Tissues at the ready (bike porn inside)



  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    29ers are fine especially mine 8)
    Canfield brothers' Yelli Screamy:
    Awaiting repair of reverb seatpost.
    Don't think, BE:
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Hippy we resovled this your all damn hippies!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    That Canfield was probably pretty nice til you bent it
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    wobbem, apart from the ghey purse under the saddle, that's quite nice.

    I'm concerned abotu a broken reverb though. They've not been out long, and I've already read of as many of them failing here, as I have come across owners of broken early Joplins in the real world.
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    indeed, not at all happy but the supplier promised to refund me if it fails again. Was thinking about setting up a thread about which dropper post has lasted the longest.
    Don't think, BE:
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    Thats not a purse it a cover for the Thudbuster :oops:
    Don't think, BE:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You mean the thudbuster that shouldn't be needed on a 29er because of it's enhanced bump eating ability?
    Well done, just as I thought I'd seen a decent 29er, you've put me right bakc to square 1.
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    Suffered from lower back pain for years ( before I started riding) Thuddys work a treat for this, back is strong enough now to handle a normal post hense the reverb
    Don't think, BE:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You know what would work better? A proper bike :twisted:
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    Oh you b*tch :lol:
    Don't think, BE:
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Ripley 29 details out, 120mm as expected (hoho).


    Yay or nay?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Well, no. it was still an assumption.
    If a horoscope says you'll "win big", and you win the lottery that day, that doesn't make it accurate, it just makes it a coincidence.
  • I've just read this, are you two still argueing :lol:

    My 29er continues to impress, that said I've not ridden recent 26er to make a sensible comparison. Looks are a subjective thing though, and walking around my LBS anything that's not a 29er looks like a BMX :P
    2011 Cannondale Trail SL 29er HERE
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I had to read back to find out what he was on about, actually.
    But yes, he's still being a clumpet.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    I love how predicting Ibis will release a 120mm 29er is similar to winning the lottery, never mind the fact that almost EVERY BRAND has done exactly the same. You don't see much more than that due to the crazy chainstay lengths you end up with.

    I didn't assume anything, I said I hoped it was 120mm and fit in with their current branding. It was the blatently obvious move by them. I was right.

    You continue to troll, ignoring the question altogether. Your posts in every thread, regardless of the topic, read "travel makes no difference, you can have a 120mm hucker or a 160mm XC bike!111", everyone knows this, its great news, move on. This doesn't mean there isn't a standard range for a specific type of bike.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    What question am I ignoring, exactly? And you weren't right. You got what you hoped for, that's all.
    You're rambling like a crazy person, go take your damned medication.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited August 2011
    Well much like the original topic, and first five pages, I was asking whether people liked it?
    Toasty wrote:
    Yay or nay?
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Looks nice - not seen that iteration of DW link before.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Toasty wrote:
    Toasty wrote:
    Yay or nay?
    Picking up a conversation/argument where it left off over a month ago may make sense to you, but I assure you, I have no idea what you're on about.
    Pretty sure you're some kind of psychopath though. Or on the wrong end of the Autism spectrum, possibly. In which case, good for you, but I still don't understand.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    It was a 29er bike porny thread, it still would be if you'd talk less. Nothing psychopath, I'm just adding another one to the list. Lay off possibly?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Dude, you're the one that dragged me into this. And I see you've edited your post to hie the fact.
    So yeah, i'm sticking with psychopath.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Ok, great, feel free to drag yourself back out. You seem to exist solely to argue, it's literally got to the point where the vast majority of your past posts are just digging at people :?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    dude, you asked if I still thought you were wrong, or something like that (you've now changed your post to hide it).
    Otherwise, I don't give 2 shites.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    No, I pointed out that my prediction was right and highlighted that anyone with a clue would have guessed the same. I realised I really couldn't be arsed with this, so changed it to the current, which was in line with the topic and far less likely to kick off.

    The fact that you were lurking on the forum, reading ancient threads within seconds of them being bumped I was oblivious.

    Probably wise just locking this thread, seriously can't see it actually recovering.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    So, you goad me into replying, then complain when I do?
    Yeah, locking this sucker is for the best then. Need to keep the mentalists like yourself under control :roll:
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Toasty wrote:
    Ripley 29 details out, 120mm as expected (hoho).


    Yay or nay?
    Yay but needs more bare carbon to make it worth the mental price tag that the'll put on it no doubt.
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Now THIS is bike porn!

  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    This was supposed to be a bike porn thread!

    As this has clearly collapsed I think I'lI just add that very few people look good on a 29er. They are the same people who make standard MTBs look like they are riding a child's BMX. Both of my 6'5"+ brothers in law look fine on a 29er.

    Of course I would say that..... ;)
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • I know someone like that, he makes his 29er like a 26" bike with an average height rider. :lol:
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    I know someone like that, he makes his 29er like a 26" bike with an average height rider. :lol:

    Like this on a 26" :lol:
    Don't think, BE: