Contador tests positive for Clenbuterol



  • surista
    surista Posts: 141
    edited September 2010
    Landis seemed pretty pissed off back in 2006, as I recall. And we all know how that turned out.

    Do we know who was tested on the 22nd? Contador says he had the meat two consecutive days.

    "It doesn't get any easier, you just get faster"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    From twitter
    What a crazy day in cycling with the news about Contador I only heard about it in the press I hope he is innocent. and i think he deserves the right to defend himself mow (sic)
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    NapoleonD wrote:
    From twitter
    What a crazy day in cycling with the news about Contador I only heard about it in the press I hope he is innocent. and i think he deserves the right to defend himself mow (sic)

    Hope rather than think/believe he is innocent. Interesting.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,170
    His own beef imported from Spain, which no one else ate, which happened to be tainted. LOLZ.
  • samiam
    samiam Posts: 227
    As others have stated:

    -> Contador takes Clenbuterol in off season: To stay lean
    -> Blood extracted, processed and stored at this point: For the coming season
    -> 2nd rest day, pre tourmalet inject rbc, v. small amount of clenbuterol present due to blood processing (less plasma, mostly rbc)
    -> Fail blood test
    -> Blame Dinner before hand!
  • SKY might be thinking this is good news, especially if you have predicted a tour winner within 5 years ????

    possibly ....

    or withdrawing from the sport completely ..

    All they need now is Andy Schleck to get caught within next 4 years and Wiggins is promoted to winner of the 2009 Tour ....
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 41,229
    Didn't Andy take Bertie out for a meal at the Ponderosa Steakhouse to show there were no hard feelings following 'chaingate'? :wink:

    If Clenbuterol clears the system reasonably quickly what sort of levels would he have needed to be taking for the transfusion theory to be likely?
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,170
    surista wrote:
    Landis seemed pretty pissed off back in 2006, as I recall. And we all know how that turned out.

    Do we know who was tested on the 22nd? Contador says he had the meat two consecutive days.

    I’d be pretty pissed off too if I just got busted for doping and my career as a true champion had gone down the shitter.
  • ... itive-test

    "It's actually impossible to take such a small amount," he continued. "The administration of it is just not possible. So this points again to food contamination. Moreover, regarding performance, this amount is totally insufficient and doesn't serve anything."
    Contador is the Greatest
  • The facts raise some valid questions that need to be answered, namely:

    1. If the amount detected was 0.25% of the minimum required level for dectection, is there a defined accuracy/calibration of the testing apparatus for such small levels of the substance?

    2. Given that the level was so low, and that Clenbuterol is know to be a substance that is retained in the body for extended periods of time (36 - 39 hours half-life), if it was taken at micro-dose levels, then it would have been present in his system at earlier tests done in Le Tour.

    3. Are any of his other samples from the race showing similar amounts?

    4. Why would a rider take such a drug at the second rest day of Le Tour? The weight-loss, lean muscle - fat ratio enhancing properties are not going to give him any benefit within the next 5-7 days, where it might be of benefit?

    5. I can understand why he might take it , given his propensity for asthma and allergy problems, which are well documented, but if the dosage was administered on the rest day, would such a small amount make a difference to his breathing, that could not be obtained from other similar drugs such as Salbutamol or similar?

    6. The drug is widely available to farmers, there is a history of the drug being used to improve animals lean-fat ratio, to get better prices at market, and there are clearly documented cases of poisoning of humans from eating meat from Clenbuterol-fed animals.

    I see a potential mis-carriage of justice in any case of substances such as Clenbuterol which are available (and used) in the food production chain, are long-lasting drugs, and can be detected in such miniscule amounts.

    The metabolites of such drugs can easily be passed through the food chain as documented in multiple cases in China (Shanghai and Guangzhou cases come to mind).

    Also some comments of Don Catlin from a US-based Co doing drug testing to the effect that the most commonly detected contamination in food supplements is Clenbuterol.
    As a manufacturer, if you were wanting to improve your weight-loss drink/additive product, then a microdose of Clenbuterol might give your product the edge on the competitors.

    I am not saying Contador is innocent, but there are probably good grounds to question the result.

    A very good post. Like most I hope he is innocent but perhaps my cynicism is not misplaced. If he did have an autologous transfusion then this blood, even if it's washed red cells and not whole blood would one assume have been tested by his "team". It may be that the improvement in the detection of the drug resulted in a positive test in what to AC was an apparently negative stored specimen. From his positive tests I can't believe that he would have accrued or expected to accrue any performance enhancing benefit from deliberatley doping. I'm not sure about the possibility of it coming from ingested meat, but again perhaps that's just my inherent cynicism.
  • Pokerface wrote:
    I really want to believe he is innocent.

    But the whole story is just too far-fetched. It just smacks of being made up.

    • It could ONLY have come from some tainted meat
    • That was brought in from Spain by a friend
    • And the ONLY other person from the team that got tested at the same time was Vino
    • Who conveniently didn't eat any of the meat 'cause he had already eaten

    (The whole story neatly wraps everything up in a bow to explain why no other rider on Astana or any other team tested positive. It's what a lawyer would call "reasonable doubt")

    If you believe any of it at all of course.

    He doesn't choose who is tested. Vino can also verify his side.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • But if he was to have had a level of clenbuterol through injecting blood then that means that he would have had testable levels of clenbuterol in his blood before. He could have tested positive back then which is a big risk as he must get tested quite a bit OOC even allowing for the short half-life of Clenbuterol? The only alternative to risking testing positive would be if he had a TUE for it. I know he had allergy problems earlier in the season, does anyone know if he was allowed to take any medicine for this?

    Added to this is that any blood injected would be a small percentage of the total blood in his body, ie 10% or less. His performances after the rest day do not show a sudden leap in improvement which suggests that any injected blood would have been relatively small and so the clenbuterol diluted. If you believe that people think a certain level is undetectable then the higher concentration further back in time makes it unlikely that this is a symptom of people flying under the radar as surely the higher concentration would show up?
  • andyxm
    andyxm Posts: 132
    Stop jumping to conclusions guys, as AC said, he was lay in bed that night and was abducted by aliens who probed his body and injected him with some unknown substance.

    Simple examination really, much more likely than a pro cyclist cheating.
  • Infact the Spanish are good at the baby tears, i remember watching mikel astarloza's press conference.

    Take him down.
  • Have to agree with David Millar in that this whole thing should have been kept behind closed doors until further investigation was carried out - until some facts (a vastly abused word) could be established.

    The way this has panned out helps no one.
    Mens agitat molem
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    edited September 2010
    iainf72 wrote:
    Also, it's a misperception they only test for a limited set of things. They don't.
    Really? They run the full gamut of tests for each sample? I was always under the impression they jsust ran a few of the more common ones.
    This might be of interest, was discussed a few months back on here - WADA develops single test for 241 small molecule metabolites: ... 4/abstract
    So the research has been done, but that doesn't mean to say that this particular test is now approved for use by WADA.

    As far as I know the 'traditional' range of approved tests is still required, and given the cost and the number of substances listed (241) they are usually applied in a 'targeted' way.
  • andyxm
    andyxm Posts: 132
    Pokerface wrote:
    I really want to believe he is innocent.

    But the whole story is just too far-fetched. It just smacks of being made up.

    • It could ONLY have come from some tainted meat
    • That was brought in from Spain by a friend
    • And the ONLY other person from the team that got tested at the same time was Vino
    • Who conveniently didn't eat any of the meat 'cause he had already eaten

    (The whole story neatly wraps everything up in a bow to explain why no other rider on Astana or any other team tested positive. It's what a lawyer would call "reasonable doubt")

    If you believe any of it at all of course.

    He doesn't choose who is tested. Vino can also verify his side.

    Vino - a great guy to have as your witness
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    edited September 2010
    I actually think, for once in pro cycling, that Contador is innocent. The most fabricated offence since the Petacchi salbutamol affair imo ....
  • If Contador's amount had no beneficial effect and it is possible to get this level from contaminated meat, then why havent WADA/UCI allowed for this in the testing?
  • surista
    surista Posts: 141
    According to Bertie, someone close to the team but affiliated with another race offered to bring something for the team. The team chef asked him to bring good meat, which the person did. Supposedly this is the source of the 'tainted beef'.

    I don't know - if I was the team chef for a professioanl squad, there is no way in the world I'd simply use whatever meat that had been procured from god only knows where, and brought over from another country - probably by car - during one of the hottest TdFs in recent memory. Especially with the Radioshack rider being busted for pretty much the very same thing only a few months prior.

    If this is true - almost everyone on the team could have tested positive. I simply can't imagine any professional chef playing russian roulette with the team's food.

    "It doesn't get any easier, you just get faster"
  • andyxm
    andyxm Posts: 132
    I think I've found the source of the meat....

    Sky and their marginal gains......
  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    But if he was to have had a level of clenbuterol through injecting blood then that means that he would have had testable levels of clenbuterol in his blood before. He could have tested positive back then which is a big risk as he must get tested quite a bit OOC even allowing for the short half-life of Clenbuterol?

    read the Dwain Chambers/Victor Conte letter linked below, by using the 'duck and dodge/dive' method risk can be greatly reduced. ... 941984.ece
  • NJK
    NJK Posts: 194
    He got his excuse in pretty quick. 'Ah, yes it was that spanish meat that i ate and no one else on the team ate' laughable!! Just like the dominance of spanish cyclists!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 41,229
    bazbadger wrote:
    Have to agree with David Millar in that this whole thing should have been kept behind closed doors until further investigation was carried out - until some facts (a vastly abused word) could be established.

    The way this has panned out helps no one.

    So would you have him continuing to ride whilst the further investigations are carried out and then if they back the positive have to strip him of race wins, promote the second place rider etc. etc. or just not announce the suspension and hope that no-one notices the world's number 1 rider isn't competing?

    Stripping through all the conjecture and conspiracy theories how the substance ended up in his system is irrelevant as it is the presence of the banned product that is the offence not whether it was deliberate. If it is by accident then a ban is harsh but otherwise everyone would just argue that any positive was as a result of contaminated supplements / different ingredients in medication to what they're used to.

    You test positive, you get a ban any other issues are merely mitigation to try to get a lower sentence.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I think this came out now because Contador was ready with his excuse and decided to go public with it. The UCI DID keep it quiet for a while. Now that Bertie has had time to prepare his 'defence' and get his PR machine ramped up - they have gone public with it.

    Contador wasn't riding any more this year anyway.
  • Who exactly went public first?? Who broke the story??

  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Polocini wrote:
    Who exactly went public first?? Who broke the story??


    I read that his PR team went public with it last night. He was notified on Aug.24 of the positive.
  • surista
    surista Posts: 141
    I'm puzzled by Contador's quote: "You can put your hand in the fire and not get burned,"

    What was the original Spanish (I'm assuming it was Spanish?) and what does this mean? Doesn't this sound like he's saying 'you can play with fire an dnot get burned, this time I got burned'?

    "It doesn't get any easier, you just get faster"
  • cframe
    cframe Posts: 171
    Perhaps all of this is why he decided not to take part at the worlds
    How's that for a slice of fried gold?
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Well, I guess he dodged the bullet on Puerto, so if he gets done for an inadvertent contamination, it's pretty much rough justice.

    What's doubly frustrating for him is that he has to deal with this rather than winning his first world TT championship by blowing Canc away by half a minute on a hilly course. :D

    Strava is not Zen.