How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • Yas
    Yas Posts: 1
    hello my name is Yas and I am 55
    Have never owned my own bi-cycle as growing up I was told it was for boys, but used to borrow others kids bikes to ride. Last time I rode a bike before buying mine it was my sons BMX I used to ride over to my mums across the park.

    I despise running and jogging, can just about tolerate going to the gym now and again but the loud blaring music and muscle bound lumps of testosterone do nothing to improve my enjoyment of exercise. I love being outside in the countryside and enjoy walking along the canals but walking is sometimes painful due to the weight that has crept up on me since stopping smoking 8 years ago. My scuba diving doesnt make me slimmer but its lovely being weightless in the water. So my reason for taking up cycling is to try and increase exercise, get myself fitter and to stop using my car for everything.

    My bike is a hybrid and is Saracen Urban Myth.

    If anyone is from the Padiham/Burnley area I could do with a cycling buddy.
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    Thebigbee wrote:
    72 yrs. Before retiring i was fairly fit-went to gym and did some walking, plus MTB for local trips. Given cast of Raleigh (steel frame) by my son and went further. Now use a Boardman and go out 2-3 times a week doing 20-25 miles. Not at a great speed av 12 m p h.Some local hills-smal lin comparison with those done my son an daughter who live in Yorkshire. Thoroughly enjoy it. :D

    I'd be pretty chuffed with that if I ever lived that old! My dad is younger than you and he couldn't manage one of them - nice one.

    I'm a fair way younger than that (30) and would be impressed if I could do 20-25 in one sitting, never mind in over 40 years time. I smashed 28 today, my biggest one day total ever broken up by 12 miles away from home, came back a slightly different way after viewing a house for another 10 and then 6 mile round trip for work. Again, mostly flat and average 13.something. My first 10 this morning was sub 40min, which I think isn't bad considering a lot of that was town roads not lanes.

    FWIW my old man's 62, and he'd probably get tired DRIVING the 25 miles. Good work Grey. Hope I'll be like you.
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • hoohaar
    hoohaar Posts: 42
    34 now (started riding again last year).

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Felt an urge to do the London to Cambridge ride so picked up a hybrid bike last year and did some training. Completed the ride but wasn't happy with the speed. So bought a road bike at the beginning of this year and did it again (30mins quicker). Have continued riding and have done/am doing a few Spotives this year, hopefully more next year.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Only cycled as a kid on BMX and would ride to secondary school on a cheap MTB. Have always been fairly fit, but only exercise I did was 5 a-side football weekly. Regularly do 30-35 miles rides (1-2 times a week) now.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Have a Felt F85 2010, really good bike but will be looking to upgrade at the beginning of next year. Need to go faster! :0)
  • Always swung about the trails on my hardtail, but had a hard time getting my buddies to join me. Then some new friends turned out to be into road biking and I thought I better join them! Still not decided on my new roadie yet, although have the cyclescheme certificate. Will either be a CAAD 8/Ribble/Cube Attempt.

    If anyone stays around Glasgow and fancies a run let me know :)

  • litwardle
    litwardle Posts: 259
    27 when I started. Always ridden a hardtail MTB but decided that a road bike would be quicker and help me get more miles in. MTB was becoming hard work on my bike after miles in the saddle.

  • Started cyling at 47.
    I used to do a lot of running but knees, hips and ankles don't like to constant pounding !
  • I,m 48 now, bought my first mountain bike from halfrauds ( just a cheapy) to see how i got on after stopping smoking, needless to say i,m officially hooked. i now have a Mongoose Super tyax for off road and a Raleigh 100 road bike which i also use to cycle to work and back, neither of them were mega expensive but it's what i get out of it that matters to me.
    Plus i am going to start buying some new clothes which actually fit because the flab is dropping off and I'm the fittest I have been since i was in to martial arts. 8) 8)
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    I,m 48 now, bought my first mountain bike from halfrauds ( just a cheapy) to see how i got on after stopping smoking, needless to say i,m officially hooked. i now have a Mongoose Super tyax for off road and a Raleigh 100 road bike which i also use to cycle to work and back, neither of them were mega expensive but it's what i get out of it that matters to me.
    8) 8)

    Congrats to everyone that has taken it up and enjoys the ride and especially the fitness that it boosts.

    It doesn't matter what bike you have really. I know nothing about the technical terms of loads of cycling.

    But thanks for responding to this IP. The majority of people on this site are really friendly and helpful.

  • madracer
    madracer Posts: 23
    Been cycling on and off, if you'll forget the unintended pun for about 5 years. Mainly to help general fitness, jogging never did it for me and after a few motor bike crashes the back won't take the pounding any longer of running. I'm also keen to get into a sport that doesn't cost me a weeks pay every time I do it ( unlike Motor Bike Racing). So the bike gets me fit and gives me a rush when I eventually get to the top of the hill and head down the easy side.

    I actually have two bikes not that I'm gready but I spend half of my days in the South of France near Bordeaux 8) so need a bike in both places. Cheapy Lapiere in the UK and a not so cheap but second hand Bianchi Carbon XL in France.

    Anyway I'm 53, and hope to get steadily younger from now on...... :D
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    madracer wrote:
    I'm also keen to get into a sport that doesn't cost me a weeks pay every time I do it

    Chose the wrong sport my friend. Before you know it cycling will be costing you at least one week's wage per month when you start buying the things you 'need'

    a new helmet
    all of the above for when you buy your mountain bike, gotta be specific with your clothing
    sunglasses for slightly less bright days (but really cos you couldn't choose between the two and bought both anyway)
    new tyres (gatorkskins of course)
    garmin (to replace the computer)
    energy goodies
    those upgrade wheels wiggle had and you just couldn't turn down that offer of course

    my missus goes spare every time i fire up the laptop because i always seem to find something i 'need' for biking
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • madracer
    madracer Posts: 23
    I know what you mean there are lots of goodies that I'd like but most of the stuff I need I've got

    But for example of the cost of a day Motor Bike Track daying at Donnington Park last month

    Tyres... £350...
    Entry fee £120
    Fuel £50
    Transport cost £70
    Hotel room £50

    Pro teams might cost that much but I'm hoping a 40 mile ride around Suffolk will come in a bit cheaper :wink:
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    madracer wrote:
    I know what you mean there are lots of goodies that I'd like but most of the stuff I need I've got

    But for example of the cost of a day Motor Bike Track daying at Donnington Park last month

    Tyres... £350...
    Entry fee £120
    Fuel £50
    Transport cost £70
    Hotel room £50

    Pro teams might cost that much but I'm hoping a 40 mile ride around Suffolk will come in a bit cheaper :wink:

    LOL - for £640 of one days motor bike riding you should easily be able to afford all the upgrades and extras to last you at least a year IMO - depending on how much you actually "need"!

    I think you will appreciate being able to get some decent rubber for around £50 - that will actually last more than one day for a start...
  • i was 39 and three quarters (one year ago) when i returned to biking the missus purchased a gt aggressor from halfords for an early birthday pressie, and almost straight away i fell in love with it all, cycled all through the winter bearly a weekend that i hadn't ridden,
    i decided to try a bit of road riding aswell and got me a dawes clubman, and now do both on and off road cycling, i offen go out for a 50 miler now and just wish me knees were 20 years younger, :)
    put the fun between your legs
  • joenobody
    joenobody Posts: 563

    Wanted to ride with some friends who did a bit of trail riding, so bought an MTB, then they all bought road bikes. A couple of years on and I convinced the wife I should get a road bike on the C2W scheme.
  • A very young 46! (well I think so anyway).
    Bought his and hers mountain bikes about 5 years ago but only went out on them a few times. I think being very out of shape made the whole 'going for a ride' thing quite unpleasurable, and as a result the bikes just got put in the shed.
    Fast forward a few years and I'd put on quite a lot of weight, mostly due to having more money to spend on nice food and red wine, and after a visit to the docs (on an unrelated matter), I was advised that losing a bit of weight and doing some exercise would be beneficial to my long term health!
    Now a good friend of mine had been on at me for a while to go cycling with him and I'd always made my excuses not to, so I called him, explained all, and he offered me his spare bike (Pinarello Gallileo) on loan to see how I got on. (He now rides Cervelo)
    That was in March this year.
    I now own a full carbon Battaglin C11 & more kit than I need! Ride virtually every day.
    Have lost 2.5 stone. Entered my first 60m sportive at the end of this month, and am totally addicted! I feel and look much better, and am constantly thinking of new routes that I can ride at the weekend. I want to get stronger, and ride for longer.
    If I said a year ago that I was going for a 25mile ride at 7 on Sunday morning people would have thought I was mental!
    Would be out there now if I didnt have to work!
    Road: Battaglin C11

    MTB: Carrera LRS2
    Carrera Jabberwock hardtail
    Battaglin C11
    Carrera LRS2
    Carrera Jabberwock
    Kona Paddy wagon fixed
    Carlton Catalina
  • kbmack
    kbmack Posts: 73
    Aged 41. Previous experience-cycling to school and back (about twenty miles per day) in the 80's.

    Have just got back into it again as I fancied picking up a hobby that was easy, immediately accessible and not complicated. I have a background in skiing (BASI 3, 1988) and have done a lot of running. Whilst skiing is my number 1 sport, cycling is a great joy.

    I started off this summer with a Carrera TDF and have now bought a Trek 2.1 triple-the difference in handling, speed, average speed and ascending is astounding. I have being doing lots of forty milers and I am now beginning to think about joining a club.

    I guess I am a typically boring MAMIL but I am doing it with pride!
  • Age 38

    Always gone to the gym a lot.. Decided I wanted to get out in the fresh air. Had a big heavy mountain bike for years just sitting in the garage. Went out on that a few times but didn't really enjoy it as it was too heavy..

    I'm lucky where I live, less than 3 minutes pedalling and I'm out in the Cambridgeshire countryside..

    Got a Boardman in the sales after Christmas. Wanted something decent so I'd use it without going crazy in case I didn't like it. And I LOVE IT! Most evenings are now spent on google maps planning new routes! So wish I had done this 15 years ago!
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    kbmack wrote:
    Aged 41. Previous experience-cycling to school and back (about twenty miles per day) in the 80's.

    Have just got back into it again as I fancied picking up a hobby that was easy, immediately accessible and not complicated. I have a background in skiing (BASI 3, 1988) and have done a lot of running. Whilst skiing is my number 1 sport, cycling is a great joy.

    I started off this summer with a Carrera TDF and have now bought a Trek 2.1 triple-the difference in handling, speed, average speed and ascending is astounding. I have being doing lots of forty milers and I am now beginning to think about joining a club.

    I guess I am a typically boring MAMIL but I am doing it with pride!

    20n miles a day to school - shit - that's a lot. I had a 5 mile ride there and a huge hill - that I never even attempted to climb just before I got to school.

    Then again I did suffer from hyperhydrosis and severe acne so neither of them helped the situation.

    As Larry David would not agree with saying, " Having said that, I never even tried. Not just because I was a pus faced sweatball. But because I couldn't of managed it even then, when I was a fit but pus faced sweatball!"

    Also when I was at school - 1992 -5 - people only had mountain bikes. I remember getting a mail order Diamond Back Topanga - that got nicked!

    My rich mates had Muddy foxes!! Marin Muirwoods and an Alpine stars Omega - I think.

    Just goes to show how much times have changed. Although I reckon that Alpine Stars would be worth a lot of money now!!
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    i was 30...almost 31. started this year bought a forme rapide as my first bike.always wanted to do "a bit" of cycling but finally got going and usually do between 3-5 rides a week.
    do commute to work at times and i do aim to do so more often. i rode my furst sportive 2 weeks ago the the big g in beverley.

    i used to be a runner but things just started to hurt more and sort of lost my motivation to run after doing 4 great north runs so wanted a new challenge i guess too.only downside....cycling alot more expensive than running and far too tempting to spend more lol
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • Gave up footie when my knees finally packed up on me 4 years ago and thought I would give it a go with a road bike so I could ride with a few mates.

    47 now, loving my bike (Scott CR1 Pro) and having fun doing some racing too. Marvellous! :lol:
  • age: 15
    saved up for a speciallized allez got it 2nd hand for £250 cycle about 11 miles a day and really enjoying the whole road bike scene
  • I'm 29 and been cycling for about 6 months now.

    Don't know why I didn't pick it up sooner. I'm completely addicted now and getting fitter all the time.

    Next weekend I'm doing my first century bike ride, currently a mixture of excitment and nerves.

    In May 2012 I'll be cycling from Lands end to John O'Groats for Winstons Wish. Going to destroy me but cannot wait for the challenge.
  • marksman
    marksman Posts: 33
    Hi all

    Its all a lifestyle change for me reall, as ive stopped smoking, changed my diet and started cycling or walking most places.

    Just joined forum after taking advantage of the C2W Scheme.

    I was looking for a healthier and cheaper alternative to commuting and general getting about so ive joined the scheme, pick up my boardman hybrid comp next week and will endeavour to clock up some mile in sunny(ish) brighton.

    Hopefully speak to you all soon
  • 5tu-pid
    5tu-pid Posts: 22
    I'm 36 and have recently got my first road bike after far too long out of the saddle and love it.

    Was more into mtb's in the mid-late 90's and getting on a road bike has given me the bug and I want to get a new mtb now too!

    '96 Kona U'hu
    '11 Specialized Camber Expert
    '11 Boardman Road Race
  • Kfutnik
    Kfutnik Posts: 1
    Turned 40 and realised I had to do something to ensure it was in fact 'mid-life'.

    Gave up the cigs, and started cycling approximately 3 months ago with a flat 16 mile round trip. Bough a 16 speed Allez and doing 30+ miles including a climb here and there on it.

    I am now the worst cycling evangelist/bore, and I am loving it!

    What a life changer!
  • Got my first road bike a year ago at the age of 28. Prior to that had cycled very second hand hybrids for 4 years since arriving in London. Started cycling on arriving to London by force from a bossy older sister who (rightly) stated it is the best way to commute in London. I run and play field hockey so cycling is a pretty good addition to the mix. Mine is a Trek 1.1 and despite being pretty lowly I do love it.
  • Big DS
    Big DS Posts: 3
    Just turned 43.

    Only started cycling since last year with a second hand specialized hybrid. Cycled as much as I can in London. Only bit of fitness I'm doing at the moment. At the moment I'm only a occasional cyclist especially at the weekends. Would love to cycle to work, but since my workplace is only 10 minutes away by bike I tend to walk to work more.

    I've seem to have caught the cycling bug now and is looking to buy a road bike via the cycle to work scheme through my employer.
  • ~Muz~
    ~Muz~ Posts: 32
    34 here :)

    Ruptured my patella tendon in January (broken knee) and have put on almost 3 stone from being immobile :( Can't quite do a full revolution of the pedals yet due to my knee but am sure the bike will help my physio (back pedalling in the house lol) and spur me on so I can ride it soon!!!! And the missus is on my case for my beer gut :)

    Used to cycle to work about 5 miles on my mtb before my accident, too big and bulky for using on the road really..

    Just bought a Carrera TDF from Halfords, seems to get decent press for an entry level bike and will not lose much if I upgrade next year... Now to aquire the kit I need, can't get my head around Lycra yet haha...
  • Calder
    Calder Posts: 51
    I'm 30 and wanted to cycle the 10m to work a couple of times a week to help shift a bit of extra weight so I can climb harder/better.

    Not ridden a bike since I was about 14, and since I stopped playing football a few years ago I don't do any regular cardio exercise. I'm by no means unfit thanks to rock-climbing and mountaineering and stuff, but just wanted to drop another 10 to 15 pounds in order to increase my power to weight ratio and improve my climbing.

    It seems to be working - I'm 6ft and since May have gone from about 12st10 to a pound or so over 12st without having to starve or anything! And I'm climbing better than ever at the moment too. All is good. :D

    Bought a cheap Claud Butler in May but already thinking of getting something a bit more sexy because I'm really enjoying cycling. It's no longer just a means for improving my climbing!

    Happy cycling.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    24, started about 2 months ago or so. Brought an old road bike from home to london, which was promptly stolen, so just bought a new one off ebay.

    Was just to do the commute and get a bit fitter. Just did a 90mile sportive, keen to do some more!