Charlie Hebdo



  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    The ability to express ourselves freely is fundamental to our free society, this includes the freedom to publish, to satirise, to joke, to criticise, even when that might cause offence to others. I guess if you don't like to live in a free and open society you could always move to the middle east. Lovely place for free thinkers I hear.
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,135
    However, I am astounded at the double standards of the media. While pontificating about censorship and how it should be acceptable to offend people, you can't say c*nt on primetime TV, in case it causes offence. So, a muslim is allowed to be offended by the portrayal of a sacred (but made up) character, but I am protected from offence by banning a naughty word. Bizarre.

    I'm a bit confused here. Could someone enlighten me as to who the made up character is? Irrespective of religious belief about his 'holy' status I'm pretty sure Muhammad was a genuine historical figure.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Pross wrote:
    However, I am astounded at the double standards of the media. While pontificating about censorship and how it should be acceptable to offend people, you can't say c*nt on primetime TV, in case it causes offence. So, a muslim is allowed to be offended by the portrayal of a sacred (but made up) character, but I am protected from offence by banning a naughty word. Bizarre.

    I'm a bit confused here. Could someone enlighten me as to who the made up character is? Irrespective of religious belief about his 'holy' status I'm pretty sure Muhammad was a genuine historical figure.

    You are right Pross, I'm sure a bloke named Muhammad lived during the sixth century. No idea what he looked like, so the cartoons or pictures may be totally at odds at what he looked like. But at the end of the day, whatever your religion or lack thereof, he was a MAN, not a deity.
    People are dying for depictions of a MAN!
    FFS or perhaps even, Jesus wept!!
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    I see that Mrs May has been on the news over the weekend regarding the rise in anti-semitism. Just a shame that the root cause of this rise in anti-semitism isn't fully explained. The statements and articles just outline that it is a rise in extremism. Personally I do not think it is the rise in activity of right wing organisations that is causing the unrest in the Jewish community. However in the wonderful failed experiment of multi-culturalism there is a faction amongst one element that the government and press are very reticent in identifying the true cause of fear for the Jewish community. Can you guess what it is yet?
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,594
    Mr Goo wrote:
    I see that Mrs May has been on the news over the weekend regarding the rise in anti-semitism. Just a shame that the root cause of this rise in anti-semitism isn't fully explained. The statements and articles just outline that it is a rise in extremism. Personally I do not think it is the rise in activity of right wing organisations that is causing the unrest in the Jewish community. However in the wonderful failed experiment of multi-culturalism there is a faction amongst one element that the government and press are very reticent in identifying the true cause of fear for the Jewish community. Can you guess what it is yet? ... s/1.625872

    Remember reading a lot of articles citing a rise of anti-semitism as a direct result of Israeli actions in Gaza.

    No more justified, but probably a more likely result.

    For sure, Islamic extremists will also target Jews as they target Christians, atheists, buddhists and other muslims who they don't agree with or just happen to be in the way during a bout of horrendous violence.

    Cool your islamophobia. It's unbecoming.
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    PBlakeney wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Wrote concerns
    So we just kowtow to the extremist's demands out of fear?
    That is the logical conclusion to your points.
    Note that I deliberately specified fear instead of respect.
    I can respect others but I refuse to kowtow to terrorists.

    What's remarkable is that he seems blissfully ignorant that himself and the rest of us, in a historical context, get to live very very good lives because throughout history people stood up and in some cases paid the biggest price of all rather than surrender to the will of oppressors. It's almost like some people think everyone always had the ability to make choices in life and become successful and have not had the imagination or taken the time to read a few books and realise modern society has been a long and bloody evolution. Anyone who advocates not publishing the cartoons needs to answer the question, how much exactly would you let them take from you before you found your voice? What's your limit?
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    PBlakeney wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Wrote concerns
    So we just kowtow to the extremist's demands out of fear?
    That is the logical conclusion to your points.
    Note that I deliberately specified fear instead of respect.
    I can respect others but I refuse to kowtow to terrorists.

    What's remarkable is that he seems blissfully ignorant that himself and the rest of us, in a historical context, get to live very very good lives because throughout history people stood up and in some cases paid the biggest price of all rather than surrender to the will of oppressors. It's almost like some people think everyone always had the ability to make choices in life and become successful and have not had the imagination or taken the time to read a few books and realise modern society has been a long and bloody evolution. Anyone who advocates not publishing the cartoons needs to answer the question, how much exactly would you let them take from you before you found your voice? What's your limit?

