Tissues at the ready (bike porn inside)



  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    29" bikes look like wagons from the old west simples, gracless and cumbersome.

    But then people have a horrendously poor choice in asthetics :P
  • wheezee
    wheezee Posts: 461
    Animated? I would say academically curious about the reactions provoked.

    I like to think I'm relaxed about the whole subject.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Right, so you people are now getting quite animated, because someone would dare not like the 29ers posted here?
    There's a word for people like you, but it's not family friendly.

    Hoho, indeed we're getting quite animated.

    I'm sure some people think bright green tyres look a tad garish, each to their own.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty wrote:
    Right, so you people are now getting quite animated, because someone would dare not like the 29ers posted here?
    There's a word for people like you, but it's not family friendly.

    Hoho, indeed we're getting quite animated.

    I'm sure some people think bright green tyres look a tad garish, each to their own.
    They do, YES, and I'm not contesting that. However, why do you continue to suggest that our opinion of them being ugly is incorrect? What kind of vested interest do you have in this?
    Do you not realise that your "everyone has their own opinion" must include those with differing opinions to your own?
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    However, why do you continue to suggest that our opinion of them being ugly is incorrect?

    Quote where I've said they're incorrect, and not where I've just offered my own opinion. I've apparently said it numerous times, this should be an easy one.

    I can quote where you've said our opinion is wrong if it helps.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty wrote:
    I just find it odd that it's an aesthetic plus or minus, it's not a radically different design.
    Toasty wrote:
    I can understand weird bike designs being loved or loathed. I just see 10% bigger wheels being exactly that though, much like I see wider bars just looking like wider bars, or shorter stems look like stems that are shorter.
    Toasty wrote:
    [people hated full sussers...] and they still do?! Aside from designs like the Groundcontrol/LTS that were very bike looking. I used to love the old Trek Y frame :(

    So, you say all this, yet you cannot accept that people will have differing views or opinions to you?
    Some of us DO NOT like the look of the 29ers posted. I fail to see how you could have any contention with that.
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    The important word in those quotes is "I", you see? That's the opinion part. "I find it odd.." for example
    Most of them still look hideous and wrong, no matter how much you've convinced yourself otherwise.

    I think thats the sort of comment you're objecting to right?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yeah, that's me, having a different opinion to you. Shock horror. :shock:
    I suppose I'm not allowed?
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    I'm not sure you're understanding the difference between opinions and stating things as fact here. It's a toughy I admit, try and keep up here:
    Most of them still look hideous and wrong, no matter how much you've convinced yourself otherwise.

    This is a crazy person ranting on the internet, stating internet fact.
    I think most of them still look hideous and wrong

    This is an opinion. Did you see the use of the "I" word I mentioned? It changes everything!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty, I gave my opinion. A tongue in cheek opinion, but my opinion nonetheless. Then you came along and said I can't do that.
    So, WHY, am I not allowed my opinion? Because it differs to yours? grow up.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • wheezee
    wheezee Posts: 461
    Yes, but whose?
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Whooooa i leave you lot alone for 5 mins and you try and burn down the house!

    I think your ugly! So there! (not seen you but just in case you are)

    I think i love my 29ers more because of the way they ride, and because i know they ride well that alters my appreciation of athstetics!
    Yes some do look odd (see the GT for instance) but some look pure sexual, see OP.

    I do still get people looking at my bike oddly, like the dog staring at a plastic bag in a fence, sideways lent glare :wink:

    Hey i like to be different, The Norm is boring and predictable.
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited June 2011
    Indeed, they do look a bit weird, they're fantastic internet arguing sport though. Today shot by much quicker!
    Toasty, I gave my opinion. A tongue in cheek opinion, but my opinion nonetheless. Then you came along and said I can't do that.
    So, WHY, am I not allowed my opinion? Because it differs to yours? grow up.

    More! This is good stuff, all it needs is "like, whatever" on the end.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    not usually a fan of Konas but i like this!

    thats actually pretty nice, must admit i quite like the look of the prototype FR bike kona are running round atm looks ace

    as for 29er's cant say as i really see the appeal for the majority of riding, but i do really want a go on this:


    140mm ish travel and slack geometry, seems like a good idea when mixed with the wagon wheels
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Now, that Banshee. That is nice.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Now, that Banshee. That is nice.

    it looks incredible doesnt it! can't believe more people havent taken 29er's to this sector of the market tbh, i bet that thing will fly out the shops in the states, i certainly wouldnt mind one :lol: id fit some different kit tho, cos some the kit on it looks gash :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Trek have a similar 29er that looks neat.
    I've been trying to figure out what the nice one I saw in betws was, but I'm drawing a bland. Turns out it wasn't a trek.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    ibis are doing one too, due to be unveiled in september, hopefully should be a similar kind of thing
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    Ive said this before but 29'ers are the goths of the bike world.
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
    Cougar 531
    Sab single speed
    Argon 18 E-112 TT
    One-one Ti 456 Evo
    Ridley Cheetah TT
    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yeah, but IBIS bikes, look dreadful. Like that 'orrible Mojo thing they do :wink::lol:

    Genuinely though, whilst I don't think the Ibis is an ugly bike, I don't think it's particularly attractive either. On the looks scale I'd give it a firm 5 out of 10.
    Doesn't mean I don't want one though.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Yeah, but IBIS bikes, look dreadful. Like that 'orrible Mojo thing they do :wink::lol:

    Genuinely though, whilst I don't think the Ibis is an ugly bike, I don't think it's particularly attractive either. On the looks scale I'd give it a firm 5 out of 10.
    Doesn't mean I don't want one though.

    you're wrong in the head dude!!!! :lol: no, i see what you mean, they can be seen like any other bike, i love how mine looks from certain angles, but from others it looks gash :lol:
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    lawman wrote:
    ibis are doing one too, due to be unveiled in september, hopefully should be a similar kind of thing

    Hehe, I'm actually hoping it's a 120mm travel or less, you really don't need as much and it'll lose it's marathon bike potential a bit if it's oversprung. On the plus side, one of us will be happy come Sept :) I eager check their website for updates, very nicely made frames (very short, but lovely :()!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Don't need as much? Lose it's marathon potential?
    Such twaddle.
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Don't need as much? Lose it's marathon potential?
    Such twaddle.
    I'm Running 120mm and i would of happily had an extra 20mm upfront, but getting a set of 140mm forks for 29ers is both near on inpossible and very expensive.
    I'm happy to ride all day on mine (marathon~) and do XC races, its no DH rig but it certaily handles big drops ok. pretty good all rounder i would say?
    as for not needing much, i think it depends on what and where you ride, i wouldnt fancy doing some of the decents that i do on a rigid, but then there's been races where i could of used one no problems. (i would never actually do this as rigid is as bad as singlespeeders) :wink:
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    Don't need as much? Lose it's marathon potential?
    Such twaddle.


    Now, now, play nice. Remember that opinion thing we spoke about?

    You seriously don't rely on suspension as much with 29ers, it's crazy what you can get away with even rigid. The wheels roll over obstacles that would deflect 26" wheels, small difference maybe, enough to lower the need for 140mm though.

    Having owned a Mojo for a year or so, and riding a vast amount of 29ers I thought my opinion would be valid here. I stand corrected, you clearly know best.

    "They give more speed sustain and traction up climbs or through fast corners. Good 29er hardtails descend like 100mm-travel (3.9in) 26ers. Good 100mm-travel 29ers will match most 152mm-travel (6in) 26ers on fast, rocky trail descents.

    Such twaddle Guy Kesteven! I know best, despite my complete lack of knowledge in the area! Right?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Have you ridden a 140mm ibis 29er? No. So stop making assumptions. :roll:
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited July 2011
    I've ridden a Jet9, Epic 29er and a load of hardtails, Paragon, Lynskey, Air9, Scandal obviously. Please do tell Yeehaa, what is your counter argument based upon?

    The original Mojo sells itself as a do everything bike, it's very solid for marathon racing if you build it up light. I just think they'd be wise building the new one to a similar audience, similar to what a Tallboy is aimed at now.

    http://www.bikeradar.com/gear/category/ ... igid-42667
    Mike Davis wrote:
    under most circumstances a rigid 29er feels about the same as a 26in wheeled bike equipped with a 80mm (3.1in travel) fork.

    Such twaddle Mike Davis! I've spent all week on the internet and I'll be damned if any of my opinions are wrong!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Toasty wrote:
    I've ridden a Jet9, Epic 29er and a load of hardtails, Paragon, Lynskey, Air9, Scandal obviously. Please do tell Yeehaa, what is your counter argument based upon?
    I don't have a counter argument. I'm not going to pass judgement on it till it's released and ridden. I don't buy into marketing nonsense.

    For all you or I know, a 140mm Ibis Mojo 29er could be the world's greatest bike. It could potentially be so good that everyone else just gives up.
    Or it might not.
    Hell, it might not even BE 140!
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    edited July 2011
    Then why am I not allowed to "hope" it's 120mm, based on how other 29ers I've ridden ride? I'd like it to be more like a Mojo SL-R, than a HD. My comments about needing less suspension are backed up with a few professional quotes above, you know, the "twaddle". You're doing exactly what you accused me of, shooting down someone elses opinion.

    What's tragic is you haven't got the foggiest, or slightest interest in the topic.