Stages Power Meter - battery draining?



  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    edited October 2014
    Is the general consensus that Stages have cured the teething problems? I ask as I'm tempted to take a punt from a German store but want to weigh up the savings vs dealing with warranty (unless it would come with a UK warranty being inside the EU?).
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I got mine from Merlin - only once did it not register for a ride (a commute so hardly the end of the world) and I "fixed" it by taking the battery and putting it back in (the same one). Only thing I can think of was that I was messing about with the iPad the night before and connected to the unit via bluetooth then walked away with the iPad. Although I quit the app, it's possible that I was out of signal range when I did so and that caused the hickup.

    The unit is paired with an 800 and before and since that point it's behaved impeccably. I've even washed the bike down and it's survived. It does have the red battery case seal.
  • Well I'm back, after six months of flawless power-metering. I have two, and the Ultegra one's battery finally went a couple of days ago. Replaced it with a shiny Duracell (I bought new batteries after worrying that it was poor quality batteries that had caused the issue). My phone prompted me to update to 2.0.58 so i did.

    The morning after - flat.

    Changed it again, but the unit wouldn't connect, even with a new battery. Then the battery door fell off nearly at the top of Fleet Moss, so I rode 30 miles back yesterday with no battery door.

    It had died.

    So - said unit has sat on my desk drying out, and then this morning it connected to my Edge (another new battery). So as a matter of interest I tested the battery with a voltmeter - at 10.45 this morning it was reading 3.20V.

    Two hours later is was reading 2.70V (it would still connect to my Edge) - it's not still connected to the Edge, so something has shut down, but something is also using power.

    I'm astounded that Stages are still denying this is anything to do with battery replacement - this is now six times over two cranks this has happened, and it's never not done it. Keen readers of this thread will know this is my third Ultegra crank, all of which have drained batteries following replacement. I'm also on my third Dura Ace crank, the latest of which is on my summer bike and seems to be going ok.

    Saddleback are sending me a new battery door, but have said it might need to be replaced again...
  • Escher303
    Escher303 Posts: 342
    Same with mine. First one started draining the battery overnight as soon as I replaced the first battery after it ran out. For a while I just took the battery out when I wasn't using it so as not to get through tonnes of batteries. After a while it stopped working altogether. That one was ordered in January and received in March. Had the red o-ring seal, up to date firmware and claimed to be the new, non-faulty type.

    It was replaced in July. Was fine again on the first battery. When I replaced the first one after it was spent battery drained in about 4 days and has done again with the third battery. Seems to take longer to drain a battery than the first one but still is unacceptable. Will probably seek a refund and buy a different make. I know people who aren't having any problems but I don't think all their issues are resolved yet.
  • Havent read the whole thread but what phones are you using, could it be related to the phone always pinging the power meter and keeping it running permanently? or something else connecting to the PMs bluetooth?

    I have a Stages PM and so far touch wood no issues, I broke the battery door when replacing the 1st battery (lasted about 7K kms or so, they sent me two spare battery doors FoC, 2nd battery is going fine.)

    Using an iPhone 4s.
  • Escher303
    Escher303 Posts: 342
    eddiefiola wrote:
    Havent read the whole thread but what phones are you using, could it be related to the phone always pinging the power meter and keeping it running permanently? or something else connecting to the PMs bluetooth?

    I have a Stages PM and so far touch wood no issues, I broke the battery door when replacing the 1st battery (lasted about 7K kms or so, they sent me two spare battery doors FoC, 2nd battery is going fine.)

    Using an iPhone 4s.

    I don't have a Smart phone or a compatible tablet, I use it with a Garmin 800.
  • Nothing to do with the phone - bike lives in the shed and the phone's miles away. I had my Ultegra crank on my desk today and left a battery in, which I tested as described above - interestingly after a quick drop to 2.70V it stayed at that level til about 6pm, when I had an email from Stages,who asked me to send them a pic of the battery compartment. He said it looks like it's definitely had water ingress - well it would, it came back from the top of Fleet Moss yesterday with no cover on. What he did say is that the components are waterproofed but if water stays in there it can damage it. So he recommended leaving it for a bit longer (I'm away til Friday) then cleaning it out with some surgical spirit on a cotton bud. Saddleback are sending me three new battery doors, so we'll have to see how we go.
  • Ernesider
    Ernesider Posts: 300
    I arrived here as there is one for sale in the Classified, i was mildly interested and decided to do some research; not any more. Only a complete idiot would consider buying one after reading this thread. Someone could sell you one working perfectly, only for a battery change to cause problem after problem. And where would you be as regards warranty? Up s**t creek I would imagine ..!!
  • eddiefiola wrote:
    Havent read the whole thread but what phones are you using, could it be related to the phone always pinging the power meter and keeping it running permanently? or something else connecting to the PMs bluetooth?

