XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Just want to say hi guys :D I used to live in Canterbury Kent- studied at Canterbury Uni- and moved to Australia about 10 yrs ago. I'm now living in Christchurch NZ.

    I used to love flyng about the woods there :D I bet the trails network has grown lots since i moved.

    Happy trails 8)
    Good memories eh? There's so much riding in those woods, its just a challenge to find it all! Nothing too technical there unfortunately but great for an evening or night time blast 8)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    pittpony wrote:
    Ade are you good for a half 6 meet-up? Does that suit you Jon??
    18:30 @ Chilham car park sounds good. Back is still playing up a bit but I'm trying the kill or cure method of back-pain relief. :twisted:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    impished wrote:
    pittpony wrote:
    Ade are you good for a half 6 meet-up? Does that suit you Jon??
    18:30 @ Chilham car park sounds good. Back is still playing up a bit but I'm trying the kill or cure method of back-pain relief. :twisted:
    Same here Ade, i had to stop my commute twice this morning to stretch out it was so painful. I swear one woman driving past thought i'd been hit by a car - i looked like a crash victim stretched out on the grass verge with my bike lying next to me with a pained expression on my face :lol::lol:

    Anyway, we'll be there about 6.40 by the time the train has got to Chilham
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    pittpony wrote:
    Anyway, we'll be there about 6.40 by the time the train has got to Chilham
    It's gonna be a dark ride tonight then :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Should be fun seeing as none of us will know exactly where we are :? Unless.......

    wait for it..... :wink:

    Anyone knows Chilham "like the back of their hand" :lol::lol::lol:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    impished wrote:
    pittpony wrote:
    Anyway, we'll be there about 6.40 by the time the train has got to Chilham
    It's gonna be a dark ride tonight then :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Should be fun seeing as none of us will know exactly where we are :? Unless.......

    wait for it..... :wink:

    Anyone knows Chilham "like the back of their hand" :lol::lol::lol:

    We're riding tomorrow night aren't we??
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    pittpony wrote:
    We're riding tomorrow night aren't we??
    Yes we are riding tomorrow.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Great linking Ade. I'm suprised the servers at work let one of those through and i'm doubly glad my boss wasn't behind me when i opened it!
  • Board again are we? :)

    Sounds like it could be a good one tomorrow. Which brake is playing up Jon, and if it just needs bleading come along anyway and we'll sort it out in Chillam.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Board again are we? :)
    I'm ALWAYS bored :roll:
    Which brake is playing up Jon, and if it just needs bleading come along anyway and we'll sort it out in Chillam.
    Good idea Andy. We've tried fixing just about everything else, trail-side, over the past year, so we might as well try bleeding too. :wink: I'm gonna bring along my Rubiks Cube and we'll have a go at cracking that beasty too :?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Nope - that's one link too far Ade, the servers won't let me see :cry:

    Yeah why not try bleeding trailside. Like i always say - what's the worst that can happen??!
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    The Wall Zig Zags Section


    Lower Quality Brechfa

  • pittpony wrote:
    Ade are you good for a half 6 meet-up? Does that suit you Jon??
    Yeah that suits me fine, I asked my tutor today and I can technically leave at 12.30 but would hang around till 1.30 just to see if they do register my presence on campus during my 'self study' time
    So yeah, will make the train fine, try and get to canterbury for about 5.30, gimme plenty of time to get lost then...
    Which brake is playing up Jon, and if it just needs bleading come along anyway and we'll sort it out in Chillam.
    It's the front brake. When I brought it back here last night it was rubbing alot but that was because the caliper had been moved, so i put that back in place and now I've got just enough power to stop the wheel if I spin it slightly. Will see what happens 2nite, any improvement etc.
  • Papa Smurf wrote:
    pittpony wrote:
    It's the front brake. When I brought it back here last night it was rubbing alot but that was because the caliper had been moved, so i put that back in place and now I've got just enough power to stop the wheel if I spin it slightly. Will see what happens 2nite, any improvement etc.
    sounds like the pads are contaminated. Could you have got brake fluid on them when you was topping the fluid up? Try taking them out and thoroughly cleaning the pads and disc in hot soapy water. I assume you have blead them?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    They're Juicy3's aren't they?
    I've got a pair you can have for a fiver.jpg

    Oh, I love linking in posts :wink:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    I dont think Jon knows whats going on with his brakes

  • Oh c'mon, the closest I've ever been to hydraulic brakes was looking at the ones on you lot's bikes :lol:

    Just finished with attempt 2 at bleeding them tonight.. Went alot better and now the brake is alot better. But that's untill I get on the bike.. Then it's a case of at 5mph it takes 10metres to stop haha.
    If I bring the oil, the little tube I have an hopefully my topeak if it arrives in time, would it be a problem to have a little look when we get there? There's no way in hell I can get around with just the back brake, simply because I don't fancy dying just yet.
    And if it is ok, and my topeak doesn't arrive in time, I won't have a tool to undo the resovoir chamber, or the bleed nipple... Anyone else have one??
  • Ade you been on the Funny pills again :D
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Oh c'mon, the closest I've ever been to hydraulic brakes was looking at the ones on you lot's bikes :lol:

