So. October 11th it is...[Look away if you're squeamish]



  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,084
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    ...I know its an easier operation for men but... there's some other stuff I'd right but EKE may try to insult me and my family again.

    Lastly, this ecperience may have been a defining moment in your development in becoming or proving yourself a man. However, each of us are tested in various and unique ways according to the circumstances of our own lives.

    That is a massive understatement considering your previous comment related to c-sections. A tubal ligation is major abdominal surgery. I'm assuming that you've not really looked into this in detail.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    OK, 'Serious D' for a moment.

    My Mum had a c-section with my brother, lost too much blood, went into coma. I was 12. Ms DDD having a c-section was a nightmare I didn't want her to go through that. She had to. It's what had to be done.

    I fully get your circumstances and why you took the decision you took. By the second paragraph I was with you "Yeah, get the snip". By the end of the post I was thinking "Why couldn't she have it done"? Was she willing to have the operation? I know its an easier operation for men but... there's some other stuff I'd right but EKE may try to insult me and my family again.

    Lastly, this ecperience may have been a defining moment in your development in becoming or proving yourself a man. However, each of us are tested in various and unique ways according to the circumstances of our own lives.

    Always good to have a 'Serious D' moment, just don't do it too much.

    You're right, she could have had the op. It would just seem a little trite to say, "Yeah, pet, I know you've just given birth, and couldn't walk for a few months, and have also had the other two kids, with all the pain of childbirth and all, but I'm a little too squeamish to go have a seven minute procedure under local anaesthetic, could you go and have major surgery as well. I mean, you're recovering already."

    Lastly, having the snip wasn't a defining moment in proving myself a man, that's the thing - I don't need to prove I'm a man.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    OK, 'Serious D' for a moment.
    Right, then serious question.

    You have decided as a couple to have no more children.
    You have two options, an easy one (you get snipped) and a hard one (she does).

    All other things being equal. You being just as much less of a man as she would be less of a woman.

    You'd really want her to?
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Lastly, this ecperience may have been a defining moment in your development in becoming or proving yourself a man. However, each of us are tested in various and unique ways according to the circumstances of our own lives. It is not so much that I think I know what it takes to be a man, it is that I believe the measure of a man (or woman) is something that cannot be definitively answered when addressed and discussed sensibly - which is not what I am doing in this thread, mostly I am just having fun.
    Two points.

    Is it still 1955, where men have to prove themselves or match up to some arbitrary measure of what it takes to be a man? I thought we'd moved on tbh.

    Your second point is on a par with Matthew Parriss demanding that cyclists be cut down with piano wire stretched across the road, then backtracking in the face of being found wanting and claiming it was all 'a joke'.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    rjsterry wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    ...I know its an easier operation for men but... there's some other stuff I'd right but EKE may try to insult me and my family again.

    Lastly, this ecperience may have been a defining moment in your development in becoming or proving yourself a man. However, each of us are tested in various and unique ways according to the circumstances of our own lives.

    That is a massive understatement considering your previous comment related to c-sections. A tubal ligation is major abdominal surgery. I'm assuming that you've not really looked into this in detail.
    Le sigh. Now we are just arguing semantics. Honestly your better than this and I hate doing this because it's you but:

    Is it an easier operation. Yes or No?

    Had I wrote "Its a massively more complex operation for women of gargantuan proportions when compared to the operation for men" Would it still be an easier operation for men. Yes or No?

    What is wrong with writing that it is an easier operation?
    UE wrote:
    You're right, she could have had the op. It would just seem a little trite to say, "Yeah, pet, I know you've just given birth, and couldn't walk for a few months, and have also had the other two kids, with all the pain of childbirth and all, but I'm a little too squeamish to go have a seven minute procedure under local anaesthetic, could you go and have major surgery as well. I mean, you're recovering already."

    Point and this is a little unfair this is a specific set of circumstances where a person would normally say no but the circumstance demands they re-evaluate and find themselves saying yes.

    I think I would need to be in this position to truly answer but my head is still saying no because I don't have the emotional attachment to the situation.

    If the circumstances were - 'We are 45 - 50, prime swinger/swapping age. We don't want anymore kids. She doesn't want to use contraception. Barrier methods are a bore and cumbersome. It's time Mr DDD had the snip'. Then I think I would be saying "Hell - to - the - no".
    UE wrote:
    Lastly, having the snip wasn't a defining moment in proving myself a man, that's the thing - I don't need to prove I'm a man.
    Good answer, we are on the same page.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    the effect that the hormones in the pill has on fish
    You shouldn't be doing it with fish. I doubt you could even get a fish pregnant so, if you are, no need for contraception.
    When swimmers were mentioned it was about something else.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    CiB wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Lastly, this ecperience may have been a defining moment in your development in becoming or proving yourself a man. However, each of us are tested in various and unique ways according to the circumstances of our own lives. It is not so much that I think I know what it takes to be a man, it is that I believe the measure of a man (or woman) is something that cannot be definitively answered when addressed and discussed sensibly - which is not what I am doing in this thread, mostly I am just having fun.
    Two points.

    Is it still 1955, where men have to prove themselves or match up to some arbitrary measure of what it takes to be a man? I thought we'd moved on tbh.

    Your second point is on a par with Matthew Parriss demanding that cyclists be cut down with piano wire stretched across the road, then backtracking in the face of being found wanting and claiming it was all 'a joke'.

    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.

    My approach in this discussion. The tone, words and bombast in my posts - the Graveyard and likening men to cats... - is where I'm being jovial.

    I don't think men/women need to test themselves against each other to prove their internal worth. I do think there are situations in life that happen that test our sense of self worth. I will never willingly look at an individual and state that they are less of a man/woman compared to someone else.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,602
    Wikipedia wrote:
    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[3]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[4] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[5] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."
    msmancunia wrote:
    completely incendiary in my opinion.
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    which is not what I am doing in this thread, mostly I am just having fun.

    How is this not trolling if you're just having fun?
    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,084
    edited September 2012
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Le sigh. Now we are just arguing semantics. Honestly your better than this and I hate doing this because it's you but:

    Is it an easier operation. Yes or No?

    Of course it is. You seemed to not appreciate just how much easier it is. If that's not what you meant then maybe use different words.

    Would I? If you'd asked me a couple of years ago, I'd have not really considered it, but I'm not sure either Mrs RJS or I have what it takes to raise a third child in the near or distant future. I'm not much of a gambler, so it's certainly something I'm considering. It just seems the easiest way with the least risk of failure.

    Mind you, I've had someone rummage around with a scalpel in my eyeball, so my levels of squeamishness may be well below the norm.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • I liked the bit where compared EKE to Rick as if he was a bad thing. I mean granted his red trousers are an amusing thought, but he's not actually *that* bad, is he?
    What do you mean you think 64cm is a big frame?
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    I'm 28, have no kids and have zero desire to have any.

    I am considering getting the snip on the sly, if only in the hope that my partner will come home saying "'Guess what, WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!" for me to interject "Correction, you're having a baby. Please vacate the property within 24hrs."

    I would take some sick pleasure in that.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    pangolin wrote:
    Wikipedia wrote:
    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[3]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[4] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[5] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."
    msmancunia wrote:
    completely incendiary in my opinion.
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    which is not what I am doing in this thread, mostly I am just having fun.

    How is this not trolling if you're just having fun?
    EKE must be trolling and hey, given this isn't in the context of the discussion any you've made no other contribution to the thread, you must be trolling too! We are all trolls.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    rjsterry wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Le sigh. Now we are just arguing semantics. Honestly your better than this and I hate doing this because it's you but:

    Is it an easier operation. Yes or No?

    Of course it is. You seemed to not appreciate just how much easier it is. If that's not what you meant then maybe use different words.

    Would I? If you'd asked me a couple of years ago, I'd have not really considered it, but I'm not sure either Mrs RJS or I have what it takes to raise a third child in the near or distant future. I'm not much of a gambler, so it's certainly something I'm considering. It just seems the easiest way with the least risk of failure.

    Mind you, I've had someone rummage around with a scalpel in my eyeball, so my levels of squeamishness may be well below the norm.
    You can only take the experience of those around you and no one I know in the age bracket of not wanting anymore kids has had the snip and has got on just fine.

    I meant it was an easier operation, I didn't realise that I needed to express how much easier - seems like semantics to me.

    Still I respect what your saying. As I respect UE's decision to go ahead with it. Me, nope, never.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.
    You're not getting this. "Bob" doesn't get cut, his handbag* gets a tiny snip and a tube in there is cut.

    * Manbag if it makes you feel better. :lol:
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,084
    Veronese68 wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.
    You're not getting this. "Bob" doesn't get cut, his handbag* gets a tiny snip and a tube in there is cut.

    * Manbag if it makes you feel better. :lol:

    Bowling bag, surely.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.

    1. You are ignorant on the subject.

    2. You are a troll.

    Pick one.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    daviesee wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.

    1. You are ignorant on the subject.

    2. You are a troll.

    Pick one.
    2. You are a troll.

    Why you would ask me to pick whether you are a troll or ignorant I'll never know.

    Me? With the exception of arguably UE's circumstances I actually don't see the point of getting the snip in the middle-to-advancing years of my life. I've given my reasons, I don't believe I'll be having more sex, less probably, and I don't think I would be having enough sex to justify such a fundamentally life altering operation. I have also cited, what if I leave my partner and find someone else who wants to have kids.

    I also believe I touched on this earlier - as I know I am not alone - the majority of people who are in their mid 40s - 50s haven't had said operation/s. People who have had the operation are very much in the minority. So there must be - probably with some form of correlation - a reason for this. So disagreeing with your position isn't automatically ignorant.

    Also, FYI the scrotum also comprises of 'Bob'. Girls don't have a ball sack.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:
    And this line
    "It is not for me. It isn't for any of the men in my family"
    is completely incendiary in my opinion. Are you saying that if a man has a vasectomy, then he's no longer a man? What about men who are infertile? Are they not proper men either?

    Maybe I'm making the point that the men and not the women in my family have not had this done. Brush your shoulder, there's a chip resting on it.

    Sorry - I've been away adjusting my lunchtime chakras at a yoga class and getting all zen like.

    Anyway, I'll take the chip off my shoulder if you write a bit more clearly - I'm not the only one who thought you'd exploded in a big ball of manly hormones. Just say that none of the women in your family have been sterilised (to your knowledge) and it's all a lot clearer.

    The other thing you have to think about re you thinking that nobody over 40 ever has sex ever again unless they're wifeswappers or swingers, is that for those who've had kids fairly early, (and probably some that had them a bit later to be honest), when you hit your forties, it's game on again. Your kids are old enough to be out, spending time at mates, having sleepovers etc. After those sleepless nights of feeding, nappy changing, comforting a child when they've had a nightmare and they get in with you, the forties and fifties are when a lot of people rediscover their sex lives. With their actual partners!

    Add to that the surge in fertility that a lot of women get just before the menopause (like a last gasp, if you like), then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    rjsterry wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    I take exception. No one is cutting Bob - yes, I named him Bob in my early teens and I still call him that to this day. I'm not joking about my position on getting the snip.
    You're not getting this. "Bob" doesn't get cut, his handbag* gets a tiny snip and a tube in there is cut.

    * Manbag if it makes you feel better. :lol:

    Bowling bag, surely.
    Only if you have one (large) ball.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    msmancunia wrote:
    then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    It doesn't seem more attractive to me.

    That clear enough for you?
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:
    then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    It doesn't seem more attractive to me.

    That clear enough for you?

    So there's the difference between thee and me.

