Tissues at the ready (bike porn inside)



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    oh for the love of...
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Hey, you were the one pulling me up on my opinion as being twaddle, on a statement not in any way towards you. Shut up if you don't want to talk anymore, I assumed you were loving this, you don't have the faintest clue about what you're talking about.

    I've linked 2 journalist reviews stating exactly the same as I said, they're not hard to find as it's fairly common knowledge.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    You haven't ridden a 140 mojo 29er, though. And you're already discrediting such a design. A bike's design makes a far bigger difference than it's amount of travel. There are 120mm bikes that are better hooning machines than some 160mm bikes, and there are 180mm bikes that pedal better than some 120mm bikes.
    But here you are, making assumptions already on something we haven't seen in the flesh yet.
    Opinion is one thing, perpetuating incorrect assumptions is another.
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    the last opinion i would value is that of any journalist connected to a magazine or a commercial website such as this. they are heavily motivated and biased towards advertising revenues and as such their reviews are filled with contradictions and inconsistency. most reviews are usually re-hashes of press releases or advertorials as i like to call them. the best advice comes from those who have purchased and ridden the bike you may fancy.
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
    Cougar 531
    Sab single speed
    Argon 18 E-112 TT
    One-one Ti 456 Evo
    Ridley Cheetah TT
    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited July 2011
    You haven't ridden a 140 mojo 29er, though. And you're already discrediting such a design. A bike's design makes a far bigger difference than it's amount of travel. There are 120mm bikes that are better hooning machines than some 160mm bikes, and there are 180mm bikes that pedal better than some 120mm bikes.
    But here you are, making assumptions already on something we haven't seen in the flesh yet.
    Opinion is one thing, perpetuating incorrect assumptions is another.

    Lucky I've ridden on a DW Link Mojo then isn't it, or I'd have commited some sort of internet crime by hoping it's 120mm. I've not discredited any design, I'm just hoping it's shorter travel and aimed more at that side of the market, climbing on the front of a 140mm 29er fork doesn't hugely appeal.
    pastey_boy wrote:
    the last opinion i would value is that of any journalist connected to a magazine or a commercial website such as this.

    Indeed, I can probably go find an unbiased review stating the same. Simply that you can ride similar terrain just as swift, with slightly less travel on a 29er :) I used here as it was swift just typing 29er in the box at the top and finding a few people agreeing.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited July 2011
    Put it another way. You know some brands have those little sliders:


    There are 3 Mojos, aimed at covering all, the SL-R is built up lighter, the HD tougher. I hope the Mojo 29 is aimed at the XC end more than the all mountain end.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    Whilst I'm not perpetuating this little lovers tiff here, I do think that bikes that tred on new territories - such as a 140mm 29er - will a) not have a feel for the market and how people will want to ride it and b) not have a ton of riding experience to put into the design to improve it. You could expect such a niche bike not to perform to high expectations, but that's not to say they shouldn't produce it. I'd be excited to hear how a 140mm 29er performs.
    It's all evolution, what's good will survive.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Indeed, brands seem to have problems at the moment fitting the big wheel at the back, without having crazy long stays. Which is why you're seeing a second generation coming out with very curved seat tubes.

    The Niner WFO just about managed it:

  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Curious about that Banshee actually, googled it and found their blog:

    Banshee wrote:
    The Prime is a strong, stiff and planted 29er designed to excel in all elements of true all mountain riding. 29ers don't need as much travel as 26ers for coping with square edge hits due to the larger wheels rolling over obstacles easier, so the 130mm travel of the Prime will generally 'feel' like more travel (150-160mm) if you are used to riding 26ers.

    Such twaddle Banshee! Right Yeehaa? It's only 130mm as it doesn't need as much.
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    you keep mentioning the pro's but what about the cons. heavier wheels, heavier tyres and tubes, weaker wheels, higher priced components due to smaller production runs. with bigger wheels taking more effort to get up to speed what is the performance like on sudden steep climb when swift acceleration is needed ?
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
    Cougar 531
    Sab single speed
    Argon 18 E-112 TT
    One-one Ti 456 Evo
    Ridley Cheetah TT
    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Oh yeah, there's loads, I'm mentioning that specific plus as it was described as twaddle on the previous page :)

    There's loads of downsides, there's nothing magical about them, they ride just like you'd imagine a bike with bigger wheels to ride. They hang onto momentum better, but take a bit more effort to spin up. I found lots of traction, but if the front does slide out it seems much more awkward to recover from.

    The higher priced components are terrible at the moment, forks especially, you're hard pressed to get standard 1 1/8th" Rebas for sub £400. Team/Ti and maxle options are even harder to source, people are importing them from Germany.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty wrote:
    Oh yeah, there's loads, I'm mentioning that specific plus as it was described as twaddle on the previous page :)
    No, i said that your assumptions about a bike we haven't seen yet were twaddle.
    You really are one of the least agreeable people I've ever had the displeasure of communicating with.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    ..and you're generally regarded as such a kind friendly forum member. I feel honored.

    Once you've got it in your head you want to argue with me you jump on anything, that 120mm comment you jumped on was pretty weak, had it come from anyone else I can't see you'd bat an eyelid.

    We're both just painfully stubborn and don't back down from stupid arguments, which is why this is still going, I just wish you'd not bother starting a fresh one every 2 minutes.
    Don't need as much? Lose it's marathon potential?
    Such twaddle.
    Banshee wrote:
    29ers don't need as much travel as 26ers

    And yes, you did.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    You bought Banshee up. I haven't said anything about that.
    I really don't understand why you even bought the banshee up.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Because Banshee said exactly what I said, the statement you said was twaddle, purely to get a rise out of me. I didn't "discredit the design", I purely said it doesn't need as much travel, hence I hope it has fractionally less.

    See those 2 quotes above, the first was to me, the second was Banshee stating exactly the same as what I said.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Banshee don't mention a 29er Ibis at all.
    What the hell...?
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    No, they make a blanket statement of all 29ers, much like the 2 journalists also do.

    What the hell indeed, are you being serious here?
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    Toasty wrote:
    Banshee wrote:
    The Prime is a strong, stiff and planted 29er designed to excel in all elements of true all mountain riding. so the 130mm travel of the Prime will generally 'feel' like more travel (150-160mm) if you are used to riding 26ers.

    Such twaddle Banshee! Right Yeehaa? It's only 130mm as it doesn't need as much.

    Over rolling terrain a 29er might very well be smoother, but an AM bike should also be able to cope with sizeable drops. I frequently use all my 150mm travel but having less with bigger wheels is surely going to mean I bottom out more frequently. Meerly speculation - but I don't think a shorter travel 29er is the same thing as a longer travel AM bike. Just picking on the marketing BS here :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty wrote:
    No, they make a blanket statement of all 29ers, much like the 2 journalists also do.

    What the hell indeed, are you being serious here?
    Are you for real?
    Banshe say that 29ers can get away with less travel. Fine.
    You, on the other hand, were speculating that a 120mm mojo 29er would be better than a 140mm mojo 29er - without having ridden it, or seeing it.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I frequently use all my 150mm travel but having less with bigger wheels is surely going to mean I bottom out more frequently.

    Sure, if you run it at the same pressure/spring rate. But if you set the suspension up right, no, won't bottom out any more- just will have to be stiffer.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited July 2011
    You, on the other hand, were speculating that a 120mm mojo 29er would be better than a 140mm mojo 29er - without having ridden it, or seeing it.

    I know, it's crazy right!

    For marathon racing, yes, I'd assume that. I'd also assume that a 160mm XC race bike would be rubbish too, they should be paying me the big bucks for this stuff.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yes, crazy. Precisely.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    A fork with a 560mm axle to crown*, sounds very marathon to me. The idea that it might be rubbish for light XC type riding is indeed completely unfounded and slanderous.

    Anyway, we'll see, maybe my crazy vision of the future turns out to be right and it'll be 120mm or less.

    * 150mm Rev 29
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Look guys face facts...

    If you ride a 29" your a hippy.. there is nothing wrong with being a hippy.. but you are :P
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    i dont think its a coincidence that twenty niner is an anagram of "Wetter Ninny". i rest my case
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
    Cougar 531
    Sab single speed
    Argon 18 E-112 TT
    One-one Ti 456 Evo
    Ridley Cheetah TT
    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Look guys face facts...

    If you ride a 29" your a hippy.. there is nothing wrong with being a hippy.. but you are :P
    Oh Hai!
    I'll remind you of that next week and i'll give you a chinese burn once i've got out my wigwam and cuddled the nearest tree.

    Back on subject
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    Look guys face facts...

    If you ride a 29" your a hippy.. there is nothing wrong with being a hippy.. but you are :P
    Oh Hai!
    I'll remind you of that next week and i'll give you a chinese burn once i've got out my wigwam and cuddled the nearest tree.

    Back on subject

    Thats it i'm bringing thewagon and rifle and gonna stockade up and shooot ou as you leave the Wigwam, i want no squaters at our trails :p

    "mumble mumble damn hippies"
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    that reminds me i must trim my beard and put my new sandles on
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • CycloRos
    CycloRos Posts: 579
    Having read almost all 8 pages of this sucky thread, will someone in the north wales area please put yeehaa's dummy back in for the love of god!
    Current Rides -
    Charge Cooker, Ragley mmmBop, Haro Mary SS 29er
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    CycloRos wrote:
    Having read almost all 8 pages of this sucky thread, will someone in the north wales area please put yeehaa's dummy back in for the love of god!
    Why that's very nice of you.