Riding without paying.



  • Phil_D
    Phil_D Posts: 467
    zardoz wrote:
    I'll try that argument when I next go down to Tesco's "Well I spend a lot of money with you, so I thought I'd nick a few things as well" I would love to see where your proof for this statement comes from.

    Not comparable at all. Tesco paid for those goods and by you stealing them they lost the money they'd paid for them.

    That's a rather naive statement. Taken to the extreme, if everybody stopped buying music and simply downloaded it, all other things being equal, do you mean to say the copyright owner would not have lost money simply because they hadn't purchased what had been stolen?
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    Phil_D wrote:
    zardoz wrote:
    I'll try that argument when I next go down to Tesco's "Well I spend a lot of money with you, so I thought I'd nick a few things as well" I would love to see where your proof for this statement comes from.

    Not comparable at all. Tesco paid for those goods and by you stealing them they lost the money they'd paid for them.

    That's a rather naive statement. Taken to the extreme, if everybody stopped buying music and simply downloaded it, all other things being equal, do you mean to say the copyright owner would not have lost money simply because they hadn't purchased what had been stolen?

    I thought this thread was about sportives.
  • Phil_D
    Phil_D Posts: 467
    Phil_D wrote:
    zardoz wrote:
    I'll try that argument when I next go down to Tesco's "Well I spend a lot of money with you, so I thought I'd nick a few things as well" I would love to see where your proof for this statement comes from.

    Not comparable at all. Tesco paid for those goods and by you stealing them they lost the money they'd paid for them.

    That's a rather naive statement. Taken to the extreme, if everybody stopped buying music and simply downloaded it, all other things being equal, do you mean to say the copyright owner would not have lost money simply because they hadn't purchased what had been stolen?

    I thought this thread was about sportives.

    Very sporting. Don't forget the free Gilets.
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    on a 'sportive' recently-- 1100 people had paid yet less than 900 actually took part, so me eating a few crisps and a piece of cake is not going to harm, its actually preventing food waste-- all these things need lookin at from diffeent perspectives-- oh and yeah, £40 to ride on your local roads seems excessive...especially on benefits...
  • I've done qll 3 versions of above.
    Paid to be there, and wonder where the value is (charity contribution low, sainsburys savers brekkie bars and water?)
    I've been on a club ride along a similar route (by chance) and had to redirect the sportive mo.
    I've also been on a normal ride, seen the signs and thought "why not", before peeling off again to go home.

    The only thing i think is dubious is if anyone did the exact route, on purpose and din't cough up. That smacks of pikyness.
  • Quote "That smacks of pikyness."

    Ace, I could live with that. Not that I'm a pikey or aspire to pikey tendancies!!
  • issacforce
    issacforce Posts: 112
    Public roads and as long as u dont take anything from feedstops nothing wrong imo
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    so why not help with all the excess food that has been laid on for all those who have paid and not bothered turning up-- surely a good thing to do in entropy debt theory .....
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    I have been on roads before which a sportive is being run before and echo the above comments that as long as you don't use the feed stations then no problem. Bad call if you plan to crash the whole day for free though

    To the quote for the person that he would not be happy that an unpaid rider caused him to crash then it also works the opposite way as well and sportive riders can cause crashes to other local road users who are on these otherwise quiet roads every weekend.

    Last year I was on a big run in the Borders on my own and came across a rider who had crashed badly on a sportive and stopped to lend help. His friends did not know where they were so I phoned the ambulance myself and gave directions and exact location. He was in a bad way and his friends were glad a 'local person' was on the road.

    Don't agree though that you should get a discount if you are local - pay your dues if you want to enter or give help the day before or after etc.
    Brian B.
  • zardoz
    zardoz Posts: 251
    on a 'sportive' recently-- 1100 people had paid yet less than 900 actually took part, so me eating a few crisps and a piece of cake is not going to harm, its actually preventing food waste--

    I'm sure the 900 who had paid would be delighted reading this especially the ones arriving late and finding all the food gone. Most Sportive organisers factor in a %age of no-shows for events so your reasoning is wrong.

    Shoplifters have the same way of thinking in that the shop won't miss the few things they take.
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    two friends of mine paid, but were unable/willing to go on the day--they even offered me their entry numbers--i think you are being pedantic and looking for an axe to grind from your self righteous platform--do you always get offended on behalf of others ?
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Seemed a reasonable response to me. If you make a post, be prepared for a reaction and appreciate that folks might not agree with your point of view. If your mates offered you a legit place then why didn't you take it up?

    I would love to pay to do one but stuck here with punctured lung, cracked ribs and broken clavicle!
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Seemed a reasonable response to me. If you make a post, be prepared for a reaction and appreciate that folks might not agree with your point of view. If your mates offered you a legit place then why didn't you take it up?

    I would love to pay to do one but stuck here with punctured lung, cracked ribs and broken clavicle!

    thats hard luck, but i wont wear a helmet in order to comply with some 'rules' imposed by an organisation-- its an old chestnut, but since i'm not racing, i feel that i can stay within my risk boundaries ......
  • junglist_matty
    junglist_matty Posts: 1,731
    two friends of mine paid, but were unable/willing to go on the day--they even offered me their entry numbers--i think you are being pedantic and looking for an axe to grind from your self righteous platform--do you always get offended on behalf of others ?

    If you turn up to a sportive where you've not paid, they can't stop you from riding, but you should be prepared, don't take advantage of "free" food at pitstops, fair enough, taking on some free water is a bit different, but you should take your own really.

    You wouldn't like it if someone saw your front door open and helped themselves to a few cakes in your cake tin based on the fact there were enough biscuits for 20 people but was a 1/2/3/4 bed house so guessed there'd be plenty for them to have a couple.

    Same difference.
  • zardoz
    zardoz Posts: 251
    two friends of mine paid, but were unable/willing to go on the day--they even offered me their entry numbers--i think you are being pedantic and looking for an axe to grind from your self righteous platform--do you always get offended on behalf of others ?

    No I don't, but I do get annoyed by the attitudes of people like yourself who think that its alright just to take what they are not entitled to.
  • I gatecrashed a sportive recently...

    Initially I was going to enter. Pay money and everything. Then when the time came round, I remembered, oh ****, that's on next week. Went to book up online. Oops, too late.

    A little disappointed I put it to one side. Forgot about it and went in search for some routes to ride instead. Having never ridden the sportive route before, and being unable to find any other inspiration, I thought why not. The GPX file is there. I don't need to do anything. Just turn up and ride.

    Before anyone complains, I decided to do this the day before the Sportive was on. Thus not taking part. Merely borrowing the route. After all, it was obviously a tried and tested one, much better than anything I could come up with.

    It wasn't until about 10pm the night before that I realised I had the days mixed up and it was actually on THAT day!


    Then **** turned into **** it. It was too late to plan an alternative, so I rode it anyway.

    Never took advantage of the food on offer though.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Confession is good for the soul!
  • Emphursis
    Emphursis Posts: 124
    If a sportive is going on on roads around where you live, then there is nothing wrong with riding some/most of the route, although using the feed stations a pretty s****y thing to do. There is nothing to stop you riding on public roads, especially if the route includes parts of you normal rides. But if you are driving to it, parking nearby and riding the route from start to finish and taking advantage of the feed stops, then that is wrong.
  • trappy666
    trappy666 Posts: 39
    I'm looking to riding the Circuit Breaker sportive in Sliverstone later in the year. I'm willing to pay the £28 entry fee just because I don't know the area very well and I don't own a car at the moment as I've not long lived in Northampton. Once I know the area then I think there might be a change I would 'join' a route but there is no way I would take advantage of feed stations (other than if I was close to dying) as it's not my place to take things. I have morels don't you know :wink:
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Seemed a reasonable response to me. If you make a post, be prepared for a reaction and appreciate that folks might not agree with your point of view. If your mates offered you a legit place then why didn't you take it up?

    I would love to pay to do one but stuck here with punctured lung, cracked ribs and broken clavicle!

    thats hard luck, but i wont wear a helmet in order to comply with some 'rules' imposed by an organisation-- its an old chestnut, but since i'm not racing, i feel that i can stay within my risk boundaries ......

    Seeing as you feel its ok to steal food from those who have paid for an event and wont comply with any rules - i'm sure you wouldnt complain if someone took offence to your theft and decided not to abide by the rules of the land and smacked you in the teeth!! If i saw you doing it myself, i'd quite happily stick you on the floor until the police arrived myself!! Moron!!!
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    wirral paul -- i shall be over new brighton way soon, can be arranged and see if you are this avenging moralist :roll:
  • trappy666
    trappy666 Posts: 39
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Seemed a reasonable response to me. If you make a post, be prepared for a reaction and appreciate that folks might not agree with your point of view. If your mates offered you a legit place then why didn't you take it up?

    I would love to pay to do one but stuck here with punctured lung, cracked ribs and broken clavicle!

    thats hard luck, but i wont wear a helmet in order to comply with some 'rules' imposed by an organisation-- its an old chestnut, but since i'm not racing, i feel that i can stay within my risk boundaries ......

    Seeing as you feel its ok to steal food from those who have paid for an event and wont comply with any rules - i'm sure you wouldnt complain if someone took offence to your theft and decided not to abide by the rules of the land and smacked you in the teeth!! If i saw you doing it myself, i'd quite happily stick you on the floor until the police arrived myself!! Moron!!!
    I've found a video of dylanfernley joining in on an event

  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    wirral paul -- i shall be over new brighton way soon, can be arranged and see if you are this avenging moralist :roll:

    Fine by me - just say where and when. Hoylake is easy to find
  • IanRCarter
    IanRCarter Posts: 217
    Not paying but using feed stations is poor. Parking nearby, riding the route from start to finish is also poor in my opinion. Riding part of a sportive route which is local to you is ok, you ride those roads every week so no reason to stop riding them because a thousand people have decided to show up and ride them too. Saying that though, many sportives require volunteers so if you're local, why not lend a hand in the morning and ride the route afterwards, or ride it on another day.

    If you're desperate for food and drink and feel the need to use the feed station, then the simple answer is making a donation to the people spending time keeping the feed station stocked up. The feed station is paid for in the entry fee, if you just show up and steal the food and drink from there, then that is unacceptable.
  • I would also say downloading the .gpx and riding the route is poor form too. The organisers have employed people to survey the area and draw up a good cycling route for your enjoyment, then you're taking that hard work and using it yourself without paying. Same as downloading music without paying for it.
  • you lot seem very anxious to play the high moral pipes, my mate offered me his entry, i wont wear a helmet so cannot enter officially, they did however say that i can ride the route !-- ffs, its on my local roads, i also rode to the start--bout 10 miles, even the other local lads drove in their cars-- some times i despair about people and their pettiness-- dread to think about how some would react to proper situations !
  • dwanes
    dwanes Posts: 954
    You wont wear a helmet? How Petty!
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    ... And don't forget to jump a few red lights on the way, wear ear phones and drop some gel wrappers. Oh and use naughty words describing female anatomy
  • BrandonA
    BrandonA Posts: 553
    you lot seem very anxious to play the high moral pipes, my mate offered me his entry, i wont wear a helmet so cannot enter officially, they did however say that i can ride the route !-- ffs, its on my local roads, i also rode to the start--bout 10 miles, even the other local lads drove in their cars-- some times i despair about people and their pettiness-- dread to think about how some would react to proper situations !

    You sound like a really horrible person. I wonder if from not wearing a helmet you have fallen off one too many times and have caused yourself some type of brain injury.

    I personally don't see the difference with it being your local roads or driving to the event. Both are public roads. I agree with most when thy say taking from feed stations when you've not paid is despicable. I personally would not ride the route without paying.

    I think though that the way some of the organisers make you think you are giving to charity is a joke. I read the small print for on and out of £25 entrance fee only £2 went to charity. It was though advertised as a charity ride. This is misleading.
  • Riding a sportive without paying and taking food etc, is no different to thieving