4DP. Discuss



  • EBEB wrote:
    I decided to do Full Frontal on aerobars. Mistake; both sprints a 5 minute interval cause less damage and 20 minute one becomes relatively easy.

    None of the sets should be easy. If they are, you didn't pace them correctly!

    If you're main aim is to ride harder for longer in the aero position then doing the 4DP test on the aero bars is the right thing to do, as long as you're doing the rest of your 4DP based training on the aero bars as well (pick one of the TT based training plans and/or videos that focus on your 20-minute power rather than max sprint, 1 minute power, etc). You'll get better at holding that position while outputting higher watts.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Did my first 4DP test yesterday. Oof!
    Used to absolutely hammer the Sufferfest vids but then zwift came along. I’m giving Sufferfest another go. Already enjoying the yoga.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • EBEB wrote:
    I did the 4DP assessment again yesterday. I’d like to share my mistake: in order to do the workouts on aerobars (which I thought would make me quicker on aerobars) I decided to do Full Frontal on aerobars. Mistake; both sprints a 5 minute interval cause less damage and 20 minute one becomes relatively easy.

    Can’t pretend I know what the answer is, as if I don’t do this then the sprints/VO2 intervals are too hard and my aim is to be better on aerobars rather than numeric goals, but my way didn’t work.

    Surely it's only easier if you are putting out less power on the drops?

    Try doing the intervals to the same power levels on the TT bike as you do on your road bike, it should be harder if anything as it's normally harder for people to put out the same power in the aero position.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    4DP time today. I've gone from Sprinter to Attacker, which is pleasing as I'm certainly no Sprinter. I think the first time you do 4DP, you're prone to mistakes and chances are you get a false profile. Subsequent times around you know how it works and can pace correctly. Except for that 1m sprint at the end. That's a killer. My 20m FTP needs a lot of work, but at 58yrs, I'm quite pleased.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.