Your rants here.



  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    That the lass who played Saffron/Yolanda/Bridget in Firefly? No idea why I remember her...

    {Edit}: Yes, yes it is.
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I didn't read that as picking on gingers in particular. Just an identifying feature, like scrawny. Could have just as easily have been fat had that been the case. Had the bloke had 2 noses I'm sure that would have been picked up on. I think the abuse is for being a twunt and ginger is picked up on as it's not as common as brown hair.
    No rants to add I'm afraid.

    Try explaining that to my 10 year old son who was singled out from his friends by a bunch of low life on bikes who chased hiom down the road calling him a ginger c**t and then came home shaking and crying in fear of his life, basically its one of the last exceptable forms of prejudice, and using the word ginger in that context doesn't help things.

    Sorry if I caused offence, I don't condone prejudice or bullying in any way. I was trying to say that it struck me he was having a rant and he wasn't picking on him beacause he was ginger but for the fact that he was acting like a fool.
    You are of course right, we shouldn't accept it and not having been on the receiving end of it I suppose I don't always see things that way. I also have kids and get very annoyed when I feel they have been picked on. Once again, apologies for stupidity on my part.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Blimey, things took a turn for the better whilst I was trying to be diplomatic.
    I like.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    Gussio wrote:

    Write a letter of complaint to the bus company. The driver sounds easily recognisable and will hopefully get a good dressing down.

    i phoned the bus company today an gave full details (reg, location, time etc..) so hopefully they can speak to the driver

    i know people have their off days an things but this guy was a bully an driving like a plank an to then shout the "C Bomb" at me was the final straw

    the girl who was taking the details off me didn't really sound to bothered to be honest

    Hey Ho!
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • Veronese68 wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I didn't read that as picking on gingers in particular. Just an identifying feature, like scrawny. Could have just as easily have been fat had that been the case. Had the bloke had 2 noses I'm sure that would have been picked up on. I think the abuse is for being a twunt and ginger is picked up on as it's not as common as brown hair.
    No rants to add I'm afraid.

    Try explaining that to my 10 year old son who was singled out from his friends by a bunch of low life on bikes who chased hiom down the road calling him a ginger c**t and then came home shaking and crying in fear of his life, basically its one of the last exceptable forms of prejudice, and using the word ginger in that context doesn't help things.

    Sorry if I caused offence, I don't condone prejudice or bullying in any way. I was trying to say that it struck me he was having a rant and he wasn't picking on him beacause he was ginger but for the fact that he was acting like a fool.
    You are of course right, we shouldn't accept it and not having been on the receiving end of it I suppose I don't always see things that way. I also have kids and get very annoyed when I feel they have been picked on. Once again, apologies for stupidity on my part.

    No problem, thanks for the reply, hope you didn't see it as an over reaction on my part.
    Fat lads take longer to stop.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Not at all. I felt a bit bad about it. Can we all stop being nice now this is a rant thread after all.
    Bus drivers, they're all bar stewards.*

    *Not based on any one specific experience, just trying to get back on topic.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    I once had a fall out with a bald bus driver...
  • I went out with a redhead once. No hair just a red head. Just like a swan vesta she was.
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • Redheads.... mmmmmm... ... 8687235857

    for a few hours of distraction.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    In no particular order:

    People drooling over redheads in the rants thread. Go start a "Girls with Red Hair" thread like what they'd do in Cake Stop.

    The fakenger on a blue fixie ramping it up off Chelsea Bridge to draft a woman on a moped. Seriously? MTFU. We overtake mopeds. We do not draft them.

    Folk who try to squeeze up the inside to sneak over the zebra. Pay attention to where you're going. If people in front stop then you should stop too. Try not to ride into other (i.e. me). Daft bint.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Rain. And wind. :twisted:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    Kurako wrote:
    The fakenger on a blue fixie ramping it up off Chelsea Bridge to draft a woman on a moped. Seriously? MTFU. We overtake mopeds. We do not draft them.

    Like this one :D
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    I didn't read that as picking on gingers in particular. Just an identifying feature, like scrawny. Could have just as easily have been fat had that been the case. Had the bloke had 2 noses I'm sure that would have been picked up on. I think the abuse is for being a twunt and ginger is picked up on as it's not as common as brown hair.
    No rants to add I'm afraid.

