Commute distance.



  • Beachcat
    Beachcat Posts: 13
    <font face="Arial"></font id="Arial"> Just under 15km each way. Takes 45 - 48 mins at the moment but hoping to get this to sub 40 soon. Mostly flat bike path punctuated by the occasional hill. Like Roo I'm in Perth so we have the demonic Westerly to head home into, especially on any of the exposed bits by the freeway or along the Freo railway line. Today was only 2nd commute in about 12 months, have been off the bike due to hip surgery and a buggered ankle. Have missed it so, so much. Nearly got blown off this evening on the way home and lashed by sand storm from a buidling site for a new Ikea store - Perth's current one is second smallest in the world. I'm still spitting out the grit!
  • 19.8 Miles Bexley - Putney and return. Do this around 2-3 times per week.

    Be bright Be seen
  • Sun Dodger
    Sun Dodger Posts: 393
    40km each way, with barely more than 10k not on bike paths(!)

    Actually most stressful part is on a bike path - behind Amsterdam Central station. Full of tourists who don't know they are on a bike path and locals who don't care....
  • Kanga
    Kanga Posts: 131
    Southfields to Bracknell, 47k's and about 1:50 each way [:)]
  • Pirahna
    Pirahna Posts: 1,315
    I'm going to claim the longest distance so far but probably not the longest weekly total.

    I cycle to work 2 days a week. Bishops Stortford to Harrow which is an 80 mile round trip.
  • Gez63
    Gez63 Posts: 54
    35 to 39 miles, depending on route, each way Ipswich to Bury St Edmunds.
    But only do one way max 3 times a week at moment.
    Tonight was wet, dark, cold and miserable but did PB for 35 mile route (2 Hrs 12 Mins).
    How does that work then!!

    Impressed with your 80 mile round trip Piranha.

    Going to try an in and out soon.
    Not expecting to get much work done that day!

    You can always start again but THE FINISH IS FINAL!
    You can always start again but THE FINISH IS FINAL!
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,291
    Either an undulating, sheltered 10 miles each way with lots of traffic lights.

    Or a pancake flat, exposed 12 miles each way with no traffic lights.
    For this route I have a 10 mile time trial marked out, if I feel like giving it a hard go (I'm not particularly fast).

    Wind direction generally dictates the route.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • 10 miles each way, all but 2 miles each way being off road.

    The Gingerbreadhouse
  • OldSeagul
    OldSeagul Posts: 574
    Start in April with 3 miles to work and 2 miles home. Get into August with 15 miles to work and 2 miles home. In October, I'm ashamed to say, I hang up the bike and go in the car until the next April.

    The people who turn their swords into ploughshares, generally end up working for the people who kept the swords!
    The people who turn their swords into ploughshares, generally end up working for the people who kept their swords!
  • Rider_roo
    Rider_roo Posts: 64
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Beachcat</i>

    <font face="Arial"></font id="Arial"> Just under 15km each way. Takes 45 - 48 mins at the moment but hoping to get this to sub 40 soon. Mostly flat bike path punctuated by the occasional hill. Like Roo I'm in Perth so we have the demonic Westerly to head home into, especially on any of the exposed bits by the freeway or along the Freo railway line. Today was only 2nd commute in about 12 months, have been off the bike due to hip surgery and a buggered ankle. Have missed it so, so much. Nearly got blown off this evening on the way home and lashed by sand storm from a buidling site for a new Ikea store - Perth's current one is second smallest in the world. I'm still spitting out the grit!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    BC is spot-on..."The demonic fremantle doctor" .....blessed with dark supernatural powers....cycle south and you'll swear its a southerly.....west and its a bloody westerly...even south-east you still don't get any assistance.!!??


