Ride Reports



  • I decided to be all romantic this Valentines day and took the bike out for a good ride :lol:
    I picked a route I'd been wanting to try for ages but knew it would most likely take a while to complete so picked a weekend when my parents had the kids (problems with electrics mean no heating in the house.....) so the missus could get a lie in, which was scuppered somewhat by me not being as quiet as I could when getting my breakfast :-(

    I drove out to the parents house to collect my bike which I'd left there on Friday after meeting the straight after work and double checked my route, I was on familiar roads until I passed the roundabout of the A22/A25 near Godstone. It was basically a straight line with 2 roundabouts and a few turns and a roundabout to navigate in Redhill before re-joining the A23. Route details memorized I set off :-)

    I first heading up Shirley Hill which got the legs working nicely after just a couple of miles on the cold morning. It was spitting with rain and I was wondering if wearing the windproof jacket was the correct plan of action after I'd left the waterproof one behind.....
    Thankfully it never got any heavier then a light drizzle and I joined the quieter roads that would take me all the way to Fairleigh. As I made progress up them the conditions seemed to get worse! It went from snow in the fields to slushy cr4p on the road and eventually a light snow trail with tyre tracks on either side and then finally thick fog was added to the mix! As one cyclist commented as I moved round him "tricky conditions!"

    It cleared up as I descended towards Westerham but I still had to take it easy due to the on/off snowy conditions and wet road. Having had a blast down this section in the past I knew it can be quite fun and fast but conditions weren't ideal for that today.

    Once I joined the A25 I spotted a sign that said Redhill 11 miles. Not bad I thought, pretty much straight from here to there so I'll be on this lovely road for about 30-40 minutes before needing to turn off. Straight it might be but it also goes up and down a bit! Nothing serious but certainly a few that I could feel after my after some less then ideal foods the previous evening! Note to self - a lamb donor and kofte combination kebab, despite coming with a generous helping of salad, doesn't seem to contain many carbs!

    After missing one turning in Godstone I eventually found myself in Redhill and needing to make another course correction! My excuse for this was the drizzle on my glasses meaning I couldn't quite make out the road signs properly!

    By this time the roads where again looking a bit familiar from my days as a field engineer, a comforting feeling as I was still riding into what seemed like a permanent fog despite repeatedly wiping my glasses! A short while later I joined even more familiar territory as I met up with the start of the M23 in Horley and was effectively on the home straight.

    The bike could basically pilot itself back from here but would have been a tiny bit confused as I rode past my parents house and round the block to add some extra distance - I was damned if I'd been out for the last 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete 39.5 miles! The little diversion at the end added just shy of a mile to this total so I finished on 40.3 miles with a 17.1mph average - I pleasant surprise as it didn't feel that fast :-D

    All in a very satisfying ride, my longest of the year so far and my first long since fitting the new bars. It appears I need to tweak my setup a tiny bit as I had a small ache develop just above my left elbow that I haven't had before on long rides. I would also consider taking some small snacks or a sports drink with me as I certainly felt like I was flagging a bit about halfway round. All good experience and just the sort of stuff I'm looking to iron out before the big ride in June :-)

    Sportstracker route here - Doesn't seem to have captured the first mile and a bit, I suspect due to getting the GPS fix but it got the rest of the details about right!
    Who's the daddy?
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    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    I went out on Saturday for a 40-miler that was my longest ride probably since October. Half of it was on new-ish roads, with one wrong turn that only added a few km's but went a long way to convincing me a Garmin should really be considered now, especially as the current Cateye keeps getting lose and losing connection.
    There is no snow here, but it was cold enough. The new leg warmers are great though, and a long-sleeve base layer meant the short sleeve top was fine. The mountain-bike winter gloves do not work with eating on the bike, but I knew that anyway.
    There was something weird going on near Owslbury. It's a village well away from any main road or route, and I was coming into it via a single-track back road, yet must have met 30 cars coming against me on the first mile or so. There is also a 500m double-digit% climb into it, and I had a car right behind me all the way up. I couldn't do anything about it, it's not wide enough for them to pass even without the hill, but they seemed to realise this and just follow me It was like having the Commissaire's car behind me in some mad Belgian classic.
    I tested some SiS energy drink for the first time. No idea how much energy it gave me, but I think I'll buy some more of it. Due to the cold the 750mm of orange in the other bottle was no more than ballast though.
    A nice road, 44miles in total, not a great pace, barely breaking the 15mph average, but I felt fine after it. The legs were tired but I wasn't.
  • Hard ride out with the club on Sunday. It was a 75km Audax. I always tend to start at the back of the ride - maybe it's because I don't feel confident enough to go off with the lead group - whatever ....

    We went out of Chippenham up to Derry Hill and I managed to climb ahead of a few people and get to the middle group. We then went past the entrance to Bowood House and I felt reasonably strong so decided to try to cross the gap and chase down the guys at the front who were about half a mile or so ahead. Another rider got onto my back wheel and we chased them up the long drag to the top of Sandy Lane and caught them going down into Heddington.

    It was a big effort to get there and knowing we then had to climb up to N Wilts GC I was grateful they eased off a bit. It was then a good steady pace through Bishops Canning, Devizes, Potterne til we stopped at Edington in a lovely little cafe for some well deserved coffee and a flapjack.

    We headed back intially in a group of 8 or so which slowly whittled itself down to 7, then 6 then 5 and for most of the retrun 4 of us. It was a really strong pace for me and I'm happy to admit I was hanging grimly on to the back wheel of the chap who was making it look all too easy at the front.

    About 5 miles from home 4 became 3 and though I was still in touch, a 10 yard gap emerged, which quickly became 30 then 40 yards. I knew if I let it grow any more I'd blow up completely and it was really tempting to just sit up and let it happen, but stubbornness kicked in and it wasn't pretty but I dug in and gritted my teeth and foot by foot dragged myself back.

    It was strange that having got back I felt a surge of new energy and it felt easy coming into Chippenham to the finish, and reasonably straightforward riding home via Bowden.

    It just helped me realise that if I just grit my teeth I can work through a bad patch and come out strong the other side.

    So a good ride and I learned a lot from it.
    Specialized Roubaix Pro SL : Litespeed Titanium Siena : Specialized Allez : Specialized Tri Cross :
    Specialized Rockhopper
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    My weekend riding, or rather Sunday riding sucked. It was the London Cyclocross League team championships, and a debut race for my bike. I had a nasty asthma attack 2 or 3 laps in, so bad I had to stop - losing a lap.

    I got back on to finish (I hate to quit), but was well down on where I wanted to be, which was gutting.

    I trudged off home thinking I'd managed to lose us the title, on to discover later that WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! :) My team mates put in sterling performances and so we beat the Dynamos to take the title.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Too hot to ride, although there a bloke a couple of mins away who has an original Marco Pantani TT bike for sales, might go and see if he'll let me test ride it :wink:

    Another tough day at the beach :D
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    You're not making any friends you know :wink:

    An original Pantani bike, that'll be the one huddled in the corner with a bloody great crack then!
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • Page 7 ?????

    Anyway :

    Did a tour of the Dragon Ride on Friday. I think I'm going to ask my doctor if he'll give me a sick note. It was hard work in the car!!

    Lovely ride on Saturday afternoon though round my normal 60+ route. Didn't see a soul til just outside Pewsey and caught up with quite a few slower guys on an Audax run from Reading I think. I went up through Burbage village and then out towards the back of Savernake and into Great Bedwyn and caught the same couple of riders again (don't know what short cut they took) before catching a larger group just as they pulled into the Tutti cafe in Hungerford High Street.

    On my own again all the way home through Ramsbury, Mildenhall and Marlborough, then Bushton, Compton Basset and into Calne.

    Didn't force it and took it very easy up and hills and still snuck home averaging just under 16mph so very happy with that and the weather stayed dry which was a bonus..

    Still not sure where the other 56 miles is going to come from to get me round the Beacons though ....
    Specialized Roubaix Pro SL : Litespeed Titanium Siena : Specialized Allez : Specialized Tri Cross :
    Specialized Rockhopper
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Apart from calne that's pretty much my exact weekend route yet I never see a soul
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • ITB : I can go for months and not see a soul either.

    To be honest I was surprised to see an Audax run out on a Saturday. I thought most were Sunday events, but it was nice to have some people to chase.
    Specialized Roubaix Pro SL : Litespeed Titanium Siena : Specialized Allez : Specialized Tri Cross :
    Specialized Rockhopper
  • mtb-idle
    mtb-idle Posts: 2,179
    i went to Leith Hill but on the MTB. After a week's sunshine and no rain the trails were in tip-top condition.

    Here's a short video of me messing about on them thar hills

    (It's not commuting but thats why I commute, to keep fit for my MTB'ing at the weekends)
    FCN = 4
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    Brought the fortnightly ride forward a day, what with it being Mother's Day tomorrow and my wife being one to 5 (soon to be 6) mini-BJUK's I was threatened with physical violence if I dared go out tomorrow.

    I had a quick check of my maps to confirm my planned route would work and set off towards Richmond Park, my intention being to try the A3 cycle lane to get me in the Robin Hood Gate. All worked out rather well, asides from the sketchy path section that ran near the woods at the start it was perfectly rideable without needing to dice with the maniacs on the A3 :-)

    Plan was to knock out 4 laps and it went pretty much as expected. Still cr4p coming down Broomfield Hill, my descending is something I need to work on, but I make up for it with good speed on the flat :-) Of course my idea of good speed and some of the other riders is worlds apart but I do think most of the people who passed me where on more expensive bikes so I'm hoping I can claim I was some honour as my setup costs about half the price of one Zip 808 wheel that I spotted on a couple of TT bikes :-)

