My more major project to lighten an R8000 disc brake road bike



  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644

    webboo said:

    8:12K is not light in the slightest. I would be reluctant to have a winter bike that heavy.

    It’s not bad for a disc bike, they are lumps… not sure how we ended up worse than 10 years ago.

    discs, electric gearing..... all quite unnecessary, heavy and expensive.

    but at the end of the day its his bike and he can do whatever he wantd so long as it makes him happy.
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • drhaggis
    drhaggis Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2022

    webboo said:

    8:12K is not light in the slightest. I would be reluctant to have a winter bike that heavy.

    It’s not bad for a disc bike, they are lumps… not sure how we ended up worse than 10 years ago.

    It wouldn't be so funny if you hadn't written this right after complaining that 1 kg change did nothing for you! I wouldn't then blame manufacturers for trying to sell something different, although I must admit I find all entry level bikes now a bit porky.

    That aside, losing 1 kg will always make you faster uphill. Maybe not a lot, but you can't cheat physics. Discounting air resistance going from 70 to 69 kg (bike + rider + clothing, so very light for an adult man) will make you, on an identical effort, 1.4% faster. What's the claimed accuracy of power meters, 1%? 2% on older ones? And when you inflate your tyres, do you take into account the loss of pressure due to temperature? Then there's the effort. Two identical average powers need not produce the same climbing time. This is especially true if the gradient changes quite a bit.

  • The theory is only worth something if it turns into seconds on the day… if it doesn’t, then it means there are other factors that probably come hand in hand with weight saving and counter balance it… could be loss of stiffness or more friction… or whatever… my evidence is that saving grams here and there hasn’t really produced any measurable improvement… so I have kind of given up going that route. I would still like to try something stupidly light, like one of those 4.5kg Supersix that some competitors have, just to see how they feel, but it’s a lot of money to lend to some stranger…
    left the forum March 2023
  • The other thing is, I’d rather build up in FTP than save weight… if I had say 4.5w/kg, which is achievable even at 50 yo, then I could take advantage of it in all racing, not just hill climbs. Something to work on over the dull dark winter
    left the forum March 2023
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    edited November 2022
    A little confusion as to my drivers/motivations on this thread I think.

    I love my CR1 SL, which is a whisker over 7kg with Ultegra 6800.

    The only genuine negative for me with it, is the inability to take tyres wider than 25mm.

    Anyway, I have promised to give this bike to my bro, and so wanted a modern equivalent bike, but didn't want to compromise on extra weight, despite the disc brakes.

    Though to be fair, the CR1 I built up from custom parts (1300g wheels etc) so this won't end up being much different, other than I'm paying someone to assemble it for me this time.

    I'm not expecting, or needing some 5kg bike, I wanted a bike that fits me perfectly, was attractive to me, and had the exact components on it that I wanted fitted.
    If I was after mega lightness, I would have gone for a single chainring, rim brakes, and probably sram.

    The net result will likely be a bike of a very similar weight to the CR1, but with Di2, disc brakes and the ability to take wider tyres.

    If I can manage that I'll be very content with the outcome.

    Personal weight wise, I'm probably 2-3kg above where I could be, but I've not been paying close attention to my diet this year, and instead for about the last 15 months have been slowly but consistently increasing my ftp (TrainerRoad AI FTP detection has been a revelation for me), on the verge of having my highest value probably next month (nout amazing) and then the plan is to continue building on that into 2023 and beyond.

    Next year I will endeavour to shift that 2-3kg, at least for the summer, but either way I'll be looking forward to riding the new (18 month old) bike in the dryer and warmer months.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    MattFalle said:


    webboo said:

    8:12K is not light in the slightest. I would be reluctant to have a winter bike that heavy.

    It’s not bad for a disc bike, they are lumps… not sure how we ended up worse than 10 years ago.

    discs, electric gearing..... all quite unnecessary, heavy and expensive.

    but at the end of the day its his bike and he can do whatever he wantd so long as it makes him happy.


    His money, his bike, his choice.

    Wouldn't do for us all to like the same.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Slightly off tangent, I was looking getting a new winter bike today. £700 more for disc’s than rim brake version. I could get the next group set up in rim brake for that.
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    webboo said:

    Slightly off tangent, I was looking getting a new winter bike today. £700 more for disc’s than rim brake version. I could get the next group set up in rim brake for that.

    best buy the next group set in rim brake then.
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    edited November 2022
    webboo said:

    Slightly off tangent, I was looking getting a new winter bike today. £700 more for disc’s than rim brake version. I could get the next group set up in rim brake for that.

