The Richmond Park, 2007, 3-Lap challenge!



  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    joslow wrote:
    First attempt. This is a great challenge. Looking forward to going a little quicker.

    You're on the list! straight in at 46; great first attempt Joslow
  • snakehips wrote:
    andy roo wrote:

    Any handicap allowance for the aged? (just turned 48 and feeling it)

    You young boy , no chance !


    Yeah - just a baby... (Can we have some seconds please - on account of our er experience?! :oops: :P )
    106kg - kg361 255characters have read this so far...I believe
  • nasz
    nasz Posts: 88
    great list - thanks Toks for adding me.

    Didn't realise I had to pop over to bikeRadar to add a reply - benn trying the original forum - doh!

    ____(_)/ (_)
    Lunicus Cycle Club - LCC - Train hard, ride easy... - London to Sydney on Recumbents 2005/6
  • nasz and Joslow - you're in my database now so you'll be included from now on.

    I had a go myself on Saturday but was 7 secs outside PB. Boo.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452

    Pesky cars got in the way, but that also gave me a chance for a breather :)
  • Well done Gussio - another 'fun' rider! :P
    106kg - kg361 255characters have read this so far...I believe
  • demongrinder

    My new time doubt I'll break that again before winter. Set on my new winter bike "the green beast" and 3kg lighter. 8)
    "People setting the pace too fast on the front are abused to slow down. Riders that do not share the work are abused. Riders that need abuse get abused and the abuse is done in every language so they get the message"
  • Well done Demon! - puts you in 2nd overall. I need to have another go soon...
  • demongrinder

    My new time doubt I'll break that again before winter. Set on my new winter bike "the green beast" and 3kg lighter. 8)

    Sorry bout all the excitement its actually 52.56. :lol: Still beat my old time though and a PB for me.
    "People setting the pace too fast on the front are abused to slow down. Riders that do not share the work are abused. Riders that need abuse get abused and the abuse is done in every language so they get the message"
  • demongrinder

    My new time doubt I'll break that again before winter. Set on my new winter bike "the green beast" and 3kg lighter. 8)

    Sorry bout all the excitement its actually 52.56. :lol: Still beat my old time though and a PB for me.

    Thank God - I might be able to get closer to that!
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143

    My new time doubt I'll break that again before winter. Set on my new winter bike "the green beast" and 3kg lighter. 8)

    Sorry bout all the excitement its actually 52.56. :lol: Still beat my old time though and a PB for me.
    Excellent time mate. How has your racing been going this season?
  • damo_d_b
    damo_d_b Posts: 18
    Just returned from my first attempt at the Richmond Park 3 Lap Challenge. Not the first time I've ridden in the park, but the first time I've timed myself. Being a lovely sunny day on a Bank Holiday weekend it was a little bit busy, but I think the traffic sometimes provided a much needed breather! I've only been cycling for about 6 or 7 months and still only have my Specialized Sirrus hybrid commuter - will be interested to see how much difference a proper road bike and decent kit will make...!


    First lap: 19min46 Second lap: 20min32 Third lap: 20min28

    I'm afraid I don't know how much I weigh, but I'm about 5 foot 10 and of slight build - so probably not very much!

    Thanks for running this thread - it's great to see just how quick some people out there are and giving us all something to aim for!

  • statts
    statts Posts: 15
    My last PB was set in May and it has been a long time coming but now have to report a small improvement.

  • Well done guys - here's the latest:
    19---the jackal--------fitness--Anti---75kg--00:57:20--Jun
    28---andy roo----------fitness--Anti---85kg--00:59:55--Aug
    46---Aperitif 51-------fun------Anti---106kg-01:08:42--Jul
    55---Jonathan-Ellis----tba------Anti---72kg--3 months--Apr
    *Type of Rider - racer/club/fitness/touring
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    This is a great thread - thanks to those that maintain the list and to everyone else who keeps the challenge in the spirit it was intended!

    Aperitif_51 if it wasn't fun, then I wouldn't do it :)

    Went out on Saturday evening, which was beautiful and without wisp of wind. Took 1m15s off my last time which shows that I haven't been trying hard enough! Feels like I still have a long way to go before breaking through the hour mark though.

  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    Can anyone recommend a nice boozer near by?
    North side, outdoor seating, lycra tolerant. Maybe some food?

    I'm heading there later. Hoping for a quicker one. Below 1:08 or not happy.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    The Roebuck is a good option, 200m from Richmond Gate - it has benches overlooking a marvellous view of the Thames from the top of Richmond Hill.

    Come out of the Richmond Gate, right at the first roundabout infront of the gates and left /straight on at the second. You will have passed the Star and Garter home on your left handside between the two roundabouts. The Roebuck is on your righthand side, 100m down the road.

    Good luck with the three laps!
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380

    Gussio, cheers for the pub option, although we ended up in a pub in Barnes (I think)
    May head out Richmond way on a better day.
  • had a go tonight on the road bike (no aero stuff)


    conditions were pretty good. a little traffic cost me a few seconds and then i had to scrub off a fair bit of speed on the last lap due to some very dominant looking stags on the road.

    racing cyclist, 74kg (too much by far), anti-clockwise
  • I have managed to shave off nearly 3 minutes since my last posting in June so I'm chuffed with my new time.

    56:01 (road bike)

    I also recorded a time of 1:01:22 on a fixed gear. It's my aim to get this to below 1 hour but it's really tough going especially up the hills on the 3rd lap.

    Fitness cyclist - 70kg - Anti Clockwise
  • awesome work guys -
    21---the jackal--------fitness--Anti---75kg--00:57:20--Jun
    29---andy roo----------fitness--Anti---85kg--00:59:55--Aug
    47---Aperitif 51-------fun------Anti---106kg-01:08:42--Jul
    56---Jonathan-Ellis----tba------Anti---72kg--3 months--Apr
    *Type of Rider - racer/club/fitness/touring
  • tyskie
    tyskie Posts: 252
    Just back from my first timed 3-lapper and managed:


    I've shifted 14lbs in the last 3 months commuting 3 days a week and am aiming to shift another 7lbs in the next couple of months (that'll be the weight of my bike in total :shock: ). Under the hour by the end of the year is my aim.

    Best thing was I expended over 1000 calories which will be replaced by curry and beer tonight. :D

    Cheers for running this thread.
  • Well, it's a great thread lads and I've followed it for a while, putting off contributing till I thought I could put in a good 3 laps. I've decided getting 3 good laps is near impossible, so what I got was:

    3 laps/anti----82kg----62:00

    I'd hoped to beat the hour, but it didn't happen, so that's my target. Excuses? too late for that, - my 50th birthday was a long long time ago, so maybe I can start an 'old gits' section...

    To make for the decidedly uninteresting time I clocked, maybe I could talk through a lap and possibly tempt another newbie.

    A quick slurp on the orange juice and salty water shandy at Kingston gate, not forgetting to dribble a bit down the front of my shirt and down the back of the neck for good luck, then shift into the small ring ready for the first hill. Avoid any horses crossing and joggers stretching (unfortunately no maids a milking...) and hit the roundabout, start the stopwatch and hang a right. Here we go!

    Try to maintain a bit of speed into the first short hill and stay in the seat. Keep it going before the grade picks up again for the steep bit, by now I'm out the seat to try and keep some pace, this is probably my least favourite part of the circuit and where I usually hit my max heart rate for the day, about 165 ish. Curiously, it's not as high for the second and third laps.

    Once over the crest, get back on the big ring as soon as my lungs will allow and get up as much speed as possible for this level stretch. It's about now I usually start formulating excuses regarding wind speed, hangovers and general reasons why one lap will probably do just for today. Then its pedal like a madman on the next down hill stretch, get into top gear and try to use the momentum to carry me up the short hill to the Isabella Plantations car park, usually a short hop out of the seat is needed to make the crest. Keep an eye out for crossing pedestrians heading for the flora displays, and wonder briefly whatever happened to Isabella Wheatley from schooldays. Once the dogs, prams and pensioners have been negotiated get into top gear quickly and accelerate through the slight left kink and push hard down the hill.