    And don't ever say you're a better cook than me DDD! I'm formerly a professional chef, and I can tell you now - I'd whup your ass in any kitchen :D
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    msmancunia wrote:
    The other thing you have to think about re you thinking that nobody over 40 ever has sex ever again unless they're wifeswappers or swingers, is that for those who've had kids fairly early, (and probably some that had them a bit later to be honest), when you hit your forties, it's game on again. Your kids are old enough to be out, spending time at mates, having sleepovers etc. After those sleepless nights of feeding, nappy changing, comforting a child when they've had a nightmare and they get in with you, the forties and fifties are when a lot of people rediscover their sex lives. With their actual partners!

    Add to that the surge in fertility that a lot of women get just before the menopause (like a last gasp, if you like), then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    Returns round of applause.

    Well said that woman. Unarmed hand to hand combat under the sheets doesn't end on the 40th birthday, it kicks off again, just for those reasons. Wait till she takes you to a hotel for your 50th. That was errr would be great, I expect. It doesn't stop, it changes and becomes something better, and doing it as & when without any need to pause to consider & prevent the consequences - ever, for the rest of your active days - is well worth it if all it took was a few minutes of discomfort having your scrotum snipped and some pipes tweaked.
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    msmancunia wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:
    then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    It doesn't seem more attractive to me.

    That clear enough for you?

    So there's the difference between thee and me.

    And don't ever say you're a better cook than me DDD! I'm formerly a professional chef, and I can tell you now - I'd whup your ass in any kitchen :D
    So you have experience of putting together a set menu....

    You've got more chance of outsprinting me on a bike - which is impossible - than being a better cook than me.

    How do you make curry goat?
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    So you have experience of putting together a set menu....

    You've got more chance of outsprinting me on a bike - which is impossible - than being a better cook than me.

    How do you make curry goat?
    How's it go?

    Me man. Roooaaarrrr!!!!..

  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    You've got more chance of outsprinting me on a bike - which is impossible - than being a better cook than me.

    You *are* on Strava these days, DDD. :wink:
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    How do you make curry goat?

    Take one goat. Curry it.

    Really not that hard.
    What do you mean you think 64cm is a big frame?
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Why you would ask me to pick whether you are a troll or ignorant I'll never know.

    Given your earlier posts which show a complete lack of knowledge on the subject I can come to 2 conclusions.

    1. You are ignorant of the facts.

    2. You are playing ignorant to troll.

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:
    then a permanent solution becomes more attractive.
    It doesn't seem more attractive to me.

    That clear enough for you?

    So there's the difference between thee and me.

    And don't ever say you're a better cook than me DDD! I'm formerly a professional chef, and I can tell you now - I'd whup your ass in any kitchen :D
    So you have experience of putting together a set menu....

    You've got more chance of outsprinting me on a bike - which is impossible - than being a better cook than me.

    How do you make curry goat?

    Are you after tips or is this a test? :) Depends if you wanted it Indian or West Indian I guess - WI is milder from what I remember. Weirdly had a conversation just yesterday with half-Indian boss with half a goat in the freezer about exactly the same thing. Not keen on it though, prefer mutton.

    And I am a better cook than you......
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    msmancunia wrote:

    Are you after tips or is this a test? :) Depends if you wanted it Indian or West Indian I guess - WI is milder from what I remember. Weirdly had a conversation just yesterday with half-Indian boss with half a goat in the freezer about exactly the same thing. Not keen on it though, prefer mutton.

    And I am a better cook than you......
    Good answer...
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    msmancunia wrote:

    Are you after tips or is this a test? :) Depends if you wanted it Indian or West Indian I guess - WI is milder from what I remember. Weirdly had a conversation just yesterday with half-Indian boss with half a goat in the freezer about exactly the same thing. Not keen on it though, prefer mutton.

    And I am a better cook than you......
    Good answer...

    Is that it? Are you actually lost for words? No other comeback?

    *faints with disbelief*

    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity