So. October 11th it is...[Look away if you're squeamish]



  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    bails87 wrote:
    So.....DDD has a crap sex life?

    *pulls pin and runs*
    And he thinks it's going to get worse in his 40s. Thankfully he is dillusional, at least in this case. I may be older at 44, but I'm far from passed it. Apologies if too much information.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Do it, but here's my cautionary tale:
    1. Chatting with the nurse (female) whilst someone's rummaging around inside my junkbag is not actually that amusing
    2. Anaesthetic was a bit variable, and when it hurts...
    3. getting gently whacked in the clackers during the procedure f'kin' hurts
    4. You look a total nob after as you have this huge nappy thing over your bits - I retired to bed with a load of films and enough chocolate to stock a Thornton's
    5. I got an infection, a week later I could barely walk or sit, needed antibiotics, really not funny going to a meeting in agony - given that I WORK IN HOSPITALS so everyone knew what was up :oops: :oops: :oops:
    6. Still get twinges to this day
    7. You've got to do the old 'message in a bottle' for a while after to check it's worked :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

    8. Being able to bang away like a US Postal worker without fear of any more babies is a nice relief :oops: :P :twisted:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • So what does one tell ones young daughter about this operation?

    "What's the operation for Daddy?"

    Think quick.

    " toe. Yes. That's it. My toe. I need an operation on my toe"


    Daughter: "Mummy, in Scripture Union class we were asked is there anything we would like to pray for"

    Mummy: "That's nice dear. What did you pray for?"

    Daughter: "I told everyone about Daddy's sore toe and how he had to have an operation on it. So we all prayed for Daddy's sore toe."
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Veronese68 wrote:
    bails87 wrote:
    So.....DDD has a crap sex life?

    *pulls pin and runs*
    And he thinks it's going to get worse in his 40s. Thankfully he is dillusional, at least in this case. I may be older at 44, but I'm far from passed it. Apologies if too much information.
    Some good news for him though - He is wrong about women.
    They get hornier as they get older. :shock:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    daviesee wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    bails87 wrote:
    So.....DDD has a crap sex life?

    *pulls pin and runs*
    And he thinks it's going to get worse in his 40s. Thankfully he is dillusional, at least in this case. I may be older at 44, but I'm far from passed it. Apologies if too much information.
    Some good news for him though - He is wrong about women.
    They get hornier as they get older. :shock:

    that explains my 87 year old durty bee-atch
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    But there is the pill, the injection, the implant, condoms, the coil... why are men taking responsibility for contraception and being typical men at that, and taking it to the extreme. 50inch TV when a 28 did fine 10yrs ago. Getting the snip when timing it with phases of the moon works just as well...

    Get a grip.

    The risks are near zero. The discomfort is nothing to what you put yourself through on a testing bike ride.

    Compare that to the risks involved in pregnancy, of ongoing hormonal treatment or the unreliability of alternative methods of contraception.
    Then factor in the potential impact of an unwanted pregnancy.

    Most of these risks are borne (sorry... :oops: ) by your partner. Having the snip allows you to take some of the responsibility in your relationship. If you don't see that as an opportunity then... well, 'nuff said.

    Personally, the only strong argument I can see against is the possibility that you may want to try again some day: freeze.

    After three kids (and a wait until the youngest was at school) we discussed it and agreed on a permanent solution. Why should my wife have to endure years of body-chemistry roulette just so I have the option to get the trouser snake out and scatter seed around the gene pool when I feel like it? And avoid a bit of discomfort? I've had worse sitting on (and falling off) the bike frankly.

    The worst bit was the needle in the bawbag. After that it was just a case of enduring bruised nuts for a while once the anaesthetic wore off. Had much worse scrotal bruising after karate..... :oops:
    "Get a bicycle. You won't regret it if you live"
    Mark Twain
  • In case anyone is interested, I'm still having a very health sex life at 72.

    The fact I live at number 44 is neither here nor there.

    Just saying. :wink:
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    In case anyone is interested, I'm still having a very health sex life at 72.

    The fact I live at number 44 is neither here nor there.

    Just saying. :wink:

    ha that made me laugh out loud

    Keeping it classy since '83
  • antlaff
    antlaff Posts: 583
    So October 11th is the big day.