    I have a Stages PM and so far touch wood no issues, I broke the battery door when replacing the 1st battery (lasted about 7K kms or so, they sent me two spare battery doors FoC, 2nd battery is going fine.)

    Using an iPhone 4s.

    Yeah so I kinda put a curse on myself with that update.

    2nd Battery went dead one day so changed it (1st lasted 5 months no issues) , 24 hours later 3rd battery dead, this is using a new oring and battery door that theyd sent me as I broke the 1st. New battery is in and will see tomorrow if its still alive.

    Stages asked me to check PM Firmware and Garmin software were upto date but was all on the latest versions already.
  • Since my brother started this thread, I'll join in. 2 week old Ultegra model, battery dead after 3 hours use. Replacement unit on the way. On a related note (related as in - expensive high tech stuff that doesn't work reliably), I today took delivery of a replacement Garmin Fenix 2, because my 2 month old one crashed and shut down mid-ride, and am about to return an eight month old Edge 800 because it keeps shutting down, and deleting all the data. Oh, and I've been to the post office to return a faulty Schwalbe tubeless tyre - split on first inflation. Whinge over.
  • I'm having the same with my Stages Ultegra 6800. New battery in, use once (1 hour to 3 hours), leave inside Powermeter, next day I'm lucky if it works without putting a new battery in. All firmware / software all updated fine and still the same issue. I must have spent £30 on batteries in the last 2 months. Initially it worked fine, had about 2 months usage with no problem and that was leaving it in all the time.

    Going to take it back to LBS but it's annoying as I've started a training plan and dont want to be without it.
  • When I spoke to the bike shop, I was told the unit would have to go back to Saddleback before it could be exchanged.
    "Your warranty is with them Sir". We had the usual Sale of Goods Act, my contract is with you, not Saddleback or Stages conversation. Naturally, a new unit is now on its way! Interestingly Saddleback have since told the shop that they no longer "insist" on the old unit being returned first, because they are getting so many returns.

    Tell the shop to get one in for you before you return the faulty one. That way you shouldn't be without it.
  • I'm having the same with my Stages Ultegra 6800. New battery in, use once (1 hour to 3 hours), leave inside Powermeter, next day I'm lucky if it works without putting a new battery in. All firmware / software all updated fine and still the same issue. I must have spent £30 on batteries in the last 2 months. Initially it worked fine, had about 2 months usage with no problem and that was leaving it in all the time.

    Going to take it back to LBS but it's annoying as I've started a training plan and dont want to be without it.

    Mine's been in with Neil for over 2 weeks now, batteries cheaper on Ebay. Door inner has bust on mine. Was fine for 6 months, then useless. Fortunately I have a Quarq in winter bike and turbo bike.
  • One thing that totally gobsmacks me about all this, is that Sky are using them. The rate we are all going through batteries, suggests Froome won't get to the end of a TdF stage without losing his all important power data. Or do Sky get the ones that actually work I wonder.
  • davem399
    davem399 Posts: 269
    One thing that totally gobsmacks me about all this, is that Sky are using them. The rate we are all going through batteries, suggests Froome won't get to the end of a TdF stage without losing his all important power data. Or do Sky get the ones that actually work I wonder.
    Dave Brailsford has just bought another 10,000 batteries from Amazon! :mrgreen:
  • I started the thread originally, and I'm still having problems. My DA crank has worked fine all summer, then I replaced the battery - and it's drained them ever since. My Ultegra one is sat on my desk, and has kept the same battery in for about three weeks and is still showing as full on the iOS app.

    I'm still not convincefd they've got this sorted - it's something to do with battery replacement, but possibly also dampness, as the Ultegra one was draining batteries till I brought it indoors for a week to thoroughly dry out.
  • Hoping to drop it off this week, it's even started stopping mid workout now. Deeply frustrating, no doubt it'll take forever to be returned. One of my club mates above bought from same shop, 2 weeks already for him so could be a long wait.
  • Not sure about the damp thing Andy. Mines never been used outside, and has never been wet. Also, just noticed that the battery covers which seem very delicate, are now being sold by the dealers as spares.

