Chelmsford, Essex - it's a bit flat



  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    Good luck with the race, when is it?
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    maybe I won't enter then
  • j1m
    j1m Posts: 3
    Just thought I'd say hello,

    I moved to Chelmsford about two years ago, I mostly ride at Danbury, doing the short downhill runs and stuff, which is great...

    But I'm looking to do some more longer proper riding and some people to do it with. So I would definitely be interested in joining any rides people are planning around the area?

    I was also wondering if any of you guys have got any photos of Treasure Island etc. before it was flattened. I keep hearing people talk about it, and would love to see what is no longer there.
  • When did Treasure Island get flattened? I spent my childhood riding bikes around the common and it was still there on my last visit about 7/8 years ago.
  • RichGtB
    RichGtB Posts: 23
    Hey chaps,

    Hmmm, tresure island still about 7/8 years ago.....?

    I remember riding it in 95/96 while it was still there (u remember Pete ? ur the one that told me about it in RE, lol). Anyway, then there was the hoohar in the papers etc and i`m pretty sure it was gone by, the latest, 98. I remeber riding around there just after they done it. What an eyesore it became, and to this day I dont think it has ever fully recovered.

    Alas, at 15/16, I tended not to carry a camera around with me. Why didnt someone invent digi cams sooner ;-) So the only images i have are in my head. Tryin not to let them fade !

    Im off to wales next week for surfing and mtb'ing. So maybe a ride in a fortnight if everyones up for it ??

  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    if anyone can track down the first copy of DIRT mag it was in there
  • I remember Treasure Island when it was first filled in with trees in about 1983/4 back in the BMX days when Andy Ruffle used to show up. We helped clear it out back then before it was flattened. You use to go back and forth to Parachute which was next door.
    Anyway I’m up for a ride this Sunday morning if anyone interested. Went to Bedgebury really wet but it is defiantly worth a trip down there, about 1hour 10mins from Chelmsford.

    Anyway I’m up for a ride this Sunday morning if anyone interested.

    Also if anyone interested I don’t mind doing the Olympic course in Hadleigh with their group, only trouble they meet 7 o’clock Saturday mornings.
  • tobh
    tobh Posts: 103
    Has anyone on here ridden Hadleigh Farm (the 2012 MTB venue) ?

    It's only 30 mins from Chelmsford..

    What's it like ?

  • Yea thats what I was talkin about above. Its tough but their is a group who meet every saturday morning who ride it. They set of at 7 in the morning though.
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    I'm up for a trip over there but 7am is not my style, in fact i'm just warming my shorts and waiting for my mate to stop by for our wed night ride and its 20,33 now.
    if anyone is about feel free to join us!
  • When out for my regular wed night ride and for the first time i didn't see any other riders, nor did I see any on sat.
    Does this mean everyone is soft and doesn't like getting wet and muddy?
  • j1m
    j1m Posts: 3
    I've recently bought some lights and been on a few night rides, only around Galleywood common.

    I've not done night riding before and it's pretty entertaining. Especially as I've been doing it on my old bike... fully rigid Rock Lobster with narrow bars, long stem and v brakes. Quite sketchy at times, but strangely addictive!

    I could do with getting a good headtorch as well though, so I can see round corners!
  • tobh
    tobh Posts: 103
    Galleywood Common - whereabouts ?

    we occasionally do a route up near there then down to Hylands (via the knackered dirt jumps). But Galleywood is a little small. Or do you know something we dont ?

  • j1m
    j1m Posts: 3
    Yeah it's not much of a route!

    I get there via Admirals Park, Writtle and Hylands. Then just do a loop from the tiny bomb hole bits near the pub, over the road, through to the next jump bit, then keep going until the car park towards the a12 and back up and round, and repeat as many time as I want.

    Once I get a better headtorch I'll venture over to Danbury with my proper bike I think.

    Where else do you tend to ride in the evenings?
  • lol, being soft, not liking mud. haha. i was up danbury thrusday, i do not understand why though, it was pissing it down. anyways, twas super slippy, especially the off-camber drop in lingwood, slidding sideways action.....nice. Should be up there again this thursday 5:30-6, will post a proper time in a few days if anyones interested. I cant make Wedesdays pete, sorry.

    If anyones after a light, I have a brand new Topeak Moonshine lamp for sale. ... 558&sr=8-2

    I purchased a load from America this time last year and have 2 left, the one above (with a helmet mount) and also the revised model with the silver battery pack (no helmet mount and is currently for sale on ebay). £165 each. These are what I use at night so if u need a demo just head out with me.
  • definately be starting off in lingwood around 5:45-6. will also be around blakes for a short while.

  • I rode danbury yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks as i've been on the roads and i couldn't belive how dry the trails are.
    As for when is is wet i've found a good route that misses off most of the really boggy bits (blakes, pheasants, ect)
    i'm out every sat and weds if anyone fancys it (wed is a road ride from kelvdon till spring)
  • I normally ride roads around Chelmsford, Maldon, Danbury, Witham and around Raleigh.
    Tried a few 50 mile's but try and stick to 20 to 30.

    I just got a cheap mtb and spent a few hours biking around Epping Forest mostly through the woods and lots of mud (i'm hooked).