    4 kids is plenty for any man (actually 2 was enough but that's another story) and condoms are passion killers so yours truly has date with the surgeon for the eusphemistically delicate 'snip'

    Was in the same boat (5 kids at this stage) 5 years ago and the wife talked me out of it the night a further 4 kids later, cycling is all I have left to keep me sane.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    A friend's brother in law had a kid, they tried for another for years. Eventually gave up trying, 13 years later she got pregnant with twins. They decided that was enough and booked him in for the snip. Before he had it done she got pregnant again. They went from having a 13 year old to having a 14 year old and 3 kids under the age of 1.
    He has been snipped now.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    antlaff wrote:
    So October 11th is the big day.

    4 kids is plenty for any man (actually 2 was enough but that's another story) and condoms are passion killers so yours truly has date with the surgeon for the eusphemistically delicate 'snip'

    Was in the same boat (5 kids at this stage) 5 years ago and the wife talked me out of it the night a further 4 kids later, cycling is all I have left to keep me sane.

    9 kids??

    or did i read that wrong
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    bails87 wrote:
    So.....DDD has a crap sex life?


    In case anyone is interested, I'm still having a very health sex life at 72.

    The fact I live at number 44 is neither here nor there.

    Just saying. :wink:

    davisee wrote:
    Some good news for him though - He is wrong about women.
    They get hornier as they get older. :shock:

    Can any of you - anyone - honestly say they are getting more and capable of having more sex now compared to when they were 16 - 25?

    What is the point of willingly getting the snip if you know your sex life is going to be an ever diminishing thing.

    And walkingbootweather, you're a wrong'un. 72, that's classified as granny porn on 'tube 8' (tube 8 is a website, a website can be found on the internet, the internet.... ). Granny's shouldn't do it.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    Can any of you - anyone - honestly say they are getting more and capable of having more sex now compared to when they were 16 - 25?

    I can, actually. But then again, I didn't have sex with anyone until I was 22 cos I'm rather choosy and I don't want to write myself off less than 20 years after first tried it!

    But DDD, have you ever heard any old person look back and say that one of their biggest regrets was too much sex? Of course not. With age comes experience, with experience comes confidence, and you're half way there to a happy ending :) And it's good fun and it doesn't have to feel like you've run a marathon afterwards no matter what your age.

    And besides, having sex with someone is all part of showing them that you love them. If you're limiting it to once a month, what does that make you look like? Someone who can't be @rsed. And no amount of putting the seat down or loading the dishwasher will make up for that.
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    edited September 2012
    msmancunia wrote:
    Can any of you - anyone - honestly say they are getting more and capable of having more sex now compared to when they were 16 - 25?

    I can, actually. But then again, I didn't have sex with anyone until I was 22 cos I'm rather choosy and I don't want to write myself off less than 20 years after first tried it!

    But DDD, have you ever heard any old person look back and say that one of their biggest regrets was too much sex? Of course not. With age comes experience, with experience comes confidence, and you're half way there to a happy ending :) And it's good fun and it doesn't have to feel like you've run a marathon afterwards no matter what your age.

    And besides, having sex with someone is all part of showing them that you love them. If you're limiting it to once a month, what does that make you look like? Someone who can't be @rsed. And no amount of putting the seat down or loading the dishwasher will make up for that.

    I have sex too.
    I had more sex when I was a teenager.
    I have less now I'm 30.
    I will have even less at 40, 50 and so on

    I know that my sex drive is diminishing and my recovery rate is diminishing even further. Twice a day, maybe with recovery and prep time inbetween, whereas back in the day you'd think I had two hearts. I don't see myself as being better at sex now than when I was a youngster, I have always had very very few inhibitions, I have always appreciated that its a joint effort, then there is sexual compatibility, everyone is different and likes different things. It takes two.

    There is no gain in my mind about getting the snip. My sexual prowess is not going to increase as I get older and I am not going to be able to have more sex the older I get. I am only going to have less. Cynic though I am, I don't see the value of getting the snip at a time in my life where I'm going to be having less and an ever diminishing amount of sex.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • What has this load of bollocks got to do with commuting chat?

    Edit: Theres one to add to the naughty word filter.
    What do you mean you think 64cm is a big frame?
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Cynic though I am, I don't see the value of getting the snip at a time in my life where I'm going to be having less and an ever diminishing amount of sex.
    Minor op.
    Never have to worry about it again. Ever. Simple, surely.

    It's okay though, you don't have to understand others' thought processes all the time; occasionally I don't understand yours...
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    What has this load of bollocks got to do with commuting chat?

    The Forum description:
    Commuting Chat
    Come and join in the banter: discuss here anything you want, whether bike related or not!
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    dhope wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Cynic though I am, I don't see the value of getting the snip at a time in my life where I'm going to be having less and an ever diminishing amount of sex.
    Minor op.
    Never have to worry about it again. Ever. Simple, surely.

