Funeral security

Frank the tank
Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
edited April 2013 in The cake stop
Serious question.

Given that people have apparently been openly celebrating her death in Brixton streets what sort of measures will need to be put in place to ensure MT is dispatched without civil unrest. 'Cos it's a fact not everyone will be bowing their heads in a mark of respect.
Tail end Charlie

The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    The police broke up a party earlier this evening - yay for freedom - so you can expect the met to there numbers. She should be laid in state though - last chance for millions to spit on her corpse.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Oh I thought it was Sunitta you were on about.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Well you can go and celebrate a persons death who has battled dementia for the last ten years but you've left any dignity behind.

    Whatever Thatcher did has passed, her legacy will be debated and what ever she stood for was supported by the democratic vote in this country. BTW I went on a YTS in 84 in Bilston. Think Wolverhampton only worse. :shock: and the industry that had driven the local economy, automotive and defence was being decimated. I don't wear rose tinted glasses but I'm lost at the bitterness and vitriolic crap dispensed at a old ladies death.

    As for the OP's question. Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    As for the OP's question. Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.[/quote]

    Franks in his 50's (sorry old boy) and from an area of Nottinghamshire which since 84 when you were doing your YTS has suffered some of the biggest loses and divisions accorded to Margaret Thatcher of any area bar West Yorkshire.

    I hope you look to raise your glass in your Local Miners welfare club or Print workers social.

    I m a former Trade union general secretary and although I dont always support some of Franks views and Politics, they are always well informed and expressed, and never sensationalised for status.

    Frank is also the last person on this forum who would mock anyone with any kind of Mental Impairment.

    Like or not Margaret Thatcher divided many in this country by her actions, and whilst I do not condone any civil unrest at her funeral , I think its reasonable to summise there are others who will not share that view.

    Orgreave,Toxteth , Brixton and Wapping were civil disobediences that can be accounted for by Thatchers actions and policies, and as you pointed out, that was the time the place and the generation to react to her (even if not the proper manner in some cases) now is not , but it wont stop some I m sure.

    I m sure some celubrutwat will emerge, My money would be on Otis Ferry if he wasnt such a f*ckin Tory Boy.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Slowmart wrote:
    Well you can go and celebrate a persons death who has battled dementia for the last ten years but you've left any dignity behind.

    Whatever Thatcher did has passed, her legacy will be debated and what ever she stood for was supported by the democratic vote in this country. BTW I went on a YTS in 84 in Bilston. Think Wolverhampton only worse. :shock: and the industry that had driven the local economy, automotive and defence was being decimated. I don't wear rose tinted glasses but I'm lost at the bitterness and vitriolic crap dispensed at a old ladies death.

    As for the OP's question. Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.

    Here here !

    I too come from YTS. £27.50 a week got me a job that my boss could afford and a chance to get my foot in the door of a job I dreamed of since I was 12 years old. What a great scheme.

    Just listened to a chap on the BBC who had a great quote.

    "Margaret Thatcher didnt kill British industry, British industry killed British industry, we were the sick man of he west when she took power and choices had to be made"

    It amazes me when people winge and moan about job losses, blaming the management when in reality they have probably lived in huge turmoil over long periods of time when trying to save an ailing business.
    Living MY dream.
  • dmclite-3.0
    dmclite-3.0 Posts: 845
    VTech wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Well you can go and celebrate a persons death who has battled dementia for the last ten years but you've left any dignity behind.

    Whatever Thatcher did has passed, her legacy will be debated and what ever she stood for was supported by the democratic vote in this country. BTW I went on a YTS in 84 in Bilston. Think Wolverhampton only worse. :shock: and the industry that had driven the local economy, automotive and defence was being decimated. I don't wear rose tinted glasses but I'm lost at the bitterness and vitriolic crap dispensed at a old ladies death.

    As for the OP's question. Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.

    Here here !

    I too come from YTS. £27.50 a week got me a job that my boss could afford and a chance to get my foot in the door of a job I dreamed of since I was 12 years old. What a great scheme.

    Just listened to a chap on the BBC who had a great quote.

    "Margaret Thatcher didnt kill British industry, British industry killed British industry, we were the sick man of he west when she took power and choices had to be made"

    It amazes me when people winge and moan about job losses, blaming the management when in reality they have probably lived in huge turmoil over long periods of time when trying to save an ailing business.

    You are just not out to make friends are you ? There different side to everything, I think Thatchers legacy, in all was one of misery. She backed Pinochet for example, not good. She decimated British Industry and epitomised the worst of Tory ideal and the British worker suffered massively for it. Lots of ex-miners, car-workers, dockers and steel workers will tell you.
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I speak my mind, it's served me well in life as my friends are really my friends and those who dislike me really dislike me but I know where I stand without worry about what people say behind my back.

    I'm not saying all she did was right. But we were not competitive, he jobs were unsustainable and a lot of industry wa propped up by the tax man.

    I just think it very poor taste to mock a dead person, so wih that in mind, if I lose a few forum buddies because I am proud enough to speak my mind I can live with that.

    I suggest people who hate me read what's been written by forum members over the last day.
    It's shocking and the worst an most vile part of human nature.

    How sad that someone feels the need to write in the forum that they will toast the death of such a horrid woman!!!!
    It's shocking. I wouldn't want such morons as friends anyway.
    Living MY dream.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    VTech,Slowmart and Tim have all posted views advocating decency which I support wholeheartedly. Even if you don't agree with someone's views, there is no need to spew the poison that some people have done here and elsewhere.
    As I have said in other threads, I supported her, although nobody gets everything right. Like her or not, she was what Britain needed at the time, someone to make Britain competetive again.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    Perhaps her biggest legacy is that she's still divisive even after she's dead.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    My OP was a serious question.

    Personally I won't mourn her death however, I would not dream of disrupting her funeral even if it passed my window. As is evident by comments on here and from media coverage she deeply divides opinion and, well, let me put it like this.

    If you were in charge of security who's funeral would you sooner oversee MT's or the queens (and not everyone is a royalist) ?
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I think both would be a logistical nightmare Frank,

    Firstly in the case of MT you ve got to find Mark and spring him from jail if hes not off playing the Wild Geese somewhere or lost in the desert.

    As for Liz , you' d have to keep Camilla off the sherry all day and make sure she remained dignified and didnt keep banging on about being the Queen now.

    Either way as Mayor of London , it's a job for Boris, and he be determined to up stage Danny Boyle.

    So long live the Queen I say. and I' m one of Oliver's Army.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    tim wand wrote:
    As for the OP's question. Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.

    I hope you look to raise your glass in your Local Miners welfare club or Print workers social.


    Cheers :D
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I would be saddened by the passing of our wonderful queen. The royal family have done us proud and although royalty over the years hasn't always been the best, the current royalty have overall done the country a wonderful deed and have never let us down.
    Living MY dream.
  • keydon
    keydon Posts: 144
    VTech wrote:
    I would be saddened by the passing of our wonderful queen. The royal family have done us proud and although royalty over the years hasn't always been the best, the current royalty have overall done the country a wonderful deed and have never let us down.

    What planet are you from?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    keydon wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I would be saddened by the passing of our wonderful queen. The royal family have done us proud and although royalty over the years hasn't always been the best, the current royalty have overall done the country a wonderful deed and have never let us down.

    What planet are you from?

    Earth my friend.
    The royal family do huge amounts for the people of Britain. Are you suggesting they dont ?
    They make more money (over cost) than anything else Britain has to offer so even the idiots who spew the "but they cost us a fortune" comments are not worth a seconds thought.

    The royal family are a wonderful entity and anyone who suggests differently needs a poke in the eye ;)
    Living MY dream.
  • keydon
    keydon Posts: 144
    edited April 2013
    VTech wrote:
    keydon wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I would be saddened by the passing of our wonderful queen. The royal family have done us proud and although royalty over the years hasn't always been the best, the current royalty have overall done the country a wonderful deed and have never let us down.

    What planet are you from?

    Earth my friend.
    The royal family do huge amounts for the people of Britain. Are you suggesting they dont ?
    They make more money (over cost) than anything else Britain has to offer so even the idiots who spew the "but they cost us a fortune" comments are not worth a seconds thought.

    The royal family are a wonderful entity and anyone who suggests differently needs a poke in the eye ;)

    It is all about them and the idea that you might think you are included demonstrates how deluded you are. They are a morally banrupt group of constant takers who rely heavily on the old guard to keep it going. What we don't know about them far outweighs what we think we do. The idea that you would choose to elevate a small group of people above and way beyond the "ordinary" citizen in ludicrous in any age and anyone falling for the financial straw is in need of serious help!!
  • Also the fact we are in a recession and the Queen recently had her pocket money enriched by a few million extra a year so she can spend more. She already got over 60 million a year to live her life and do what she wants, as if that wasn't enough? I just don't see how that pays off, maybe as a tourist it is cool to see Buckingham palace, but do any "normal" citizens see any of that money? No it is spent on celebrities and royalty from other parts of the world. I love the idea of having a queen, but it is not necessary these days.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    The Royal family are what they are. Do I envy their lifestyle? If being honest, sometimes yes. Would I swap with them - no, I am happy with my lot. They perform their role and I perform mine. i don't regard them to be my betters.
    They were born to their family by fate, kismet or whatever. I was born to mine by the same fate, rather than in North Korea or sub saharan Africa.
    If they were to be abolished, how would it affect my life? Not one iota as far as I can see. So if it aint broke why fix it.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    Some of these posts are truly jaw dropping.

    Roll on September 2014.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    You haters need to take in the truth as not talk without knowing fact.
    For every pound the royals cost, they bring in over 117. Even apple doesn't manage that !!!!

    They make us money not cost us.

    So, who's on what planet !?!
    Living MY dream.
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    VTech wrote:
    For every pound the royals cost, they bring in over 117. Even apple doesn't manage that !!!!

    Another made-up number.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,160
    Slowmart wrote:
    Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.

    To be fair to Frank I think he raises a valid point. Even if those who have genuine grievance with her policies act with dignity there are likely to be the professional protesters, many of whom weren't even born during her terms in office, who will use the polarised opinions of her to start trouble (in the name of others who don't want such action probably!). Also, to be fair to Frank and some others on here who were negatively affected by the Thatcher era they are not advocating trouble or even celebrating her death. It's one thing to not shed a tear and still feel dislike / hatred / disdain but quite another to celebrate her passing. Personally I think Frank has stuck to his principles with dignity on this unlike many others.
  • dmclite-3.0
    dmclite-3.0 Posts: 845
    Pross wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Civil unrest? By who? Those impacted are too old too care unless your an attention whore minor celebutwat.

    Me, I"ll raise a glass and wish RIP.

    To be fair to Frank I think he raises a valid point. Even if those who have genuine grievance with her policies act with dignity there are likely to be the professional protesters, many of whom weren't even born during her terms in office, who will use the polarised opinions of her to start trouble (in the name of others who don't want such action probably!). Also, to be fair to Frank and some others on here who were negatively affected by the Thatcher era they are not advocating trouble or even celebrating her death. It's one thing to not shed a tear and still feel dislike / hatred / disdain but quite another to celebrate her passing. Personally I think Frank has stuck to his principles with dignity on this unlike many others.

    What Pross said +1.
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • how much tourism do the royals bring in? facking loads i imagine. anyone ever had the displeasure of going thru the sh*tole that is windsor lately? i guess they must be great value for money.

    as for thatcher, fact is she won 3 terms (and at a time that the electorate wernt so influenced by the pc liberal media as they are when blair won 3 terms and changed the nature of this country forever), so nearly half the population agreed with her policies for a long period. im too young but, i fail to see how reforming dinosaur unproductive industries, is a terrible thing, likewise the falklands, cosying up to pinochet (now thats really clutching at straws)
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Given her penchant for privatisation, the security contract should be given to G4S. They did a good job at the Olympics, after all.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    ooermissus wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    For every pound the royals cost, they bring in over 117. Even apple doesn't manage that !!!!

    Another made-up number.

    Your right, it was a typo, royals cos the UK millions, they bring in billions.

    Argue as much as you like, it's a fact and even wanting to fight with me won't change that.
    Living MY dream.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    afx237vi wrote:
    Given her penchant for privatisation, the security contract should be given to G4S. They did a good job at the Olympics, after all.

    As Ken Loach stated yesterday, they should put her funeral out to tender and give it to the lowest bidder. It's what she would have wanted :lol:

    Tories. Fxck them all.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    afx237vi wrote:
    Given her penchant for privatisation, the security contract should be given to G4S. They did a good job at the Olympics, after all.

    As Ken Loach stated yesterday, they should put her funeral out to tender and give it to the lowest bidder. It's what she would have wanted :lol:

    Tories. Fxck them all.

    In part your right. She expressly requested a private, small burial and should be granted that. She didnt want a big fuss. (According to close friends in the media)

    On the other hand, labour have done more to ruin the country than Tory ever have.
    Tory gave you the ability to go out and make something of yourself whilst labour brainwashed us with jobs for life cobblers that isn't sustainable.

    Jobs exist only to supply demand, when demand fails the jobs disappear.
    That's economics101 my friends.
    Living MY dream.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    Your boasting of personal wealth, the Royal Family and Tories. Excellent. Do you read the Daily Mail too? Please say you do!
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Your boasting of personal wealth, the Royal Family and Tories. Excellent. Do you read the Daily Mail too? Please say you do!

    How come whenever your backed into a corner by a daft comment about me you try to mock me ?
    Does it matter if I'm rich or poor?

    The fact still remains that what I wrote is correct, even if you dont like it, it simply can't make it wrong.
    Rich or poor, I'm a nice person, I have compassion and would never be happy at the death of someone else. Even if you really hate someone what good is it going to do you to party at their death ?
    I really feel that hatred in people holds them back from making the est of their life.

    Go forth, be happy, multiply If your lucky and enjoy.
    Living MY dream.