Let it go Lance



  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    rockmount wrote:
    Links ? stinks, I heard him myself, with my own ears !!

    Heard what exactly?

    You do realise your personal experience doesn't count as evidence, don't you?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • You could just knock this thread on the head. The next person to post gives us some links to the filth Contador has been spouting about The Great One or we call it quits and agree that all the bad mouthing was from LA.

  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    You could just knock this thread on the head. The next person to post gives us some links to the filth Contador has been spouting about The Great One or we call it quits and agree that all the bad mouthing was from LA.



    Easy! :wink:
  • rockmount wrote:
    Yeah, it's always best to form your opinions on the inane ramblings of a handful of internet forum halfwits ..

    Links ? stinks, I heard him myself, with my own ears !!

    Ears looking at you, kid.


    "Trekkies before halfwits? That's not logical, captain."

    No evidential links = heresay or delusional.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    micron wrote:
    If anything, Contador's famous 'great champion crap person' comment looks more and more like the truth than any kind of barbed criticism.


    Isnt the internet great eh ! you can deduce that a sportsman who isnt commiting any crime other than pasing coment on his rival is a crap
    person ? Ok lets try this what if i said you are a crap person after all you posted that cancer sufferers shouldnt take inspiration from Lance or his institution, i mean who the are you decide from whom and where a cancer sufferer takes inspiration..............now does making a crass comment like that make you a crap person ? of course it doesnt thats your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that, i found it bordering on the ridiculous but i couldnt deduce from that you are crap person............you see what i am getting at here .
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    edited January 2010
    PBo wrote:

    first, cards on the table - until this year, I knew nothing about pro cycling other than le tour.

    It would seem thats not all you know feck all about,how you can deduce a person is odious based on a few comments about a rival is laughable in the extreme. Another things this lining up up to take a lick at Bertie's rusty sherrifs badge is quite hilarious where were you all last year when only two posters in here defended him when he was winning the Giro and Vuelta .
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • lucybears
    lucybears Posts: 366
    'night Moray, I gather you have been to the pub...
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Moray Gub wrote:
    PBo wrote:

    first, cards on the table - until this year, I knew nothing about pro cycling other than le tour.

    It would seem thats not all you know feck all about,how you can deduce a person is odious based on a few comments about a rival is laughable in the extreme. Another thing this lining up up to take a lick at Bertie's rusty sherrifs badge is quite hilarious where were you all last year when only two posters in here defended him when he was winning the Giro and Vuelta .
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    MG, I remember well the anti-Contador remarks here last year. Why your tone towards him changed this year? Because the Comeback King said so?

    However, this has nothing to do with doping or cancer, I'm surprised that you completely ignore what happened when LA announced and made his comeback.

    How can you even compare LA's constant sniping to AC's "he is great champion, but I have no respect for him as a person" is beyond me.

    I once thought you had a level headed attitude towards cycling in general, too bad you've proven me wrong.

    The comeback opened my eyes, clearly not yours.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    Moray Gub wrote:
    PBo wrote:

    first, cards on the table - until this year, I knew nothing about pro cycling other than le tour.

    It would seem thats not all you know feck all about,how you can deduce a person is odious based on a few comments about a rival is laughable in the extreme. Another things this lining up up to take a lick at Bertie's rusty sherrifs badge is quite hilarious where were you all last year when only two posters in here defended him when he was winning the Giro and Vuelta .

    [opens envelope, sealed, posted to self, postmarked with a date prior to my previous comment]
    predictions for 2010:
    MG will jump on confession that I have only followed pro racing for a year or so to claim any opinion I hold is worthless :roll:

    For starters, I'm basing my opinion on more than a few comments. "Laughable in the extreme", my god, you must be easily amused - surprised you didn't die of laughing at the evidence for WMD in Iraq.

    If you think all Lance did this year is make a few comments, you are delusional. Did i call him a bully in my first post? no - well i should have added that too. i've decided he's a bully because one of his twitters might have had a slight bullying undertone, and hey - that's enough evidence for me! You know NOTHING about what I've seen or read to make my opinion, so stop being so arrogant. And THAT opinion is based on every time you post here.

    Secondly: odious "arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance" (webster's) LA's behaviour does arouse hatred - just look at these boards - so I could argue that this isn't even an opinion, but a fact. Would you like me to post some links? (Actually I don't need to, because i definitely remember people hating lance on these boards). But, you know, calm down - I haven't accused him of being a paedophile.

    Thirdly. This debate is about the public behaviour of the two re: their relationship this year. It is entirely consistent to believe LA's behaviour in this case is far worse than AC's, but still think AC has dodgy doping history.

    Four - which medal do you think you deserve for being a trailblazer as regards defending AC? I could sense the tears of frustration welling up in you at the horrible injustice of it all...."they jumped on my bandwagon, but now they've turned on me boohoo" Because lets face it, if you were MBE material as regards AC, in comparison you'd be Lord Moray Gub of Armstrong's ring piece.

    I just wondered - do you have counselling of any description? Because it seems to me there's some deep seated problem if you spend so much time coming to bulletin boards to castigate people for holding opinions, however solid or flimsy the evidence. Its an internet forum ffs - what else do people do on them?

    And those are the facts.......no, my opinions........or are they facts? damn, no links....
  • Not just on here, but from a different forum source. The subject Contador.
    Berto also analyzed the last years race and Armstrong with the sense of proportion and restraint. at times when a swear word was due to properly describe what hes been exposed to, he just smiled or as the author put it used an understatement.

    Compare that with armstrong's bombastic insulting trash talk about berto in his interview with de telegraaf.

    sometimes i wonder why certain people ignore clear evidence.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • guv001
    guv001 Posts: 688
    lfcquin wrote:

    Easy! :wink:

    Is that the King of Spain out for walk in the Palace grounds.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Pbo - 110% agree Moraygobshyte i bet has the Trek Bike,Livestrong Jersey and prob a Lance Armstrong blow-up doll - dont you find it quite worrying that some people have been "Sectioned" for less ????
  • Hey, I'm the last person.......well almost, to stick up for Moray. Besides which he wouldn't thank me for it, as he's well capable of looking after himself.
    However, please let's try and keep the personal sniping :P on a slightly more intellectual level.

    I know well enough, that he can be frustrating to debate with, but that's usually down to the fact that he leaves few openings. On this occasion, he has.

    So, battle of wits, rather than halfwits, as that well know Spanish speaking Irishman, Rockmount, might say.

    Sorry, if this comes across as patronizing, it probably does, but it isn't meant to be.
    I'm enjoying the thread and the sheep being miles ahead on points!
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • rockmount
    rockmount Posts: 761
    Sorry, if this comes across as patronizing, it probably does, but it isn't meant to be.
    I'm enjoying the thread and the sheep being miles ahead on points!
    You can keep yer green jersey .... it's yellow for me !!
    .. who said that, internet forum people ?
  • le_patron
    le_patron Posts: 494
    I'm with saddles as usual on this, I don't agree with MG most of the time, but he argues well and ensures rigour is applied on both sides.

    Anyway, my bet is that AC would be quietly getting on with it if LA wasn't around stirring. He has spoken out a couple times, but only after huge provocation. He's hardly been the instigator of all this bad feeling. Make me chuckle seeing LA using his usual tricks, but it just doesn't work with Contador, he ignores him most of the time when Lance would rather have an alpha-male locking of horns, must wind him up no end.

    Whether AC can ignore rider after rider ganging up on him next July will be very interesting, because that's clearly LA's end game.
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    Hey, I'm the last person.......well almost, to stick up for Moray. Besides which he wouldn't thank me for it, as he's well capable of looking after himself.
    However, please let's try and keep the personal sniping :P on a slightly more intellectual level.

    I know well enough, that he can be frustrating to debate with, but that's usually down to the fact that he leaves few openings. On this occasion, he has.

    So, battle of wits, rather than halfwits, as that well know Spanish speaking Irishman, Rockmount, might say.

    Sorry, if this comes across as patronizing, it probably does, but it isn't meant to be.
    I'm enjoying the thread and the sheep being miles ahead on points!

  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    PBo wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    PBo wrote:

    predictions for 2010:
    MG will jump on confession that I have only followed pro racing for a year or so to claim any opinion I hold is worthless :roll:

    For starters, I'm basing my opinion on more than a few comments. "Laughable in the extreme", my god, you must be easily amused - surprised you didn't die of laughing at the evidence for WMD in Iraq.

    If you think all Lance did this year is make a few comments, you are delusional. Did i call him a bully in my first post? no - well i should have added that too. i've decided he's a bully because one of his twitters might have had a slight bullying undertone, and hey - that's enough evidence for me! You know NOTHING about what I've seen or read to make my opinion, so stop being so arrogant. And THAT opinion is based on every time you post here.

    Secondly: odious "arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance" (webster's) LA's behaviour does arouse hatred - just look at these boards - so I could argue that this isn't even an opinion, but a fact. Would you like me to post some links? (Actually I don't need to, because i definitely remember people hating lance on these boards). But, you know, calm down - I haven't accused him of being a paedophile.

    Thirdly. This debate is about the public behaviour of the two re: their relationship this year. It is entirely consistent to believe LA's behaviour in this case is far worse than AC's, but still think AC has dodgy doping history.

    Four - which medal do you think you deserve for being a trailblazer as regards defending AC? I could sense the tears of frustration welling up in you at the horrible injustice of it all...."they jumped on my bandwagon, but now they've turned on me boohoo" Because lets face it, if you were MBE material as regards AC, in comparison you'd be Lord Moray Gub of Armstrong's ring piece.

    I just wondered - do you have counselling of any description? Because it seems to me there's some deep seated problem if you spend so much time coming to bulletin boards to castigate people for holding opinions, however solid or flimsy the evidence. Its an internet forum ffs - what else do people do on them?

    And those are the facts.......no, my opinions........or are they facts? damn, no links....

    Firstly fact that i think your opinion is mince has nothing to do the fact you know next to nothing about pro cycling.

    Looking at your post above i dont think its myself who has the issues at all, your post if full of venom and anger purely becasue someone has the audacity to think differently to you.

    Thirdly hate is a strong word and used far to often for trivial things like sporting likes an dislikes so i suggest you go for a walk ease away some of the built up frustration you are clearly demostrating and come back when you are slighly more grown up about it and we will talk.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Pbo - 110% agree Moraygobshyte i bet has the Trek Bike,Livestrong Jersey and prob a Lance Armstrong blow-up doll - dont you find it quite worrying that some people have been "Sectioned" for less ????

    Does your daddy know you are using his puter ?
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • lucybears
    lucybears Posts: 366
    yeah, c'mon PBo & Gazzetta67, stop kicking the man when he's down....he's even bringing the quality of his replies down to your level. He should be treating you the way AC treats Lance.....
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    Moray Gub wrote:
    Looking at your post above i dont think its myself who has the issues at all, your post if full of venom and anger purely becasue someone has the audacity to think differently to you.

    Now, it is "laughable in the extreme" that you of all people should post this.

    However, you do make me cross - not for having "the audacity to think differently", but for the double standard you demonstrate with your bullying tone to those you disagree with, and your refusal sometimes to acknowledge clear evidence against you. (I pulled you up in the R2R DVD thread like this. Your response? To call me "fannybaws" and then disappear from the thread despite some people still challenging you to actually consider the evidence).

    It was clear that you had finally admitted to yourself you'd lost this debate the moment you instigated the "but I liked bertie first" defence.....

    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you? :)
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you?

    Class Pbo i Like it - Maybe Moray will send you Radioshack doll with pins in it :)
  • lets just hope ac lets his legs do the talking instead of la and his overlarge gob ! :wink:
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you?

    Class Pbo i Like it - Maybe Moray will send you Radioshack doll with pins in it :)

    Are you two clowns some kind of music hall double act or what ?
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Gazzetta67 wrote:
    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you?

    Class Pbo i Like it - Maybe Moray will send you Radioshack doll with pins in it :)

    Are you two clowns some kind of music hall double act or what ?
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • lucybears
    lucybears Posts: 366

    been to the pub again Moray ?
    I can understand your need to drown your sorrows.....
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    edited January 2010
    lucybears wrote:

    been to the pub again Moray ?
    I can understand your need to drown your sorrows.....

    Is that the level you are at now then mocking becuase of a simple thing like a double post

    Please explain why i would need to drown my sorrows ? Internet forum debates may mean much to you but to me they mean the square root of feck all, a means of wasting a few hours here and there no sorrows ever need to be drowned.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    edited January 2010
    PBo wrote:
    Now, it is "laughable in the extreme" that you of all people should post this.

    However, you do make me cross - not for having "the audacity to think differently", but for the double standard you demonstrate with your bullying tone to those you disagree with, and your refusal sometimes to acknowledge clear evidence against you. (I pulled you up in the R2R DVD thread like this. Your response? To call me "fannybaws" and then disappear from the thread despite some people still challenging you to actually consider the evidence).

    It was clear that you had finally admitted to yourself you'd lost this debate the moment you instigated the "but I liked bertie first" defence.....

    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you? :)

    Ok lets take this nice and slow for you as there is a fair amount of inaccuracies going on here I called you fannybaws after you called me a c ock and i posted about 6 times in that thread after not exactly consistent with dissapearing but hey whats a wee lie here and there eh !

    Now if a poster makes you cross then maybe you need to let it go a little if its doing that to you and as for you pulling anybody up now you are taking the p iss . As for liking Bertie first the point needs to be made that many adoring him know didnt have time for him him before, i dont include you in that as this time last year he could have been Bertie Bassett for all you knew about him. Anyway I disagree with you on certain things it happens its no big deal but it seems it something you cant handle very well without resorting to personal abuse along with your wee lap dog Gazza, you will notice i only indulge in this as a retort to the likes of you like i did in the Roubaix thread. Its turning into a habit with you ...........you get into a debate dont like the way it goes and bang out comes the personal abuse scattergun. Fine if thas your thing but dont try to portay others as doing it to you when generally its you who initiates it all.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    Let it go Lance? This topic needs to be renamed Let it go everyone who's sniping!

    Stick to the topic, eh people?
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    Paul, I know you are right, but I must get my rebuttal in first. Then I'll step away from the debate.
    Moray Gub wrote:
    PBo wrote:
    Now, it is "laughable in the extreme" that you of all people should post this.

    However, you do make me cross - not for having "the audacity to think differently", but for the double standard you demonstrate with your bullying tone to those you disagree with, and your refusal sometimes to acknowledge clear evidence against you. (I pulled you up in the R2R DVD thread like this. Your response? To call me "fannybaws" and then disappear from the thread despite some people still challenging you to actually consider the evidence).

    It was clear that you had finally admitted to yourself you'd lost this debate the moment you instigated the "but I liked bertie first" defence.....

    Now, do us all a favour, put down your spade and stop digging - you do know that you'll never tunnel all the way to Australia in time to watch Lance in the TDU don't you? :)

    Ok lets take this nice and slow for you as there is a fair amount of inaccuracies going on here I called you fannybaws after you called me a c ock
    now, - this difference is subtle - I said that blindly denying clear evidence made you look like a c0ck. back then i didn't think you were one.

    however, i waded in because i think you are a bully. here are some of your condascending/arrogant quotes to others before i posted. to me, taking this attitude to your fellow posters is abuse too.

    "Ok lets take this slowly two points to note here "
    "can you be a sport and point him out for me ..........theres a good lad "
    "..simple economics..............target market............its not rocket science .........cash...........cash....cash........."
    "good to see you dont let anti american feelings and lets be frank an irrational dislike cloud your judgement."

    doesn't look to me like you are a man who likes others holding different opinions.
    nor does it look like internet debate means the square root of feck all - if it did, then I think you'd have bailed on this thread a while ago, instead of replying to some of the barbs thrown at you. I'm not saying you SHOULD walk away, just that if it means so little, then why bother.....?

    and i posted about 6 times in that thread after not exactly consistent with dissapearing but hey whats a wee lie here and there eh !
    actually, you are right on this one - i just had your final quote - along the lines of "I refer you to my previous post" in the back of my mind.
    oh, wait do you see what i did there - i admitted i was wrong and changed my opinion based on the evidence.
    Now if a poster makes you cross then maybe you need to let it go a little
    but i quite enjoy the debate/banter on internet forums. i don't like bullying - it spoils it, so why should i let it go unchallenged?
    if its doing that to you and as for you pulling anybody up now you are taking the p iss . As for liking Bertie first the point needs to be made that many adoring him know didnt have time for him him before, i dont include you in that as this time last year he could have been Bertie Bassett for all you knew about him. Anyway I disagree with you on certain things it happens its no big deal but it seems it something you cant handle very well without resorting to personal abuse along with your wee lap dog Gazza, you will notice i only indulge in this as a retort to the likes of you like i did in the Roubaix thread. Its turning into a habit with you ...........you get into a debate dont like the way it goes and bang out comes the personal abuse scattergun. Fine if thas your thing but dont try to portay others as doing it to you when generally its you who initiates it all.

    still sounding a bit angry there for mr no big deal/square root of feck all.
    to be factually accurate, i gave you personal abuse in my first posts, not after the debate went some way i didn't like. In fact, in both debates, you've been pretty much fighting a solo losing battle.

    right, walking away now.