    It's okay though, you don't have to understand others' thought processes all the time; occasionally I don't understand yours...
    Have you had it.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    DDD you have a lot to learn. If your partner decides that the pill or anyother form of contraception is no longer good, then you have to take on some repsonsibility yourself. You've yet to get your ear bent on the subject as you've only just had your first child. You'd struggle to be allowed to have it done at 30, but I'm 42, got two kids of 11 and 9 and we don't want anymore - it's the safest form of contraception.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Cynic though I am, I don't see the value of getting the snip at a time in my life where I'm going to be having less and an ever diminishing amount of sex.
    Minor op.
    Never have to worry about it again. Ever. Simple, surely.

    It's okay though, you don't have to understand others' thought processes all the time; occasionally I don't understand yours...
    Have you had it.
    No. I'm 31, have no children. I might want children in future so it makes no sense to. In the event that I decided that I never wanted [any/more] children then I'd consider it.
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    edited September 2012
    fossyant wrote:
    DDD you have a lot to learn.

    No I don't.
    If your partner decides that the pill or anyother form of contraception is no longer good, then you have to take on some repsonsibility yourself. You've yet to get your ear bent on the subject as you've only just had your first child. You'd struggle to be allowed to have it done at 30, but I'm 42, got two kids of 11 and 9 and we don't want anymore - it's the safest form of contraception.

    You assume too much. I will never have my ear bent on the subject of removing my ability to procreate.

    What if at 42 I split with my partner having had the snip. Find another partner who is 32 and wants kids but I've had the snip. Also at 42 assuming she is the same age, slightly younger or older, chances are she'll be going through the menopause.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    fossyant wrote:
    DDD you have a lot to learn.

    No I don't.


    When did you realise you knew everything?
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    I don't, I'm smart enough to know that there are something that I know I don't know.

    I don't think on this I have anything to learn, though. I would use condoms. What I don't understand, however, is how or why a woman wouldn't like a condom? If she is allergic to latex - there are other materials.
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    What I don't understand, however, is how or why a woman wouldn't like a condom? If she is allergic to latex - there are other materials.
    For the same reason that men prefer not to wear them?

    Yes, you don't understand or agree with that point of view. That's fine. But must you resort to bludgeoning people with your own inability to see their standpoint in every thread.
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    dhope wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    What I don't understand, however, is how or why a woman wouldn't like a condom? If she is allergic to latex - there are other materials.
    For the same reason that men prefer not to wear them?
    Can they, women, really feel the difference?
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    Also at 42 assuming she is the same age, slightly younger or older, chances are she'll be going through the menopause.

    Way way waaaay out. Fertility decreases, but most women don't even start the change until around 47. Girl I work with had a rather cute baby surprise at 46. Premenopause is early 40s unless you smoke or have had a catastrophic premature menopause.
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • woodnut
    woodnut Posts: 562
    Good grief, this is a strange thing to argue about.
    It's a minor op, but, when you go for counselling before they stress it is pretty much irreversible.
    It suits some couples and not others. I personally found it quite liberating.
    Can't really see the relevance of "how many times a week as you get older" though :?
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    What I don't understand, however, is how or why a woman wouldn't like a condom? If she is allergic to latex - there are other materials.
    For the same reason that men prefer not to wear them?
    Can they, women, really feel the difference?

    Yes they can and it's not the same.

    I can see your point of view being just 30 years old, but should say your relationship fail in your 40's why the hell would you want to go through having children again ? You 'come over' as very selfish towards your relationship.
  • msmancunia wrote:
    Also at 42 assuming she is the same age, slightly younger or older, chances are she'll be going through the menopause.

    Way way waaaay out. Fertility decreases, but most women don't even start the change until around 47. Girl I work with had a rather cute baby surprise at 46. Premenopause is early 40s unless you smoke or have had a catastrophic premature menopause.

    and since like a lot of things it's a curve some friends only just became premopause in their early 50's.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    davisee wrote:
    Some good news for him though - He is wrong about women.
    They get hornier as they get older. :shock:

    Can any of you - anyone - honestly say they are getting more and capable of having more sex now compared to when they were 16 - 25?
    I can categorically state that I am getting as much, just with the one person instead of mad flurries followed by a dry spell and repeat. Over a year, it probably balances out. But then 16-25 is a wide range. There were some very poor years in there and some spectacular ones. For reference, I did not have a long term relationship until I was in my mid thirties :oops: which explains the variations. The variety was fun though. :P
    Am I as capable? No. But then who needs all that pent up frustration? I can rise to the occasion whenever required and that is all that counts.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.