    Try explaining that to my 10 year old son who was singled out from his friends by a bunch of low life on bikes who chased hiom down the road calling him a ginger c**t and then came home shaking and crying in fear of his life, basically its one of the last exceptable forms of prejudice, and using the word ginger in that context doesn't help things.

    Sorry if I caused offence, I don't condone prejudice or bullying in any way. I was trying to say that it struck me he was having a rant and he wasn't picking on him beacause he was ginger but for the fact that he was acting like a fool.
    You are of course right, we shouldn't accept it and not having been on the receiving end of it I suppose I don't always see things that way. I also have kids and get very annoyed when I feel they have been picked on. Once again, apologies for stupidity on my part.

    No problem, thanks for the reply, hope you didn't see it as an over reaction on my part.

    Is this a good moment to mention that Tim Minchin 'Prejudice' song?

    (definite ginger genes in me somewhere - very much have the complexion if not the actual hair colour)
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Why did nobody warn me it was one of those national-drive-like-a-c*nt days today?

    So many close overtakes, misjudged junction manouevres and sudden taxi pull-ins on my way in tonight.
  • Twice this morning cars in the outside lane flashed and and stopped for cars to come out of side streets just as I was approaching in the inside lane, one saw me and stopped (getting a honking and further flashing from the car that had stopped) the other came out and I nearly took their front wing off. As I shouted, they seemed totally oblivious to the danger they had created...... ah the morning joys!
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • Dear lady commuter at HPC with your hair tightly enclosed in a plastic freezer bag under your helmet. I appreciate you've got to protect the 'do, sister, but by god your scalp must be dripping in sweat by the end of your ride.

    Yours el_p
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    What Wallace just said, plenty of that this morning with the heavy traffic everywhere on my route.

    Also the stupid woman turning into the traffic arround Kidbrook this morning, was there any need to then pull across the bike lane nearly taking me out completely blocking it? It's not as if you could get past anything, learn how big your fucking car is and the gaps it will/won't go through. Another bloody woman in Greenwich park this time, it's law to give way to traffic already on the roundabout even if it is only a bike, you just blindly followed the car in front you stupid cow and didn't even look.

    In best Chumley Warner voice 'women, a car is a complicated piece of machinerey your tiny minds couldn't possibly comprehend, stay away from them' :wink:

    Phew, feel better now
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • Why did nobody warn me it was one of those national-drive-like-a-c*nt days today?

    So many close overtakes, misjudged junction manouevres and sudden taxi pull-ins on my way in tonight.

    Definitely a national day for it - just as bad out here. Never seen so many risky manouevres in one day. My swear jar contributions will buy someone a nice Christmas present. Hell, it might even stretch to something from Rapha...
    FCN 3 / 4
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Do people who commute to work in tin cans not know where they live? Each night I see at least half a dozen cars with the sat-nav on.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • And why didn't any one warn me it was cyclist ride like w***ers day? Grrr..

    3 times this morning i had to brake sharply to avoid a crash. First on Brixton road when a head down couldn't care less muppet careered across a lane to vainly try and overtake someone. He failed but nearly took me out. The second at the light at lambeth north tube. Clear run to the turning into baylis road, no cars behind so i go as fast as my little legs etc Cyclist at the junction decides he can ignore the red and race across before i get there. I see him late as i make my long arc of a turn at about 20mph, brake, and rear wheel starts to slide so i release the brake continuing my turn missing him by about 6 feet. Only to be confronted by a Boris bike coming off the pavement across the cycle lane, headphones on, he not looking right and oblivious to me. Brake hard. Call out "w***ker"-by this time i have had enough, and he tells me to fu...well you get it. I lost it with him telling him he was a selfish f... .
    The cars, the vans and the buses even the mopeds and motor cyclists were all great today. No aggressive driving, no close passes. It was like all the inconsiderate selfish dangerous driving shifted by osmosis onto some of those on bikes.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,974
    approaching a mini roundabout, I look across and see a car reaching the opposite entry point but indicating right,

    There's enough time for me to get across, so I commit to it, only for the stupid tin can driver to speed up and cut right across the middle of the roundabout, almost getting my back wheel,

    She then starts shouting at me, as though it's my fault
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Fecking customers. Rude, almost obstreperously unhelpful, yet demanding my help.
    Total shower of b*stards. Oxygen thieves the bloody lot of 'em.

    Go inhale some lead, you feckless f*ckwits.
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • 5 run ins with motorists in 2 commutes.

    1. indicate to move out at a mini roundabout, and the guy behind decides he isn't waiting and passes me and pulls in before the traffic island at the roundabout screaming at me that I don't own the road.

    2. after the first incident, I was in a bad mood so decided to push on a bit and use up the excess adrenaline, only for a woman to pull out of a side street with me heading towards her at close to 30mph. (Need new brake pads now)

    3 and 4. squeezed on the inside at roundabouts

    5. woman tries to squeeze me on the inside of a traffic island, only to realise that there is no space for them to get passed, and decides its my fault, so she shouts and start beeping her horn.

    If I remember rightly this happens every year after schools go back - people are organised for the first 2 weeks, and then start running late, and are no longer willing to wait an extra 2 seconds before they join the inevitable queue of traffic round the next corner.
    Archway to Hayes

    Trek 1.2
    Ridgeback cyclone
  • davis wrote:
    Fecking customers. Rude, almost obstreperously unhelpful, yet demanding my help.
    Total shower of b*stards. Oxygen thieves the bloody lot of 'em.

    Go inhale some lead, you feckless f*ckwits.

    You're not a civil servant by any chance?
    You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    davis wrote:
    Fecking customers. Rude, almost obstreperously unhelpful, yet demanding my help.
    Total shower of b*stards. Oxygen thieves the bloody lot of 'em.

    Go inhale some lead, you feckless f*ckwits.

    You're not a civil servant by any chance?

    Nope. Private sector.
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • bobinski wrote:
    And why didn't any one warn me it was cyclist ride like w***ers day? Grrr..

    3 times this morning i had to brake sharply to avoid a crash. First on Brixton road when a head down couldn't care less muppet careered across a lane to vainly try and overtake someone. He failed but nearly took me out. The second at the light at lambeth north tube. Clear run to the turning into baylis road, no cars behind so i go as fast as my little legs etc Cyclist at the junction decides he can ignore the red and race across before i get there. I see him late as i make my long arc of a turn at about 20mph, brake, and rear wheel starts to slide so i release the brake continuing my turn missing him by about 6 feet. Only to be confronted by a Boris bike coming off the pavement across the cycle lane, headphones on, he not looking right and oblivious to me. Brake hard. Call out "w***ker"-by this time i have had enough, and he tells me to fu...well you get it. I lost it with him telling him he was a selfish f... .
    The cars, the vans and the buses even the mopeds and motor cyclists were all great today. No aggressive driving, no close passes. It was like all the inconsiderate selfish dangerous driving shifted by osmosis onto some of those on bikes.

    they were all out this morning on my way in too. do not abuse me if i stop at the ASL, and it means you can't jump[ the red light. its a good job i did or the lorry that came thundering through would have squished you at best and at worst swerved and taken the bus out .
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    CS7 - pants route - never again - I would go 10 miles out of my way to avoid it.

    CS8 rules
  • no rant, I just wante to temporarily have the 'stretching' thread directly under 'sex toys'

    I'm easily amused

    edit: even better

    Well you don't see that every day
    sex toys
  • no rant, I just wante to temporarily have the 'stretching' thread directly under 'sex toys'

    I'm easily amused

    edit: even better

    Well you don't see that every day
    sex toys

    When I logged on earlier, 'stretching', 'sex toys' and '112 inches' were in a group. It fair made me wonder if I'd got the URL right :shock:
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Rant at this pleb:phoenix2.jpg

    Priorities while overtaking a cyclist? The cyclist? Nah... The oncoming traffic:phoenix3.jpg
    Noooo way.

    Sending a text?
    Oooo yeah, got to find out if I've "gt sosges n chps 4 ur T 2nite"

    Tonight was awful though, I found a new route which kept me away from cars for most of the ride, but when I was back amongst them, about 20% were on the phone, the rest were dim, an M&S lorry driver forced me to hop onto the kerb to get away from him. He knew I was there, he gave a wave as he overtook into a pinch point.

    Gah! :roll:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."