    I'm not sure what this hill is called, although I've heard runners call it 'Test Hill', which is sort of self explanatory I suppose. Is it me or my computer, but no matter how hard I try on this one, frustratingly 40mph stays beyond my grasp and I always seem to bottom out at 39.99 mph. Excitingly, the best place to check out the speedo for max speed seems to be just as the road bears right and I should be thinking of maybe looking ahead a little. With one eye on the road, and one, in a chameleon like fashion, on the speedo, I never fail to be impressed by the way the local highway engineers have decided that the best way to mark the edge of the road and verge is by short little 4X4inch posts driven into the ground every few feet. If I really wanted to damage a falling cyclist very permanently and certainly comprehensively, I honestly couldn't think of a better way to do it. Top marks to those boys...If I had a third eye, and I suppose genetically speaking it's not out of the question these days, then I'd be looking out for the motorist who has decided,
    without any warning, to come to a dead stop in the middle of road to spend a few minutes looking at an interesting deer.

    So I'm officially balls-out now, and try to keep the speed up through that entertaining sequence of esses, if there is no oncoming traffic then trying to straighten them out is good fun. I try to keep the speed up and not drop below 30 as the roundabout approaches, although this usually proves a little too much for my now seemingly remote legs, and I'm normally at about 27 by the time I have to brake for the roundabout.

    Dodging the eclectic mix of horses, dogs, 4X4's, the odd psychopathic vagrant and people on a mission heading towards the pblic toilets keeps ones wits on tip top form here, and it's always a relief to get beyond the car park. It's rare I get round this roundabout without some sort of delay. The next section is probably my least favourite bit, it seems to go on for a long while, and I'm never sure if it's up or down hill. Anyway, I always seem to find my mind wandering here, usually thinking about what maybe the best combinations of food and beer are, why pop doesn't froth like it used to, what the ant stuck to my knee is making of things right now or why the hairs on my legs are sticking through the lycra of my shorts, and other rivetting stuff along these lines. An old lady on a bike, or castor shod zimmer frame will normally pass me about now, in a blur of purple rinse and lambswool sweater, and that's usually the wake up call to get going again. If I can keep the speedo above 25 between Robin Hood roundabout and the Roehampton one, I'm usually happy enough.

    I enjoy changing down and trying to accelerate out the Roehampton roundabout, firstly to put me in a positive frame of mind for the long haul up to Richmond gate, and secondly to put as much distance as possible between me and the temptations of the tea and sticky bun shop. Sadly, this frame of mind doesn't last long as I contemplate the appalling road surface rolling all too slowly beneath my feet as the Sheen roundabout draws up. If luck and traffic is on my side, it's rare to get delayed here, and an arrow like path can be taken through the roundabout and towards the next hill.

    Like an arrow, I soon fall to earth and usually decide to get out of the seat as I cross the 20mph mark on the road at the bottom of the hill and try to 'crack on'. I hate this bit, -maybe I'm getting too old, maybe I've got the wrong gears, but hills are a problem these days and I spend a lot of time farting about on this one, usually dropping back into the seat as I cross a white arrow on the road pointing to the verge, and presumably the sad site of some poor deceased roadkill cyclist. Once the worst has passed, i try to get in a high gear as quickly as I can and make some time up on the roll down and up to Richmond gate roundabout.

    This is the worst roundabout of the lot. Do I go for the inside line and the cobbles? Or maybe a faster line and risk running into the grit, gravel and fag-ends in the centre of the road? Usually the traffic makes the decision for me, and whatever happens, it's usually arse-up time again out of the roundabout to try and restore some pace in the run up to the next carpark and the circuits second speed hump, the one with the manholes and valve covers cunningly placed on the other side right on the line you're riding. This is where a metal detector would come in handy to give some sort of warning about all the manholes coming. It's unusual not to get stuck behind traffic here, if not I'll get into top gear sharpish and can usually nudge 30 heading towards the Ham gate.

    I had my brief moment of fame here the other day (only in my head though...). I'd caught up with a presumably private ambulance, - some of it's decals were missing and one of the rear doors, the left hand one, had been changed. Originally 'AMBULANCE' had been written along the back. So there I am, pedalling hard, about a metre behind a large white vehicle with flashing lights on top, and "LANCE" writ in large letters on the back. I don't think it fooled anyone, but it made me come over all Texan...

    The end's in sight now, glowing pink and refreshed by the exhaust fumes of whatever car I've been following, I'll try and maintain whatever speed I've got up to the Ham turn off, go like hell down the small dip and use the momentum to sprint up the other side. The other side usually goes on for a little longer than expected, and then it's onto what is probably my least favourite part of the circuit, - that long stretch of 1 metre wide grey tarmac that runs along the edge of the road, and I can only guess was laid by blindfolded chimpanzees. The poor old rear end takes a good battering in the saddle along here, - it's not actually rough, just very uneven, and knocks all the rhythm out of my stroke making progress difficult. Moving off it and to the right normally has motorists rooting their toots for you, and tempting them into daring overtaking manoeuvres. At the very least it seems to stretch their vocabularies.

    A final squinting of the eyes, gritting of the teeth and clenching of the buttocks helps avoid having to change down, and up comes the roundabout, a look at the watch and the decision of whether or not to do it
    all again.
    Yeah!! you betcha!
  • Inspired by Christ-on-a-bike!'s vivid recount above, I tackled the 3-lap challenge for the second time this morning. My first try tipped the hour mark, so I was very please to come in at 57min 52sec today. Still on the Specialized Sirrus hybrid, but had less traffic to deal with. Was over taken on the final lap by a group of London Dynamo riders which shamed me into getting my a*se in gear and to put in my best lap time to date.

    Will hopefully be getting a new bike in the next month or so and will be looking to get the times down even further!

    Lap 1= 19.18 Lap 2= 19.57 Lap 3= 18.37


  • I gave it another go this morning, nice and early at 8am so there was not too much traffic on the road to slow me down. I'm pleased to say I beat my previous best by 31 seconds and I'm now down to, 55:30
    I'm chuffed to beat my previous best but I think it will be tough for me to beat 55:30 next time as I gave it my all on the last lap.
    I would be interested to know what bikes people are riding when they post their lap times as I wonder if some of the top times on here are done on TT bikes.
    For your info, my times are recorded on a Time VXRS Ulteam with Mavic Ksyrium SSL wheels (in case you think you might have seen me, I'm the guy with the Cofidis top and extra skinny legs who zips up the hills but is not so quick down them. Feel free to say hello if you see me.
    I'm looking forward to trying the ride on some deep section rims that I've just ordered to see if it will make much difference. I hope so!
  • Christ-on-a-bike! that is an excellent 'review' of Richmond park and had me grinning whilst reading it. If only the actual act of riding it was as enjoyable...........
  • Hi Kamoshikasan, "I would be interested to know what bikes people are riding when they post their lap times as I wonder if some of the top times on here are done on TT bikes."

    I ride a regular Serotta Ti, no aero attachments I'm afraid nor deep section wheels just Campag Zondas.

    I went again at the weekend, 50.37 so I didn't beat my time.
  • Hi Shavedlegs. Thanks for your reply. That really is going some! I was hoping you were riding a TT bike with a time like that. Now i do feel envious!! I can only dream of being sub 50 but I'll keep trying to lower my time bit by bit. I tried again today but it wasn't a good effort as the head winds zapped my energy and I was pretty much burnt out after 2 laps so I gave up and then felt annoyed with myself later for not finishing 3. Oh well, there's always next time..
  • Another attempt, 50:47.

    I'm going to blame the wind and the octogenarian in a Daewoo Matiz dawdling at the final roundabout, did one of you pay her?

    Kamoshikasan, I think we all fight with ourselves mentally to complete 3 laps. I did yesterday, I left the house nice and early, feeling confident. But as soon as the first lap started and I was into the head wind my heart sank, I knew at the beginning of the second lap a PB was very unlikey and almost gave up. Fortunatley I spotted some useful looking riders ahead and used catching them as motivation. On the third lap I had some one my rear wheel for a bit so that encouraged me further.

    Saw a few Kingston Wheelers on their way to the park, how did you get on?

    Do we all have plans for a get together at the end of the month?
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    edited October 2007
    havent been to RP for a couple of months now,but things have changed,I've joined the Kingston Wheelers cycling club ,albeit the sloowest memeber :oops: (at the mo),who have given me no end of encouragement,help and advice i have been out into the surrey hills 5/6 times with them and now Box Hill is a piece of pi$$ :D I have gone from 4miles in 35minutes and just last Friday did 55 miles in 4 hours including the climbs of leith ,sheere and box hills and although i am tottally fooked by the end i am enjoying it !!!.

    Anyway back to RP i shall be giving the challenge one more blast this week before i go to cyprus on holiday(autumn training :D ) and hopefully my time will fall dramatically and give you shaved legs a run for your money :D albeit my weight as i am still proportionally well built :D

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!