    Its easy for us to say Vtech is wrong and that cartoons depicting the Prophet should be published at all costs BUT how many of us would take a stand and be publically known for such support, let alone work for a magazine like CH?
    Of course i want the pictures published and i dont want to kowtow to threats by Islamist extremists, its just that sometimes it s easy being an armchair warrior, its not my life or my families life on the line is it?
  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    Mr Goo wrote:
    I see that Mrs May has been on the news over the weekend regarding the rise in anti-semitism. Just a shame that the root cause of this rise in anti-semitism isn't fully explained. The statements and articles just outline that it is a rise in extremism. Personally I do not think it is the rise in activity of right wing organisations that is causing the unrest in the Jewish community. However in the wonderful failed experiment of multi-culturalism there is a faction amongst one element that the government and press are very reticent in identifying the true cause of fear for the Jewish community. Can you guess what it is yet? ... s/1.625872

    Remember reading a lot of articles citing a rise of anti-semitism as a direct result of Israeli actions in Gaza.

    No more justified, but probably a more likely result.

    For sure, Islamic extremists will also target Jews as they target Christians, atheists, buddhists and other muslims who they don't agree with or just happen to be in the way during a bout of horrendous violence.

    Cool your islamophobia. It's unbecoming.

    There are millions in this country that are islamophobic. Just not permitted to voice their opinions for fear of having the full force of the law thrown at them. This country was built on Christian values and evolved from that over centuries into an open and inclusive democracy. Many hundreds of thousands of UK citizens fought with other similar democracies against the evil of Nazism and rebuilt Europe into a haven for all to enjoy. But some have turned up or been born here that don't like our way of life and the Western governments are now hamstrung by their own laws. They cannot do anything to rid the evil elements within the muslim communities. Nor can the muslim communities themselves eject these elements. It is a very sad state of affairs. Sadder still for those that have had their loved ones murdered. Sad for those of the Jewish community that feel they would be safer in Israel which is bordered by countries that hate it and seek to destroy it.
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,025
    Remember reading a lot of articles citing a rise of anti-semitism as a direct result of Israeli actions in Gaza.

    No more justified, but probably a more likely result.

    For sure, Islamic extremists will also target Jews as they target Christians, atheists, buddhists and other muslims who they don't agree with or just happen to be in the way during a bout of horrendous violence.

    Cool your islamophobia. It's unbecoming.

    Thing is Rick, Goo is right that any rise in anti-semitism in the UK probably is coming from a part of the Muslim community but this remains unsaid in the press articles I have read this evening. It's almost inevitable that some portion of those who identify themselves as part of a global community of Muslims would blame the wider Jewish community for the actions of Israel - I don't think that's particularly controversial and surely it could be discussed in the press.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    The survey found that 45% of Brits held some form of anti-Semitic prejudice. There's no way that can be accounted for just by Muslims.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,594
    Quite. And islamophobia is no better than anti- semitism.

    They're both abhorrent and should be treated as such.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,025
    It actually states in that article that the survey does not mean half the population has anti semitic prejudices and of course it's open to question whether believing a loyalty to Israel makes one less loyal to the UK really is anti semitic or just logical - surveys are often designed to prove a point.

    That aside though the news articles refer to actions not some latent feeling amongst the population and almost certainly any RISE in anti semitic acts in the UK have come from some Muslims who see Jews as representing in some way the enemy due to conflict in Palestine. Of course there is also a far right in the UK but nothing to suggest it is on the rise or targeting Jews more than previously - if anything support for the far right has declined as shown through opinion polls and their focus has shifted more towards Muslims.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,025
    Just to add to that - the article also states 45% of Jews felt their family was threatened by Islamic extremism - so there is an explicit reference there to the issue. It also says only 1 in 10 would be unhappy if a family member married a jew - quite a low figure really and probably lower than if you asked the reverse of jews and marrying a non jew - so to pretend there is some creeping anti semitism amongst the general population is a bit disingenuous.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I was thinking the same thing myself. The headlines were quite misleading.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Just to be make those that think differently. I have never "kowtow'd" in anything.

    I honestly think this forum shows a huge amount of racism but that in itself doesn't bother me because as a realist, I realise that this is normal across the world so why should I think here is any different.
    The real issue is just how much pleasure people mss out on through these thoughts and wrongful opinions. How many friends, acquaintances and travels do so many people miss because they think every muslim wants to blow them up. Its remarkable when you really get down to brass tacks.

    It was the same when I was growing up, I'm 42 now and when I was in senior school we had only 1 black lad who was my best mate, been mates ever since and just think how much I would have missed had I been the same as so many kids at school who called him names. they are the ones to feel sorry for, they missed seeing his kids born and grow into great kids themselves. They missed having great times and travelling and getting drunk, getting into trouble, sad times, good times. they missed it all.

    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich.

    The real issue is their misunderstanding.
    They think I'm rich because I've done ok and have a few quid but thats stupid, non important, nonsense.

    I am rich because I have friends from different backgrounds and share so many times with them. You simply can't buy that no matter how much you have in the bank.
    Living MY dream.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,954
    VTech wrote:
    Just to be make those that think differently. I have never "kowtow'd" in anything.

    I honestly think this forum shows a huge amount of racism but that in itself doesn't bother me because as a realist, I realise that this is normal across the world so why should I think here is any different.
    The real issue is just how much pleasure people mss out on through these thoughts and wrongful opinions. How many friends, acquaintances and travels do so many people miss because they think every muslim wants to blow them up. Its remarkable when you really get down to brass tacks.

    It was the same when I was growing up, I'm 42 now and when I was in senior school we had only 1 black lad who was my best mate, been mates ever since and just think how much I would have missed had I been the same as so many kids at school who called him names. they are the ones to feel sorry for, they missed seeing his kids born and grow into great kids themselves. They missed having great times and travelling and getting drunk, getting into trouble, sad times, good times. they missed it all.
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich.

    The real issue is their misunderstanding.
    They think I'm rich because I've done ok and have a few quid but thats stupid, non important, nonsense.

    I am rich because I have friends from different backgrounds and share so many times with them. You simply can't buy that no matter how much you have in the bank.
    Just what does that have to do with terrorists?
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    PBlakeney wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Just to be make those that think differently. I have never "kowtow'd" in anything.

    I honestly think this forum shows a huge amount of racism but that in itself doesn't bother me because as a realist, I realise that this is normal across the world so why should I think here is any different.
    The real issue is just how much pleasure people mss out on through these thoughts and wrongful opinions. How many friends, acquaintances and travels do so many people miss because they think every muslim wants to blow them up. Its remarkable when you really get down to brass tacks.

    It was the same when I was growing up, I'm 42 now and when I was in senior school we had only 1 black lad who was my best mate, been mates ever since and just think how much I would have missed had I been the same as so many kids at school who called him names. they are the ones to feel sorry for, they missed seeing his kids born and grow into great kids themselves. They missed having great times and travelling and getting drunk, getting into trouble, sad times, good times. they missed it all.
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich.

    The real issue is their misunderstanding.
    They think I'm rich because I've done ok and have a few quid but thats stupid, non important, nonsense.

    I am rich because I have friends from different backgrounds and share so many times with them. You simply can't buy that no matter how much you have in the bank.
    Just what does that have to do with terrorists?

    I guess you haven't read through this post.
    Terrorism is bad, very bad.
    Muslims are as bad as christians and jews in that some are bad but most are good.
    This reflects life in general, most people are good and the simple fact is that a few are bad. Its disgusting how many people here are openly racist.
    Living MY dream.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,954
    VTech wrote:
    I guess you haven't read through this post.
    Terrorism is bad, very bad.
    Muslims are as bad as christians and jews in that some are bad but most are good.
    This reflects life in general, most people are good and the simple fact is that a few are bad. Its disgusting how many people here are openly racist.
    That is a fair summary. I cannot agree that there has been much open racism.
    There have been comments about the extremes of religion and terrorists, but not much about race.
    I would add that there is open racism worldwide.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • pliptrot
    pliptrot Posts: 582
    VTech wrote:
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich

    I suspect most people who dislike you (your internet persona at least) do so because you espouse ugly views about people and their motivations. If you are disdainful of others because they are not rich, or they have a regular job, and are not -based on your judgement- worthy because of the car they drive (this appears to be your reference on someone's value) then expect to be disliked. There is less envy in the world than it appears you wish for, and there is rather less racism than you suggest. I'd suggest no-one on this forum gives a f"*k about your money, so find something else to post about.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    pliptrot wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich

    I suspect most people who dislike you (your internet persona at least) do so because you espouse ugly views about people and their motivations. If you are disdainful of others because they are not rich, or they have a regular job, and are not -based on your judgement- worthy because of the car they drive (this appears to be your reference on someone's value) then expect to be disliked. There is less envy in the world than it appears you wish for, and there is rather less racism than you suggest. I'd suggest no-one on this forum gives a f"*k about your money, so find something else to post about.

