The 2007 Century A Month Challenge Chatzone



  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Hi Jan
    I started the Village Cycle ride four years ago, to stimulate interest in cycling in the vicinity. There is an old railway track bed along a lovely estuary, that's just crying out to be made into a sustrans shared use pathway. My purpose is to gain support for that. To some extent the exercise has been successful as the landowner is now talking to sustrans' head honcho John Grimshaw ( a delightful chap who I got down here to show him the lie of the land)

    Anyone can come on the Village rides, and we have had as many as 44 to ride and lunch.

    The next one is on 4th Nov, and I have been trying to pursuade various ladies' groups locally, to come along.

    Best leisure ride of the year yesterday
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Um, Rob,
    Would it be rude of me to ask why you included a building site in this month's ride?
    Merely curios, of course! :roll:

  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Um, Rob,
    Would it be rude of me to ask why you included a building site in this month's ride?
    Merely curios, of course! :roll:


    I had to remind myself what I meant by that!! :lol:

    When I got to Wigmore/Gillingham where I lived up to 23ish years ago (and last visited in 99) I decided that rather than return to Redhill the way I came as planned I would cycle to London and pick up the train from there....I incorrectly assumed that the A2 was Watling Street all the way to London but shortly after leaving the area covered by my one Landranger map discovered that the A2 is like a motorway with green roadsigns and a lot of road building work is going on at the A2/A227 junction south of Gravesend. Not being able to stand it much longer and not knowiing the area or alternative routes in to London with limited time I had to head towards Meopham and the sanctuary of the A25.

    I notice you went to Bibury on your latest ride....I went there a couple of weeks ago myself....spotted it's appeal in the Treasures of Britain book the night before a ride round tthe south Cotswolds and managed to include that diversion. Needless to say a parked car spoilt the Arlington Row picture I had planned :roll: :lol:
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • ian_oli
    ian_oli Posts: 763
    Doing a 200K Audax on Friday with Liam FitzPatrick, a fellow Willesden CC PBPer, west from Rickmansworth. Anyone welcome to join us.

    Still wondering what to do about December, as I have other commitments when the Calendar Audaxes are on.
  • managed to get my final ride of the year in without getting wet. the forecast was heavy showers some thundery and strong winds. thankfully they got it wrong, i seemed to be riding round in my own patch of blue sky, unbelievable, i thought i was in for a soaking.
    Good luck to the remaining riders and hope you get good weather.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    managed to get my final ride of the year in without getting wet. the forecast was heavy showers some thundery and strong winds. thankfully they got it wrong, i seemed to be riding round in my own patch of blue sky, unbelievable, i thought i was in for a soaking.
    Good luck to the remaining riders and hope you get good weather.

    Gosh, that's keen

    I have to do mine next week-having a month off the bike, from Dec 7-Jan7 ooer

    Great going piedwadtail
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • thanks,december is a busy month so i thought i'd risk the weather and it payed off :D
    think i'll take a break , but maybe not trhat long!
    good luck
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    thanks,december is a busy month so i thought i'd risk the weather and it payed off :D
    think i'll take a break , but maybe not trhat long!
    good luck

    I took a month off last year, before starting to build up the training for the summer sportifs in France, and am away over Xmas (no bike possible or allowed)

    I meant to say I rode Barbondale both ways with Vermooten of this parish early last month-a nice day ride from Kirby Lonsdale to the Lakes

    I can't get enough of riding in the Dales/Lakes :D
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • i was going to do barbondale today but was unsure as to the forecast "snow on high ground" and didn't fancy the long slog into the headwind from ribblehead all the way home!
    i'll probably try to get over next year.
  • ian_oli
    ian_oli Posts: 763
    Well done! I was planning to finish my year of centuries yesterday with the South Bucks 200km Audax. I wimped out with the weather forecast and I am VERY glad that I did, it must have been pretty grim. Today would have been a great day for finishing it though but work beckons.
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    It's nearing the end of the year and it's time to decide where the 2008 challenge should be hosted....Obviously there were various issues with the demise of C+ forum and I'd like to know from the people who are particpating post in light of that you all post all your cycling posts here at BR or do you only come to this thread to complete the challenge suggestions are either here, ACF or Cycle Chat.

    Let me know what you think.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    I'm slowly getting into BR -but would go to the other sites if the Challenge were to be hosted there.

    Perhaps you'd let me know?

    It would be nice to get some more recruits-so maybe a post on the Audax forum would bring some people in? (we seem to be a broad cross section of riders and I daresay, broad minded enough to welcome the odd smelly beardie)
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • ian_oli
    ian_oli Posts: 763
    edited December 2007
    Ken Night wrote:
    I'm slowly getting into BR -but would go to the other sites if the Challenge were to be hosted there.

    Perhaps you'd let me know?

    It would be nice to get some more recruits-so maybe a post on the Audax forum would bring some people in? (we seem to be a broad cross section of riders and I daresay, broad minded enough to welcome the odd smelly beardie)

    Oi, I'm not beardy and rarely smelly (end of PBP excepted - I nearly knocked myself out with my own rising BO).

    I'd suggest CycleChat: there are quite a lot of people on the ACF forum who do Randonnee Round the Year (RRTY) an Audax award that involves doing 200K or more over 12 consecutive months which overlaps this one, and I reckon Century a Month might get swamped.

    Incidentally I decided to do this as a challenge, although I do Audaxes, as I was completely unaware of RRTY until this Autumn and as a couple of my rides are between 100 miles and 200kms, cant get RRTY.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    ian_oli wrote:
    [Oi, I'm not beardy and rarely smelly (end of PBP excepted - I nearly knocked myself out with my own rising BO).

    I was standing at the notice board at Saint Quentin on the Friday, and felt the chap standing next to me was a bit niffy......he moved away which led me to the discovery it was me-or specifically, my armwarmers :oops:
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Thats me done for the third year.....Now off the bike until 10th Jan, having had a fantastic year-in part thanks to this thread-which mentions some of the highlight centuries. I've got used to doing them now, but still sometimes get the feeling that I'm not going to be able to finish-as yesterday slogging across Dartmoor in horizontal stair rods

    I've got the start of a monster of a cold... :(

    Jan-sorry not to answer your question about the village cycle ride. Sorry you were unable to come

    We had decent weather, around 35 riders and over 50 to lunch in the community centre. Anyone can come, and as route sheets are given, there are a number of short cuts home which people can take. It was very gratifying to learn there were a few people who saw the riders off, who said to me after the event, that they wished they'd entered

    Crossing my fingers now-the reason for starting the village bike rides three years ago, was to gain support for cycling in the village and surrounding areas-to gain popular support for the conversion of an old railway track into a shared use path by Sustrans.Sustrans have submitted proposals and have a very important meeting with the landowner on Monday-we have support too from the District and County Councils, the AONB, a number of local businessmen, and many none cyclists in the village

    Back to the centuries-well done everyone who even started the Challenge-I've found it an inspiration over the year-and previously. Roll on 08
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Hi Ken
    Very good luck with the Sustrans route - hope it al works out. Have you and Rob managed to meet up? I am still in - just posted my November ride, but probably won't get a chance to ride again until the week between Christmas and New Year. Will pm you both.

    Congrats on storming to the end of the 2008 Century Challenge - you have had such an interesting year!

  • ASC1951
    ASC1951 Posts: 992
    Yes, #36 just clocked up for me as well, Ken although I'm afraid I had sneak off to the Costas to do it in the sun.

    I just know that January 2008's will be in horizontal sleet in the East Yorkshire flatlands, so sign me up again.
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Congrats to all those finished so far....including me as of today!! :D ....and good luck to the rest :D

    The jury is still out regarding which forum should host the 2008 version...anyone else got any preferences?

    Looks like your Plymouth-Taunton and train home is a lot hillier than my version's up to Exeter via Teign Valley and Longdown then A396 up to Dunster and A358 to Taunton....a lot easier!!! :lol: I was all set to do that today except the train reservation system was down much of yesterday and I couldn't book my bike on the train :?
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Congrats to all those finished so far....including me as of today!! :D ....and good luck to the rest :D

    The jury is still out regarding which forum should host the 2008 version...anyone else got any preferences?
    No-up to you Obergruppenfruher :)
    Looks like your Plymouth-Taunton and train home is a lot hillier than my version's up to Exeter via Teign Valley and Longdown then A396 up to Dunster and A358 to Taunton....a lot easier!!! :lol: I was all set to do that today except the train reservation system was down much of yesterday and I couldn't book my bike on the train :?
    Don't talk to me about train reservations- unable to book a bike online I was transferred from Mumbai to Cardiff to Glasgow before I could part with my money

    I've tried to compare the routes-but occasionally Bikely has a glitch, and today is one of those. It'll be fixed in 24hrs as I've asked the system to replot the points of your route ... to-Taunton

    and mine ... to-Taunton

    If you look tomorrow, you should be able to compare the elevations

    I've had a great time on Exmoor this year-dontcha just love that descent from Wheddon X to Dunster?

    Coming back from Launceston, did you go through Lifton, Lydford, Coryton, Chillaton, Tavistock? -the best lower Dartmoor has to offer IMHO

    You had a great day for it-a quality ride even if it was an old favourite
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Ken Night wrote:
    Congrats to all those finished so far....including me as of today!! :D ....and good luck to the rest :D

    The jury is still out regarding which forum should host the 2008 version...anyone else got any preferences?
    No-up to you Obergruppenfruher :)

    You're the second person to call me something along those lines on the century chat thread over the years....I'm not a Nazi!!! :( Wing Commander next time please :D

    I've had a great time on Exmoor this year-dontcha just love that descent from Wheddon X to Dunster?

    Not since my fork breakage in 1999, no....that ride (all the way by bike rather than train home from Taunton) was the last ride I completed before it broke....and I flew down that hill!!! Not anymore it's brakes on all the way!!
    Coming back from Launceston, did you go through Lifton, Lydford, Coryton, Chillaton, Tavistock? -the best lower Dartmoor has to offer IMHO

    No I go on tyhe B3362 which is great once you've got past the drag up from Greystone Bridge to Eastacott Barton.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • ASC1951
    ASC1951 Posts: 992
    The jury is still out regarding which forum should host the 2008 version...anyone else got any preferences?
    I would try it for a year on ACF. A lot of us read that as well and I find the signal/noise ratio
    a lot better.

    Up to you, though, WinCo.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005

    You're the second person to call me something along those lines on the century chat thread over the years....I'm not a Nazi!!! :( Wing Commander next time please :D

    It was me the first time, but IIRC it was taken up enthusiastically by Jan et al. Point taken
    No I go on tyhe B3362 which is great once you've got past the drag up from Greystone Bridge to Eastacott Barton.

    Nice-esp the last bit. That area to the East of that, is worth exploring-in a line from Lifton/Lewtrenchard, down to Tav

    The elevations on the Taunton routes have been fixed
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Ken Night wrote:
    Nice-esp the last bit. That area to the East of that, is worth exploring-in a line from Lifton/Lewtrenchard, down to Tav

    I've done Lewtrenchard to Tavistock via Chillaton a couple of times and it's not bad..mainly the bit beside Lew Wood...the problem is that as you have to tackle the most annoying bit of the road between Sourton to Launceston (the drag from Combebow to Lobhill Cross) to get to it I always decide to ride on to Launceston and then the B3362.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    I am proud to announce that the host for the 2008 Century A Month Challenge is:

    Cycle Chat make%20it%20clap.gif

    Get your names down here: ... post142041

    And as a treat for all previous successful participants....the right to display gold stars in your post in the Register thread....a bit like you get on international football shirts. :idea:

    Thanks to C+ and Bikeradar for their hosting of the challenge over the years.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • OK - I'm finally in - possibly the last(?) for this year by the looks of the posts. Very relieved to have done it in the dry as last year I had to leave it to the last minute and ended up riding for hours in torrential rain and having to buy a coat for the return train journey just to stave off hypothermia! I'll just add my congrats to the Wing Commander's ....

  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Congratulations Jan....looks like a nice ride too.

    I hope to see you over at Cycle Chat for next years....and don't forget you can display your stars!!! :D
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    Date: 21/1/2007 | Distance: 105Km - 65.5Miles | Time: 6Hrs 25Mins | Points: 1
    Glasgow - Bearsden - Milngavie - Strathblane - Lennoxtown - Carron Valley - Takmadoon Road - Kilsyth - Milton Of Campsie - Lennoxtown - Strathblane - Milngavie - Bearsden - Duntocher - Glasgow

    Date: 14/2/2007 | Distance: 125Km - 78.0Miles | Time: 6Hrs 30Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Milngavie - Strathblane - Lennoxtown - Fintry - Kippen - Thornhill - Callander - Big O Turk - Dukes Pass - Aberfoyle - Gartmore - Drymen - Croftamie - Bearsden - Glasgow

    Date: 22/3/2007 | Distance: 160Km - 100.0Miles | Time: 6Hrs 50Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Clydebank - Dumbarton - Alexandria - Tarbet - Ardlui - Crianlarich - Ardlui - Tarbet - Alexandria - Dumbarton - Clydebank - Glasgow

    Date: 2/4/2007 | Distance: 146Km - 91.0Miles | Time: 7Hrs 20Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Bearsden - Croftamie - Drymen - Gartmore - Aberfoyle - Dukes Pass - Stronachlarchar - Inversnaid - Kinlochard - Aberfoyle - Gartmore - Drymen - Croftamie - Bearsden - Glasgow

    Date: 5/5/2007 | Distance: 120Km - 75.0Miles | Time: 5Hrs 30Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Drumlanrig Tearfund Challenge - A bit short of the 82miles cause I took a wrong turn !

    Date: 23/6/2007 | Distance: 112Km - 70.0Miles | Time: 5Hrs 35Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Largs - Largs - Glasgow

    Date: 11/7/2007 | Distance: 120Km - 75.0Miles | Time: 4Hrs 50Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Dumbarton - Helensburgh - Garelochhead - Rosneath - Coulport - Garelochhead - Helensburgh - Dumbarton - Glasgow

    Date: 4/8/2007 | Distance: 160Km - 100.0Miles | Time: 6Hrs 30Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Helensbrugh - Arrochar - Rest And Be Thankfull - Lochgoilhead - Rest And Be Thankfull - Arrochar - Helensbrugh - Glasgow

    Date: 1/9/2007 | Distance: 144Km - 90.0Miles | Time: 6Hrs 30Mins | Points: 1
    Route: The Bealach-Na-Ba Challenge - I Beasted the Bealach...90miles of madness !

    Date: 25/10/2007 | Distance: 100Km - 62.5Miles | Time: 4Hrs 25Mins | Points: 1
    Glasgow - Milngavie - Strathblane - Lennoxtown - Carron Valley - Takmadoon Road - Kilsyth - Milton Of Campsie - Lennoxtown - Strathblane - Milngavie - Bearsden - Duntocher - Glasgow

    Date: 27/11/2007 | Distance: 114Km - 71.5Miles | Time: 4Hrs 30Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Dumbarton - Helensburgh - Garelochhead - Arrochar - Luss - Dumbarton - Glasgow

    Date: 18/12/2007 | Distance: 100Km - 62.5Miles | Time: 4Hrs 10Mins | Points: 1
    Route: Glasgow - Dumbarton - Luss - Helensburgh - Dumbarton - Glasgow

    Total Points: 12 | Total Km: 1506Km

    Well its finally done 12 100KM rides one for each month of the year, the last three months have been a struggle to get over 100KM as it doesn't really fit in with my winter training plans but I managed to fit them in.

    Congratulations to everyone that did the challenge, it was a good goal to set for myself and comes recommend for anyone to give it a go, even if you just do 100KM a month for the 12 months and thats it, it still is a massive achievement for anyone so congratulations to all that managed to keep it going to the 12th month.
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    You've posted that in the wrong challenge but never mind, you're one of us now and you will need to particpate in the Century A Month challenge for 2008!!! :lol:
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano