Festive 500 2020

A bit disappointed they no longer offer the woven roundel, they could have at least made it available for sale for a fiver or so... on the other hand the logo is so bad that it's probably for the better, what's that brown thing supposed to represent?

Anyway, who's planning on having a go this year?
left the forum March 2023


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217

    A bit disappointed they no longer offer the woven roundel, they could have at least made it available for sale for a fiver or so... on the other hand the logo is so bad that it's probably for the better, what's that brown thing supposed to represent?

    Anyway, who's planning on having a go this year?

    Might give it a miss this year: fitness is massively lacking and got run over last year by a smidsy which made it harder to finish that it should've been :disappointed:

    Someone could knock up a design for a roundel and make it available to buy on one of those merchandising websites. Downside would be that anyone would be able to buy it.
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,729
    Might well have a crack this year.

    Work and family commitments usually mean I don't have the time for a serious attempt, but even Christmas Day this year looks promising for a couple of hours out.
  • A bit disappointed they no longer offer the woven roundel, they could have at least made it available for sale for a fiver or so... on the other hand the logo is so bad that it's probably for the better, what's that brown thing supposed to represent?

    Anyway, who's planning on having a go this year?

    Might give it a miss this year: fitness is massively lacking and got run over last year by a smidsy which made it harder to finish that it should've been :disappointed:

    Someone could knock up a design for a roundel and make it available to buy on one of those merchandising websites. Downside would be that anyone would be able to buy it.
    Funny enough, I did think of contacting my roundel supplier which I use for my Audax and have 100 or so made... problem is I can't be bothered to then send them around... not sure how the business model you suggest works though...

    Fitness is good, but I haven't done long distance this year, so 50 mile in this cold feels a bit of a stretch... hopefully it will be mild over Christmas... I'll have a go either way, worst case scenario I won't complete it
    left the forum March 2023
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    "The @rapha #Festive500 is coming to Zwift."

    For me, this doesn't sit within the spirit of the Festive 500 that I've done every year, come rain or shine.

    I might have done it had there been a woven badge though - I'm a bit of a collector, and I've got them all, plus all the Rapha Rising ones, did I mention that I 'won' the Rising in 2012 and 2013 ;)
  • joe2019 said:

    "The @rapha #Festive500 is coming to Zwift."

    For me, this doesn't sit within the spirit of the Festive 500 that I've done every year, come rain or shine.

    I might have done it had there been a woven badge though - I'm a bit of a collector, and I've got them all, plus all the Rapha Rising ones, did I mention that I 'won' the Rising in 2012 and 2013 ;)

    yes you did...

    The Zwift thing is ridiculous, but as I understand it's because of the various lockdowns...
    I am however sure it will stick and every year it will be available as an option... and that will be the end of it, as a real world challenge

    left the forum March 2023
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,577
    edited December 2020

    The Zwift thing is ridiculous, but as I understand it's because of the various lockdowns...
    I am however sure it will stick and every year it will be available as an option... and that will be the end of it, as a real world challenge

    Much like the Strava Climbing Challenge which comes much easier from doing the Alpe a few times in the comfort of your home in December. A time and a place...
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,550

    A bit disappointed they no longer offer the woven roundel, they could have at least made it available for sale for a fiver or so... on the other hand the logo is so bad that it's probably for the better, what's that brown thing supposed to represent?

    Anyway, who's planning on having a go this year?

    Might give it a miss this year: fitness is massively lacking and got run over last year by a smidsy which made it harder to finish that it should've been :disappointed:

    Someone could knock up a design for a roundel and make it available to buy on one of those merchandising websites. Downside would be that anyone would be able to buy it.
    Funny enough, I did think of contacting my roundel supplier which I use for my Audax and have 100 or so made... problem is I can't be bothered to then send them around... not sure how the business model you suggest works though...

    Fitness is good, but I haven't done long distance this year, so 50 mile in this cold feels a bit of a stretch... hopefully it will be mild over Christmas... I'll have a go either way, worst case scenario I won't complete it
    Site like redbubble or similar, you upload the design and anyone can buy a thing with that design on it. You get a small cut of sales. You might struggle to find someone offering roundels though, probably have to settle for a pin.

    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,550
    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • Got to be a roundel... I pay a pound each for an order of 100, but they are bigger than Rapha ones, for that size maybe 75 p for 2 or 3 colours... then I could resell at 5 quid including delivery and break even by "selling" as little as 20-25 of them...

