World Championship - ***SPOILERS***



  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    afx237vi wrote:
    Now for highlights of a boat race that ended a week ago.

    What else do you expect from the BBC?
    World leaders in covering sports that only the elite can afford to take part in.

    They could get claire balding to do it next year and go visit a spanish stud :D
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,162
    emadden wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Excellent race. Looked like a dream situation for Valverde with a national and professional team mate so glad Costa went on the counter as it basically prevented a Valverde win. Nibali shouldn't have been there after being motor paced back after his spill. If Uran hadn't gone down it would have made the last few kms more balanced and no doubt Nibali could have paid him off :wink:

    Poor by Belgium, all that work and never got close when the serious attacks finally came. As for GB, probably best saying nothing. I didn't expect anyone to be in contention for medals but thought they'd would have had a few finish!

    Uran couldn't ride his way out of a paper bag... even in today's weather.

    and yet he was in the group of 5 that eventually contested the victory until his crash :?
  • If Uran hadnt crashed it would have been a totally different finale.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    Pross wrote:

    and yet he was in the group of 5 that eventually contested the victory until his crash :?

    What I mean is that the guy is tactically clueless and couldnt sprint to save his life.
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Costa has been banned before fyi.

    A good solo with a great palmares but really wanted Jrod to take it.

    You see how he attacked straight after the catch and gesticulated...sure that was for Valverde who should have attacked and allowed Jrod to sit in a bit. Classy by him to then tell him what for with 250m to go.

    His ban was not upheld in his case. Similar excuse to Bertie but somehow he got off with it
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    The only thing missing is Fat Pat on the podium as the hangman
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    IanLD wrote:

    His ban was not upheld in his case. Similar excuse to Bertie but somehow he got off with it
    Costa actually produced the supplements that he took and his story checked out.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    IanLD wrote:

    His ban was not upheld in his case. Similar excuse to Bertie but somehow he got off with it

    Not really. In Costa's case it was something he could prove.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    If Uran hadnt crashed it would have been a totally different finale.

    If ma granny had hair on her chest she'd be your granda........didnt Uran make an arsz of the olympic sprint i seem to recall ?
  • Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    If Uran hadnt crashed it would have been a totally different finale.

    If ma granny had hair on her chest she'd be your granda........didnt Uran make an arsz of the olympic sprint i seem to recall ?

  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    J-Rod will be hiring a hit man to take out Piti.
  • RichN95 wrote:
    IanLD wrote:

    His ban was not upheld in his case. Similar excuse to Bertie but somehow he got off with it
    Costa actually produced the supplements that he took and his story checked out.

    Also it was for some wank drug that does sod all, its slightly stronger than caffeine.
  • It can't be good when there are 2 riders from the same team in escape,now the internet will be full of question,for who did Valverde rode?
    I was a little bit dissappointed with Cancellara...
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,162
    emadden wrote:
    Pross wrote:

    and yet he was in the group of 5 that eventually contested the victory until his crash :?

    What I mean is that the guy is tactically clueless and couldnt sprint to save his life.

    Based on? If you're harping back to the Olympics then it was 90% likely he'd lose a sprint to Vino and equally likely he knew that and cut a deal which is where my original comment came from that it would have balanced things up in Nibali's favour.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    If Uran hadnt crashed it would have been a totally different finale.
    If ma granny had hair on her chest she'd be your granda........didnt Uran make an arsz of the olympic sprint i seem to recall ?
    Frenchie's right it would have completely changed the dynamics in that group though
  • Amazing win by Rui Costa. Always knows when to go and who to follow.

    Surprised Valverde didn't follow. Wish Nibali got 3rd instead of him, but oh well..
  • Ed-tron
    Ed-tron Posts: 165
    Nibbles has gone up in my estimation after today. Coming back from the crash. Getting brutalised and still chasing things down. Showed great heart
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    john1967 wrote:
    Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .
    You are UKCyclingExpert and I claim my £5.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    FJS wrote:
    Frenchie's right it would have completely changed the dynamics in that group though

    Yup, he would've worked with Nibs I suspect. But it might have played into Valverde's hands more then.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • thegibdog wrote:
    john1967 wrote:
    Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .
    You are UKCyclingExpert and I claim my £5.

    ?? What.
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Methylhexanamine. Claimed it was in a tainted food supplement.

    Not quite as harmless as seems to be implied, but he and his brother did get cleared.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,162
    john1967 wrote:
    Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .

    Why is it a disgrace? Once they were out of contention what was the point of dragging themselves around for 50th place? It was disappointing but despite recent British success there isn't strength in depth so once Froome was out there were no back up options.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    For someone so tactically inept, Uran seems to find his way into the winning moves fairly regularly.
  • Pross wrote:
    john1967 wrote:
    Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .

    Why is it a disgrace? Once they were out of contention what was the point of dragging themselves around for 50th place? It was disappointing but despite recent British success there isn't strength in depth so once Froome was out there were no back up options.

    So if they can't win they just stop? That's bollocks.They were representing Britain today and if that's the attitude then its not good enough.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    8 of the top 10 did the Vuelta. Not the winner though. Make of that what you want
  • Would have been interesting to see what was happening back in the chasing group.

    Sagan's presence must have had everyone else sitting up, including Spartacus.

    Great win by Costa - Holding a hand full of nothing but made the most of it.

    Fortune favours the smart.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    john1967 wrote:

    So if they can't win they just stop? That's ****.They were representing Britain today and if that's the attitude then its not good enough.

    So you'd prefer they rolled around the circuit, not appearing on camera, getting wet too demonstrate something about Britain?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    john1967 wrote:
    thegibdog wrote:
    john1967 wrote:
    Not one British rider finished.What a disgrace .
    You are UKCyclingExpert and I claim my £5.
    ?? What.
  • iainf72 wrote:
    john1967 wrote:

    So if they can't win they just stop? That's ****.They were representing Britain today and if that's the attitude then its not good enough.

    So you'd prefer they rolled around the circuit, not appearing on camera, getting wet too demonstrate something about Britain?

    To be fair they spent the Spring doing that.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!