Mac or PC?



  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    edited February 2011
    markos1963 wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    markos1963 wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    if you like viruses, spyware, tinkering with drivers and switching your computer on and off go for a windows pc

    if not go for mac or linux

    The above is rubbish.

    To the OP, honestly did you really need to start a thread like this? I bet you 80% knew you'd get a mac anyway, and you just invite people in who talk shoot because they don't know anything windows and mac like the above quote.

    Errr no, people are entiltled to their opinions and I wanted to hear them. Yes I might have been leaning towards the Mac but I wanted some comments from other users as the people in the Apple store are going to be obviously biased.

    What he posted was absolute crap.

    Let's face it you knew how the thread would turn out anyway.
    I wasn't talking about Fast As Fupp and to be frank you have been invovled in plenty of pointless threads so it's a bit rich you having a go at me.


    My involvement in other threads has nothing to do with this thread or the context of this thread so that argument is invalid.
    Mr Goo wrote:
    My daughter has had a MacBook for 2 and half years. Loaded it with more pictures than you can shake a stick at. Runs Photoshop and Office plus loads of other apps. It runs just as fast and efficient as the first day.
    Where as my firm (Dutch drainage/plumbing manufacturer, not quite naming and shaming) have furnished me with a supposedly state of the art IBM Lenovo T400, has a solid state disc. One year old and the thing is a heap of garbage. Takes ages to load. Takes ages for apps to load. Takes ages for windows to open pages.

    In summary. MAC.

    You do know that loading a computer with "more pictures than you can shake a stick at" will not slow a PC down.

    As for your PC taking ages to load, it's nothing to do with the computer, it's to do with the software on it. I have a 1.5 year old Acer Aspire 7735G and it's still as fast as the day I got, well actually tell a lie, it was rather sluggish the day I got it, cause it came with Vista Home Premium full of junk like OEM's put on, so I got rid and put Windows 7 on straight away, never slowed down since, runs everything, Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver CS5, plenty of photos on it, loads of games, loads of apps, boots up very quick.

    I really don't understand how so many people manage to wreck their installation of Windows, as anyone who has a remotely decent computer should have no problems, I've never had these problems, even my desktop is on Windows 7, and my parents computer at home is on Windows 7, and my dad does bugger all maintenance wise and it's still running as fast as the day it was first put into use.

    As for slow issues on a IBM Lenovo T400, sounds like the OS has been loaded up with that much stuff on startup and then even more stuff, that it's struggling with the 2GB of DDR3 ram it comes with.
  • Er Mac. Always used Mac.

    Have to use PC at work and with the same hardware spec it runs MUCH slower than the now 4 year old Mac. Daft!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Haha this forum is full of irrational Mac fanboys
    I like bikes...

  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    People insulting each other because they prefer a different computer OS.

    Welcome to the 21st century. :roll:
  • Valy
    Valy Posts: 1,321
    Weejie54 wrote:
    So you [sic] initial statement was a gag?

    It was a quip with an element of truth behind it.

    To quote a good friend (who happens to work for Microsoft) - "The biggest Windows virus is Windows".

    I see. Obviously took it the wrong way but then again this is a Mac vs PC thread...

    Mr Goo - it is weird as to why a laptop with a SSD is slow... it must have a shitload of shit on it as my mum has a "normal" HD on her laptop which is over 2 years old and it works pretty much the same as when she got it - and that has Vista. Does your laptop have XP?
  • Valy wrote:
    God you are a cretin.

    Who is this aimed at?

    God, or one other of the forum members?

    I can't deny God being a cretin, I've suspected it for years.

    As for it being aimed at other forum members, you will have to bear in mind the meaning of cretin and the fact that all forum members can read, write (sort of) and use computers.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    Microsoft have pinched other peoples ideas and marketed them better. They pinched the GUI idea from Apple and IBM. The pinched the browser idea from netscape. The bury small competitors under threats and unwarranted legal action.

    Apparently the Apple / Adobe discussions were "interesting" and Apple are not some friendly bunch of hipsters when they need to be.

    I use Windows (make a living building globally scaled infrastructure) and I have Macs. And I spend most of my time in a browser made by Google.

