Funeral security



  • why do people hate tories? is it cos they dont beleive in something for nothing?

    Oh, they do. So long as the people getting something for nothing are the banks, the city and BAE bloody Systems, the Tories are all for something for nothing.

    absolute bollox
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    i thought cromwell was from huntingdonshire??

    Huntingdonshire was swallowed up Cambridgeshire in the 1970s. I would call for Huntingdonshire independence as that's where I am but admit we are stronger in Cambridgeshire.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Bloody hell its all come full circle. Didnt Huntingfordshire give us that other great Political Usurper who toppled the mighty Maggie, No not Hesletine but the Pea Loving John Major.

    Apparently he quite liked Curries Too
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    daviesee wrote:
    Give me a map and a pencil and I'm sure I can make it look like its all English waters! :D
    Actually, some Shetlanders are vying for independence from Scotland and the UK.
    I am sure they would be self sufficient. :wink:

    That's it. I'm calling for the people of Cambridgeshire to rise up against our English oppressors! I'm sure with all the agricultural produce we produce, Cambridge university and all the high-tec business around Cambridge we could be self sufficient! Time for revolution people! :D

    You've already had a go with Cromwell.

    Unfortunately banning Christmas celebrations was never going to be a vote winner.. :D
    I'd consider voting for someone who advocated banning christmas. BAH HUMBUG!
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • the english scottish thing is purely a sporting rivalry and pretty much maintained by the scots these days, if you support england in sport you dont really care about the scots as sporting rivals, they are insignificant. i have scottish friends and i believe in there right to have a chip on their shoulder sportingly as they will always be the poor relation as it were, throw in the crappy weather and they have my sympathies.

    i sincerely hope scotland does get its independence, it will give the tories more chance of victory in elections in england a chance to return to their roots and apply true conservative measures to england, and see how it goes, rather than the watered down BS we are getting from them now. the west lothian question is a joke. it will be interesting to see scotland stand or fall on its own.
  • i thought cromwell was from huntingdonshire??

    Huntingdonshire was swallowed up Cambridgeshire in the 1970s. I would call for Huntingdonshire independence as that's where I am but admit we are stronger in Cambridgeshire.

    in my little englander/daily mail view the cermonial counties still exist, the politicla boundaries are meangless. as such you are independent. as is rutland, radnor, westmoreland etc.
  • i thought cromwell was from huntingdonshire??

    Huntingdonshire was swallowed up Cambridgeshire in the 1970s. I would call for Huntingdonshire independence as that's where I am but admit we are stronger in Cambridgeshire.

    in my little englander/daily mail view the cermonial counties still exist, the politicla boundaries are meangless. as such you are independent. as is rutland, radnor, westmoreland etc.

    Independent of what?
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    the english scottish thing is purely a sporting rivalry and pretty much maintained by the scots these days, if you support england in sport you dont really care about the scots as sporting rivals, they are insignificant. i have scottish friends and i believe in there right to have a chip on their shoulder sportingly as they will always be the poor relation as it were, throw in the crappy weather and they have my sympathies.

    i sincerely hope scotland does get its independence, it will give the tories more chance of victory in elections in england a chance to return to their roots and apply true conservative measures to england, and see how it goes, rather than the watered down BS we are getting from them now. the west lothian question is a joke. it will be interesting to see scotland stand or fall on its own.

    Ever thought about voting UKIP?
  • i thought cromwell was from huntingdonshire??

    Huntingdonshire was swallowed up Cambridgeshire in the 1970s. I would call for Huntingdonshire independence as that's where I am but admit we are stronger in Cambridgeshire.

    in my little englander/daily mail view the cermonial counties still exist, the politicla boundaries are meangless. as such you are independent. as is rutland, radnor, westmoreland etc.

    Independent of what?

    the earls of cambridge.
  • the english scottish thing is purely a sporting rivalry and pretty much maintained by the scots these days, if you support england in sport you dont really care about the scots as sporting rivals, they are insignificant. i have scottish friends and i believe in there right to have a chip on their shoulder sportingly as they will always be the poor relation as it were, throw in the crappy weather and they have my sympathies.

    i sincerely hope scotland does get its independence, it will give the tories more chance of victory in elections in england a chance to return to their roots and apply true conservative measures to england, and see how it goes, rather than the watered down BS we are getting from them now. the west lothian question is a joke. it will be interesting to see scotland stand or fall on its own.

    Ever thought about voting UKIP?

    yep, i have. signed piccy of big nige on my desk at work.
  • the highlighted part is valid. let them have a go and see what happens, if it works it works, if it doesnt it doesnt. we wont know anything if we dont try. the last lot failed, as are the current lot.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    What do you mean, traditional roots/true conservative policies? Thatcherism? Pre-Thatcher?
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    the english scottish thing is purely a sporting rivalry and pretty much maintained by the scots these days, if you support england in sport you dont really care about the scots as sporting rivals, they are insignificant. i have scottish friends and i believe in there right to have a chip on their shoulder sportingly as they will always be the poor relation as it were, throw in the crappy weather and they have my sympathies.

    i sincerely hope scotland does get its independence, it will give the tories more chance of victory in elections in england a chance to return to their roots and apply true conservative measures to england, and see how it goes, rather than the watered down BS we are getting from them now. the west lothian question is a joke. it will be interesting to see scotland stand or fall on its own.

    Ever thought about voting UKIP?

    yep, i have. signed piccy of big nige on my desk at work.

    so are you a loony, a fruitcake or a racist? ... -comments/
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • nweststeyn
    nweststeyn Posts: 1,574
    I'm genuinely surprised that Godwins Law has not yet come into effect.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    All Tories are Nazis.
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    johnfinch wrote:
    All Tories are Nazis.

    That's a bold claim? Evidence please!

    If you are comparing them to Nazi Germany, their economy was very tightly controlled centrally. Surely the absolute opposite of what the Conservatives believe?
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Look one post above mine.
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    johnfinch wrote:
    Look one post above mine.

    You got me there!

    I was just playing devils advocate..
  • Rigged
    Rigged Posts: 214
    johnfinch wrote:
    What do you mean, traditional roots/true conservative policies? Thatcherism? Pre-Thatcher?

    I'd be interested to know his definition of this too.
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    Thatcher was more a liberal than a conservative.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,090
    ooermissus wrote:
    Thatcher was more a liberal than a conservative.

    Liberal ?! You mean Neo-liberal/neo-con.

    "The proliferation of bureaucracy under neo-liberal policies" is something to ponder.

    Yes we had an ailing industry supported by strong union membership. The demise of British industry can be traced back to the 1920's - good example of that is that the Japs and the Jerries were already seam welding ships but the strict demarcation of jobs and strong union objections to change meant that we were still riveting in the late 40's. However, you can balance the debate in that conservative and labour policies have allowed short-termism to prevail. Re-investment in the UK has traditionally been less than 2%. In Germany, most companies are re-investing to the tune of 6-8%, as a single example amongst many. The reason that British industry was failing is actually very complex and there is no right or wrong, left or right really.
    I think that political ideology is dead. The tories sort of occupy the right of centre and this labour party occupies ...sort of to the right.
    What Thatcher did was unforgivable in terms of the hedonism that she fostered. The exodus of people to the South East and the resulting destruction of communities was divisive. Her rhetoric was devisive so that the electorate would support her. She led us into war with the Argentinians because her popularity was dwindling. The Belgrano was sunk at the cost of hundreds of lives when it was sailing away from the exclusion zone.
    I do not like the Tories because they come from backgrounds of private education and silver spoons. They have no concept of how 'normal' peple live. No concept of having it hard. The current labour party is a hopeless shadow of Blairs neo-con ideals which was an incidious re-inforcement of the flawed ethic of self-improvement/empowerment at the expense of others.
    Roll on Sept 2014.

    The tory opposition led by Mrs T blocked an attempt to cap mortgages in 1976 to 3.5 times annual earnings (Dennis Healey). Perhaps if this went through, the housing problems that we have now may not exist and the right to buy would have been pointless as it was only a gimmick to get the then 'lower' classes a carrot. Mrs T also abolished (coincidentally not) the Rent Authority, something that has made some people very rich feeding indirectly on the welfare state. Over priced and unaffordable housing is a contributing factor.

    The most stable democracies exist under a benign monarchy so I sit on the fence over the royals. Best leave that tourism department for you lot as we will always have Edinburgh and the Highlands.
    Roll on Sept 2014, at least we will have a 3rd option: Not Tory/UKIP and Not Labour.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • I was just playing devils advocate..

    Go to hell then
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    I was just playing devils advocate..

    Go to hell then

    I'm already there...
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    ooermissus wrote:
    Thatcher was more a liberal than a conservative.

    Liberal ?! You mean Neo-liberal/neo-con.

    Nothing 'neo' about it - more of an old-fashioned liberal, actually.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    Go Glenda! Because you're completely right. And I'm amazed to say...go Bercow! For putting that pompous Tory pr1ck in his place.
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    Go Glenda! Because you're completely right. And I'm amazed to say...go Bercow! For putting that pompous Tory pr1ck in his place.

    Glinda the Good Witch chimes in just as Ding Dong heads to number 1.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Go Glenda! Because you're completely right. And I'm amazed to say...go Bercow! For putting that pompous Tory pr1ck in his place.
    I was waiting for her to give it "You want to know the truth, you couldn't face the truth" Tony Baldry certainly couldn't. :lol:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Go Glenda! Because you're completely right. And I'm amazed to say...go Bercow! For putting that pompous Tory pr1ck in his place.

    Can you give me a summary? Everything on this camp is blocked...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • the english scottish thing is purely a sporting rivalry and pretty much maintained by the scots these days, if you support england in sport you dont really care about the scots as sporting rivals, they are insignificant. i have scottish friends and i believe in there right to have a chip on their shoulder sportingly as they will always be the poor relation as it were, throw in the crappy weather and they have my sympathies.

    i sincerely hope scotland does get its independence, it will give the tories more chance of victory in elections in england a chance to return to their roots and apply true conservative measures to england, and see how it goes, rather than the watered down BS we are getting from them now. the west lothian question is a joke. it will be interesting to see scotland stand or fall on its own.

    Ever thought about voting UKIP?

    yep, i have. signed piccy of big nige on my desk at work.

    so are you a loony, a fruitcake or a racist? ... -comments/

    aaagh that old chestnut

    u decide.

    im a hard working english person who doesnt feel they are owed anything by anyone else, and believe in working for what i have and living within my means, and am not so naive as to choose not to beleive this country is going to/has gone to the dogs.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Go Glenda! Because you're completely right. And I'm amazed to say...go Bercow! For putting that pompous Tory pr1ck in his place.

    Excellent - she should be the first woman PM.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.