Bbox change to Colnago bikes



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Wife was seriously unimpressed.

    The price or the aesthetics?

    Perhaps all red would be a better colour for you?

    I like bikes...

  • Wife was seriously unimpressed.

    The price or the aesthetics?

    The price, and the prospect of yet another bicycle!

    The all red effort is awful, I'm sure brain dead fixed wheel posers would love the wheels though.....
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Wife was seriously unimpressed.

    The price or the aesthetics?

    The price, and the prospect of yet another bicycle!

    The all red effort is awful, I'm sure brain dead fixed wheel posers would love the wheels though.....

    Yeh, red's not as good a colour as Blue.
    I like bikes...

  • Yeh, red's not as good a colour as Blue.

    :lol: blue nose.
  • Wife was seriously unimpressed.

    The price or the aesthetics?

    Perhaps all red would be a better colour for you?


    Good god. The Royal Mail should issue those to posties - the colourscheme fits and they'd get their rounds done quicker! The black n' white Colnago frame is seriously nice, and the black n' gold one reminds me of those old John Player Special F1 cars (which is a good thing).
  • colnago-extreme-power-frame-set-41247.jpg

    This is what I like

    Is it more a case of just liking them 7 letters written on it.

    Example, take a bog standard Carbon Trek frame. Would it suddenly become more appealing to some people if the letters T R E K where replaced with C O L N A G O
  • all show no go
    all show no go Posts: 542
    edited October 2009
    Your Giant is an expensive bike and you could have bought a De Rosa or a Colnago or another 'beautifully built bike'' for a similar price.

    So will this do ya Frenchie? My bike with Campag.
    (By the way, I work in a bike shop so the bike wasn't very expensive at all, what with all the cheap bits lying around everywhere, not wanting to be bought by complete bike snobs who haven't got a clue about what makes a good bike a great bike. It's all about what's beneath the skin my friend.....)


    So what bike do you ride FF?
    Let's close our eyes and see what happens
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Is it more a case of just liking them 7 letters written on it.

    Example, take a bog standard Carbon Trek frame. Would it suddenly become more appealing to some people if the letters T R E K where replaced with C O L N A G O

    No I like TWBK
    I like bikes...

  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642

    Giant is certainly better than all the other bikes I mentioned.

    I agree that a good looking bike doesn't mean a good bike, however and good bike can also be good looking.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • [/quote]

    Is it more a case of just liking them 7 letters written on it.

    Example, take a bog standard Carbon Trek frame. Would it suddenly become more appealing to some people if the letters T R E K where replaced with C O L N A G O[/quote]

    Answer - Yes.
    Let's close our eyes and see what happens
  • 800px-Coq_Belle-Ile.jpg
  • But this c0ck has three F's......
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    What bike do you have FF?

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    The only reason I can think for not saying is that he might be a bit embarrassed that it is not made by one of these small Italian firms he said about even though those are the kind of bike's he aspires too. If that's somewhere near right then Im sure he's avoided saying cos he thinks he'll be ridiculed or his 'argument of what he'd not be seen dead on' will get taken to bits.

    I for one was just more simply interested to hear what it was. But then again he was the one who said that what some people were saying they rode actually 'said something about them' and meant it in a negative way. All it normally says about someone of course is that they've looked at at least some of the bikes that are in their budget and picked one of them by how it looks/rides and what kit its got on it they like.

    I'm sure Id get labelled by some (maybe him by the sounds of it) for riding an S1 but I would never get why cos its a good bike for the money and there are stacks of other good bikes for similar money ...and I'll bet what he rides is a good bike too even if it isn't anything exclusive.

    If he doesn't care what people think of him like he says then he'd just say the bike, that is completely obvious to everyone. But he does. Like I said earlier I think he should just lighten up a little, its only a forum, its only fun ...inject a little humour here and there and not take absolutely everything so seriously.

    Oh sh1t, Ive gone all 'hippy'.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    So this is the kind of forum on which people are picked on for not having an expensive and exclusive bike?

    What does all this have to do with pro cycling anyway. AG2R rode on Decathlon bikes for years...
  • FJS wrote:
    What does all this have to do with pro cycling anyway. AG2R rode on Decathlon bikes for years...

    Exactly, if there's one thing you can learn from the bikes the pros use it's that the make of bike doesn't really matter at all, but then I think we all know that anyway. Objectively, the performance difference between the high-end (and maybe not so high-end) bikes of all the manufacturers is so small as to be irrelevant. Of course, to many people stuff like the heritage of a marque, its exclusivity and where it's made is important, and if they're happy to pay a premium for that then that's great as it keeps a lot of smaller 'boutique' bike builders in business. Me, I couldn't care less about that stuff so I ride a Scott Cr1; hopelessly quotidian but nevertheless very good that the job it's designed to do. And if anyone's going to infer that my choice of bike is in some way indicative of a deficient character, then I invite them to p1ss right off.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    FJS wrote:
    So this is the kind of forum on which people are picked on for not having an expensive and exclusive bike?

    What does all this have to do with pro cycling anyway. AG2R rode on Decathlon bikes for years...

    There is only person making an issue of this and thats FF with his i wouldnt be seen dead comment. Everybody else as far as i can see couldnt give a monkeys what folk ride.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    nasahapley wrote:
    FJS wrote:
    What does all this have to do with pro cycling anyway. AG2R rode on Decathlon bikes for years...

    And if anyone's going to infer that my choice of bike is in some way indicative of a deficient character, then I invite them to p1ss right off.

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Unlike Nasahapley, NapoleonD and All-show-no-go, I happen to like the Pegoretti colouring and pattern. It looks very much like a lot of porcelain commonly found in Italy – salad bowls, pasta plates, etc – so in that sense is extremely Italian, and very fitting for an Italian bike.
    I’m glad Pegoretti avoided the standardisation (and sometimes consequent blandness) that comes from trying to satisfy an international market and its fashions.

    Maybe the solution with respect to the looks of bike frames is for each to have his own personal frame design, e.g. this could be the design for forum member Red Dragon.

    It’s a Storck Fascenario 0.7 “Red Dragon”, made only to special order, complete bike costs about £7400.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Never seen that scheme before. That is pretty nice. Have you got a larger version?
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Vino
    Vino Posts: 184
    Never seen that scheme before. That is pretty nice. Have you got a larger version?

    At e7000 he unlikely give you whole bike.
  • I have a bog standard mass produced chinese or taiwanese carbon frame (in black) with ksyriums and dura ace on which I do the vast majority of my cycling. I bought a BMC pro machine with light wheels and super record 11 about a year ago, and whilst only having been out on it once, I didn't really notice any difference to be honest, other than that I prefer dura ace. I really like colnago's. Trek look great bikes too. There is really very little difference for an average ability cyclist comme moi. Everything is marketing and pimping unless one has the power of a horse. There is nothing wrong with that however.
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    I bought a BMC pro machine with light wheels and super record 11 about a year ago, and whilst only having been out on it once

    So, you bought a £5k bike and you decided after one ride it was no better than your current bike and haven't ridden it since? :shock:
    Pop it round to my placa and I'll give it a fair test if you like.
  • inseine wrote:
    I bought a BMC pro machine with light wheels and super record 11 about a year ago, and whilst only having been out on it once

    So, you bought a £5k bike and you decided after one ride it was no better than your current bike and haven't ridden it since? :shock:
    Pop it round to my placa and I'll give it a fair test if you like.

    Probably just used as a beater to plug into the turbo trainer.
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    my machine :D:):):):)


    I want a Dogma for next season :D
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    emadden wrote:
    my machine :D:):):):)


    I want a Dogma for next season :D

    Just my opinion, but I really don't like the wiggly forks. :)
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    Just my opinion, lovely. :D
  • Roscobob
    Roscobob Posts: 344
    emadden wrote:
    my machine :D:):):):)


    I want a Dogma for next season :D

    A little bit of sex wee came out :oops: :lol:

  • For god's sake Frenchie lighten up abit.
  • emadden wrote:
    my machine :D:):):):)


    I want a Dogma for next season :D

    New bar tape please, it's a bit dirty... :D