    Daft post of the day award ?

    I have never spoken ill of someone because of the job they have or the money they have. Why would you make this up to try and make others think it true ?
    Living MY dream.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    PBlakeney wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I guess you haven't read through this post.
    Terrorism is bad, very bad.
    Muslims are as bad as christians and jews in that some are bad but most are good.
    This reflects life in general, most people are good and the simple fact is that a few are bad. Its disgusting how many people here are openly racist.
    That is a fair summary. I cannot agree that there has been much open racism.
    There have been comments about the extremes of religion and terrorists, but not much about race.
    I would add that there is open racism worldwide.

    Don't think the mods would stand by and allow open racism on this forum, I would say however there could be...
    Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process. It is estimated that this condition affects one percent of the population, with rates greater for men. First formulated in 1968, NPD was historically called megalomania, and is a form of severe egocentrism.
    Which I think the mods are guilty of letting run riot. Of course I could be wrong ands it's one giant wind up :wink:
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    VTech wrote:
    pliptrot wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich

    I suspect most people who dislike you (your internet persona at least) do so because you espouse ugly views about people and their motivations. If you are disdainful of others because they are not rich, or they have a regular job, and are not -based on your judgement- worthy because of the car they drive (this appears to be your reference on someone's value) then expect to be disliked. There is less envy in the world than it appears you wish for, and there is rather less racism than you suggest. I'd suggest no-one on this forum gives a f"*k about your money, so find something else to post about.

    Daft post of the day award ?

    I have never spoken ill of someone because of the job they have or the money they have. Why would you make this up to try and make others think it true ?

    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • Ballysmate wrote:
    If these translations are accurate, how can any religion that exhorts its followers to slay unbelievers, condones slavery and treats half the worlds population as chattels be worth a w@nk?
    If I formed a political party along those lines, I would quite rightly cause outrage and probably face arrest. So why is it acceptable from religion?
    We have put up with this bollox for long enough.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Koran from about the same time that slavery was common in Christian lands indeed it was a major part of their economy as late as 1700's? Not too far from me there is a farmhouse which was owned by someone involved in slavery back in the day, IIRC the farm was used to store slaves at one point if the stories are true, and they found skulls from slaves used in the building as infill/backfill and even as non-loadbearing bricks within the fabric of the buildings. Then round the coast a bit in Cumbria there is Whitehaven the second most important port back in the day as it was the main port involved in slave trade/triangle. Off topic though but those events were a damn site closer in time than when the Quran was written.

    Also, if you want I am sure there is mention of slavery in the religious texts of most main religions that date from times long past. I wonder how many Muslims still consider slavery acceptable even though it seems to say it is in their religious texts?

    IIRC Britain has a bit of an issue with slavery right now too. Are we as bad as Muslims too for allowing it to happen?

    As far as I am concerned Muslims are just like other religions in that they select the bits of their religious texts that they wish to follow and believe. You want slavery pick those bits, if not then don;t. Same applies for other things like adultery, homosexuality and I am sure some even have things to say about disabled, well wouldn;t surprise me at all. I am a committed atheist but I see good and bad in all religions. Take a look at Alain de Botton;s book called Religion for Atheists, worth a read if you are religious or atheist I think.

    You don't see beheading at our local C of E church :P It's now 2015 we grew out of it (except Muslims)
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Ballysmate wrote:
    If these translations are accurate, how can any religion that exhorts its followers to slay unbelievers, condones slavery and treats half the worlds population as chattels be worth a w@nk?
    If I formed a political party along those lines, I would quite rightly cause outrage and probably face arrest. So why is it acceptable from religion?
    We have put up with this bollox for long enough.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Koran from about the same time that slavery was common in Christian lands indeed it was a major part of their economy as late as 1700's? Not too far from me there is a farmhouse which was owned by someone involved in slavery back in the day, IIRC the farm was used to store slaves at one point if the stories are true, and they found skulls from slaves used in the building as infill/backfill and even as non-loadbearing bricks within the fabric of the buildings. Then round the coast a bit in Cumbria there is Whitehaven the second most important port back in the day as it was the main port involved in slave trade/triangle. Off topic though but those events were a damn site closer in time than when the Quran was written.

    Also, if you want I am sure there is mention of slavery in the religious texts of most main religions that date from times long past. I wonder how many Muslims still consider slavery acceptable even though it seems to say it is in their religious texts?

    IIRC Britain has a bit of an issue with slavery right now too. Are we as bad as Muslims too for allowing it to happen?

    As far as I am concerned Muslims are just like other religions in that they select the bits of their religious texts that they wish to follow and believe. You want slavery pick those bits, if not then don;t. Same applies for other things like adultery, homosexuality and I am sure some even have things to say about disabled, well wouldn;t surprise me at all. I am a committed atheist but I see good and bad in all religions. Take a look at Alain de Botton;s book called Religion for Atheists, worth a read if you are religious or atheist I think.

    You don't see beheading at our local C of E church :P It's now 2015 we grew out of it (except Muslims)

    And people here still think I am in the wrong yet this is ok ?
    Muslims do not behead people, bad muslims do that.
    Just like white people don't rape women, bad white people do that.

    No wonder there is separation amongst us. What hope for the future and our children if we as adults can't see the differences that are right in fronton our eyes.

    I went to an event yesterday with around 500 muslims, I can swear on my children that I didn't see a single beheading.
    Living MY dream.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Ballysmate wrote:
    If these translations are accurate, how can any religion that exhorts its followers to slay unbelievers, condones slavery and treats half the worlds population as chattels be worth a w@nk?
    If I formed a political party along those lines, I would quite rightly cause outrage and probably face arrest. So why is it acceptable from religion?
    We have put up with this bollox for long enough.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Koran from about the same time that slavery was common in Christian lands indeed it was a major part of their economy as late as 1700's? Not too far from me there is a farmhouse which was owned by someone involved in slavery back in the day, IIRC the farm was used to store slaves at one point if the stories are true, and they found skulls from slaves used in the building as infill/backfill and even as non-loadbearing bricks within the fabric of the buildings. Then round the coast a bit in Cumbria there is Whitehaven the second most important port back in the day as it was the main port involved in slave trade/triangle. Off topic though but those events were a damn site closer in time than when the Quran was written.

    Also, if you want I am sure there is mention of slavery in the religious texts of most main religions that date from times long past. I wonder how many Muslims still consider slavery acceptable even though it seems to say it is in their religious texts?

    IIRC Britain has a bit of an issue with slavery right now too. Are we as bad as Muslims too for allowing it to happen?

    As far as I am concerned Muslims are just like other religions in that they select the bits of their religious texts that they wish to follow and believe. You want slavery pick those bits, if not then don;t. Same applies for other things like adultery, homosexuality and I am sure some even have things to say about disabled, well wouldn;t surprise me at all. I am a committed atheist but I see good and bad in all religions. Take a look at Alain de Botton;s book called Religion for Atheists, worth a read if you are religious or atheist I think.

    You don't see beheading at our local C of E church :P It's now 2015 we grew out of it (except Muslims) ... 45165.html
    NOTE: there is NO video, but the story about the poor woman, whether guilty or more likely innocent, is distressing in its self :(
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Ballysmate wrote:
    If these translations are accurate, how can any religion that exhorts its followers to slay unbelievers, condones slavery and treats half the worlds population as chattels be worth a w@nk?
    If I formed a political party along those lines, I would quite rightly cause outrage and probably face arrest. So why is it acceptable from religion?
    We have put up with this bollox for long enough.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Koran from about the same time that slavery was common in Christian lands indeed it was a major part of their economy as late as 1700's? Not too far from me there is a farmhouse which was owned by someone involved in slavery back in the day, IIRC the farm was used to store slaves at one point if the stories are true, and they found skulls from slaves used in the building as infill/backfill and even as non-loadbearing bricks within the fabric of the buildings. Then round the coast a bit in Cumbria there is Whitehaven the second most important port back in the day as it was the main port involved in slave trade/triangle. Off topic though but those events were a damn site closer in time than when the Quran was written.

    Also, if you want I am sure there is mention of slavery in the religious texts of most main religions that date from times long past. I wonder how many Muslims still consider slavery acceptable even though it seems to say it is in their religious texts?

    IIRC Britain has a bit of an issue with slavery right now too. Are we as bad as Muslims too for allowing it to happen?

    As far as I am concerned Muslims are just like other religions in that they select the bits of their religious texts that they wish to follow and believe. You want slavery pick those bits, if not then don;t. Same applies for other things like adultery, homosexuality and I am sure some even have things to say about disabled, well wouldn;t surprise me at all. I am a committed atheist but I see good and bad in all religions. Take a look at Alain de Botton;s book called Religion for Atheists, worth a read if you are religious or atheist I think.

    You don't see beheading at our local C of E church :P It's now 2015 we grew out of it (except Muslims) ... 45165.html
    NOTE: there is NO video, but the story about the poor woman, whether guilty or more likely innocent, is distressing in its self :(

    I honestly believe that you genuinely have empathy for the wrong that is done but your post is one of the major factors of why things will never change when I "think" you would prefer them to change.

    There is a big difference from someone beheading someone to scare others into doing as they want too capital punishment for some of the worst crimes a human can commit.

    Whenever we have a child abuse case, people in the UK are often quoted as saying things like "we should bring back capital punishment" which to some is right and others wrong.
    I am against it but the reality is that just like the deaths last night for the drugs smugglers in Jakarta, this woman was found guilty of rape of a baby and beating that baby to death.

    How would you kill someone ? which way is humane ?
    Death by shooting, injection, gas, beheading ?

    Are you saying that any death as a punishment for a crime is bad or only those done by a muslim ?
    Living MY dream.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    The lady (muslim) in question, did not have any right of appeal, she was laid down by a pedestrian crossing and had her head hacked off, she may or may not have been guilty, by my standards it was a barbaric act. I do not know the case but you as well as any other well read person will know that it doesn't take much to get a person convicted in saudi especially if a man said she did it. In the main I am against the death penalty, but am not naive enough to know there are cases where it's justified.
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    VTech wrote:
    PBlakeney wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Just to be make those that think differently. I have never "kowtow'd" in anything.

    I honestly think this forum shows a huge amount of racism but that in itself doesn't bother me because as a realist, I realise that this is normal across the world so why should I think here is any different.
    The real issue is just how much pleasure people mss out on through these thoughts and wrongful opinions. How many friends, acquaintances and travels do so many people miss because they think every muslim wants to blow them up. Its remarkable when you really get down to brass tacks.

    I have seen ignorance which is way short of racism. The question is if the ignorance is conscious or unconscious :wink:

    It was the same when I was growing up, I'm 42 now and when I was in senior school we had only 1 black lad who was my best mate, been mates ever since and just think how much I would have missed had I been the same as so many kids at school who called him names. they are the ones to feel sorry for, they missed seeing his kids born and grow into great kids themselves. They missed having great times and travelling and getting drunk, getting into trouble, sad times, good times. they missed it all.
    So many here dislike me because they think I'm rich and they are right, I am rich.

    The real issue is their misunderstanding.
    They think I'm rich because I've done ok and have a few quid but thats stupid, non important, nonsense.

    I am rich because I have friends from different backgrounds and share so many times with them. You simply can't buy that no matter how much you have in the bank.
    Just what does that have to do with terrorists?

    Equally how does that statement further your point or are you sacrificing your perceived credibility by using yourself as an analogy and cash wealth is no indicator to behaviour that reaches the heights of Royal Numpty Award
    . :wink:

    I guess you haven't read through this post.
    Terrorism is bad, very bad.
    Muslims are as bad as christians and jews in that some are bad but most are good.
    This reflects life in general, most people are good and the simple fact is that a few are bad. Its disgusting how many people here are openly racist.

    I'd agree that most people are inherently good, Jonathan Aitkin wrote an open letter to Andy Coulson after the latter was sentenced and to be succinct one of the points made was that the prison population was made up of a lot of good people who had made some bad decisions. Ok I accept that last sentence has to be taken in context and it's relative. :lol:

    It's a changing world, 5 years ago what would have been the reaction if anyone had suggested we would be fighting a common enemy of Hamas, Iran and Bashar al-Assad?
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu