth is that my computer is so slow processing images that in order to keep some type of normal brain activity, I entertain myself reading the mad ramblings of commuters, and contribute my own as well of course!

    Needless to say my day at work today has been lack lustre, just the reading this post has kept me sane.
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    Opps forgot my scalp of the day:

    A milkfloat! :wink:

    I'm not talking about some milk float bimblin down the Kings road, after the very large pile of poo past a corner in the road, couldn't miss it, actually thankfully I could! :D

    I'm talking about a milkfloat with his pedal to the metal going along at full chat down the millbank wind tunnel late this morning! :twisted:

    Rode in late this morning, (dentist :cry: ) not a single blooming target to be found anywhere on my commute. So by the time I was on the embankment I started looking for other things to chase, lacking in the tail department I was looking around and in the distance was a milkfloat, now know as scalp of [the] day (SOD)

    I went chasing after that SOD in the distance, but could I catch that little SOD, of course I could...eventually :roll:

    Got behind him, drafted him for a sec while a Audi pulled out and passed us both, then it was my turn, drop a gear and go for it, legs kick into action, and start working I'm now along side the SOD, look at my speedo, a steady 29mph and I'm passing the SOD. Legs feeling surprising good after 2 weeks out of the saddle, lungs on the otherhand, well anyway, legs feeling great, salute style wave at the driver and pull past the SOD and then keep pushing hard and get away from that SOD once and for all.

    Might not technically be a scalp, but it felt like one mighty fine scalp to me.

    Way home 13 miles of wind infested pants. Got caught napping (looked at a jogger, hey she was nice! :wink: ) blam 3 roadies (2 shavers, 1 real man) pass like I'm sat having a beer, no prob they are much higher up the FC than lil old me...BUT slipping along behind them a nobbly MTB...why you little!?! Into traffic and turns off :evil: ARRRRRGHH!

    Come right back here and finish me off, you little..... :evil:
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • Found me a fellow female on a road bike but it felt a hollow victory as she was on flats and trainers, then again she didn't have my mudguards, rack and pannier technically we were equal...hmmm.