    The winter work horse

    The summer steed
  • Beachcat
    Beachcat Posts: 13
    Hey Roo do you go along the freeway north bike path that runs next to the new Karrinyup estate? Where there are roots are pushing the path up, bloody hell it's a bit bumpy! The path between Glendalough and Leederville is always a bit interesting too in the evening, the combination of the sun still high in the sky and shadow from the trees makes it a 'hope for the best' stretch in terms of avoiding fallen tree debris. New bike path in Northbridge is niiice, even if some pedestrians are having problems with the keep to the left concept with no lines marked yet.
    Good riding weather this week in sunny (but windy) Perth.
  • Rider_roo
    Rider_roo Posts: 64
    G'day BC....freeway south...right into the eye of the storm so to speak with the arvo south westerly. The riding surface is good but in the morning, the same issues with pedestrians (usually wearing ipods so the "Bike" hollar doesn't always work). Agree Autumn is a great time of year for riding in Perth....cooling conditions and still the endless blue skies. Good chance to start to get some longer miles into the legs so I try and commute via Freo one morning per week - adds an extra 40kms and makes it a good long-steady-distance ride. (the other three mornings I'm usually flogging myself alongside the freeway running behind schedule - and morning is reserved for the car unfortunately....the "clean clothes to work" run)


    The winter work horse

    The summer steed
  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    Between 100 and 200 miles per week. At this time of year because the days aren't long enough then 100 but in another couple of months I can vary my route a lot and that means I can get up to 200 miles done over 4/5 days. Just started back this week and so happy to back out especially as the weather is so good. I only commute between April and October. Out of my 15 mile commute about 9 miles would be on unlit country roads and I just don't feel safe about doing that with just lights.
  • 12.1 miles with about 3 miles urban, takes about 40-45mins on my hybrid and 35-40 on my road bike, though you can add 5 mins to that if its very windy or i've got a hangover.

  • Corker
    Corker Posts: 34
    Good on you Pirahna - 80 miles is excellent, mine's just 58 miles return, but my maximum height is 1486ft, with a further hill of 1181ft to follow, each way, although I've no idea what the total climb is (Huddersfield to Middleton, Manchester by the A640). Do I get the highest route?(I never see other commuters on it, though I've heard of commuters riding from Sheffield to Manchester over the Snake which would be a couple of hundred feet higher, with probably more in the way of additional smaller climbs). It was a beautiful ride today...

    I only do it once a week due to time considerations (and frankly up there you only do it when the weather is good - there was ice this morning and it's a battle in the wind, the weather can be totally different from at home) but now the weather is getting much better, it seems a lot easier so I may stretch to twice.
  • sbullett
    sbullett Posts: 139
    Is that the Buckstones Moss road Corker? What an excellent ride, I did it the other day from Milnsbridge to de-stress while preparing for an interview (didn't get the job though!) - fantastic views from the top and all that fresh air! Unusual experience of a NE headwind for the ride back though, no wonder I seemed to be finding the climb easy on the way out. What bike do you use and how do you cope with the more usual SW wind?

    Wish my commute was as scenic, sadly its the A62 to Leeds, only get to about 500 feet at the highest point but about 1100 feet of climbing in total makes it good fun....
  • Corker
    Corker Posts: 34
    Sbullett - thats the one. It can be a miserable ride if the weather turns but on days like yesterday its well worth getting up at 5am! Trouble is when on a commute early in the morning you don't really have time to pause at the top (and its too cold).

    I commute on a Surosa Audax equipped with Veloce. The Bianchi dream machine is still in the stables - I'm reluctant to use that on the awful roads through Oldham.

    If you want a real cracker of a ride try Holme Moss / Glossop / Snake Pass / Strines - about 65 miles for me (South Huddersfield) but a superb training run for a sportif. Eat your pasta first though!
  • Hello board,

    I have just got back into cycling and begun commuting to and from work. The distance is 6 miles each way, mainly along canal towpaths and takes between 30-33 minutes each trip on my Orange P7 mountain bike, averaging 11-12mph.
  • Buggi
    Buggi Posts: 674
    16.9 miles each way (according to my car bcoz i aint got my computer fitted yet) do it two or 3 times a week (bike that is!)


    To infinity... and beyond!
    my epic adventure:
  • C.Fett1
    C.Fett1 Posts: 1
    I've been commuting for a while now and do just under 7 miles a day. I enjoy the ride but it's so nice to hear people saying they go further than this it makes my journey sound easy.

