Silly commuting racing



  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    Greg T wrote:
    So then - I propose that the same dude on a road bike would scalp himself on a singlie any day of the week - therefore - Siblings we must consider the final demotion of the Proper Singlie to beneath that of Road Bike (Hairy)......

    Top of the tree would therefore be occupied by Roadieladyboys and proper hairy roadies.......


    Sorry...I got as far as page a bit of catching up to do and I apologise if someone has already pointed this out to Greg, but I think fathering Bianchi has gone to his head

    SS below lady roadies??? :shock:

    Sorry Greg, to use the words of someone you know and love...As for singlies getting an easier deal - forget it - if you want an easier life get some gears and smile a bit

    From page one of this thread:
    Greg T wrote:
    As for singlies getting an easier deal - forget it - if you want an easier life get some gears and smile a bit. If you don't need gears then don't have them - just don't expect me not to kill myself to get in front / stay away from you.

    Oh how times change....... :D

    I'll catch up with the last 6 pages of my 30+ page ordeal tomorrow....good night :P
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    Thanks for that Snooks - I've now taken a good hard look at myself in the shaving mirror, decided I quiching out at rate three and have now pulled myself together.

    The pain of that Dude ramming me in the tunnel - (I thank you, I thank you) led me down into a dark dark place...

    I have now recovered my mojo and direction via the mechanism of fierce gaming....

    I have a new Sub Game.

    London Dynamo Bagging.

    For you "Non London" types London Dynamo (hereafter LD) is a large and probably most visible London Racing Club. They wear a lot of LD kit a LOT of the time. They don't seem to smile much.

    Now then - on the way home last night I was thinking about my brush with quegishness of the morning and decided that the flesh must be punished and I had to boss the Embankment to prove that I wasn't completely ghey (attrib).

    In my itsy bitsy gear I must have been pushing out many many revolutions but my pace was good. My slate was clean and I was feeling Thor-ish.

    There he was.

    Full LD kit, nice bike moving well, on his own.

    It was on. The danger as we know siblings in doing fast team roadies is that these guys grab you wheel, draft you till you bleed then do you when you have no juice.

    I didn't feel like Princess Diana (the charity bit rather than fecking anything with a rank) so I drifted in behind him....

    Drafted for 10 beats holding position.

    Pulled out plenty (no free lunch for you mon brave)- his spidey senses tingled he had a half glance - face frozen in terror


    The joy of the high cadence low gear is a rapid turn on of Go Juice.

    I Whipped Him ragged - I hurt him bad.

    300M down the road I had a look behind (coming up to lights=safe) I think I just saw a headlight reflected in a tear on his cheek - well behind and dropped.

    This morning,

    Half a LD, LD long sleeve top random shorts done twice.

    I am at 1.5 LD.

    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • Jen J
    Jen J Posts: 1,054
    Greg T wrote:
    I have a new Sub Game.

    London Dynamo Bagging.

    For you "Non London" types London Dynamo (hereafter LD) is a large and probably most visible London Racing Club. They wear a lot of LD kit a LOT of the time. They don't seem to smile much.

    Now then - on the way home last night I was thinking about my brush with quegishness of the morning and decided that the flesh must be punished and I had to boss the Embankment to prove that I wasn't completely ghey (attrib).

    In my itsy bitsy gear I must have been pushing out many many revolutions but my pace was good. My slate was clean and I was feeling Thor-ish.

    There he was.

    Full LD kit, nice bike moving well, on his own.

    It was on. The danger as we know siblings in doing fast team roadies is that these guys grab you wheel, draft you till you bleed then do you when you have no juice.

    I didn't feel like Princess Diana (the charity bit rather than fecking anything with a rank) so I drifted in behind him....

    Drafted for 10 beats holding position.

    Pulled out plenty (no free lunch for you mon brave)- his spidey senses tingled he had a half glance - face frozen in terror


    The joy of the high cadence low gear is a rapid turn on of Go Juice.

    I Whipped Him ragged - I hurt him bad.

    300M down the road I had a look behind (coming up to lights=safe) I think I just saw a headlight reflected in a tear on his cheek - well behind and dropped.

    This morning,

    Half a LD, LD long sleeve top random shorts done twice.

    I am at 1.5 LD.


    You're my hero :lol:
    Commuting: Giant Bowery 08
    Winter Hack: Triandrun Vento 3

    It's all about me...
  • I think when you join LD you have to sign in blood that you will always wear the kit. I expect most of them wear it in bed.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Last night was interesting.

