How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • CarleyB
    CarleyB Posts: 475
    Where are all the ladies?

    *cough* 36

    I cycled everywhere as a kid. Danced, had kids, danced some more, taught dancing, bought a MTB when I was 29. I cycled everywhere then got caught with my 3rd and 4th children so all exercise took a back seat.
    Last year I dusted the MTB off and within 2 months had bought a second hand Giant SCR3 which I still love. I joined a club and went out cycling with an old work colleague who I came across...or rather he came across me on here and we cycled together.
    My daughter then started cycling with me, she joined a club and I got asked to become a coach.
    I'm now a trainee coach with British Cycling which then led to me becoming a bikeability instructor and then a sky ride leader !!! I absolutely love riding my bike and teaching kids skills and riding out with them is also just the best feeling. I feel very very lucky.
    Level 3 Road & Time Trial Coach, Level 2 Track Coach.

    Blackpool Clarion CC

    Blackpool Youth Cycling Association
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    CarleyB wrote:
    Where are all the ladies?


    I just don't think women are as anal as blokes when it comes to the internet. They either seem to enjoy talking crap to you, their mates or family on the phone or random strangers on Facebook!

    Maybe that is just my experience and I am weird.

    Guess I am communicating with random strangers on here. The difference being it is about an interest that I have. And the other difference is that it has some kind of purpose - however selfish.

    It's about a hobby that we all enjoy..

    I guess women are the same. Facebook seems to be their hobby. Oh - "I poke you back" - Why - what is the point - what does it mean? "She poked me first"!

    OK, that makes perfect sense. Someone is virtually poking you. Brilliant!!

    Anyway - I doubt there are many females on this board because they are off poking each other!
  • aphill24
    aphill24 Posts: 21
    I have just bought a new bike it`s a trek 2.1c and i am so pleased with it.I have returned to cycling aged 46 and like many on here spent most of my childhood riding bikes.I made a big mistake last year when i bought a specialized allez via the internet,It was the wrong size frame a 54 instead of the 56 i have now and the double chainring was too difficult for me to get up the steep hills of south wales.I have done a few 40 mile rides up the bwylch mountain from my house and i can`t believe how much smoother and easier the trek is.i am addicted and thinking of joining a local club now.In july i am off to ireland to ride the ring of kerry sportive which is 112m really looking forward to my first century.
  • mjpmci
    mjpmci Posts: 3
    I'm 21.

    Have had a cheapish hybrid for a year or so, commute the couple of miles to uni and did a 60mile charity cycle last summer. Got a Verenti Kilmeston for my 21st at the start of april and have been out so much over the last month. I love it so much. Back at uni revising for exams at the moment with my hybrid; just makes me more amazed at the Kilmeston and my levels of fitness feel like they're already imrpoving. I just like to browse the forum usually (first post) but I'm also signed up for the ring of kerry sportive so took it as a sign.
  • I'm 26 got into cycling in Feb after deciding to get fit at the turn of the year after a decade of in activity and because i'd agreed to support my cousin on her lands end to john o groats cycle. Totally addicted now. Used to swim with a club training 5 or 6 times a week stopped at 17 to concentrate on my studies with the intention of going back with a uni team but never went to uni or back to swimming. Hope to do a century in a couple of weeks.
  • bulluke23
    bulluke23 Posts: 48
    I am 32 and got into cycling due to knee surgery and multiple injuries picked up in other sports. When i was having physio they recommended cycling and from that a couple of people from work asked me too tag along. I used to do sport at a high level and they said cycling was individually challenging and great for fitness.
    Been doing it about a year now post surgery and am getting more into it but am cautious about getting involved in clubs etc
    Summer: Condor Classico
    Winter: Genesis Ather
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Really interesting posts guys, thanks for taking the time to respond and put your detailed answers in.

    Has inspired me to go on another "proper" ride tomorrow weather permitting. If I can do at least 45 miles I will be happy, especially if I manage to just have one break around the halfway mark.

    Cheers guys.
  • -steves-
    -steves- Posts: 99
    Thebigbee wrote:
    -steves- wrote:
    Lets see.....

    Age now 42....

    Smoked for 30 years, gave up last Nov (2010) and put on considerable weight over the next 2 months. Decided I needed to do some exercise and get fit to lose some weight, I used to cycle when I was younger (MUCH YOUNGER!!!!) like 17 and prior to getting a motorcycle and cars!. I thought this was the quick route, how wrong was I. :oops:


    Jeez - smoked for 30 years, since you were 12!!!

    Gives me hope I suppose - am only 32 and have smoked for 17 of them. How did you give it up?

    Smoked since 11 and not proud of it these days, at the time it seemed "cool" it just goes to show you what you know when your a kid :oops:

    I managed to give up, just because it was the "right time" for me to do so. I had a cough from a cold and it hurt everytime I smoked as it made me cough. One friday night I decided that I "might" try and pack in tomorrow. I told no one of my intention until the morning, when I passed my ciggies over to my girlfriend and said only give me these back if I beg for them. Anyway, first day was ok, not easy but mainly just down to the habit of lighting one up, and after day 2, it really was a walk in the park, very easy indeed, it was just the right time for me to do so. 6 months on now and don't have any urges to smoke ever again.

    Sorry for thread jacking, but the question was asked :D

    P.S. On bank holiday Monday, I went on to beat my original 30 mile ride and turned the stakes up and managed a 50 miler which I am very proud of, even though I will not be trying at again for a while as it really hurt, lol :lol:
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    -steves- wrote:
    Thebigbee wrote:
    -steves- wrote:
    Lets see.....

    Age now 42....

    Smoked for 30 years, gave up last Nov (2010) and put on considerable weight over the next 2 months. Decided I needed to do some exercise and get fit to lose some weight, I used to cycle when I was younger (MUCH YOUNGER!!!!) like 17 and prior to getting a motorcycle and cars!. I thought this was the quick route, how wrong was I. :oops:


    Jeez - smoked for 30 years, since you were 12!!!

    Gives me hope I suppose - am only 32 and have smoked for 17 of them. How did you give it up?

    Smoked since 11 and not proud of it these days, at the time it seemed "cool" it just goes to show you what you know when your a kid :oops:

    I managed to give up, just because it was the "right time" for me to do so. I had a cough from a cold and it hurt everytime I smoked as it made me cough. One friday night I decided that I "might" try and pack in tomorrow. I told no one of my intention until the morning, when I passed my ciggies over to my girlfriend and said only give me these back if I beg for them. Anyway, first day was ok, not easy but mainly just down to the habit of lighting one up, and after day 2, it really was a walk in the park, very easy indeed, it was just the right time for me to do so. 6 months on now and don't have any urges to smoke ever again.

    Sorry for thread jacking, but the question was asked :D

    P.S. On bank holiday Monday, I went on to beat my original 30 mile ride and turned the stakes up and managed a 50 miler which I am very proud of, even though I will not be trying at again for a while as it really hurt, lol :lol:

    That's the way to do it mate - congratulations. Jeez I sound like Mr Punch don't I?!!

    My parents both smoked and we used to utterly hate it as kids - especially when they smoked in the car.

    One new year my dad just gave up, cold turkey, before there was a massive industry in "giving up smoking" and hasn't had one since.

    I think that's the way to go. My Mrs gave up for 6 months and then had a really heavy night out with her mates and started again. Crazy - if I could give up for 6 days, let alone 6 months I'd never smoke again.

    I always thought I would be like Sickboy in Trainspotting - could just give up at will.

    I'm not like Sickboy!!

    Anyway, thanks for the response, helps me out a bit and well done on the 50 miler. I was buggered after my 45 miler but have been inspired by your post and this board to get me ass back in the saddle today. It's perfect weather but with a chance of rain and I don't fancy being 20 miles from home and it then pisses it down.

    Like The Doors said - I hope it Breaks on Through!!

  • nomadicbry
    nomadicbry Posts: 223
    40 rode bikes everyday up until about 19 almost exclusively road.
    Then uni travelling starting family etc diverted me. However during this time I never really lost interest in cycling I just didn't have a bike but followed the pro tours advidly
    The at 34 had a shot of a mountain bike at a trail centre and was hooked bought a MTB and got heavily into that for a few years. my son the joined a youth cycling club where he tried track cycling and road cycling. he became hooked on track and road. To go out pon training runs with him I got myself a cheap road bike and was instantly hooked remembering why I used to love cycling on the road. I am now a qualified cycle coach at the club and wonder what i sued t do before cycling consumed almost every free minute I have these days haha

    Have now become quite obsessive about it again at 40 and as a family we recently added our 13th addition to the bikes collection. not bad for a family of four.
    As for me I have 5 bikes.
    My free hybrid for nipping down the pub general jumping about locally that no one will pinch
    My MTB nice well spec'd bike
    my now as of Friday retired to be winter hack road bike
    my new road bike…best bike I've ever owned
    My commute SS/Fixie 1960s restored steel frame race bike. restored by my friends as a 40th birthday present last year which lives in London where I work during the week
    Enough bikes to open a bike shop but always room for one more...
  • cloggsy
    cloggsy Posts: 243
    Age: 39

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    To improve fitness and aid weight loss...

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    I was very fit as a kid; Boxing, Football, Rugby League etc. Then I was in the Forces for 14 years, then left and turned into a bit of a blob; 21 stone at my heaviest :oops: Now I'm fighting back... :lol:

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Boardman Team Carbon 2010
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Just bumping this post as am interested in why people got into cycling and how old they are.
  • AlunJ
    AlunJ Posts: 40

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Needed a hobby to keep my mind of the ex and stresses of life, coincidentally she was a cyclist doh! Started when I acquired a fixie in need of some TLC from work, ever since i've had no money :lol:

    Also what cycling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Reasonably fit, used to run a bit. No cycling really, had a cheap heavy MTB.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Specialized 2011 Allez Triple

    Road: Dolan L'Etape Carbon 105
    MTB: 2016 Voodoo Hoodoo
  • andyjr
    andyjr Posts: 635

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    A collegue at work who does triathlon's saw what i'd been doing in the gym triathlon challenges (row, cycle, run) and suggested i should look at taking triathlon's up properly. So it's principly through this, though also as an aside to keeping my fitness up/weight down having suffered with ankle problems for a few years which have prevented me from doing as much as i'd like, but with a bit of luck things are sorted now.

    Also what cycling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Pretty fit, though less so recently. been running since i was 10, played football 3/4 times a week from age of 11 til I finished Uni, always used to ride a bike to places when I was younger

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    2011 Trek 1.2 compact for the road
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    I'm 37, and got my road bike 3 years ago.

    I had bikes when I was a kid, but swapped them for horses when I got into my teens, and didn't go near a bike for about 10 years. At 25, I decided I'd start cycling to work, and went into Halfords where they told me the thing to have was a mountain bike (even though I'd never be taking it off the road). I didn't cycle to work even once.

    The mountain bike followed me around for the next 8 years, until I finally decided I had to do something about my weight, tidied it up and started riding it around the roads in Cornwall. I wasn't a complete couch potato, and managed 7 miles for my first ride, and was soon managing 20 miles at a time.

    I decided I was going to start cycling to work (again), and got a hybrid from Halfords. I cycled to work a few times on it, and rode it around a bit that summer. Then winter came, and it disappeared into the shed. I was busy running, and trying to build up my mileage with a view to running a marathon (which has never happened due to repeated running injuries, and I'm seriously thinking about giving up running altogether).

    The next spring, I decided I wanted a road bike - can't remember why - but we didn't have a great deal of money, so decided I'd start cycling to work on the hybrid to convince my OH I was serious. I got my Trek 1.2 a couple of months later, and rode it everywhere all summer. It spent a few months in the shed - I really am a fair weather cyclist - then came out again next summer.

    That autumn we moved to Spain, and stupidly rented a house 2 miles up a dirt track. I bought a mountain bike and rode that a bit (but not much) and the road bike sat in the shed. Last September, we moved again, and got it right this time. I started cycling again, and I can't believe I ever coped without it.
  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    I am 31, (seems to be a common number)

    I got into cycling a few years ago after watching wiggo ride the tdf and since then became hooked on the pro side of the sport - Got my first Adult bike just over a year ago to ride London to Brighton, i hadnt been on a bike for 15 years since i broke my wrist on a BMX that was swiftly sold - but always had a bike as a kid, Mtb, Bmxs, Raleigh burber etc and always seemed to be covered in cuts and bruises and had a tooth capped!

    i have a degree in sport Science so you'd expect me to have lead a fairly active life, WRONG :? . I played saturday and sunday league football uptil the age of 25. then met my mrs and found saturdays taken up with shopping and the like and sundays i'd much rather stay in bed! thinking of going to the gym makes me feel sick and i couldnt think of anything worse than running!

    Like someone else said - i have a Carerra Virtuoso, its not the best but it is mine.
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • sparkins1972
    sparkins1972 Posts: 252
    Age 38

    I was on gardening leave from work for around 12 months and my mate suggested I join him on a charity ride for Marie Curie Cancer Care called The Great 500 - cycling from Berlin to Warsaw. I bought a £150 mountain bike from Halfords and trained 4 days a week to get fit for the ride. Had one of the best weeks of my life - came back, upgraded to a flat barred road bike and after several years of that took the plunge and bought a fabulous second hand Madone 5.2 for a bargain price and haven't looked back since.

    Previous sporting involvement - played football, cricket and rugby to a county standard and played football and cricket all through Uni and after graduation. This eventually ruined my knees along with road running and I feared my sporting days were over. Since I took up cycling my knees feel like they did when I was 21 again so it is all good.

    Bike:2008 Trek Madone 5.2
  • bulluke23
    bulluke23 Posts: 48
    I am 32

    I got into cycling following a football injury that knackered my knee and needed multiple operations to fix it. During my rehab my physio (who is a keen cyclist) mentioned that i should try cycling.

    No real cycling background apart from a quick ride to work sometimes. Before my injury i used to run and play football at a reasonable level. I am keen to get more involved in cycling and improve my ability and fitness on the bike.

    My better half recently bought me my dream bike as an engagement present of a Condor Classico and i have a Genesis Ather as my winter bike.

    The Brooks saddle on the Condor is still breaking in!!!!
    Summer: Condor Classico
    Winter: Genesis Ather
  • atakd
    atakd Posts: 42
    Thebigbee wrote:


    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Fitness and weight loss - I sea kayak and hill walk but wanted more aerobic exercise.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Have always had a bike since childhood with very variable use from 60+ mile rides, commuting to 10 mile Sunday jaunts to the pub and back. Used to do karate, and play rugby and squash. Now too fat /slow, to old, and squash has become unfashionable so no-one to play round here.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Specialized Allez Elite

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.


  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    accident rehab(muscle wastage)

    drinking and smoking for nearly 30 yrs(dont do either now)

    Ribble gran fondo(ultegra)
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • jhoyle
    jhoyle Posts: 39

    cause its fun

    played football, rugby, cricket, tennis, darts, snooker, still MTB frequently

    Boardman Pro Carbon 2009 (force/red)
  • Blancmange
    Blancmange Posts: 103

    I thought it would be nice to get a bit fitter in the lungs and heart region and, put
    some leg muscle on my sparrow-like pins.

    I gave up bicycles for motorcycles when I was 16.

    I stopped doing any proper sport at school when I was 14, as it was no longer compulsary. :)

    Smoked until I was 45. Never drank very much. Never got fat. Never suffered any
    real ill-health. *touches wood*

    Got a Ribble Audax three weeks ago with the target of having the stamina/fitness to
    cycle to the coast and back(~85 miles) in around 7 hours by next Mayday.
    - Slave to the cadence -
  • fludey
    fludey Posts: 384

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Used to cycle loads when I was younger between 14 and 17, kinda went away from it when learnt to drive thou wish I hadnt.
    Started up again at 38 loose weight and get fit, had a baby boy and another on the way so wanna be able to keep up with them rather than an arm chair dad.

    Also what cycling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Lots of cycling when younger, used to frequent the gym thou prefer to be outdoors, played rugby and used to sprint (run) for the school.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Orbea Aqua for everyday use

    Felt AR4 for when the sun is shining (it doesnt do getting wet!)

    Kona Kikapu Deluxe MTB
    Felt AR4
    Planet X Pro Carbon 105
    MTB Kona Kikapu Deluxe with a few upgrades!!
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    im 35 started in August last year 2010 with a cube MTB since on third bike now on a carbon wilier with cosmic wheels and loving it. used to ride as a kid as we all did nothing more. over the years got bigger and bigger. moved to mallorca at the weight of 25.6 stone and was not impressed with myself. having left the uk and seen the lifestyle here I took up cycling 9 months ago and have covered over 5600 miles in the 9 months and have lost a total of 9.6 stone so its doign somethign for me. cost me a fortune in clothes mind but feel so much better for it. wont be happy until under 15 stone though currently 16.9 stone and working hard on the mountains.
  • Hals1967
    Hals1967 Posts: 231
    I started in the womb using a second hand old Placenta. Wasn't bad but after 9 months I'd outgrown it...oh sorry you mean't cycling...

    1967 Engine
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    47 when I bought my first bike, a Hybrid to commute on, that found it's way into the shed once I got posted to somewhere else. 48 when I decided I wasn't interested in racing motorcycles around anymore and wanted a new release and hobby.

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    As said, got fed up with motorcycles and the paddock cock waving, and realised I wasn't fit anymore and had piled on the pounds, so sold the bike and started pedalling.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Pretty redundant since hitting 40. I relied on being naturally mentally fit from my military service meaning I was firmly in the camp of I can do anything it's just my mind saying I can't. I've since realised how wrong I was as the weight piled on once the metabloism slowed down.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Current bike is a Basso Astra with SRAM. Lovely bike and I just wish I could do it justice. Started off seriously pedaling by buying a Trek 1.5, which I keep as a winter bike.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • alp078
    alp078 Posts: 28
    31 when i started, about 8 months ago.

    I'm still on my first road bike, a Giant Defy 3.5, bought purely for exercise and escapism. Loving every time i get out.

    I hadn't ridden since I was in my teens, and then only ripping around on a bmx and mountain bike like most kids do to get from A to B. I had however, been pretty active with other sports and exercise most of my life. Thought I would have a good base of fitness when i turned to cycling - boy did i get a shock on those first few rides.
  • denzzz28
    denzzz28 Posts: 315
    Thebigbee wrote:
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    Im 35

    Q: what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    A: for Fitness purposes initialy and for recreational weekend fun with my mates. secondly as a result of moving further away from where i work. third is i like cycling since i was a child.

    Q: what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    A: As a kid i do BMX racing and stunts until i was 13 but then hormones kicked in then i started riding girls instead of bikes. then loads of sports (running, football, basketball, amature voleyball) i was a member of a volleyball varsity team from high school to college and played on a national level. after marriage i started body building and did it for about 4 years on and off.

    when i came to UK in 2002 i never had any sport or exercise what so ever until late 2009 when i bought a mountain bike then started going to surrey hills doing downhills and thats when i went back to cycling again, but i just recently started road biking regularly about 3 months ago when we move further away from my work.

    Q: what bike have you bought / now use?
    A: my first MTB was a 2009 TREK 4500 and i bought a GIANT Escape N7 for my road use. i sold both and both a TREK FUEL EX8 for better downhill riding and i still have this bike. a month ago i bought my first road racing bike, a Viking road bike but the sold it after a week because it was crap, then bought a Giant SCR 3.0 which is far better in riding comfort that i now use for daily commuting.

    Im currently saving up to buy a much sportier road bike.
  • stavrosk83
    stavrosk83 Posts: 14

    Various reasons for picking it up, looking for an alternative commute to work, to get into another sport other than running to save my knees, try and help manage weight and in need of a bit of a distraction/new challenge in my life!

    Havent really been riding since i was a kid/young teenager, other than holidays or works outings where my fitness levels on a bike have been embarrassing, so wanting to do something about that.

    Mostly running, not too serious, have done a few 10k's and half marathon.

    Cannondale Synapse Sora, thanks to the cycle to work scheme managing to get something much better than i would ever have been able to justify buying myself.
  • Just turned 18 and ordered my first road bike today, Giant Defy 2! Looking for some carbon bits and bobs to bling it out :wink: Been mountain biking for around 5 years just started riding on the road a lot on my XTC so decided a road bike was needed :)
    Giant XTC 2.5 '08
    Felt Virtue 3 '10
    Giant Defy 2 '11
    Giant Terrago Disc '07 - Convereted for CX
    Fit Team Park Bmx '08