    2nd biggest Mac developer globally? Microsoft. Anyway, Apple are a consumer company, MS play in a bigger space. Anyone who's worked on trying to get iPads into an enterprise knows just how far away from doing what's required Apple are. And I consider myself an Apple fanboi.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    the only people who know the answer to this subjective is question are the people who are pretty much satisfied with the computer they have and won't be rushing to a store to buy a different model because they feel they have second best, so rather than waste any more precious pixels, personally i'd leave it at that!
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Betamax vs VHS ........ :lol:

    I have a PC circa 2001. It's still as fast now as the day I got it a decade ago from Evesham who are sadly no more. I think most of the people posting on here don't understand their computer systems. First thing to check is how much unnecessary crap you have on your hard disc taking up space or how little RAM the computer has. Inserting the max amount of RAM possible will turn a sluggish computer into something bearable.

    I have a Mac iBook G4 that has just died after only 6 years. The hard drive has given up. There have been sooo many upgrades since it is not worth repairing. But the cost of the cheapest Mac replacement? £850-900. To now pay this for a laptop you have to have rocks in your head. Macs are way over priced - style over function. So I will be getting a replacement laptop running Windows for about £400 as they are far better VFM IMHO, but which one I do not yet know.

    I prefer using Windows to the Mac OS. I have never had a problem with WIndows. I think it is far too often maligned. There are far more applications for Windows than Mac.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Weejie54
    Weejie54 Posts: 750
    Obviously took it the wrong way but then again this is a Mac vs PC thread...

    It is becoming a Windows v OSX thread. There is quite a difference.

    PCs can also run Linux (and OSX - natively these days).
  • Valy
    Valy Posts: 1,321
    Weejie54 wrote:
    Obviously took it the wrong way but then again this is a Mac vs PC thread...

    It is becoming a Windows v OSX thread. There is quite a difference.

    PCs can also run Linux (and OSX - natively these days).

    Really? -_-
    Valy wrote:
    God you are a cretin.

    Who is this aimed at?

    God, or one other of the forum members?

    I can't deny God being a cretin, I've suspected it for years.

    As for it being aimed at other forum members, you will have to bear in mind the meaning of cretin and the fact that all forum members can read, write (sort of) and use computers.

    and again... really?
    andrewjoseph - indeed, apple will do far worse things than you may suspect. They negotiate the tightest prices and squeeze where there is no liquid. Pretty ruthless.

    Maybe it's just my perception though.
  • max888
    max888 Posts: 206
    mr_si wrote:
    FWIW I keep trying to get into *nix (Ubuntu mostly) for ££££ free it's great, just not as polished as the mainstream and you need a phd to sort it out when it goes wrong.

    Quite right. I installled ubuntu to run along side vista but it went wrong. I had to rewrite a load of stuff to change the "bootloader???" so that it would actually do anything except sit there being farked. Then had to do a load of crap to reinstall ubuntu properly to reinstall vista properly. Luckily I could do all of this over the phone with my uncle who write computer code in for Linux/unbuntu for a living.

    Anyway I have both and use the vista laptop for work (word processing and stuff like that). I use the mac for media and general surfing. The difference is is that the mac (G5 I tel(the last of the white cased ones IIRC)) is faster in all respects despite having less RAM. It turns on and is ready to go in 7s seconds and turns off in 4 seconds from giving it the command.

    If you don't mind spending a bit more than you would for a similarly specced PC you will have a much more enjoyable computer expericenc on a mac. It is also cheaper and easier to upgrade the OS as I just did. From leopard to snowleopard in 40mins and 43 quid instead of ages and lots more cash.
  • I'm not lauding apples praises with no thought to the many negative aspects.

    I like the way their computers work. I won't buy an iPhone

    Apple have been taken advantage of in the past, that much seems to be historical fact.

    Microsoft have taken advantage of loads of people, that much is historical fact.

    preference of Operating System is personal choice, but can be based on others opinions.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Bloody hell if you don't want any hassle or viruses you buy a far superior mac, simple as that, and after you have had it for a week, you will wonder why on earth it took you so long.

    I have been using Macs for 20 years and wouldn't use anything else ...
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Bloody hell if you don't want any hassle or viruses you buy a far superior mac, simple as that, and after you have had it for a week, you will wonder why on earth it took you so long.

    I have been using Macs for 20 years and wouldn't use anything else ...

    Any chance you could offer some advice on my asthmatic iBook G4?

    The hard drive has given up the ghost.

    I have re-installed Mac OS X 10.3.3 on an external portable drive which I partitioned. I have copied the contents of the farked internal HD - Mac OS X 10.3.9 to partition 2 of the external drive. Partition 1 currently has the re-installed recovery version OS X 10.3.3 on it and is now the selected drive and volume to boot from. However I now want to change the boot volume from partition 1 to partition 2 which includes all the OS updates to 10.3.9 plus all my user preferences, etc.

    I have tried everything but to no avail. Renaming the partitions by reversing the numbering has no difference. The Start Menu just recognises the same parition even though it is renamed as other partition and vice versa. The Start Up file in System Preferences won't recognise partition 2, only partition 1 and the farked internal HD. I have tried restarting the iBook while pressing the Option key with and without the recovery disc #1 in the CD drive. No difference.

    I am thinking now that the Start Up menu only recognised 2 drives - the internal and an external one which is connected by Firewire 400 port of which there is only one. Or only distinct drives. It can't recognise separate partitioned drives which would be pretty pi$$ poor. There are two other USB ports but I guess these are for other peripherals.

    So how can I get my iBook G4 to boot from Partition 2 of the external drive?

    My Mac is starting to really test my patience.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    "iBook G4"? I reckon it's worth bearing in mind that computer years are shorter than dog years.
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Harry182 wrote:
    "iBook G4"? I reckon it's worth bearing in mind that computer years are shorter than dog years.

    Please - just what help is your remark?
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Bloody hell if you don't want any hassle or viruses you buy a far superior mac, simple as that, and after you have had it for a week, you will wonder why on earth it took you so long.

    I have been using Macs for 20 years and wouldn't use anything else ...

    Rubbish again.

    Also when talking about viruses on Mac, don't think for one moment that viruses can't be made for mac......... And think what operating system has the largest market share.
  • I have copied the contents of the farked internal HD - Mac OS X 10.3.9 to partition 2 ...So how can I get my iBook G4 to boot from Partition 2 of the external drive?

    This reads to me as if you have only copied the faulty drive to p2 - that won't make p2 a bootable system - as you have discovered. You can use a utility such as Carboncopy Cloner to make a bootable copy on to p2 or you could use Migration Assistant to transfer all your setting to the fresh system on p1. (Kinda like what happens when you set up a brand new Mac)

    Depending on how complicated your original and failed system was, you could also try the manual approach, copying over prefs, mail folder, app,s docs etc but that might be tedious.
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    freehub wrote:
    Bloody hell if you don't want any hassle or viruses you buy a far superior mac, simple as that, and after you have had it for a week, you will wonder why on earth it took you so long.

    I have been using Macs for 20 years and wouldn't use anything else ...

    Rubbish again.

    Also when talking about viruses on Mac, don't think for one moment that viruses can't be made for mac..........

    It's not that they can't. It's that they AREN'T*

    *99.9% of the time
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    edited February 2011
    I have copied the contents of the farked internal HD - Mac OS X 10.3.9 to partition 2 ...So how can I get my iBook G4 to boot from Partition 2 of the external drive?

    This reads to me as if you have only copied the faulty drive to p2 - that won't make p2 a bootable system - as you have discovered. You can use a utility such as Carboncopy Cloner to make a bootable copy on to p2 or you could use Migration Assistant to transfer all your setting to the fresh system on p1. (Kinda like what happens when you set up a brand new Mac)

    Depending on how complicated your original and failed system was, you could also try the manual approach, copying over prefs, mail folder, app,s docs etc but that might be tedious.
    You don't have to do that kind of thing with Macs do you, surely they just heal themselves by magic?
  • It's not that they can't. It's that they AREN'


    It's also difficult. Mac is built upon Berkley Unix (very definitely NOT Linux as often mis-quoted) and requires root access to do anything serious.

    btw, they are not "Apples". The Apple 1 and the Apple 2 were late 70's and funded development, via Lisa, of Macintosh (no definite article). Anal? Me?

    Called Macintosh, so spelled, as this was Steve Jobs' favourite Apple. Geddit haha.
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    I have copied the contents of the farked internal HD - Mac OS X 10.3.9 to partition 2 ...So how can I get my iBook G4 to boot from Partition 2 of the external drive?

    This reads to me as if you have only copied the faulty drive to p2 - that won't make p2 a bootable system - as you have discovered. You can use a utility such as Carboncopy Cloner to make a bootable copy on to p2 or you could use Migration Assistant to transfer all your setting to the fresh system on p1. (Kinda like what happens when you set up a brand new Mac)

    Depending on how complicated your original and failed system was, you could also try the manual approach, copying over prefs, mail folder, app,s docs etc but that might be tedious.

    Thanks for your reply. but I already copied the files from the faulty internal drive to the 2nd partition of the external drive. My intention is to see if the laptop will boot up from partition 2 of the NEW drive from the copied files. I'm pretty sure the problem is hardware not software based. I know about Carboncopy Cloner. What or where is the Migration Assistant?

    Just to ire-iterate that the difficulty is getting the preferences in the set up menu to recognise partition 2 of the NEW external portable drive. It recognises the faulty internal drive and the partition 1 of the NEW external portable drive but not partition 2.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Thanks for your reply. but I already copied the files from the faulty internal drive to the 2nd partition of the external drive. My intention is to see if the laptop will boot up from partition 2 of the NEW drive from the copied files.

    I'm still not clear whether you have a valid System on p2. p1 is irrelevant, you are wanting to boot off p2. It needs a system. "already copied the files" - how / what did you copy. As I said, just copying a system folder won't retain it's bootability.

    What or where is the Migration Assistant?

    With MA you can transform a virgin system to having all your old settings. (eg, your fresh new system on p1 could receive all your old prefs etc.

    Sorry if I'm misreading this
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • dilemna,

    Just another thought, what did you use to partition the external and what format did you choose?

    Have you heard of TeamViewer? Download run it and PM me if you like.
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Pokerface wrote:
    freehub wrote:
    Bloody hell if you don't want any hassle or viruses you buy a far superior mac, simple as that, and after you have had it for a week, you will wonder why on earth it took you so long.

    I have been using Macs for 20 years and wouldn't use anything else ...

    Rubbish again.

    Also when talking about viruses on Mac, don't think for one moment that viruses can't be made for mac..........

    It's not that they can't. It's that they AREN'T*

    *99.9% of the time

    Oh it'll be on the rise....
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 1,565
    @dilemna: I'll concur with 2Phat4Rapha: the only way to make a bootable startup disk is either to install OSX on it traditionally, or to create a bootable backup with CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper (or others).

    Have you considered replacing the internal disk? New ones are cheap and I don't think the iBook G4 is so hard to get into (check ifixit for a pictorial). In that case, you could install a fresh system from you install disks, and -maybe- use MA to copy everything over from your 2nd partition. You could attempt to boot into your first partition and use MA from their, to restore from 2, as suggested. However, I'm doubtful whether it would recognise 2 (because it isn't bootable)

    Otherwise, I think you must move your data manually from the 2nd partition to the bootable 1st. I've done this many times, it's not so time consuming as you'd think, and it usually results in considerable space saving.
  • craker
    craker Posts: 1,739


    It's also difficult. Mac is built upon Berkley Unix (very definitely NOT Linux as often mis-quoted) and requires root access to do anything serious.

    I know f*rk all about hacking but you don't seriously believe OSX is immune from malware?

    random example
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Hi and thanks to all those trying to help with my Mac. I think I have been making an elementary mistake by simply assuming dragging and dropping the contents of the faulty internal hard drive to partition 2 of the NEW portable hard drive will allow me to boot my Mac from this partition. Although the OS is there it is not installed. Partition 1 has the OS from the recovery disc installed from which my iBook now boots successfully but of course it has only the default OS settings none of my favourites, etc.

    I've down loaded CarbonCopy Cloner via my PC and USB pen stick copying on to the Mac desktop. I then click to run it, but it comes up with the message "the following disc images falied to mount", reason "no mountable files systems".

    What now?
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 1,565
    dilemna wrote:
    I've down loaded CarbonCopy Cloner via my PC and USB pen stick copying on to the Mac desktop. I then click to run it, but it comes up with the message "the following disc images falied to mount", reason "no mountable files systems".

    What now?

    Do you mean that you've mounted the USB stick, run CBC, and then seen this alert - or does that happen before the USB stick mounted?

    If the USB stick is not mounting at all, then it is probably formatted in the wrong file system. From (my) memory, either FAT32 or NTFS will work fine with your Mac. However, you have a working OSX system on your 1st partition, can't you startup in that and download whatever you need from there, rather than using a PC as a go-between?

    Either way, I think it's a little late for CBC. You only have a non-booting mirror available, because your original disk is dead. CBC has nothing to clone! I'm afraid I'd still recommend working with your 1st partition, and making that your primary boot disk. Good luck whichever! I'll be as much help as I can, as a non-expert with considerable experience of this kind of thing, from my own Macs.