    I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the galaxy.
    I\'m just a simple man trying to make my way in the galaxy.
  • rampax
    rampax Posts: 139
    I do about 10 miles each way, 4 times a week.
    Whilst I still had my car, I only rode when the weather was ok, but since then I have sold the car, and now cycling is my primary mode of transport.
    I have "upgraded" from my Brompton S2, and got myself a Dahon Jack, which is great.
    Even though I LOVE my Brommie, its simply too uncomfortable/bouncy over the terribly potholed Manchester roads.
    The Jack is a far superior ride, but the folded package is much more awkward.
    Still, its just small enough to get in the elevator, then stash away in the server room.
    I still use the Brompton when I have to make train journeys, as its just SO handy.

    Why have one bike, when you can have four or five!?
    The A6 Hazel Grove - "Always the worst part of any ride".
  • DuncanM
    DuncanM Posts: 17
    Yoho ahoy,
    Thanks to the route maker on Bikely my round trip measures 12.3 miles. The am ride takes me the scenic route from Tottington to Bolton, via Harwood. My pm return involves filtering (safely) along a jammed A road. Returning the scenic route involves a horribly long hill. Riding my current mtb up that (which I have done in the past) is a crippling experience.

    I cannot wait until I get my hybrid next weekend! (looking at a Scott Speedster. . .) I'm sick of feeling all my pedal-pushing disappearing into the knobbly tires [:(]

    . . .two wheels good
    . . .two wheels good
  • Between 11 and 12 miles each way. Mostly in London traffic.

    Be not afraid of moving slowly, be only afraid of standing still
    Be not afraid of moving slowly, be only afraid of standing still
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    When I'm working in the office, Woking to West End. About 30 miles, although usually one-way only and not every day. Otherwise take the Brompton to Waterloo (not the real thing but better than nothing).
  • ridercp
    ridercp Posts: 374
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Swannyriver</i>

    what sort of distances do you commute on your bikes?

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    load and loads. [}:)]
  • ridercp
    ridercp Posts: 374
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Swannyriver</i>

    Hello everyone,
    as you can see, I'm brand new to this forum.
    Out interest, what sort of distances do you commute on your bikes?

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Why the question?
    Will you up your mileage if you find the average communte is higher than yours?
    Will you lower your mileage and walk the rest of the way, if you find the average commute is lower than yours?
    What's the point in your question?
    What woould you do if the average communting dsitance is the same to yours?
    Will you tell everybody? ...and so what? who cares?
    Just cyle man, just cyle!
  • It is just out of interest.
    I assumed most people ride about 5 or 6 miles which sounds like a good healthy trip to work every day.
    I was surprised to see so many 'high mileage' people out there!
    I live in Kent (walderslade Woods) and ride on and off road depending what I feel like doing. I do get out most days as I have the luxury of shift work.
    I have cycled to work (Eltham) but I reckon I could only do it a couple of times a week.
    There are some great places to cycle here but it is really 'hilly'.
    I'm at the top of Bluebell Hill.

    1977 Claud Butler Majestic.

    1994 Saracen Tufftrax

    2006 Marin Hawk Hill
    1977 Claud Butler Majestic.

    1994 Saracen Tufftrax

    2006 Marin Hawk Hill

    2008 Brompton

    Raleigh Grifter Mk 2
  • BentMikey
    BentMikey Posts: 4,895
    Looks like a lot more people are interested than not, going by the number of responses! Good topic swanny.

    My commute is 30 miles return, Bromley to Hyde Park in London.

    <font size="1">My bikes
    My skates</font id="size1">

    If I had a baby elephant, I'd teach it to skate.
  • Been commuting since march this year. Started off doing two trips a week, now doing 5 days. Live in Barnet work in Bow (east Ldn) mileage is almost 15 miles each way, all on busy main roads, but loads of bus lanes so average about 1.10mins hr going and 1.20 mins on the way back ( more hills ).

    In this good weather have been adding an extra 5 miles on the way back just for the hell of it.

    Always Outnumbered, but Never Outgunned
    Always Outnumbered, but Never Outgunned
  • My commute is 17.8 miles return. That's the 'normal' distance, takes around 35 mins each way - depending upon traffic. That said, I've just started to increase the distance on the home leg, to somewhere in the region of 15 miles.

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    ><font color="green"><b>Lama Cycles</font id="green"></b><font color="green"> <i>"Attitude with Spit"</i></font id="green"> <</font id="size1">
    Official MBUK Forum Legend 2006 & 2007</b></center>
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