    Just finished with attempt 2 at bleeding them tonight.. Went alot better and now the brake is alot better. But that's untill I get on the bike.. Then it's a case of at 5mph it takes 10metres to stop haha.
    If I bring the oil, the little tube I have an hopefully my topeak if it arrives in time, would it be a problem to have a little look when we get there? There's no way in hell I can get around with just the back brake, simply because I don't fancy dying just yet.
    And if it is ok, and my topeak doesn't arrive in time, I won't have a tool to undo the resovoir chamber, or the bleed nipple... Anyone else have one??
    I don't have any experience with those brakes and don't have the tools but i'm happy to try and help. I reckon we can sort it between us. Do you have good lights by the way Jon - it's starting to get dark quite early these days :(
  • Nah I have shite lights, but my headtorch is pretty good, that should do me fine.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I like the new vid as well Russ. I was just being charitable when i let you guys past by the way, nothing to do with you being all over me like a cheap suit... :wink:
  • Papa Smurf wrote:
    Nah I have shite lights, but my headtorch is pretty good, that should do me fine.
    Err, i'm strugleing with a £175 Stella 180 and a Fenix L2D Q5 :roll: Have you done any night rides before? What brakes are they?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Nah I have shite lights, but my headtorch is pretty good, that should do me fine.
    Err, i'm strugleing with a £175 Stella 180 and a Fenix L2D Q5 :roll: Have you done any night rides before? What brakes are they?
    What you on about andy? He'll be fine :wink:

    p.s. 2 house points if you can find the hidden link :wink:
  • Papa Smurf wrote:
    Nah I have shite lights, but my headtorch is pretty good, that should do me fine.
    Err, i'm strugleing with a £175 Stella 180 and a Fenix L2D Q5 :roll: Have you done any night rides before? What brakes are they?

    Dude, I commute to work at 4am, so yeah I've ridden in the dark before. Done a fair bit of off road in the dark too.
    My commute lights are not all that great, mainly they're so I can be seen, but I have a powerfull beam light same to what the coastguard use. I've used that in thick fog before and almost felt like it was daylight. All other lights I use just reflect in my face, this one dont.

    I'm gonna take the bike down halfords as soon as I can today and see if they can check it out there and then. If they can, I'll make the train and meet up with NIck and Andy in Canterbury. If not, I've decided it may be a little stupid me riding in the dark with a brake that has trouble stopping me on flat ground..
  • Have fun over at Chilham guys....! The short road climb up Mountain Street is a good warm up for the chalky climb that follows. At the top of the road you'll pass through a gate...you can either take the main track or there is a little path up on the bank to the right that is a bit more technical. Watch out for the tree stump near the bottom. Both path and track meet at the same place then its a right-hander and then its up the climb. Top of the climb turn left by the gates.

    Failing that you can always join me on thursday night for the Kent-Trails ride from the Uni at 18:00.
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    Hi All - Took my good camera up to BBH into Boxley woods last night to get some night shots of my new lights.....

    Niteflux Photon Max on LOW

    Niteflux Photon Max on HIGH

    Niteflux Photon Max on HIGH looking downhill on step section

    Helmet Mounted Fenix L2D on Turbo (all other lights are off)
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I love that shot of the steps. Did you ride down those in the dark? Good effort if you did! Pretty bright lights you've got there 8) It's that time of year and i'm thinking of upgrading mine now...
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    pittpony wrote:
    I love that shot of the steps. Did you ride down those in the dark? Good effort if you did! Pretty bright lights you've got there 8) It's that time of year and i'm thinking of upgrading mine now...

    Thanks - We do go down that trail, but not straight over the steps, started on the right of them then halfway down you switch over to the left, there is a second set of steps which are mega steep with a nice gully on the left, whizz down there no trouble :twisted: Im not mental enough to ride down the actual steps themselves! - slows me down!

    Ive been down that section 5 times now, and my skills are improving, never come off "yet!" and getting quite fast down there too.

    Im well pleased with my lights, whole setup is less than £200 and for those Lumens techies out there, all in its 980 Lumens.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Those steps are my nemesis. Russ and Deadpool float over them and end up waiting for an hour for me to get down! Had an over-the-bars moment the first time i rode them so have been pathetically cautious since :oops: I'll nail them one day soon though :D I think one of the guys on the forum cracked a rib there - it was certainly a pretty spectacular crash!
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    So you guys literally ride down the steps? - You dont take on the one of the gullys either side?

    Hats off if you take on the steps themselves! I think I would be straight over the front of the bike going down there.

    They are much steeper than the picture suggests (as you know!) but I love taking them on.

    Was very dry last night so had a good time.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • Bmjboy wrote:
    So you guys literally ride down the steps? - You dont take on the one of the gullys either side?

    Hats off if you take on the steps themselves! I think I would be straight over the front of the bike going down there.

    They are much steeper than the picture suggests (as you know!) but I love taking them on.

    Was very dry last night so had a good time.
    I think you can only ride them fast if your on a full suss. I tried them from about half way down and the back wheel was bouncing all over the place to the point that i neerly went over the bars on the biggest steps. That would have really hert! I was following Russ at the time and he just shot off into the distance. Oh well, when i get my full suss i'll be............ :lol:

    See you tonight guy's.