Who's doing the 2010 Cheshire Cat?



  • moolarb
    moolarb Posts: 83
    That was fun :) 16.4 mph average so quite chuffed with that. Managed to get up Mow Cop no problem - 2nd time in 3 days! Bit congested after being held up at the train crossing at the bottom so everyone set off up the hill together :shock:

    Rode most of it solo and it was hard work in the wind but got into a couple of groups on the way back and had a good burn up at the end :D

    Can't fault the organisation - would definitely do it again.
  • hells
    hells Posts: 175
    I went as a solo entrant but made friends with a nice guy on the way who helped to motivate me through the course. managed mowcop but my face was a picture of pain, Ended up going the wrong way for abit near the end so ended up doing 106 miles. After 50 miles my lower back styarted to absolutely cane. The guy I ended up riding with said my riding position has me with locked elbows which probably didnt help, suggestion was to get a slighter shorter stem and remove one spacer, hopefulyl this will eliminate ythe problem because it became hell. Next time I will bring ibuprofen with me. I also got SIS belly and wont be buying those again after I ended up vomitting twice, my stomach was not happy. Went way to fast at the begining beause I got over excited next time will try to pace myself. I thought that perhaps 100 miles was abit ambitious for my first ecer sportive but I'm glad I remained determined and didnt jack and end up on the medium route instead. Everything hurts now. Both an amazing day and a horrendous one due to the bad belly and lower back pain. I was amazed by the support and friendliness of the locals.
    Scott Addict R2 2010
    Trek 1.7 compact 2009
    Tank race elite 2007
    Marin Alpine trail 2007
    Specalized Langster 2010
    Kona Jake the Snake
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Well done hells......

    Isotonic stuff takes a bit to get used to - try and find out what works for you, as the only solid food I could eat later on was the bananas............

    There were loads of folk stopped at the bottom of Mow cop, then a bit further on, then at the top near High Street....................cheats..........(there was more to come)...

    I rode the lot right to the top ....only stopped at the feeds.......for a re-fill......
  • smitton
    smitton Posts: 13
    Credit to KiloToGo that the Cheshire Cat was so well organised. I had some issues with K2G after last year's Wild Edric and was unsure about entering this event. I need not have worried as it was first class. Signnage was a huge improvement over a well thought out route. The route with the hills in the first 35 miles was the way to go with an early season Sportive. I, like most normal human beings, walked up Mow Cop from the pub but no embarrassment there. Rest of the route was outstanding though the wind took it's toll on most people's energy. It's chucking it down as I write this (Monday) so I think were were lucky with the weather.
    I will be doing it again next year if all the positives stay in the mix.
  • lucca
    lucca Posts: 51
    Does anyone know how the guy is who crashed coming off Mow Cop ?. . He was wearing CCCP kit riding a Spec i think. I came across it after the initial crash but he didnt look good.
  • d198594t
    d198594t Posts: 32
    Thoroughly enjoyed the day (in restrospect) and thought the event organisation was pretty good. Got caught up in the crowd that got stuck at the raliway crossing below Mow Cop and made it as far as the pub. I think I may have made it up the rest if there had been room for me to zig-zag but hey, not bad for the first time! There seemed to be lots of falling over going on though, thankfully I managed to stay in the saddle the rest of the way round. Anyone seen any results yet?
    Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
    - Bianchi Via Nirone 2009
    - Ribble Winter/Training + 105
    - Boardman Team Carbon 2009
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    Had a really good day. First time seeing Mow Cop and managed it (well chuffed!), but like others said, no one told us that it carried on a liitle bit further after the pub :shock:

    Good friendly banter with the local kids trying to race you up Mow Cop.

    Big thanks to the 2 guys from Nantwich for the company on the last 25 miles, helped me back as I rode the 40+ miles into the headwind alone.
  • lucca wrote:
    Does anyone know how the guy is who crashed coming off Mow Cop ?. . He was wearing CCCP kit riding a Spec i think. I came across it after the initial crash but he didnt look good.

    There is a post on facebook - someone said he was ok....
  • Papapete wrote:
    Big thanks to the 2 guys from Nantwich for the company on the last 25 miles, helped me back as I rode the 40+ miles into the headwind alone.

    My first sportive - hung onto the back wheel of a bloke - for the last 10 - going at my pace. Hadn't got enough to go past him and let him hug mine though...

    Once we crossed the finish line I patted him on the back -thanked him for getting me home...

  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    I just took my Mow Cop killer mile medal down to CashMyGold and the bl00dy thing’s a fake

  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    He's definitely doing it wrong...
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    That is definitely NOT being awesome.
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    I like the way he's making sure his back takes the hit and not his bike!
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    My first century, did it and all the hills! It was good and especially enjoyed the times in a fast moving group, as with the Cycle Store guys - that was terrific fun. Made it in 7 hours of cycling. Learnt a lot from what gels not to buy to and how to do hand signals! Hardest bit for me was the neverending 'Long Lane' in a headwind. Will definately do it again. Very pleased also not to be suffering as had a few problems in the year with this and that. Ate like a horse yesterday!!
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Results link just been put up by KiloToGo on their Twitter feed and Facebook page.
    http://www.kilotogo.com/media/event_tim ... rtimes.xls

    However, I think they've made a mistook
    - total time published is in fact ride time, i.e. time from the start mat to foodstop1 in mat, plus foodstop1 out mat to foodstop2 in mat, plus foodstop2 out mat to foodstop3 in mat, plus foodstop3 out mat to finish mat
    - correct total time should also include the split times for foodstop1 in mat to foodstop1 out mat, foodstop2 in mat to foodstop2 out mat, foodstop3 in mat to foodstop3 out mat
    - and there's a 'Verified' column : quite a few people have rather amazing times, e.g. perhaps did the 67 mile route rather than the 100 and hence missed-out the 3rd foodstop - I think this verified column is only filled-in if you have times for all mats and hence did the full route
  • copper585
    copper585 Posts: 141
    what a cracking day thoroughly enjoyed it met some great riders, thank god all the hills were in the early miles, couldnt do that last bit up mow cop tho, will try again next year! well organised and well marked out route. strange thing re the times tho my mate finished 20mins before me however on the results was 4 mins slower than me?!
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    I havent yet seen the times but when I went to hand back my chip they said my time to Mow Cop was 2 hours 15 mins. I was too dazed to think much about this but there is no way to me that time to to do 17 miles.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    quite a few people have rather amazing times, e.g. perhaps did the 67 mile route rather than the 100 and hence missed-out the 3rd foodstop - I think this verified column is only filled-in if you have times for all mats and hence did the full route

    Yep. A 100 miles in 4 hours blimmey!
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    andy_wrx wrote:
    Results link just been put up by KiloToGo on their Twitter feed and Facebook page.
    http://www.kilotogo.com/media/event_tim ... rtimes.xls
    Thanks for the link

    5hrs 52mins 30 secs for the 100, happy with that - seeing as I crashed and buckled my rear wheel

    Still can't believe that none of the feed stops had a spoke key
  • copper585
    copper585 Posts: 141
    been on the rob clayton photo site, found me in a back shot of someone else as i walking up mow cop, i noticed there were a few photographers on the route, anyone know of other sites to look at for photos?
  • macondo01
    macondo01 Posts: 706
    edited March 2010
    Sportive Photos is another. But they haven't uploaded yet.
    "Let not the sands of time get in your lunch"

    National Lampoon
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I'm one of those. I did tell them I wimped out and did the 67 but I'm still down in the 100 section.
    Also, is there a way to sort by time?
    Would be nice to know where I came.
    They've got a long way to go before they match the timing for the Manchester 10k run.
    You get a text within 3 hours with your time and the next day you can sort your time by age group, sex etc.
    I'm sure this is expensive though.
  • copper585
    copper585 Posts: 141
    Macondo01 wrote:
    Sportive Photos is another. But they have uploaded yet.

    cheers for that will keep an eye on it
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    I did some playing around with Excel and worked out I came around 560th with a time of 6h15m. There were just over 1,000 people after me if that helps.
  • moolarb
    moolarb Posts: 83
    phreak wrote:
    I did some playing around with Excel and worked out I came around 560th with a time of 6h15m. There were just over 1,000 people after me if that helps.

    oooh, you beat me by 1 min :(
  • daverow
    daverow Posts: 64
    6hrs 8 mins. Quite pleased as it was the first time i'd done a century. 17.1 mph ave. More to follow before the Etape this summer.

    + we did get lost after some of the signage went astray. Ended up doing 106 miles!
  • moolarb
    moolarb Posts: 83
    Macondo01 wrote:
    Sportive Photos is another. But they haven't uploaded yet.

    photos are up now
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    pickled wrote:
    I'm one of those. I did tell them I wimped out and did the 67 but I'm still down in the 100 section.
    Also, is there a way to sort by time?

    You can select a column and filter on it in Excel (Sort and Filter button, top right).

    I'm intrigued as to how or why someone spent 50 mins at the last stop, with only 20m of flat left to go.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    moolarb wrote:
    phreak wrote:
    I did some playing around with Excel and worked out I came around 560th with a time of 6h15m. There were just over 1,000 people after me if that helps.

    oooh, you beat me by 1 min :(

    ... and you beat me by 1 min.

    It's strange that they've taken the feed stops out of the total time. That's where I make up
    most of my time! 6:17:53 (324/892) vs 6:20:45 (143/892)
    (included only verified)

    I'm very happy with either. Had a very good day.