Why would Cavendish get upset about being asked about LA?

rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
edited January 2013 in Pro race
He's on Youtube telling some journo to f-off for "asking about Lance"

I'm puzzled about why this would annoy him - surely it's the biggest story for ages so he's bound to get questions on it.

Do they have some sort of history/association together??



  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Because he's about to start a new season with a new team, he's one of the biggest names in cycling and would like to be asked about himself and his season.

    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Bit of an overreaction though. Watch any press conference and sportsmen are asked about stuff other than just themselves...
  • Ginjafro
    Ginjafro Posts: 572
    Maybe he regrets LAs endorsement of Mark's Biography "Boy Racer" which has "Cool Kid" on the front cover.
    Giant XTC Pro-Carbon
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  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,502
    iainf72 wrote:
    Because he's about to start a new season with a new team, he's one of the biggest names in cycling and would like to be asked about himself and his season.


    Tough shit.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • dolan_driver
    dolan_driver Posts: 831
    edited January 2013
    He could he have just said; " Look, I've answered that question already and I'm not commenting any further, thank you."

    I suppose "Fook off" is a little less taxing on the grey matter for little Mark. I'm not sure why he needed to call in the heavies, though. It looks like the diva attitude of some of the Premier League players is invading the peloton.

  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,502
    Too much to write about my feelings on the @lancearmstrong interview in 140 characters. I'll write an article & post a link when it's done.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    Probably sick of hearing about Armstrong, as I would think most of us are.
    He is probably sick of answering questions regarding doping and dopers. As Chris Hoy said, Lance Armstrong is not cycling he is just one (ex) cyclist.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    rodgers73 wrote:
    Bit of an overreaction though. Watch any press conference and sportsmen are asked about stuff other than just themselves...

    Its an over reaction if it's the first time

    but what it it's the second

    or the third








    What if every press conference you ve given this year has been dominated by someone, you hardly know that has destroyed the reputation of your sport, makes you look stupid and makes people assume you re a cheater just because you ride a bike

    How would you react if he asked the same question again?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    You ever tried having a rational conversation with a German over the age of 50 about World War 2.
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,502
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • vs
    vs Posts: 468
    ddraver wrote:
    What if every press conference you ve given this year has been dominated by someone, you hardly know that has destroyed the reputation of your sport,

    "It would hurt me more if he was doping then, when I counted him as a mate."
  • tim wand wrote:
    You ever tried having a rational conversation with a German over the age of 50 about World War 2.

    Have you ever tried a rational conversation with any British person (of any age) about Germany or Germans.

  • The lot who were all over Cav last year ('poor Cav being done over by Evil Sky')...its all open season at Cav now he's at OPQS. They wont like that bit in the article about USADA.
  • It's interesting that both Wiggo and Cav have said that they had thought at the time that LA may have been clean on his comeback because he seemed more human than before. I guess there's more to come on the 'was LA clean on his comeback' story' (USADA & Ashenden et al clearly think not). Certainly Wiggo in the Guardian directed some top swearing in LA's direction when it was put to him that LA was cheating in 09 TDF.

    I think it's OK to ask riders what they think once or twice but, as said up thread, they're being the asked the same questions day after day in response to the latest LA circus news. Who wouldn't get fed up and narky? The main thing is that people are clamouring for their opinion but only want to listen to it if it fits their own narrative - otherwise every word gets shredded on the twitters and recycled into meanings that the original speaker never intended.
  • Graham K
    Graham K Posts: 329
    I actually applaud Cav,
    It looks like he is doing a signing or interview about him and the new season, and someone has asked him a question about an ex rider, It may be the biggest story to ever hit the sport but time and place please.

    The Sport is on a rocky edge at the moment, LA has only admitted doping, yet he never tested positive, thus no hardened solid evidence, so people (riders) have to be careful what they say to avoid being lawsuited or upsetting the folk who pay their wages.
    The sooner the sport as a whole can clear up this mess then the sooner it can move on and away from drugs cheating.

    If you was to be asked 20 times a day the same question about something your against, would you start getting the royal hump?
    I would.
  • Media - sports and non-sports - swarming all over the TDU.

    Press conference today: 'Gerrans asked by a reporter if he thinks the talk can get back to bike racing. "That depends on what you guys in this room write." Fair enough'
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,289
    iainf72 wrote:
    Because he's about to start a new season with a new team, he's one of the biggest names in cycling and would like to be asked about himself and his season.