    Which manufacturer?
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    Have you boughtvit yet?

    Which one?
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    No. They only had a giant sized disc one in the shop. So I need to go back next week to sort out what size I need and what’s available.
    I’m told that usually they order Mon/Tue and it’s in the shop by Thursday/Fri.
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    Which one are you looking at?
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    edited November 2022
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    Looks groovy, rubbish write up from Cyclist but thats due to the journo being rubbish, the bike itself is groovy
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    The reviews I read said it was pretty good but don’t all reviews say that these days.
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    Yup and tbh you have to go far to jeff something up.

    Cyclist moaned about the webbed in at the rear brake bridge (which looks perfectly fine if you ask me) and quoted as a plus point that it was assembled in the UK and kept going on about it, as if that matters a finch to a shrew.

    Journo seemed a bit drippy.

    you gonna buy it?
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    The plan is to suss out what size I need and to see if there one available. I went out on current winter bike today, it started out fine but by the end there was a lot of noises from here, there and everywhere.
    It was probably due water and sh*t everywhere but it’s probably 17 years old.
  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    webboo said:

    The plan is to suss out what size I need and to see if there one available. I went out on current winter bike today, it started out fine but by the end there was a lot of noises from here, there and everywhere.
    It was probably due water and sh*t everywhere but it’s probably 17 years old.

    Moda as new winter bike that will be a pleasure to ride when weather is trying to demoralise you, good bike for other times.

    sorted then

    keep current winter bike as turbo bike? strip down, dump everything you don't need, build up nice and clean with cheaper cassette/chain/etc as it doesn't matter that much on a turbo bike?
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    I had a dedicated turbo bike. A carbon Bianchi that had wobbly bottom bracket due to knocked off by a car. I claimed off the driver and bought an Orbea which is currently on the turbo as the Bianchi was having terminal gear problems.
    So I stripped of various bits and the rest went in the recycling at the tip.
    Where’s Danb to get this thread back on track.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    edited November 2022
    lol, good luck with your purchase @webboo :)

    Always liked the look of the Orbeas I have to say.

    I don't really have anything to add to this thread until I get my mitts on the groupset - hopefully next month.

    Then will be interesting to see how long 4iiii take to turn the crank around.
    Kind of a weak pun there.

    Oh and the kmc chain, quicklinks,11-34 Ultegra cassette and finally the bar tape have all arrived.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    edited December 2022
    My LOC arrived today, and may be picking up the groupset tomorrow :)

    I have a power meter conundrum of sorts.

    I had planned to send off the crank to 4iiii to have the precision 3 meter fitted.

    However, if you look on youtube, the reviews are not that favourable, and one review seems to single out the cadence feature (Which I would want) as a major culprit - ie if you don't use the built in cadence, it seems to function fine.
    The Shane miller review is equally not positive, and I can see there has been no firmware advancement since he made that video.

    So my options are:

    Send it off to have a Precision 2 fitted instead - £25 cheaper, so no great saving.
    Fit the assiomas that were meant to go on another bike until the Precision 3 is sorted - the assiomas are heavy compared to a 4iiii crank and the pedals I have bought.
    Fit an ultegra R8000 precision 2 crank I have sat in a drawer to it for the time being, again until the Precision 3 situation is resolved - if it ever is of course.

    Frustrating, as I was all set on the P3, amazing battery life etc, so not sure what to do currently.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • drhaggis
    drhaggis Posts: 1,150
    daniel_b said:

    Fit an ultegra R8000 precision 2 crank I have sat in a drawer to it for the time being, again until the Precision 3 situation is resolved - if it ever is of course.

    My heart says "mañana". Never do today what you can postpone further. It's also cheaper, and it worked for Boris Johnson, sort of. Maybe I've spent too much time in Spain though...
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    drhaggis said:

    daniel_b said:

    Fit an ultegra R8000 precision 2 crank I have sat in a drawer to it for the time being, again until the Precision 3 situation is resolved - if it ever is of course.

    My heart says "mañana". Never do today what you can postpone further. It's also cheaper, and it worked for Boris Johnson, sort of. Maybe I've spent too much time in Spain though...
    I never want to do anything that 'worked' for the johnson :#

    I'm not sure it's possible to spend too much time in Spain, great cycling there too.

    I'm inclined to agree, in fact the Ultegra P2 was bought for this very bike before a groupset change was ever thought about.

    Yup, decision made, ta DrH :)
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Dorset_Boy
    Dorset_Boy Posts: 7,390
    Which crank are you after @daniel_b ?
    I have a 4iiii Precision 3 Ultegra R8100 Left Crank that is brand new and about to come off my new Aeroad as I don't want single sided power (have a 54-46 imbalance) and have Assiomas anyway. 172.5 mm
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870

    Which crank are you after @daniel_b ?
    I have a 4iiii Precision 3 Ultegra R8100 Left Crank that is brand new and about to come off my new Aeroad as I don't want single sided power (have a 54-46 imbalance) and have Assiomas anyway. 172.5 mm

    Hey @Dorset_Boy - long term it will be a 9200 crankarm, but I'll probably offend people in the short term with the Ultegra 8000 one on there - well until it seems like the 4iiii P3 situ is sorted, or another option appears - the latter seems unlikely, given I am wanting light weight.

    The only upside to the power meter situ is that I may have the bike done and dusted, including the clear wrap, much sooner than I planned.

    Mailed the bike shop today to see if they might be able to take it in on December 17th, and then I could either collect in between christmas and new year, or as I have said there is no hurry, January would also be fine.

    Then off to the wrap guy in January hopefully.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    edited December 2022
    Getting a bit more exciting now, collecting groupset tomorrow from one lbs, then straight on to the next LBS to drop off for the rebuild, wrap scheduled for the end of Jan.
    They have the build scheduled in for Monday, so if no hiccups or compatibility issues, I should be able to collect Monday afternoon.

    Managed to weigh some of the parts prior to fitment, and will be interested to see what the differences are with the parts removed, of course I realise I can weigh the entire bike :-)
    • Lightweight tubes - 74g for the pair
    • Spokesman wheelset with rim tape - 1268g
    • 28mm GP5000 tyres - 492g
    • Look pedals - 187g
    • Syncros integrated bars and stem - 330g
    The stock wheels are 1770g, so that's half a kilo gone :)
    I think with the tyres, tubes, rotors and cassette factored in that will be closer to 800g, which I am pretty content with.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    The bike is back - literally just popped it in the garage, but yes it did feel light.

    Busy few days at work sadly, but hoping to get some time to properly look at it over the next few days.

    Still have bar tape, cages, saddle and pedals to fit, but will wait until after the wrap to do those, and it's not like it's going to get ridden anytime particularly soon anyway.

    I have installed the etap app, but not yet tried to connect it.

    I had Di2 once before, but didn't really use it before selling the bike.

    As a Di2 newbie, are there any resources you guys have found that would be useful for working out how to get the best out of it?
    I gather you can customise the button operations, and set up some kind of autoshifting potentially?
    If there was one that shifted the rear cog to a gear two smaller when you dropped down from big chainring to small chainring, and vice versa that I would find useful.
    Otherwise I think I would want to choose it myself.

    Also I gather there are buttons on top of the shifters, haven't figured out what to do with those yet.

    Would also be nice to get the battery level of the Di2 on the Garmin display if possible.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    daniel_b said:

    The bike is back - literally just popped it in the garage, but yes it did feel light.

    Busy few days at work sadly, but hoping to get some time to properly look at it over the next few days.

    Still have bar tape, cages, saddle and pedals to fit, but will wait until after the wrap to do those, and it's not like it's going to get ridden anytime particularly soon anyway.

    I have installed the etap app, but not yet tried to connect it.

    I had Di2 once before, but didn't really use it before selling the bike.

    As a Di2 newbie, are there any resources you guys have found that would be useful for working out how to get the best out of it?
    I gather you can customise the button operations, and set up some kind of autoshifting potentially?
    If there was one that shifted the rear cog to a gear two smaller when you dropped down from big chainring to small chainring, and vice versa that I would find useful.
    Otherwise I think I would want to choose it myself.

    Also I gather there are buttons on top of the shifters, haven't figured out what to do with those yet.

    Would also be nice to get the battery level of the Di2 on the Garmin display if possible.

    Everything you need is here:

    I've got my top buttons set to change the screen on my wahoo and if you're connected to your garmin etc, it should tell you battery. Again my wahoo certainly does along with what gear you're currently in.

    The shifting cogs when you go into the different chainrings is called synchro shift.
    You can either have it on full, semi or none.

  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    Awesome, thankyou @dannbodge I will check those links out.

    I guess once I get the garmin to find it, the relevant screen will become available to it.

    Which syncro mode do you choose for your setup?
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18