Rider other side of road....look over........NO REACTION..!!



  • To clear up a misnomer that is running through the thread, some people venting about waving at every tom dick and harry and having a sore arm because of it are missing one very obvious point, this is the UK and one might ride through devon and not see another rider for 60 mins , and then one comes along ooooooo-arrrrrrrrrrrrr , are ye aaaaaalroighty there laddy ? and a nice guy would exchange smiles and nod hello. Now take for example China where you have about 10 feet square around you to move or Holland where the bike is king and if you waved at everybody you would be exhausted and mentally incoherent by the end of it all. The UK is a very different place , dont you think .
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • p9uma
    p9uma Posts: 565
    For those who are unaware. SunderlandSupporter has posted several topics of this ilk, asked for advice or comments, then berated people who spent the time to answer him (myself included). Seemingly just because we didn't agree with his views. He comes out with ridiculous figures for his riding stats as if trying to impress.

    This is where some of the 'negative' comments are coming from, he asks for advice/comments, then either ignores it completely and asks the same question on another part of the site, or gets upset and tells people they are less than helpful or are wrong.

    He brings a lot of the negativity on himself.

    Saying that, i started reading this post and was going to comment on my own observations, i.e. some do and some don't. it slightly annoys me when they don't.

    Fair enough, however, it is fruitless to perpetuate the negativity by responding to negatives posts at all, let alone responding them with rudeness and thus more negativity.
    Trek Madone 3.5
    Whyte Coniston
    1970 Dawes Kingpin
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Is it too early to mention (Gw) Nazi Analogies?
  • Is it too early to mention (Gw) Nazi Analogies?

    Huh,,,,,,,,,,,,? What are you on about ?

    Or, what are you ON ?
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    I don't wave, much. Occasionally maybe but usually the INR is enough, or at a push the slight lift of the fingers from the r/h hood, but that's because I'm not so gregarious as to want to spend my rides interacting with complete strangers going in the opposite direction whose only shared value with me is that we happen to share a preference for one mode of transport and who will be gone never to trouble my existence again, probably inside of a few seconds. Wave? I might as well wave at farmers (I lived on a farm), or IT Personnel, or people on the M1 with Leicester City stickers in their windows.

    OP seems to believe that everybody is desperate to be part of some big virtual gang. He's wrong. Some of us like being out away from it all; the idea of having to engage in social interaction with total strangers just because they have a nice bike doesn't appeal thanks. You wave. I'll do the INR. We can both get on with our lives.
  • klep
    klep Posts: 158
    I thought this was some kind of racist thing... I'm coloured you see and nobody waves back at me!
  • giropaul
    giropaul Posts: 414
    Around where I ride there are a number of pros - Node 4, Raleigh, Garmin etc.

    They always wave or nod - some sort of acknowlegement anyway.

    If they can keep up a tradition then I guess we all can.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Is it too early to mention (Gw) Nazi Analogies?
    Huh,,,,,,,,,,,,? What are you on about ?
    Or, what are you ON ?


    If you really want to know people's thoughts on 'waving' - use the search features of this forum :wink:
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    To clear up a misnomer that is running through the thread, some people venting about waving at every tom dick and harry and having a sore arm because of it are missing one very obvious point, this is the UK and one might ride through devon and not see another rider for 60 mins , and then one comes along ooooooo-arrrrrrrrrrrrr , are ye aaaaaalroighty there laddy ?

    Just because you haven't seen another rider for an hour doesn't make waving compulsory. You are over-reacting. eg
    I think thats the height of ignorance and bad manners, do you exchange waves and recognition yourself or cycle on with no reaction whatsoever ? If you are the 2nd type rider.................why so ?

    The height of bad manners? I mean, for heavens sake! The height of bad manners would be the other rider telling you to eff off. All he did was not respond. He may not have even noticed you. I've passed riders I've not really spotted even though I was looking in their general direction due to sun ahead of me. Sometimes I've just been concentrating on something else - before you know it, the rider is gone. Not being rude - just not spending my ride trying to spot other riders to wave to.

    You must hate riding if everytime someone fails to acknowledge you, you end up in a seething rage full of injustice :wink:

    And you do need to grow up a bit. This is the internet. You post stuff and sometimes it makes you look a bit of a knob. And you get abuse for it. You then let it wash over you and move on to the next thread and who knows but the folk that were telling you you were a prat in the first thread might be the ones behind you on your next. If you go around like a sulky 12 year old asking everyone to be your foe you'll soon find there is no one left to respond to your threads (except for the ones with no opinion on anything!).

    I've no idea if anyone has ever foe'd me but I certainly haven't foe'd anyone myself (or asked anyone to foe me) despite the fact that some folk have right wound me up on here at times (and I've certainly wound others up). But what happens in one thread stays there and just because someone annoys me in one thread doesn't mean I won't be on their side in the next.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    And to add...

    You're riding along, you spy another rider coming at you. So at what point do you wave? When you first spot him / her? Probably not. So at some point between spotting another rider and the point where you pass, you'll wave, and you'll expect one in return. How long is this gonna take, this time to passing? You gonna spend all of that time waiting for the wave? You spend all of that time not riding but watching the oncoming rider, the expectancy of the reciprocal wave giving you a rush of excitement. And disaster of disasters, you don't get that returned shared joy. Why not?

    Maybe the other rider is riding his bike properly with head down seeing just the road in front of him. He's not noticed your wave in that indeterminate 300 yard gap from initial sighting to pass. Presumably it was just a single wave, or it really does start to look like the behaviour of a mad man. In all likelihood the other rider hasn't spent the 300 yards approaching you with his hand poised ready to wave, but instead has missed yours due to being involved in the business of riding his bike and not been sitting up to identify a gesture. And more than likely he may not care that someone else in the UK has a bike. It's not that big a deal these days is it, owning a bike.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Is the OP a novice? I think he is, if so, he's still in a the novelty phase of cycling. Kind of like his cycling honeymoon, where everything is shiny and new. He's confused that all other riders he sees aren't ingesting the same intoxicating mixture of shiny kit, countryside and improving fitness (yeah, if you ride more you do get fitter OP).

    Once you've been riding for a few years, look back on these threads and feel embarrassed about your naivety, as I'm sure you will :)

    I usually nod, perhaps an exaggerated sideways head movement to indicate I'm winking in a "how're you doing mate" kind of way. I couldn't give a stuff if they respond or not, but they usually do.

    On some days, perhaps I have something on my mind, I don''t acknowledge anyone. Does this mean I displayed the height of bad manners?

    Get over yourself fella.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    I love threads like this. Helps pass the time when stuck in the office :)

    I acknowledge others if they acknowledge me. If they wave I wave in return, if they nod I nod in return, if they do neither I yell "fine be like that, ignorant c**t".
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    Ive exchanged waves, smiles & pleasantries with many cyclists whom I dont know who are coming towards me on the other side of the road and its nice , friendly and the right thing to do. Ive also looked over at riders who have seen me , blanked me and rode on like a horse with blinkers on .

    I think thats the height of ignorance and bad manners, do you exchange waves and recognition yourself or cycle on with no reaction whatsoever ? If you are the 2nd type rider.................why so ?

    Were you wearing a dirty mackem football shirt? That could explain it, I wouldn't wave at you if you wearing such a rag. :D
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    p9uma wrote:
    Fair enough, however, it is fruitless to perpetuate the negativity by responding to negatives posts at all, let alone responding them with rudeness and thus more negativity.

    Agreed, but SS has to shoulder some responsibility for this as he seems to be at it again.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    I could say something about SS not being able to see more than 10m in front due to copying pro riding position so how does he know there are other riders coming towards him to wave to them. But I won't, that would be extremely childish.

    Instead I'll ask SS, 'did you sort your riding position out mate? 'cos you left us all wondering in the other thread!'
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • p9uma wrote:
    Fair enough, however, it is fruitless to perpetuate the negativity by responding to negatives posts at all, let alone responding them with rudeness and thus more negativity.

    Agreed, but SS has to shoulder some responsibility for this as he seems to be at it again.

    Im not at "it" , whatever your definition of "it" is as it relates to me. What I am doing is discussing something that was on my mind when I started the thread. Gets people thinking and posting support and ridicule ...........communication is great isnt it ? Maybe you dont want to express yourself andrew, your choice and a loss to the board as a whole.Instead of whingeing, why dont YOU create something that gets US posting and supporting or bickering, I for one would read it gladly.

    Oh aye,before I forget, got the ole ride sorted out and all is cool :mrgreen:
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQoai_5iF1k&feature=fvwrel

    Here is the half time interval comedy relief fellas, Hitler is told he has to live in Sunderland, have a gander at this ..........funny clippage :lol: keep an eye out for the Sunderland spy whilst you are watching too.
    Unashamed to admit Ive zero time for Tory , Toff, In-bred , ex Public Schoolboys who are flushing our country down the crapper.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Didn't I run this thread a few weeks ago? :roll:

    Now {rubs hands}, who'd like to hear about my average speed? :)
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • To clear up a misnomer that is running through the thread, some people venting about waving at every tom dick and harry and having a sore arm because of it are missing one very obvious point, this is the UK and one might ride through devon and not see another rider for 60 mins , and then one comes along ooooooo-arrrrrrrrrrrrr , are ye aaaaaalroighty there laddy ? and a nice guy would exchange smiles and nod hello. Now take for example China where you have about 10 feet square around you to move or Holland where the bike is king and if you waved at everybody you would be exhausted and mentally incoherent by the end of it all. The UK is a very different place , dont you think .

    As some one from Devon I can correct your "are ye aaaaaalroighty there laddy" to simply the correct diction for the area being "whasson bey"...

    In answer to your original question, not being rude but if im blowing riding up some hill I couldnt care less about the bloke on the other side going downhill, sometimes i'll nod sometimes im concentrating on what ive come out to do...ride my bike..... not satisfy the social needs of others by feeling obliged to say hello.
  • BruceG
    BruceG Posts: 347
    p9uma wrote:
    Fair enough, however, it is fruitless to perpetuate the negativity by responding to negatives posts at all, let alone responding them with rudeness and thus more negativity.

    Agreed, but SS has to shoulder some responsibility for this as he seems to be at it again.

    Im not at "it" , whatever your definition of "it" is as it relates to me. What I am doing is discussing something that was on my mind when I started the thread. Gets people thinking and posting support and ridicule ...........communication is great isnt it ? Maybe you dont want to express yourself andrew, your choice and a loss to the board as a whole.Instead of whingeing, why dont YOU create something that gets US posting and supporting or bickering, I for one would read it gladly.

    Oh aye,before I forget, got the ole ride sorted out and all is cool :mrgreen:

    I suppose this means we are due the "What am I not faster now I have put some nice black 105 derailleurs on my bike" thread sometime soon then?
  • Boy Lard
    Boy Lard Posts: 445
    Sometimes I nod, sometimes I wave. If I'm struggling up hill and in a lot of pain and you come free wheeling down the opposite way and seem overly happy with yourself I might give you the finger. I normal say 'morning or 'afternoon if I pass somebody or they pass me, but depends what mood I'm in.

    SS, what I really want to know is, do you have any decals we could have a look at?
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    p9uma wrote:
    Fair enough, however, it is fruitless to perpetuate the negativity by responding to negatives posts at all, let alone responding them with rudeness and thus more negativity.

    Agreed, but SS has to shoulder some responsibility for this as he seems to be at it again.

    Im not at "it" , whatever your definition of "it" is as it relates to me. What I am doing is discussing something that was on my mind when I started the thread. Gets people thinking and posting support and ridicule ...........communication is great isnt it ? Maybe you dont want to express yourself andrew, your choice and a loss to the board as a whole.Instead of whingeing, why dont YOU create something that gets US posting and supporting or bickering, I for one would read it gladly.

    Oh aye,before I forget, got the ole ride sorted out and all is cool :mrgreen:

    Glad you got your bike position sorted.

    'it' is the way you ask for advice or views, then get annoyed at some of the responses. sometimes with insults to the very people who have taken the time to answer.

    I don't like to make mention of my lowly post count, but 0% of those are whinging, arguing, insulting posts, (well some are arguing). I have started many threads, take part in many many more. You can find me over on the mtb boards as well as on the road and touring fora. I don't make out to know all the answers and sometimes make a fool of myself, but I am a qualified mtb guide and cycling coach. I am happy to impart what I know to those that want to learn.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • HacKage
    HacKage Posts: 70
    I'm probably a bit of both sides of the argument. Being snobbish, ill give a wave or nod to any other roadies with drop bars, purely because I'd imagine they have a real interest in what they do and probably frequent fora such as this. Folk on normal run of the mill mountain bikes I'd imagine are just doing it for transport rather than for any great love of cycling but as I said, probably being snobbish there.

    I always make an effort to acknowledge the older generation out in their woolly jumpers and 1980's steel frames, something about it that makes me smile, and they are always the first to say hi or have a quick chat.

    I understand that it can be pretty frustrating to wave or whatever and get no response, but is that the reason why you went out on your bike, to get waves? Go out, do your own thing and you won't get upset by those who don't share the same need or want to be acknowledged as being part of some cycling family.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    May be it was Dan?

  • Wacky Racer
    Wacky Racer Posts: 638
    Virtually all of my riding is village to village, in a rural area. Pretty much everyone gives at least a nod, sometimes a wave, and occasionally a full on HIYA. I'm probably the nodding variety, although occasionally I will holler if I know the person. Rarely do I come across a cyclist who doesn't acknowledge me, but I can't say I would be concerned at all.

    But, if I cycled in built up areas I'd be surprised if I got any sort of gesture (other than the odd wanker hand motion), and I don't bother either. There aren't any rules that I am aware of, so I'm not sure we should be getting too hung up, unless we are very sensitive and can't deal with rejection.
    Ridley Orion
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    CiB wrote:
    I don't wave, much. Occasionally maybe but usually the INR is enough, or at a push the slight lift of the fingers from the r/h hood, but that's because I'm not so gregarious as to want to spend my rides interacting with complete strangers going in the opposite direction whose only shared value with me is that we happen to share a preference for one mode of transport and who will be gone never to trouble my existence again, probably inside of a few seconds. Wave? I might as well wave at farmers (I lived on a farm), or IT Personnel, or people on the M1 with Leicester City stickers in their windows.

    OP seems to believe that everybody is desperate to be part of some big virtual gang. He's wrong. Some of us like being out away from it all; the idea of having to engage in social interaction with total strangers just because they have a nice bike doesn't appeal thanks. You wave. I'll do the INR. We can both get on with our lives.

  • saunaboy
    saunaboy Posts: 116
    I always give a wave or at least a nod.

    But to be fair, the OP is openly admitting to be a 5under1and Supporter, so in fairness should I be able to identify him as such (it's pretty easy up close and/or downwind due to the rather distinctive aroma of footballing mediocrity) any arm movement would be to lob something.

    But seriously, I also have to be honest in that if I wave and get snubbed I don't particularly care about it.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    CiB wrote:
    I'm not so gregarious as to want to spend my rides interacting with complete strangers going in the opposite direction whose only shared value with me is that we happen to share a preference for one mode of transport and who will be gone never to trouble my existence again, probably inside of a few seconds. Wave? I might as well wave at farmers (I lived on a farm), or IT Personnel, or people on the M1 with Leicester City stickers in their windows
    I take your point, although I think it's a bit different if you are just acknowledging other proper road cyclists, i.e. people engaging in the sport/hobby as opposed to just anyone riding a bike. Not quite the same with farmers or IT personnel, as presumably farmers can't tell you lived on a farm just by looking at you and (nerdy stereotypes aside) IT personnel aren't generally recognisable on the street!

    Apart from the obvious issues with how often you happen to encounter other riders in the area where you live/train, at the end of the day what is regarded as polite/rude is determined by precedent and largely arbitrary social codes. So in Japan it might be the height of rudeness not to return a bow or whatever when meeting a stranger. You can argue as much as you like about how silly this is and how you have better things to do than to bow all the time, but it's still rude not to bow because that's what everyone does and so it is expected.

    So the question is whether having a tradition of road cyclists acknowledging each other is a good or a bad thing. Personally I think quirky social/cultural/subcultural behaviours make the world a more interesting and diverse place (as long as they are fundamentally harmless), and such things are a lot easier to abandon than they are to establish in the first place, so I tend to like to try to encourage them.
  • For those who are unaware. SunderlandSupporter has posted several topics of this ilk, asked for advice or comments, then berated people who spent the time to answer him (myself included). Seemingly just because we didn't agree with his views. He comes out with ridiculous figures for his riding stats as if trying to impress.

    This is where some of the 'negative' comments are coming from, he asks for advice/comments, then either ignores it completely and asks the same question on another part of the site, or gets upset and tells people they are less than helpful or are wrong.

    He brings a lot of the negativity on himself.

    +1 He is funny though as he rants and pontificates and waves his willy around.
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    Death or Glory- Just another Story