


  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 1,387
    I've got Downward Spiral and find that good for a tough interval session.
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    I was looking at Downward Spiral alright. Want something that will compliment Angels and give a bit of a different workout. Hoping to put more time in on the trainer until the fricken roads get safe to ride again. Temperature manages to somehow rise nicely mid week when I can't get out and nosedives at weekends making roads treacherous. Any other suggestions welcome, otherwise I reckon I'll give Downward Spiral a shot tomorrow night.
  • glasgowbhoy
    glasgowbhoy Posts: 1,341
    Skerryman wrote:
    I was looking at Downward Spiral alright. Want something that will compliment Angels and give a bit of a different workout. Hoping to put more time in on the trainer until the fricken roads get safe to ride again. Temperature manages to somehow rise nicely mid week when I can't get out and nosedives at weekends making roads treacherous. Any other suggestions welcome, otherwise I reckon I'll give Downward Spiral a shot tomorrow night.

    I mix it up between Angels and Fight Club.

    Think they compliment each other quite well.
  • bisoner
    bisoner Posts: 171
    Really enjoy the videos - not got the latest one yet.

    Does anyone still use the original Sufferfest videos? I think they had to be taken down due to copyright issues around the music but I must admit Sufferfest 4 & 5 are two of my faves and use these are my primary turbo workouts.
  • glasgowbhoy
    glasgowbhoy Posts: 1,341
    bisoner wrote:
    Really enjoy the videos - not got the latest one yet.

    Does anyone still use the original Sufferfest videos? I think they had to be taken down due to copyright issues around the music but I must admit Sufferfest 4 & 5 are two of my faves and use these are my primary turbo workouts.

    Still use one called 'sprints,brekaways and climbs' that is a great workout before gonig on to Angels or Fightclub straight after.
  • I just got local hero - it runs fine in iTunes on my macbook, but when I try to transfer it the ipad I get "file will not be copied because it cannot be played on ipad" or words that effect. The other sufferfest vids I have are fine though (and they have larger bit rates, etc)

    Currently working through the various troubleshooting options and threads - but any one else have the problem?

  • jonmack
    jonmack Posts: 522
    I just got local hero - it runs fine in iTunes on my macbook, but when I try to transfer it the ipad I get "file will not be copied because it cannot be played on ipad" or words that effect. The other sufferfest vids I have are fine though (and they have larger bit rates, etc)

    Currently working through the various troubleshooting options and threads - but any one else have the problem?


    It's too high resolution. Click on the video in question then click "Advanced" in the menu, and then click "Create iPad or Apple TV version".
  • yep - sorted, created a new ipad version in handbrake which copied over without problems

    I don think its a higher resolution than the other sufferfest vids though; and they all went on to the ipad without modification.

  • I down loaded Revolver & Downward Spiral at the weekend and did Downward Spiral for the first time last night.
    It was a very good interval workout if this is your thing, ideal to add into the mix.
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    Angels is just plain nasty.. makes me suffer like a real climb. Using the Fight Club too as rehab after my op. These are great training aids when the weather is crap and only 'real' cyclists dare venture out and watch the salt sludge rot thier bike away. 8)
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • Mr Dog wrote:
    These are great training aids when the weather is crap and only 'real' cyclists dare venture out and watch the salt sludge rot thier bike away. 8)

    Hence why most folk have a winter hack. We are becoming Nesh as a nation!
  • Nesh! What a great word! haven't heard that in absolutely ages. Nesh. I am going to try and use that at work tomorrow.

    (I do quite like the Sufferfests though. Does this make me Nesh as well?)
  • I did Fight Club last night for the first time and discovered that I just can't do the attacks. My legs just don't like it. But I will persevere as I need to build that explosiveness.

    But, I also stuffed up my knee on the trainer last night. I am trying a new saddle and think I put it on in the wrong position (I did check). So I have a few days off the bike now hoping I didn't do any damage.
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    What is 'Nesh'? When the roads get mingin I do the MTB thing.. thats where I cut my teeth about 30 years ago on a slpash paint Kona. 8)
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • So does this mean i'm getting fitter / more powerful / good? ... 3=62888806

    My average heart rate is down, but the distance and average speed is up.

    I'm not hugely bothered, but it's just interesting to know if there are any obvious indicators i can be pleased with.

    Even though Richmond Park is just down the road, i quite like the workout i get from these videos as it feels more intense. Even as weather improves, think i might stick with them.
    Steel Blue Fixed - Orange Backpack Cover

    How do i get a link to a photo in here?!

  • jonmack
    jonmack Posts: 522
    I did fight club last night and i've decided it's my favourite, along with angels.
  • lucan
    lucan Posts: 339
    I've got six of the Sufferfest vids and have run them all on my laptop, using Real Player, except for The Hunted which doesn't run at all. When I load it and click 'play' it opens up a dialogue box offering to sell me Real Player Plus. If I close the dialogue box it doesn't play. If I click 'play' again it does the same thing.

    Anyone else had this problem?
    Summer: Kuota Kebel
    Winter: GT Series3
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,982
    Can't say I'm a fan of Real Player. If you are having problems try VLC Media Player..

    It plays just about anything.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • +1 for VLC player. Small, but just works
  • s25scd
    s25scd Posts: 84
    Just in the middle of downloading fight club, looking forward to a sesh in my pain cave tonight but are the vids mostly designed for turbo,s ?, I have rollers ( kreitler 2.25) get me knacked but are the vids good for roller use aswell? heres hoping !!
  • lucan
    lucan Posts: 339
    I think you'll be fine. I use a spinning bike with the Sufferfest videos and it's good for me.
    Summer: Kuota Kebel
    Winter: GT Series3
  • Although he's not posted it here Mr Macks blog entry about his1st race did not suprise me.

    hats off to him he's recognised he's going to have to learn to race the only way there is - the traditional way racing yourself fit and not believing that a video in front of a turbo is the answer....