    Get to Parliament Square and there's an assortment of roadies and a SS I see regularly Pull away from the lights and one is moving with a more quickly, more fluidly than the others ("A"). Could be interesting. We pass the HoP, say goodbye to the breakwater that is the concrete barrier and into the open road ahead. Embankment is a warm up; this is when people start to feel out of their depth on the westbound stretch.

    "A" is riding quickly, being followed by an enthusiastic roadie. We get to Vauxhall B Lights and there's a little pack of us. I stay at the back, surveying the field. A is clearly the quickest chap here. Th elights go green and the SS is off, then A. A moves to the front, and I go by the lot and close on A as the lights at the start of Death Star Canyon go red.

    I stop behind A. And Ye Gods! What's this? Sprockets on his right calf! It's The Sprocket Man. Things just got even more interesting.

    He's away quickly (he doesn't RLJ and his bike handling is excellent - chapeau, sir) and, conscious that there's a good chance of there being drafting fairies behind me, I go quickly too.

    I close on Sprocket Man and go by as we bend round right, I pass him. Feeling good, but the pace is hot. He drafts me to Chelsea Bridge and then filters up the middle and, as a result, he's off much faster when the lights go green. I pursue him on the stretch to Albert Bridge. He. Is. Shifting. I didn't have my speedo, but I'm gaining only slightly. The lights ahead are red. He stops. I stop shortly after. We're both breathing hard. No wonder I didn't catch up with him last week. Not a prayer at this pace.

    There's mutual passing through Parsons Green into Putney and I lead up over Putney Bridge. However, he passes me on Lower Richmond Road and stays about 15 yards ahead. Unfortunately, this means that he gets through a set of lights when I don't and I lose him. Ho hum.

    The guy's got plenty of gas and I'm not convinced he was going close to full bore either. Had he put his foot down, I would have been yesterday's news.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Greg T wrote:
    Thanks for that Snooks - I've now taken a good hard look at myself in the shaving mirror, decided I quiching out at rate three and have now pulled myself together.

    The pain of that Dude ramming me in the tunnel - (I thank you, I thank you) led me down into a dark dark place...

    I have now recovered my mojo and direction via the mechanism of fierce gaming....

    I have a new Sub Game.

    London Dynamo Bagging.

    For you "Non London" types London Dynamo (hereafter LD) is a large and probably most visible London Racing Club. They wear a lot of LD kit a LOT of the time. They don't seem to smile much.

    Now then - on the way home last night I was thinking about my brush with quegishness of the morning and decided that the flesh must be punished and I had to boss the Embankment to prove that I wasn't completely ghey (attrib).

    In my itsy bitsy gear I must have been pushing out many many revolutions but my pace was good. My slate was clean and I was feeling Thor-ish.

    There he was.

    Full LD kit, nice bike moving well, on his own.

    It was on. The danger as we know siblings in doing fast team roadies is that these guys grab you wheel, draft you till you bleed then do you when you have no juice.

    I didn't feel like Princess Diana (the charity bit rather than fecking anything with a rank) so I drifted in behind him....

    Drafted for 10 beats holding position.

    Pulled out plenty (no free lunch for you mon brave)- his spidey senses tingled he had a half glance - face frozen in terror


    The joy of the high cadence low gear is a rapid turn on of Go Juice.

    I Whipped Him ragged - I hurt him bad.

    300M down the road I had a look behind (coming up to lights=safe) I think I just saw a headlight reflected in a tear on his cheek - well behind and dropped.

    This morning,

    Half a LD, LD long sleeve top random shorts done twice.

    I am at 1.5 LD.


    :twisted: You've manned up. Well done.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Love the LD dropping. You should get a little dynamo logo with a big red X through it for each one you do.

    Like they painted on spitfires in the war...

    Oh yes.

    And CJ, I'm enjoying hte continuation of the sprocket man saga. At least you got him trying!
  • Excellent work CJ. Muchos kudos to you.

    Has anyone else seen the "white BMX bandit" on the embankment. Believe he has a white/black BMX with one of those mahoosive rear mudguards that are a good 2-3 inches above his back wheel - in white. He also wears a white BMX style helmet.

    He's a cheeky buggar in traffic - I admire his manoeurability. Certainly makes you do a double-take when you happen across him. I wonder what possesses him to commute in such a get-up (both bike & attire).

    What with all these distinct characters around the's practically wacky races.

    Or our very own cycling cannonball run.

    I'm off to fit some jet engines to my panniers.
    "Come at the king, you best not miss." - Omar, The Wire

    FCN 4: Willier Izoard XP
    FCN 7: GT Legato 4.0

    *GAME* competitor
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    My commute this morning was as smooth and fluid as a pile of bricks, my only joy was repeatedly overtaking RLJs. At one set of lights I felt like that baby lion king being passed by the stampeding wildebeest when I stopped at red, 4 went by on the road and 1 went by on the pavement.

    I did enjoy getting off to flying starts at every and any set of lights that stopped me and holding the lead against whoever was behind me, sensing a klingon and powering away to be bogey free by the next lights.

    Not happy though :( so much bad karma on the road this morning, I tried to be happy, I tried to let it flow over me, but the karma tore at my skin as if I was being dragged over a bed of nails by a pack of pi$$ed off huskies...

    Why do some bike users think it's alright to slap the mirror of a cabbie dropping of someone (just by the Morpeth actually) when they could see them stopped from the red lights by the junction?

    Why do others filter past you and stop in front of the ASL, then stop right infront of me (like right in front, may be 1ft) not make any effort to go when the lights change?

    Whywas one bike user pootling (8-10mph) along in their own little ipod world wobbling in the middle of Col de Putney oblivious of the chuffing red double decker bus behind on their left and the cars and bikes in the other lane that can't pass?...use one lane or the other, cycle in a straight line, and turn down your ipod so you know what's around you

    Wasn't just cyclists either, all the motorbikes at the ASL, at Vauxhall, I know they are always there, but it just wound me up this morning, may be cos they did the same as a cycle a few lights back, overtake me and sit at an angle in front of my front wheel.

    A pedestrian tutting and shaking head at the cyclist in front of me, then at me when we were on a shared cycle path under blackfriars bridge...(if I wasn't in such a foul mood I would have said something to her)

    Ahhhh I feel better now...had my porridge, just the right gooeyness from the cafe at work

    Did have one funny thing happen...Had been having a good old overtake, slow for lights, overtake wait at lights with one guy with an orange t shirt and shoes with orange bits on a slicked mtb so we're equal FCN but we'd been filtering and swapping positions from Putney to Lambeth Bridge and then I lost him at the south of westminister bridge...I then wind down/cool off by going off towards the wheel, and along the back streets avoiding Imax roundabout and taking it easy for the last 1/2 into work, push my bike into the storage area, and who should I meet...Mr Orange T Shirt just coming out :D

    My first in-house battle...Woo Hoo! :twisted:
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    OMG it's a Pearson explosion! Bagged two graphite Touches on embankment this AM. Two definite scalps, no arguments. High 20s and above* from Parl.Sq to Upper Thames st left them no way back. :)

    * was probably wind assisted so not looking forward to the wind tunnel on the way back
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    JonGinge wrote:
    OMG it's a Pearson explosion! Bagged two graphite Touches on embankment this AM. Two definite scalps, no arguments. High 20s and above* from Parl.Sq to Upper Thames st left them no way back. :)

    * was probably wind assisted so not looking forward to the wind tunnel on the way back

    dammit the Touche is becoming far too ubiquitous for my liking. At least I bought mine in blue - see less of them about.

    Jon - I got the sense in RP on sunday that you maybe something of a mountain goat... am I right?
  • Afternoon Chaps,

    I am new to this site but would like to say what a fantastic game you have here :O). Unfortunately I only cross a few cyclists on the way in to work but it seems there is some informal duelling going on, mostly from myself.

    I have just got a fixed Pompino and think it is probably the most fun you can have with your clothes on ;o). Just to confirm, a fixie with clip in pedals in your suit would be a four or five on the FCN?

    Also, dont you think fixie's should be lower down the table on inclines?
    The Magic you see you don't...

    Fixie Suit Spds & wrap arounds FCN 3
    Racer FCN 2
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    Hi all

    Would some please help me stop half of the office im in falling in to all out war on the FCN calculator would you get a point for a goatee beard or does it have to be a full one,
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    steve-t wrote:
    Hi all

    Would some please help me stop half of the office im in falling in to all out war on the FCN calculator would you get a point for a goatee beard or does it have to be a full one,

    Mmmm - i think it has to be full beard. A full beard suggests a predilection for sandals, ale and yoghurt knitting. A goatee is nothing but a half-hearted beard and must be treated accordingly.
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    If the goatee wearers own sandals and have dinner saved for later would they get the point? or should I just tell them to get a shave or amn up and grow a full one.

    I could do with delivering good new as some of the projectiles aimed my way are getting stupidly large and I may by riding home in an ambulance at least I'll be going fast for a change!!!!.
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.
  • attica
    attica Posts: 2,362
    Welcome Newbury chap

    There are a few of us here who cycle in the wilderness - myself included.
    It just makes your scalps all the more precious!

    Enjoy, I look forward to hearing about your first scalp.


    It depends whether the goatee would look at home with a chunky knit sweater and a pipe on stage singing about cheese rolling or somesuch, or whether it'd be more at home thrashing out a brainstorming session for the new Paris account with marketing and finance (think Johnson, from Peep Show).
    "Impressive break"


    ...I can taste blood"
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    A goatee implies some kind of attempt at trendiness and should therefore incur penalties. Unless the owner is an old-school gent 60 or older.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    I concur with Jash and Attica. I think the full beardos are fundamentally a different breed to the goatee-wearing typos. I think they would be appalled at the prospect of goatee-wearers gaining a point. We have to think of the beardo community here.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Afternoon Chaps,

    I am new to this site but would like to say what a fantastic game you have here :O). Unfortunately I only cross a few cyclists on the way in to work but it seems there is some informal duelling going on, mostly from myself.

    I have just got a fixed Pompino and think it is probably the most fun you can have with your clothes on ;o). Just to confirm, a fixie with clip in pedals in your suit would be a four or five on the FCN?

    Also, dont you think fixie's should be lower down the table on inclines?

    Hola! This is London calling! How is the Wild West?

    Another fixie. Oh no. The end of civilisation is nigh.

    Looking forward to the scalp reports.

    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    biondino wrote:
    A goatee implies some kind of attempt at trendiness and should therefore incur penalties. Unless the owner is an old-school gent 60 or older.

    Does that mean that when you grew your beard, you acknowledged a lack of trendiness on your part or that you were start an anti-trend trend?
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    steve-t wrote:

    Where the hell do you work, man? In a prison? :shock:
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    CJ what the feck are you doing with your machine gun triple consecutive posting blitz?

    High Cadence for bikes, aimed shots only on the thread you loon.....

    This isn't a stream on consciousness (that's V hard to spell) event in the Tate, take your time man, take your time.

    MEDIC! man down on the thread - gunned down by CJ's poor ammo conservation drills
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    cjcp wrote:
    biondino wrote:
    A goatee implies some kind of attempt at trendiness and should therefore incur penalties. Unless the owner is an old-school gent 60 or older.

    Does that mean that when you grew your beard, you acknowledged a lack of trendiness on your part or that you were start an anti-trend trend?

    All of the above.
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    Fire Service Big Kids with dangerous weapons and half ar53 goatee beards :lol:
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Greg T wrote:
    CJ what the feck are you doing with your machine gun triple consecutive posting blitz?

    High Cadence for bikes, aimed shots only on the thread you loon.....

    This isn't a stream on consciousness (that's V hard to spell) event in the Tate, take your time man, take your time.

    MEDIC! man down on the thread - gunned down by CJ's poor ammo conservation drills

    A-ha! Welcome Canary Wharf's very own cyber motormouth.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    steve-t wrote:
    Fire Service Big Kids with dangerous weapons and half ar53 goatee beards :lol:

    Isn't that spelled Fi-ah Sur-vis in the NE?

    Howay man, toon toon etc etc?
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    steve-t wrote:
    Fire Service Big Kids with dangerous weapons and half ar53 goatee beards :lol:

    Tell them to man up and grow some proper facial hair or accept that they can't grow it at all and shave it off.

    From a distance obviously.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    Isn't that spelled Fi-ah Sur-vis in the NE?

    Howay man, toon toon etc etc?

    Im from nottingham way moved up here for the job but they do ALL speak just like that!
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.
  • steve-t
    steve-t Posts: 30
    Tell them to man up and grow some proper facial hair or accept that they can't grow it at all and shave it off.

    From a distance obviously.

    Do you mean from in the ambulance by the time they have finished
    Speed demon by night.
    Awake by day.