How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • 43, weighed in at 19st in June, did the Cambridge Diet on 1000cals per day over the summer now in Maintenance mode and 15st 3lb constant and cycling about 30 miles each weekend on my Trek 4500 Aluminium framed MTB.
    Specialized Allez being delivered next weekend and will be training for the Way of the Roses in May in aid of Cancer Research though the Winter.
  • Was 25 now 26, started back in June in training for a 160mile charity cycle around N.ireland. Needless to say I got addicted to cycling. I went with a cheap bike to begin with Coyote Big Sur and now I want a new better bike so bad. Though I must admit this bike has helped me as its heavy it has strengthened my legs and now I am starting to enjoy hills as I can go up them in a higher gear now. Training away on my turbo trainer and getting out on the road while I can in preparation for a bigger charity cycle next year.
  • 52, never really cycled much other than occasional off roading. Main hobby is racing sailing dinghies. Decided I needed to be fitter for the long periods of leaning out required when sailing if I was going to be fully competitive. So, got down to a decent weight 12st 4lb and started some leg strengthening work i.e. dusting down my mountain bike.
    I've decided that I like tarmac so plan to get a road bike in the spring. I can only manage to get out a couple of times a week but am getting quicker especially up some of the big hills in the Peak District. I've got the bug!
  • 25 (heading towards 26) - Never cycled before and I opened my mouth and said I'd do LEJOG in 2013, so have just bought a bike and some gear and am now looking forward to getting out on the road and dodging wet leaves and diesel (as a biker I'm hoping this will come naturally!)
  • Weedy23 - "25 (heading towards 26) - Never cycled before and I opened my mouth and said I'd do LEJOG in 2013, so have just bought a bike and some gear and am now looking forward to getting out on the road and dodging wet leaves and diesel (as a biker I'm hoping this will come naturally!)"

    No offence or anything, but I can't work out whether you are being serious about your age?

    It doesn't come across that way. It comes across as I, Partridge - esque. And I don't think that was intentional!

    I can understand a 39/49/59 year old making an issue of their next, big, birthday - the big 40, 50, 60. The big 26 seems I,Partridge like. And you are not I, Partridge!

    Admittedley you have baffled me to such an extent that I believe monkey tennis should be a semi olympic sport. But if it came down to deuce there should be a "smell my cheese, off"!

    I cultivate a Welsh Goats Cheese, in it's skin, for a rare Ritz session, in the airing cupboard. You haven't a chance!
  • I'm 33, got a bike on the C2W scheme in April, in order to avoid the Manchester trams at rush hour.

    Theoretically it saved me £10 a month as well, but you know how it is :lol:

    I hadn't cycled since I was about 16 until April, and didn't really get on with it until I invested in some padded shorts. I'm about 19 stone so really needed them!

    I'm still only really doing the 5 miles to work and back so haven't lost much weight - I did get into a stage of going a longer, 7 mile route home, and even did a couple of 13 milers, but that was during the summer and I got out of that habit after a few weeks without the bike due to my weight breaking the rear wheel... twice... and then breaking the replacement. :oops:

    Anyway, it's fixed properly now, but haven't been on longer rides since with the nights drawing in, I'm scared enough just getting home in the dark, much less staying out there for longer on purpose :shock:

    I do enjoy it though. The other week I could hear it pissing it down when I woke up and I thought to myself "I'll just get the bus", but in the time it took to roll out of bed, I'd changed my mind to cycling in anyway and was quite pleased with myself, as I'm incredibly lazy and, for possibly the first time, my brain actually bubbled up with exercise being the best option. That's a new one on me :D I give it a year before I'm comparing which dustcaps save the most weight :lol:
  • Im 20 and have been cycling now for about 2 years since i was able to afford my first bike.
    I came to the sport when i was on year 11 study leave, watching Le Tour over the summer and i was hooked, it took me a while to save up for a bike, but after my first paycheck from a full time job i put a deposit down on a Trek 2.5. I now ride every single day. All my friends play football of golf, but that hasnt and wont deter me from the sport i love, ive been all over europe following the pros and just love everything about it. I now ride a Argon 18 Krypton.
    "You riding or Hiding", Stupid question!
    "I'll get my bike"
  • I have just recently got into the hobby and I am 17 years old, I decided to start cycling because i live 4/5 miles away from town where all the action is at and I live in a crappy village. I first bought a BMX as at the time it felt the most practical (small, also I am a skateboarder), then started getting in to BMX racing, but I only ever cycled on the road, and I loved going fast, so after a few more weeks of torture on a BMX, I managed to scrape up enough dosh to get myself a fixie (beater) with a mix-match of parts, and slowly set it up so I could go faster, and faster! I have been riding fixed for about 3 months now. But just recently, on sunday, I picked up a pretty retro (Old school FTW!) Dawes Champion Giro 200(?) which is still in mint condition, and since receiving this, I have not touched my poor lil fixie :(

    I believe that is just about every question answered :P
  • I have just recently got into the hobby and I am 17 years old, I decided to start cycling because i live 4/5 miles away from town where all the action is at and I live in a crappy village. I first bought a BMX as at the time it felt the most practical (small, also I am a skateboarder), then started getting in to BMX racing, but I only ever cycled on the road, and I loved going fast, so after a few more weeks of torture on a BMX, I managed to scrape up enough dosh to get myself a fixie (beater) with a mix-match of parts, and slowly set it up so I could go faster, and faster! I have been riding fixed for about 3 months now. But just recently, on sunday, I picked up a pretty retro (Old school FTW!) Dawes Champion Giro 200(?) which is still in mint condition, and since receiving this, I have not touched my poor lil fixie :(

    I believe that is just about every question answered :P

    Great post!

    Doubt there are many on these forums who admit to using a fixie as a stepping stone to a better ride - it's usually the other way round.

    Sounds like you have grasped the idea of having bigger wheels and better choice of ratio to enable you to go faster. 4/5 miles on a BMX can only be fun if it is all downhill with jumps on the way there, and you have a train or lift back!

    p.s - sorry if I offended AP on Sat morning - was a late night and they didn't bring me my Irish coffee!
  • Weedy23 wrote:
    25 (heading towards 26) - Never cycled before and I opened my mouth and said I'd do LEJOG in 2013, so have just bought a bike and some gear and am now looking forward to getting out on the road and dodging wet leaves and diesel (as a biker I'm hoping this will come naturally!)

    I'm 40 and like Weedy23, thought it sounded a good idea when a mate suggested we too do LeJog in 2013 so I've been out on the missus MTB this morning and done 17.4miles ( obviously at the moment the 0.4m is critical!! ). Having raced BMX back in the 80s ( for Robinson National Team) and having a MTB in the garage that never gets used, I thought it wouldn't be too bad. How wrong! God, my arse and inner thighs were killing me, had to crawl up the stairs when I got back. And its not like the time was quick either ( 85mins ). Boy, can I tell its been years since I've ridden properly ( don't really call a gentle ride with my daughters getting them used to the road as proper riding!).
    Still wondering if its the right thing to do!
    But do I splash out on a road bike or hybrid or perhaps a new MTB with suspension ( the roads round us are shocking in places ). Can I strap an armchair onto the seat post too, please!
    2012 Bianchi Via Nirone Xenon

    960 miles in 8 days starting 6th April 2013
  • I`am 45 been mountain biking for a few years but need to get fitter looking for beginners to ride with around tameside /manchester area anyone intersted give me a shout, this site is great.
  • I am45 had MTB which I used mainly with the kids & rides of between 5 & 12 miles but was unfit & putting on weight. I used to have a decent road bike but that was 27 years ago but I still recalled the feeling of a good long fast ride
    After sometime trying to convince the other half I really needed a road bike I cobbled together enough to get an entry level bike, tried a few & secured a very good deal pm giant Defy 4.
    Love the bike & my new found freedom, after a month or so I am averaging 8 to 10oles 3 nights a week & 20 sayt & 30 Sunday's, I can honestly say I am a changed person, would rather have across than a pint & addicted, wife also loves the new me & I have the green light to upgrade the bike to whatever I want in 12 months
    Love it immensely & just regret the years I have missed
    This forum is great as well so many helpful people & advice

    Off for a spin now :D
  • I'm now 53 and returned to the sport in Apr 09 having not got my leg over a machine for about 15 years or so. Started as a runner, dabbled with triathlon for about 6 years and then to the race of truth because of never ending bouts of shin splints. Took a break to get an education and a beer belly.
    One Sunday afternoon my granddaughter (aged 5) stood in front of me and said for all to hear "So granddad, when the baby due?"
    Next day on to Flea bay, got my mitts on a second hand Spec Sirrus Sport and my love with cycling was rekindled. Rode the Sirrus to destruction, replaced it with a Tricross, discovered Audax riding, commuting in all weathers and the joy of simply being out on the road.
    2 and half years later I'm 13 stone, still cannot climb hills, got 13000 miles in my legs and looking to a new bike in the spring and the best thing of all I no longer need medication to manage my PTSD. Life is good.
  • 39 yrs, used to virtually live on my bike when I was in my teens. We had a BMX track built in the middle of our estate when I was about 13 and literally everyone had one.

    I started cycling again in July of this year, got a MTB at first but was using it more on the road than off. Just bought and old Scott AFD Elite which I'm really happy with - it's just a little tired in places (see my workshop post)

    I now do both road and off road cycling. Did 40 road miles on Saturday and 10 off road on Sunday. My old BMXing skills really came back to me off road!

    Absolutely loving it, very addictive!
  • 49 years old.been biking 6 Months and love it
  • Thebigbee wrote:
    Great post!

    Doubt there are many on these forums who admit to using a fixie as a stepping stone to a better ride - it's usually the other way round.

    Sounds like you have grasped the idea of having bigger wheels and better choice of ratio to enable you to go faster. 4/5 miles on a BMX can only be fun if it is all downhill with jumps on the way there, and you have a train or lift back!

    p.s - sorry if I offended AP on Sat morning - was a late night and they didn't bring me my Irish coffee!
    Thanks! :D

    I think what attracted me to buying a fixie would be the fact that when i first heard about them they seemed to have slight similarity to BMX's (Hipster Junk) :P

    And that is correct, I think my fixie and my road bike are the 2 bikes that my BMX never was :lol:
  • I'm 49. Was a driver on a JOGLE ride in September and i got the bug.
    I'd consider mysef as fairly unfit and overweight.(used to be into sport and martial arts but not for about 7 years).I got my old mountain out and started to put some miles in, i managed to get around Richmond park eventually :roll:.
    I've just got my first road bike, a secondhand Bianchi via nirone with veloce groupset and i love it! Compared to the moutain bike it weighs nothing and it's quick. However the guy i got it from must have been superfit cos it got a double chainset and a 12-25 cassette. It hurts up hills!! I was going to change to a compact but i think of it as a challange now.
    It's also my first experience with clipless pedals (ultegras) and yes i have fallen off. Extremely embarrasing :oops: :oops:

    happy days

  • 61 I started to road ride with my brother, now 63 as he had a road bike and was less keen on offload riding. We have made 2 or 3 day trips and enjoy the chat more than anything. I have ridden offload for the past 20 years the most gruelling was a cross Britain ride from Whitehaven to Sunderland over 4 days, quite a lot of walking and bike carrying. I am starting a fitness regime and have built up to a 40 mile run so far, audax in December of 100 Kim's awaits and hoping to ride a significant European audax next year
  • Yet another 49er

    Bought a 2009 Claud Butler Criterium on ebay for £130 a month ago and have been on it three times clocking up
    2 miles (to boy's school),24 miles cycling to Leez Priory and back(wife took my old probike which is the equivalent
    of peddling a chieftain tank and Paper mill which was just under 14 miles.
    We're really getting into this and want now to get the wife a roadbike or at least a tourer so she can have panniers.
    My motivation is fitness as like most 49ers it's a little bit lacking.
  • 46..done a bit of MTB few years back but nothing serious.

    Due to redundancy earlier this year which forced a relocation to stay with my company, started cycling to work 24 mile round trip, gradually building up to 4/5 days a week. Been doing that since mid August on a Hybrid bought through the C2W scheme :D

    Just bought a Boardman road bike and first ride out today done 42 miles with a cafe stop halfway. Absolutely loved it and am going on a club run next Sunday 8)

    Who said cycling was a cheap form of transport :?

    I've spent a small fortune on bikes and kit and it's now threatening my marriage :wink:
  • LAW13
    LAW13 Posts: 9
    32 - done bits on mountain bike occasionally but nothing major.
    Never ridden a road bike before but now sorted with a great fit and stuff.
    First proper ride yesterday 13.5 miles, fair headwind! Av 11mph but will work on it.
    Think it may be addictive ;-)
  • I'm 21 and have been on my first ride today! I have bought a 2010 Giant Defy 4 :)
    As for fitness, I've been running for the past 19 months, (less 3 due to my silly knees)..

    Reasons for taking up cycling... not entirely sure, I just fancied giving it a go!
    MARKF Posts: 29
    I'm 50,been roadcycling approx 18 months but I've been mountainbiking approx 14 years.As a mountainbiker I found the riding position a little alien at first,but as I spend more and more time on the roadbike I find the mountainbike odd when I get back on,it feels like I'm sat in a armchair riding a two wheeled tank!
    I like the mountainbikes for the technical stuff & the social side,but I use the roadbike to commute,it's a 31 mile roundtrip.Some weeks I do'nt commute on the bike so then I go out for 30 or 40 miles on the saturday.I want to do some sportives next year,I've been doing mountainbike challenges for years so it's time to do the roadie equivalent.
    I bought a turbo trainer last year but I'm trying to get out on the bike even though the weathers not to good.
  • sexysi
    sexysi Posts: 50
    I'm 43 been commuting for 3 months and covered over a 2,000 miles, 40mile a day commute. This has saved me £160/ month travel on the train, made me lose 1 1/4 stone and now I am miles fitter. Commute on a Peugeot c300 road bike and then once a week do a 16 mile MTB off road stint on a Scott Vail MTB. I love it, makes me feel miles better and hopefully gonna live longer, if i don't get hit by a HGV!!!!!1

    "Oh, Edmund! Can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hands, a nugget of purest green!"
    Road = 1980 Raleigh Record Sprint
    MTB = 2000 Scott Vail
    Road = 2002 Peugeot c300 comp road race bike
    Road = 2012 Bianchi Impulso
    Car = Saab 93, MGTF
  • Hi im 37 years young and have just bought my first road bike since I was in school with a new Raleigh Team Banana at the time...........

    Ive been mountain biking for a few years and fancied trying toad riding as I like the idea of the extra long rides and hopefully increased fitness it may well bring.

    I also like the idea of leaving my garage and im straight out on the bike rather than travelling to many mountain bike trail centres then driving back.

    Planning on going out on the road bike early next week as long as the weathers ok and were not covered in grit and snow............

  • Hi All, I did some MTB around 10 years ago and turned 40 back in the summer. Decided 4/5 weeks ago to take the plunge and bought a new road bike (2011 model good discounts :-)).
    I only get a chance to squeeze in the a ride or two at the weekends, juggling work commitments and entertaining 4 young boys but I'm absolutely hooked. Similar to Cashy16, I like the idea of just getting on the bike and being straight into a ride without the need to find a specific trail.
    Started out with a few miles and last Sunday I did a 25 mile loop - really chuffed but definitely takes a little while to get used to the saddle! Each weekend brings a new challenge in terms of the weather - wind and temperature and what to wear. I'm aiming to ride a century sportive next summer all being well. - Good luck for those ear warmers!
  • mrmutlee wrote:
    Hi All, I did some MTB around 10 years ago and turned 40 back in the summer. Decided 4/5 weeks ago to take the plunge and bought a new road bike (2011 model good discounts :-)).
    I only get a chance to squeeze in the a ride or two at the weekends, juggling work commitments and entertaining 4 young boys but I'm absolutely hooked. Similar to Cashy16, I like the idea of just getting on the bike and being straight into a ride without the need to find a specific trail.
    Started out with a few miles and last Sunday I did a 25 mile loop - really chuffed but definitely takes a little while to get used to the saddle! Each weekend brings a new challenge in terms of the weather - wind and temperature and what to wear. I'm aiming to ride a century sportive next summer all being well. - Good luck for those ear warmers!

    Hi - just wondering what bike you got and what discount?

    Have had my everyday bike nicked recently and forced to buy from one retailer that only seems to have 2012 bikes of poor spec compared to a better specced 2011 model from Evans for about £150 less!!
  • Hi Thebigbee,

    I bought a 2011 Giant TCR1, Shimano 105 chainset, Tektro R540 brakes from Wiggle was £1175 and paid £776. Very pleased with it :-)
  • mrmutlee wrote:
    Hi Thebigbee,

    I bought a 2011 Giant TCR1, Shimano 105 chainset, Tektro R540 brakes from Wiggle was £1175 and paid £776. Very pleased with it :-)

    Very nice - great deal I think.

    CRC, Wiggle and Evans seem to have really good deals and savings on 2011 bikes.

    Unfortunately, again, I am limited to one shop that the insurance company has a deal with, Wheelies Direct, who predicatbly, have no real discounts on!

    I have no idea who would actually buy a new bike from them... unless your insurance company forces you to!

    I have bought loads of stuff from CRC and I have to say their CS is excellent - one of the best Internet shopping experiences I have had. Wiggle, only bought a few things but have been great. 10/10 for both.

    Wheelies Direct - have had numerous problems - that did eventually get sorted. But bags of hassle and like WHS took ages to resolve. I'd give these two respectively 6.5 and 3/10.

    Also had excellent CS from Rutland Cycling when bought things off Ebay. I certainly wouldn't buy anything from WHS again. Their prices aren't competetive and their CS is non existent.
  • 29... going on 29 :)
    Some days on the road, I feel older.