    I live in Chelmsford not too far from ASDA and after reading this forum will take my first trip this weekend around the woods and common of Danbury.

    I'll be going over Sandford lock up the hill to Sandon and take the road past the police kennels and that nice little climb to the woods in Danbury.

    So if you see someone gasping for air on a black felt bike its me.. lol


  • Hi Guys I'm new to this post but have been following your posts with interest. Like most of you I love Danbury especially on the night rides. A group of us have been riding the area off and on for probably 25 years (I know I'm old, ok) usually on a Thursday night. Most of us also windsurf so have frequent trips down to the Gower and Afan Agoed etc.
    Any way the point of the this to alert you to maybe some up and coming problems with Danbury. Just before xmas I was stopped by the warden in Blake's wood, luckily I got there just before 10 of my mates turned up. It turns out that a nearby resident is threatening to sue the Trust because they are allowing mountain biking in the area. Apparently this guy had been nearly mown down by a large group of bikers and they had been very abusive, also this had been on a Thursday which is why the warden was on the lookout for us. I explained we had never run into anyone let alone give them a mouthful. The warden was very nice about it and I got the impresion he thought the guy who had complained was a bit of a moaner. Anyway we've tried to avoid the area for a few rides especially when it's very wet. I get the gist from this forum that everyone is pretty friendly to each other ( I dog walk too) The guy who complained said there were 20 to 30 riders in the group, which seems very unlikely although at night I must admit with all the lights it does look a bigger group. Ok I've run on a bit but if everyone could spread the word, it may save problems in the future. Hope to see some of you out there, we meet at C' Clarks every thurs 6.30 Prince of wales for afters
  • Hi

    specifically to RichGtB or anyone else with the technology,

    father christmas got me a Garmin Edge 705 and i was wanting to put the course posted onto my machine so i can truly experience the trails danburyas to offer, unfortunately i can't open the link so am a little lost,


    great forum
  • was there saturday and sunday, not bad at all, the trails were dry and walkers friendly.

    i took the canal back to Chelmsford and got caked in mud, the bike took some cleaning after that.

    will do it again next Sunday, but will stick to the woods closest to the canal as they seem alot larger than those up the road from Sandon. Will also take my OS map.
  • Hi all, bit of a newbie to mountain biking and a newbie to the site. Glad that i found this post as i was beginning to think MTB'rs didnt exist in Essex. I live very close to galleywood Common and am looking for some new riding partners. I agree that Galleywood can be quite boring but if anyone wants to meet up there and show me the ropes i'd appreciate it. Give me a shout if you have a reply or just wanna talk.
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    there is a bike shop going to be opening in Danbury in about a month, sounds like it could be pretty good with lapierre and Gt bikes, eudura clothing and shiney bits from Hope.
    Its gonna have its own demo area aswell thats also gonna be used for racing (mud sweat and tears) so things could be looking up for danbury riders.

    Oh and i'm liking the sound of the coffee :D
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    there is a bike shop going to be opening in Danbury in about a month, sounds like it could be pretty good with lapierre and Gt bikes, eudura clothing and shiney bits from Hope.
    Its gonna have its own demo area aswell thats also gonna be used for racing (mud sweat and tears) so things could be looking up for danbury riders.

    Oh and i'm liking the sound of the coffee :D
  • Liking the sound of that too. How about a bacon & and egg sandwich as well. Any idea where about it’s opening.
    Explosifepete whats Danbury like now, has it dried out somewhat as have not been over there since January.
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    The trails are good, muddy in places but mostly dry.
    The shop is gonna be at the outdoors centre on well lane
  • went out last saturday dry compact and fast loved it got to the bit off riffams chase - bloody no bikes or horses due to errosion caused by excess traffic - how to F off my day....any one know how we can allow riding there its a very very good part of the route and i personally don't damage or erode the trail any more than a rambler . we need change i look after the trail as i want to use it like anyone else - or is it a case of when the bluebells die we are allowed back in?
  • Bonehead21
    Bonehead21 Posts: 20
    The wood you mean is called Blakes wood and no, unfortunately we're not going to be allowed back in there anytime soon. My mate emailed the National Trust warden who basically said there have been too many instances of walker vs biker conflicts where some of our less curtious bretheren have got a bit abusive and violent (not sure how true that is but that's what we were told. Plus there's been a fair bit of trail buidling going on apprently and the wood is an area of special scientific interest.

    So yet another case of inconsiderate tw@ts spoiling it for the rest of us. Damn shame as that was one of the best routes in Danbury... hope it's not the shape of things to come as they are clamping down on trail building on the common as well.

    I like the sound of the bike shop coming to Danbury... any idea what it's going to be called so we can hunt them down?
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    The shop is called danbury cycles and is at the youth camp off well lane.
    its got some good bits in and is sort of open now, just a few finishing touches to be done.

    As far as blakes wood goes I would surgest that everyone gives it a miss till the good weather has gone as we aren't alowed on trails any of the trails in the danbury area.
    I can highly recomend thrift wood as an alternative, its about a 2 mile loop, just enter the wood from oppisite the woodham walter golf course then follow either the trail on the left on right round the wood until you are back to the start.
    Its my prefered trail and didn't put it on my route as its a bit out of the way but it is fun and almost always free of walkers