How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • Heffen
    Heffen Posts: 11
    48 yo :) and got my first RR last friday :) but hey i`ve done mtb for about 10 y =)
  • 19, started about 4 months ago more so to get fit, up to a point where i am doing 40 miles a day. Takes my mind off of the job hunting front for a few hours anyway. :)
    Cannondale SS Evo Team
    Kona Jake CX
    Cervelo P5
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928

    Last time I cycled it was to/from school. Last year I joined a gym to get fit after chemotherapy and found I enjoyed spinning classes. This year I've had to have another 4 months of Chemo and to get fit this time I thought I would ride a real bike!

    I'm really enjoying it, certainly a lot less smelly than a gym spinning class. :D

  • bux2002
    bux2002 Posts: 7
    I'm 26.
    I've pretty much always done a bit of cycling. (Only passing my driving test at 24 is the main reason).
    I've only just got my first road bike tho. Before that I had mountain bikes and most recently a hybrid, to commute. Two things lead to the "purchase" of my first road bike, 1. Inspired by the tour de France 2. Cycle 2 work scheme becoming available at work just after the tour.
    I've got a carrera tdf limted edition.
    Commuting weapon of choice = Carrera TDF Limited Edition, Crud RoadRacer Mk2 mudguards fitted.
  • Simonhi
    Simonhi Posts: 229
    36 in a couple of months, MTB'er for years (since BMX days) ... Now seen the light !!
  • 27 and been cycling for some months only, at least as a frequent hobbie. When i began i liked the sensation it gave me, always after cycling i feel refreshed and a lot better, it usually discharges my stress and worries and of course, is healthy, so i keep doing it.
  • jam5ie76
    jam5ie76 Posts: 108

    last year, 34 and 20 stone. Now 16 stone and cycling 150k on av. per week. Love it!
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    jam5ie76 wrote:

    last year, 34 and 20 stone. Now 16 stone and cycling 150k on av. per week. Love it!

    Nice one mate. Gastric bands are overrated!

    Were you inspired by this guy perchance -

    He's almost a pro now!! At the very least a very proficient and inspiring guy. Takes it all very seriously now though.

    Congrats to you. Did you change your diet as well?
  • t5nel
    t5nel Posts: 365
    Just turned 35 and got mysefl a new bike as a pressie to self - wanted motivation to keep riding (other bike is now 14) and try a few longer rides

    Been riding since Uni and when I get the chance to commute I do.

    Average 100 miles/week

    New bike is Ribble Gran Fondo
    My bikes
    MTB - 1997 Kona Kula
    Hybrid - Kona Dew Deluxe
    Road - 2011 Ribble Gran Fondo, Omega Matrix Ultegra
  • 32. not strictly a total newbie as used to do a fair bit a few years ago, but got lazy and unfit.

    Giant Defy 2 getting delivered tomorrow, and the quest for fitness and weight loss begins.
  • I'm 28. I've recently had a baby (8weeks old) and I want to save money on Fuel.

    The shortest route to my work is 4.7 miles. I got an old Road Bike a couple of years ago but probably used it 20 times in two years (for sale in classifieds). I've just got a Boardman Hybrid Team on the C2W and plan on doing some decent rides. I've used it twice this week (only got it at the weekend) and have increased my rides from 4.7 miles each way to 7.3 miles each way.

    I am looking into doing some charity rides next year. Thinking of doing a naval base challenge, starting at plymouth Naval base (Culdrose) and cycling 300 miles over three days finishing at Portsmouth (Devonport) stopping at all 8 bases in between.

    I know alot of people moan about Hybrids, but I wanted to be that bit higher due to the route that I take and the ride position suits me far better than being hunched over.

    I have no cycling history beyond the 20/30 rides in the last two years. Feeling fitter already.
    Commuter: Boardman Hybrid Team 2011
  • Hi everyone, another newbie.

    I'm 42 and have had my bike for just 2 weeks now, a Trek 1.5C and loving every minute of it.

    Always been more of a gym bunny than a biker, but wanted a new challenge and never realised just how unfit aerobically i was.

    I'd love to eventually make a 100 mile ride, but thats a long way off at the moment. Just trying to build up the mileage slowly at the moment.

    Very different discipline to always trying to work to a low rep maximum in the gym, but enjoying the challenge.
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    I'm just 39.

    Recently moved back to Manchester after seven years in London where I walked to work and had got rid of the car. When I moved back, I discovered that Northern Rail really are hopeless, and got out my old bike which I've not ridden for seven years - I now commute 12.5 miles each way. I can't drive to work because it costs a fortune to park, and really don't want all the admin of running a car just for the weekends.

    Walked to work and back for a year or so in London which was 8 miles a day and lost 4 stone. Can't do that now as I work too far away, and put a stone on in my first month back. Hate the gym so try to incorporate exercise into my daily routine, so the commute is perfect.

    Use my old Decathlon hybrid to commute, but it's too heavy, and too cumbersome for a long-ish commute. Going bike shopping this weekend in readiness for the C2W period opening at work! Looking for a women's road bike, and will relegate the hybrid to occasional weekend rides in the country park near me.

    Oh, and I'm female. Not sure if I'm the only one on this thread so far - some of the user names are ambiguous to say the least!
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • I am 31.

    I took up cycling in February this year not really having cycled before. I had a bike as a teen but only ever road it 500 yards down the road to where I used to stable my horse.

    I wanted a form of exercise that doesn't involve running, is not in a gym, and that I can do at any time and not be tied to a class. I tried cycling as my boyfriend has been doing it for years, and am now completely hooked.

    I have gone from needing a hot bath after 6 miles and having to push up Sawyer's Hill in Richmond Park to having done a 65 mile ride a few weeks ago. I have just started commuting 12 miles each way, which I hope to fit in a couple of times a week. I normally do around 30 miles at the weekend.

    I ride a Specialized Tri-Cross Sport. It still has the 35 mm Tri-Cross tyres it came with, and I am currently debating whether to change to slicks now, or wait until spring. I do have a slight excuse that I do about 400 metres off road as part of my commute.
  • Seriously returning at the young age of 50.....

    Apart from a 7 mile fair weather occassional commute, not really done any "real" cycling for best part of 25 years.
    Change in personal circumstance (Divorce!!) led to time on my hands and a mind that seriously needed occupying. Out came the bike to help give me a direction and something to aim for, that was until i got wiped out by a car, broke a few ribs and collar bone and trashed the bike..........
    Ok, move forward 6 months, using a Carrera MTB for a bit of off road and will be used for winter commutes.
    Looking to purchase a new Road Bike in the sales (Supersix/CAAD10/TCR??) rejoin a cycling club and aim at competitive cycling next year.
  • 36 years old and 16st 12lb, used to do lots of cycling as a teen (never learnt to drive until I was 20). Bought a Carrera Virtuoso last year and used it a bit but then had a problem with the gears, rear mech kept jumping about so put the bike in the shed with the intention of taking it down to the LBS to get it sorted................and there it stayed for a year!!!! until I realised I was just under 17stone :shock: so rang around to get my bike sorted and then thought maybe it would be cheaper to try and fix it myself so i made a purchase of hayes bike book and an hour later everything is sorted gears indexing nicely. Boy Im severly out of shape but loving the ride and I'm determind to stick at it come rain or shine, I think i need a bit of work on my technique but I'll get there.
    Pedal pedal puff puff pedal pedal puff puff......good lord i'm unfit !
  • :wink: Have always had bike, been on a mountain bike for the last 10, am now 59 and bought a new road bike 5 weeks ago, have covered ove 300 miles on it and just love it, still use the mtb for commuting only about 8 miles a day 5 days a week, use the road bike evenings and weekends, try to do 20 miles a night and a bit more at weekends, only the weather and dark evenings stop me doing more, should have bought it at the begining of the year, the family are also into mtb but they don't do road, i am quite happy with that as it would cause me to worry to much.
    Road and Mtb, love them.
  • 40, used to play a lot of rugby but injuries have meant a 6-year layoff. Hoping to get fit and get back into it before it's too late. I also hate the train and tubes so I now make the 16-mile round trip on my new bike, a Colnago Arte. I already want a carbon bike!
  • PiersHS
    PiersHS Posts: 109
    Im 16! Seemingly one of the youngest here...

    I have competitively rowed for 2 or so years and currently sail so buying the bike is to improve my fitness for that.

    Currently found on a Giant SCR 3.0
    Forza Zappi's CC
  • 40
    Bought first road bike since Santa left a 3 speed one many years ago, now 45 and doing more miles every year, now after about 2000 this year i'm starting to look at carbon bikes as i think i'm due an upgrade. Trip to see the Tour in 2006 made me want to ride more than a very old mountain bike, with the kids in tow and come back to cycle up Alpe d Huez, which i have now done 3 times, love hills, although no mountain goat, the self challange along with great countryside do it for me. Now back to about 11st 7lb (same as when 18) lost about a stone in last few years, so feel great too.
    currently ride Trek pilot 1.2 and Trek 6700 mtb, still occasionally the 20 year old Dawes.
  • 20 years old this month. A good deal younger than some of the old timers on here!!

    Got interested in cycling through a combination of things, really. I'm doing a 50k cycle with a few mates and about a hundred others in order to raise money for a good mate of mine! I have also recently read Armstrong's first autobiography and have been following the highlights of La Vuelta on ITV4!

    That convinced me to go out a get a proper road bike, so I'm now riding on a Trek 1.5 that's near enough cleaned out my bank account! Couldn't be happier with the purchase though! :wink:
  • Xaxa
    Xaxa Posts: 12
    I was 27 when i got so cross on the tube one day i did the cycle to work scheme and bought a mbt (as felt more stable on the Ldn roads as have not cycled since i was 10) - also needed to shift alot of weight.

    A year later.. signing up to cycle to Paris and bought myself a pretty (boys) road bike and did my first 60 miles ..
    feeling like i am late to the party as EVERYONE is cycling these days!
  • I was 45 when I bought a road bike as part of the cycle to work scheme, prior to that I hadn’t ridden a cycle since I was a kid.

    Can't understand what took me so long!
    I ache, therefore I am.
  • i'm 46 and i recently got a windfall of £5000 so i spent a grand on a lovely new bianchi road bike, this beauty ... ster=48409, before the wife could spend it all, nearly a divorce but worth it.
    Did my first ride yesterday in strong winds and rain and I really enjoyed it, cant wait to get out again, hopefully in better conditions. I bought a road bike as i already have 2 mountain bikes so i fancied a change, i like the idea of just riding from home and not having a major clean after every ride, not sure wether road biking will be as exciting as mountain biking though, time will tell
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Alu/Carbon, 2011
    Specialized Stumpjumper, 07
    Genisis Altitude 30, 09
    Giant XTC4, 04
  • I'm 34 and as a birthday treat for myself I just brought a second hand Giant Defy 4, from these people...

    So far so good, it arrived today and I went out on it this afternoon and took 6 mins off my 16k time. Previously I'd been riding a cr*ppy old raliegh mountain bike so I'd have been gutted if I was only a minute faster!

    I started riding as a I did a super sprint triathlon at the start of June. I found the bike bit the most fun so after months of procrastination I decided to take the plunge. Other than Golf, Skiing and a couple of 10k run's over the years I haven't really done too much sport since school!

    I think my main aim is to get fitter and lose some of the excess timber!

  • I am 22, 10stone 5', came to uk when I was 10 y/o and used to do load of cycling before I came! Just never really had the opportunity to own a bike until this summer, and I really miss it! So got myself a Charge Juicer Hi 2010 from this year's summer sale.

    Fitness H/X? Mainly football, 2-3 times a week!
  • I'm 22.

    No real exercise history; but I started cycling back at the start of April to avoid driving to work and have cycled everyday since then (30 miles a day). I have been riding an old GIANT ATX 840 with slick tyres on, but I recently sold my car and took the plunge on a second hand 2011 ARGON 18 Krypton and haven't looked back.

    My main aim(s) were to loose some weight and save some cash, but I now find myself wanting to join a club and do some road racing in the not too distant future.
  • I was 18 when I got my first road bike (a Trek 1000). I'm now 28, this summer I have started really getting back into it again. I think I have probably done more miles this summer than I have in the last 5 years (and I have lost nearly 2 stone!).
  • I'm 23 and riding an Ammaco XRS 200 road bike. Cycling about 8 miles a day to and from work for the past month or so now as I'm fed up of waiting for the bus!
  • Cliveyp
    Cliveyp Posts: 173
    I'm currently 33.

    Having cycled everywhere as a kid (as we all did), I got a driving license and left the Raleigh in the garden to rot. At the grand age of 26ish I picked up a 2002 Giant Boulder mtb off a mate who was leaving the country. Used it a bit then just left it in the shed/garage when we moved house. Decided to take it round the Wyre Forest trails last year with a mate, but after so long off the saddle, I didn't even make the road ride from his house to the forest! It then went back to the garage!

    Beginning of the year I had piled some pounds on and so decided to do something about it. An intense diet saw me drop 2 stone in a few months and so I thought I'd pull the bike out again. This was about April. Since then I've tried to get out 2/3 times a week for an hour and have risen from an 8 mile 'dead on my feet' run to 12-12.5 miles and hardly breaking a sweat. Weight has stayed around the same since but fitness levels are so much better.

    Still using the Giant, just replaced the nobblies with some Hybrid tyres. Seriously contemplating a Trek 1.2 at the moment though as the MTB has never been serviced or anything replaced and I just think it's not really financially viable now!
    2015 Ridley Fenix 105
    2012 Cube Ltd SL
    2011 Trek 1.2 - Sold
    2001 Giant Boulder - Sold