    Bit of a hassle, but might give me something to do over the winter... I might talk to Rapha... obviously without their logo on it makes little sense
    left the forum March 2023
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    edited December 2020

    Bit of a hassle, but might give me something to do over the winter... I might talk to Rapha... obviously without their logo on it makes little sense

    Websites like Teespring let you set up an online shop and they print your merch and ship it out.
    The items are usually pretty expensive though, probably covering the one off nature of each thing that's someone buys.

    Ask rapha if you can have "ugo's festive 500" on them.

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,301
    edited December 2020

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:

    I don't understand why Rapha don't see it... charge 3 quid for a roundel, then of course there is delivery, so people will spend some more to get free delivery and buy a jersey... the roundel is just the bait... it seems an obvious business opportunity to me

    left the forum March 2023
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:

    I don't understand why Rapha don't see it... charge 3 quid for a roundel, then of course there is delivery, so people will spend some more to get free delivery and buy a jersey... the roundel is just the bait... it seems an obvious business opportunity to me

    I don't think you're being serious, but it wouldn't be a good marketing to charge for something that has previously been given away for free.
  • joe2019 said:

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:

    I don't understand why Rapha don't see it... charge 3 quid for a roundel, then of course there is delivery, so people will spend some more to get free delivery and buy a jersey... the roundel is just the bait... it seems an obvious business opportunity to me

    I don't think you're being serious, but it wouldn't be a good marketing to charge for something that has previously been given away for free.
    Still better than not giving it at all... nobody would bat an eyelid if you explain that times are tough and therefore you need to charge for it
    left the forum March 2023
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,577
    edited December 2020
    joe2019 said:

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:

    I don't understand why Rapha don't see it... charge 3 quid for a roundel, then of course there is delivery, so people will spend some more to get free delivery and buy a jersey... the roundel is just the bait... it seems an obvious business opportunity to me

    I don't think you're being serious, but it wouldn't be a good marketing to charge for something that has previously been given away for free.
    Didn't you have to pay last year? Money went to charity.

    Edit:- It was the other way round. Rapha made a charitable contribution if you chose not to get a roundel. I must have chosen to do both.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338

    joe2019 said:

    Physical roundel for physical rides, virtual badge on Zwift/Strava for the virtual rides (1000km for both). Sounds fair to me :smiley:

    I don't understand why Rapha don't see it... charge 3 quid for a roundel, then of course there is delivery, so people will spend some more to get free delivery and buy a jersey... the roundel is just the bait... it seems an obvious business opportunity to me

    I don't think you're being serious, but it wouldn't be a good marketing to charge for something that has previously been given away for free.
    Still better than not giving it at all... nobody would bat an eyelid if you explain that times are tough and therefore you need to charge for it

    I don't think that's very 'Rapha' to be honest.

  • davep1
    davep1 Posts: 836
    pblakeney said:

    The Zwift thing is ridiculous, but as I understand it's because of the various lockdowns...
    I am however sure it will stick and every year it will be available as an option... and that will be the end of it, as a real world challenge

    Much like the Strava Climbing Challenge which comes much easier from doing the Alpe a few times in the comfort of your home in December. A time and a place...
    I've been saying this on other forums, and on Instagram, and been absolutely slated for it! "It's the same effort regardless of whether you are indoors or outdoors" "You're so elitist" "You need to stop with saying indoor is easier/not real"

    I should add I have never attempted the Festive 500, that's about an average monthly distance for me at this time of year. I do a metric century every month, and chuck in the odd Imperial one in the warmer months, but I can't imagine doing 5 x 100 km rides in 8 days; it takes me about 3 days to get back on the bike after a long ride. So I can appreciate that anyone in the northern hemisphere that commits to this challenge and then completes it deserves a nod of respect. But indoors?! Most people I know are about 50% quicker indoors, so it will take them less time, less commitment. Never mind the faffing about with all the kit you need for outdoor riding, the extra time it takes to clean the bike/keep it roadworthy, the little nagging doubt that if it goes wrong out there at this time of year, things could get tricky, if not dangerous. What happens if something goes wrong in a Zwift session, you just get off.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,577
    That is what I thought was the entire point. Motivation to go out when it is easier not to. I always felt better when I did but the hardest step/pedal is the first.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,729
    Ive done the last few Festive 500's and enjoyed getting the roundels. Id certainly have paid for one upon completion. I'll still try again this year ... I'm just getting back to normal after getting a moderate case of C-19, so it'll be a good thing to finish.

    Regarding the Zwift thing - getting these miles in over Xmas has been tough some years with the weather, especially balancing riding opportunities against Xmas commitments. I see Zwift 500 as a real cop out.
    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • Pfft.....
    I'll go to work as usual between Christmas and New Year, delivering late Christmas orders for the larger national carriers who haven't met their deadlines, while getting abused on the doorstep, as if it's my fault that peoples orders are late, when all we do is the last mile delivery.
    500km? I probably do close to double that every year regardless as it's still so busy. This year will be no exception.
    I hadn't even been aware that hitting 500km was some perceived challenge.
    Go me :smile:
  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,550
    One option here, does involve fund raising though https://www.westerley.cc/festive-500-challenge/
    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,550
    Cargobike said:

    I'll go to work as usual between Christmas and New Year, delivering late Christmas orders for the larger national carriers who haven't met their deadlines, while getting abused on the doorstep, as if it's my fault that peoples orders are late, when all we do is the last mile delivery.
    500km? I probably do close to double that every year regardless as it's still so busy. This year will be no exception.
    I hadn't even been aware that hitting 500km was some perceived challenge.
    Go me :smile:

    You cycle 1000km in 8 days just for work?
    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • The way to a patch might have to go via fundraising, I'm afraid... I've never done it in my life....

    left the forum March 2023
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    As someone who gets just Xmas Day & Boxing Day off work it's always been pretty much impossible for me to have a serious go.

    However the indoor stuff counting is a game changer for me so I might have a crack this year.
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065

    Ive done the last few Festive 500's and enjoyed getting the roundels. Id certainly have paid for one upon completion. I'll still try again this year ... I'm just getting back to normal after getting a moderate case of C-19, so it'll be a good thing to finish.

    Regarding the Zwift thing - getting these miles in over Xmas has been tough some years with the weather, especially balancing riding opportunities against Xmas commitments. I see Zwift 500 as a real cop out.


    For some they have no other alternative.
  • pangolin said:

    You cycle 1000km in 8 days just for work?

    Can't be far off.

    I've just checked last Christmas' data and I did just over 650km from the 27 - 31 Dec purely for work.

    Add in some leisure riding on the other 3 days (I'm a sad, boring f*cker with no family commitments) and 1000km is quite achievable, I think.

    Over a 10hr working day that's about 8mph with 40 miles being made up of delivery rounds and the rest made up with individual deliveries.

    I'll be generous and round it down by 20%, call it 800km, so 500 miles instead.

    Not too shabby :lol:

    Thank the Lord for electric assist!

  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217

    The way to a patch might have to go via fundraising, I'm afraid... I've never done it in my life....


    Depends how much they want you to raise. If they want minimum £10 I'd be happy to just pay that for the badge and stick a fundraising link on book face.
    Always find it odd asking people to sponsor you to do something you do anyway for recreation.
  • The way to a patch might have to go via fundraising, I'm afraid... I've never done it in my life....


    Depends how much they want you to raise. If they want minimum £10 I'd be happy to just pay that for the badge and stick a fundraising link on book face.
    Always find it odd asking people to sponsor you to do something you do anyway for recreation.
    500 quid... :o

    Yeah, me too...
    left the forum March 2023
  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,729
    ibr17xvii said:

    Ive done the last few Festive 500's and enjoyed getting the roundels. Id certainly have paid for one upon completion. I'll still try again this year ... I'm just getting back to normal after getting a moderate case of C-19, so it'll be a good thing to finish.

    Regarding the Zwift thing - getting these miles in over Xmas has been tough some years with the weather, especially balancing riding opportunities against Xmas commitments. I see Zwift 500 as a real cop out.


    For some they have no other alternative.
    It’s not nonsense. Doing 500 km on a trainer is fine, it’s an achievement, but very different to 500km outdoors at that time.
    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065

    ibr17xvii said:

    Ive done the last few Festive 500's and enjoyed getting the roundels. Id certainly have paid for one upon completion. I'll still try again this year ... I'm just getting back to normal after getting a moderate case of C-19, so it'll be a good thing to finish.

    Regarding the Zwift thing - getting these miles in over Xmas has been tough some years with the weather, especially balancing riding opportunities against Xmas commitments. I see Zwift 500 as a real cop out.


    For some they have no other alternative.
    It’s not nonsense. Doing 500 km on a trainer is fine, it’s an achievement, but very different to 500km outdoors at that time.

    100% agree but you said it was a cop out not an achievement.
  • The spirit of the challenge is outdoor and winter. This is how it is marketed: every single image includes snow or bad weather, winter clothing and general hardship.

    Of course half of the world population live where there is no winter to speak of or it is currently summer and certainly Rapha doesn't want to alienate that market.

    And now the lockdown is the perfect opportunity to be even more inclusive and allow for indoor miles to count too. This will stick, whether we like it or not. Plenty of Rapha customers who never venture on the roads.

    Ultimately they don't care about what a minority of us "real winter cyclists" think about the all matter. They want to sell clothes

    left the forum March 2023