    Supermurph09 - there's no reason for it to take that long. My replacement took 2 days, and certainly 4 days ago Saddleback had Ultegra units in stock. I'd hassle them.
  • Not sure about the damp thing Andy. Mines never been used outside, and has never been wet. Also, just noticed that the battery covers which seem very delicate, are now being sold by the dealers as spares.

    Supermurph09 - there's no reason for it to take that long. My replacement took 2 days, and certainly 4 days ago Saddleback had Ultegra units in stock. I'd hassle them.

    Good info, hope so.
  • For info, I've just had an email from Stages saying they know what the issue is, and that the latest firmware has fixed it. I've politely told them that their fix hasn't worked!
  • Thought I would jump on this thread with my experience. I have had similar issues as most of you guys. Got my Stages back in April, battery started to run out in August. I changed the battery and it worked ok for a bit. Then it just died on me. After going through two batteries in quick succession, I realised the tabs on the battery lid had broken. I'm not sure if this was the start of my issues or simply a result of having to replace the battery so often and the tabs being so flimsy.

    I contacted support who were very helpful, they sent out some spare battery doors and seals, I sent them a photo of the unit and they figured from it that there was no lasting damage (my main concern was water ingress). They also recommended I take the unit indoors to dry out in case any water was inside.

    Well, the new door didn't help my problem. I had it on for one dry ride and the battery was dead again when I went to use it for a turbo session later that week - I couldn't remember if I had put a fresh battery in when I installed the new door so I just put another new one in. Did my turbo session, left my bike indoors on the turbo, the next day I returned to find the Stages had consumed another battery!!!

    Back onto Stages who said I'd need to contact place of purchase for a warranty. It's been away for a couple of weeks now but today I received a package with a brand new unit! Stages obviously have had some issues - I'm not convinced that it's moisture related at all - just hope that they managed to resolve them. Will keep you posted if I encounter any problems with this one. Have to say though, the customer service from Stages is second to none really. A great company to deal with - would be a shame if they suffer due to poor QA though.

    I've definitely been using the absence of a PM as an excuse not to train over the last month or so! Need to reassess my plans!
  • P.S. My unit is also an Ultegra if that makes any difference
  • my replacement has arrived with my LBS, be interesting to see how it fairs, but won't be being used until Spring now.
  • Received a couple of new battery doors from Stages (within a day of asking so well done there), which I have used for my last 2 turbo trainer workouts. Whilst I didn't leave the battery in after the first workout, when I put it in last night, the garmin picked it up straight away and had no issues on the 2nd workout. Normally I have struggled to get a battery to go more than a couple of hours so potentially the door has had an effect, will see how I go before sending back.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    well - I've had my 5700 Stages on my bikes since August - not worried about dry/wet conditions, it's just been out whatever the weather.
    Did the Wiggle Bitter Beast in wet conditions and all was fine, then commuting into work (bit overkill, but couldn't be arsed to swap it) it's still working - despite the wet & cold (not that you can read the screen without backlight)
    Probably tempting fate - but all the time it's working I'm leaving well alone. I've only had to hard reset once having connected it to my iPad via bluetooth then took the iPad out of range - the PM was unoperational until I removed and reseated the battery - no I didn't put a new one in.

    So, happy with mine - normally paired with the Edge800
  • Nice to hear a success story Slowbike!
  • I'm very late to the party here, but my Ultegra 6800 unit is also hammering through the batteries. I've had it 6 weeks and the batteries are averaging about 10 hours of use each. The guys at Stages have been very responsive so far, but I'm not crazy about the idea of spending £75 a year on batteries just to keep the thing running. Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering from it. It's a shame, as it's brilliant when it's working.
  • I've had it 6 weeks and the batteries are averaging about 10 hours of use each. The guys at Stages have been very responsive so far, but I'm not crazy about the idea of spending £75 a year on batteries

    Batteries are only 10p each.
    So even if you are cycling for 5 hours a day average then it should only cost you £18.25 ?
    Unless it's a leap year :lol:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • Eating batteries like that means it is faulty. Take it back.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Apparently according to the world renowned One Show for dumbing down even for the dumbest... it's KIDZ who are opening up your Stages and eating the coin battery, thus causing 3rd degree burns.
    Why....? because you leave your bike hanging around unsecured in the living room of course.
    Put your child in the shed.