    The caption near the beginning of the clip says "Mark Cavendish, Coureur Team Sky". That's the standard of journalism he's dealing with.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Simmotino
    Simmotino Posts: 295
    Given the date of the video, probably this:
    Is it possible to comment on an interview that's not seen yet? It's still as hard after the 100th time of asking. What am I supposed to say?

    Journos asking stupid questions will always illicit a response from Mark that most would like to say but choose not to.
  • philw80
    philw80 Posts: 436
    What a great reply though......

    “We don’t assume every current BBC presenter is a sexual deviant because of what Jimmy Savile and his cronies were doing in the 1970s.

    Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/fe ... z2IQt6Wjkx
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,289
    If, for example, David Walsh while publicising his book was never asked about the book, but only about phone hacking at News International how understanding do you reckon he'd be?
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • plectrum
    plectrum Posts: 225
    rodgers73 wrote:
    He's on Youtube telling some journo to f-off for "asking about Lance"

    I'm puzzled about why this would annoy him - surely it's the biggest story for ages so he's bound to get questions on it.

    Do they have some sort of history/association together??


    In the same way it annoys many other of the top cyclists, it is because they are egotists and want to talk only about them, the superstar.
  • carl_p
    carl_p Posts: 989
    It's probably not the answer to a LA question that bothers Cav, moreso the likely follow up question along the lines of "have you or your team been involved...", or "how clean do you think cycling is now blah blah blah" type question that they don't like being drawn in to.

    Cav looks incredibly stressed though and the season hasn't started yet.
    Specialized Venge S Works
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    Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...
  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    I'm sick and fed up of being asked questions about Lance Armstrong from friends and colleagues that know i do a bit of cycling, cant imagine how annoying it must be if it is your job and you are surrounded by media asking questions all the time.

    The article in the Sun is pretty good actually (that will probably be the first and last time i ever say that sentence!)
  • phil s
    phil s Posts: 1,128
    Inexcusable behaviour from Cavendish at his team launch. Of course he should expect to give his reaction to the biggest story in cycling currently if asked. The Armstrong story transcends cycling and as a high-profile and highly-feted rider Cav should have an opinion. If he doesn't want to give it, then he can politely point out that he's already spoken on the matter and made his feelings clear or that he'll do so at a later time. To start swearing with cameras all around you is not clever. One day someone's going to punch him in the face pretty f*cking hard and it will be well deserved.
    -- Dirk Hofman Motorhomes --
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Think you opinion on this probably comes down to 'do you like Cav?'.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Think you opinion on this probably comes down to 'do you like Cav?'.

    Or perhaps "do you know Cav"
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • chrisday
    chrisday Posts: 300
    Think you opinion on this probably comes down to 'do you like Cav?'.

    Agree this is a big part of it, but also think it's another example of classic "black and white" thinking. Multiple things can be true at once, to wit:
    * Journos have a right to ask questions about The Biggest Story In Cycling [tm] to cyclists, and it's only going to increase with non-cycling specialists involved
    * Cav (and others) have a perfect right to get p!ssed off about it

    It's not that complicated :roll:
    @shraap | My Men 2016: G, Yogi, Cav, Boonen, Degenkolb, Martin, J-Rod, Kudus, Chaves
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    chrisday wrote:
    Think you opinion on this probably comes down to 'do you like Cav?'.

    Agree this is a big part of it, but also think it's another example of classic "black and white" thinking. Multiple things can be true at once, to wit:
    * Journos have a right to ask questions about The Biggest Story In Cycling [tm] to cyclists, and it's only going to increase with non-cycling specialists involved
    * Cav (and others) have a perfect right to get p!ssed off about it

    It's not that complicated :roll:
    Yep, I can see it from both sides. As a team boss I'm not going to be very happy that at the team presentation one of my riders is effing and blinding on camera but as Cav I've probably had it up to here with Armstrong.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Ned Boulting tweeted as much a few days back. Something like - Cav has every right to get pissed off at journos but he must understand that the journo has every right to ask!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Cav's going to come in for a barrell of it from the media at races for the foreseeable future. Everyone knows he's easy to get a rise out of at the best of times, just after a race - especially if he's just lost