    A couple of rather close passes by London Dynamo chain-gangs made me feel I was riding in a pro-event and I found one chap that would have given JG a good run up the hills, he literally shot up them, providing me with a nice carrot :-D

    My fuelling for this ride was much better then my last weekend solo ride, pasta and meatballs the night before, porridge in the morning and a surprisingly nice Sundried Banana Torq bar before the return leg meant I was still feeling as if I could have kept on riding when I arrived home with just shy of 48 miles under my belt and it wasn't even midday :-D

    Sportstracker beta capture here although the average is slightly out as I hadn't re-configured the auto-pause after a phone software upgrade - STB error'd as it loaded complaining it couldn't read settings.....think the cycle comp had me down as a 17mph average for the journey which I'm happy with especially as 20 miles was the town riding there and back :-)

    Hoping to make a monthly visit to RP and add a lap or 2 each time :-)
    Who's the daddy?
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    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • mkirby
    mkirby Posts: 365
    This morning i took numbers 1 and 2 bikes to the shop for servicing. Number 1 bikes chain snapped and the shop replaced it FOC. So i sets of from amble with the intention of heading for the northumberland national park.

    I get to the next village and my small chainring will not give me gears 2 and 3, i can get 1 fine and 4 is iffy but ridable. Bugger i think, do i turn around and go back to the shop and lose the day or soldger on. I keep going and the hills start, im getting annoyed by only being able to use 1st when i know i can get up in higher gears. But i make it and while admiring the sceneray at Swarland i take a wrong turn. I end up getting to the national park and things start to get sureal, the kind of sreal you wish you had a helmet cam because no one is going to belive you.

    I swing round the bend ready to take on the 1st monster hill of the day, a red car overtakes and the girl in the passanger seat looks out the back and waves. I knod politely and start the climb, i get round the 1st bend, i get around the second bend. By this time im dying my legs are about to die i've fixed my eyes on the front wheel because i dont want to know what its going to throw at me next. I stupidly look up to see the summit looming above me. I also note the red car from before parked at the top and the two girls are stood next to it. I draw closer leggs screaming. They start shouting and cheering me on. Im really fading now, i see one girl fiddle with something then grab the bottom of her top and woomf shes flashing me :shock: . Her mate does the same :shock:, then they start jumping up and down and cheering. I push harder, it would have been impolite to do otherwise, and start to hyper ventalate because im in hysterics. I catch up with them say thanks, then they put there hands on my back and start to run me down the other side 8) .

    I felt like i had just won a mountain stage. Then i really wished i had a helmet cam as no one will believe me.

    Then i have my cafe stop and tackle the 2nd monster hill, about half way up i hear some wheezing behind me. I look back and theres a roadie on my wheel who looks like hes about to die. He seems to have his gaze fixed on my butt :shock: .

    I reach the top and slow a little to get a drink, he pulls level and says " you have really hypnotic buttocks." Then immediately turns off.

    I wasn't quite sure what to think about that, then i hammered it all the way home. Was the best ride i have ever had. :)
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    And I thought my ride was exciting having to pull off the single lane road to let the milk tanker by :shock:

    Unfortunately half my ride was spent trying to climb hills without breathing or avoid the muck on the road. Gotta love spring in the countryside :(
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064

    Talking of muck what's with spreading chicken muck, that's stuff smells so bad I actually gagged :?
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • Brilliant club Audax on Sunday and fantastic weather. Once more I was late leaving the house ... when will I learn ... and had to thrash it over to the meet and got there with just enough time to register, go for a wee then off we go.

    We headed out through Lacock to climb Bowden Hill early on in the ride which was fine by me :) then through Heddington out through Compton Bassett and then through beautiful Wiltshire lanes to Brinkworth for the first 10 minute cake stop where we met up with the motorcyclists heading for the tribute at Wotton Bassett.

    It was a really strong pace all the way. I'd let the lead group go out but gradually reeled them in and then idly sat at the back recovering to jeers from the rest of the group.

    Grabbed a quick coffee and a cake and then belted up towards Tetbury and Malmesbury through glorious countryside that I barely had time to notice and came back around in a wide arc to Brinkworth again (more cake) - and the motorcycles were still going through ...

    The last 12 miles back to Chippenham were more like a bl**dy time trial than an Audax. Everyone including yours truly was doing a turn at the front and we absolutely hammered back.

    I was really happy with the raised position from the bike fit and felt really comfortable at the end so I took a slightly elongated route home just to make it 80 for the day.

    Great fun and exactly what Sunday's were made for :D:D:D
    Specialized Roubaix Pro SL : Litespeed Titanium Siena : Specialized Allez : Specialized Tri Cross :
    Specialized Rockhopper
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    Down in moist wales, to see folks.

    so since they live as I do once in the Breacon beacons some mini alps to climb, so after cooked breakfast I headed for the keepers, so up the side of the Blorange, nice 1000ft plus climb.

    sadly no ice cream van yet!


    then down Gilwern Hill, less of a road ride more MTB/cross as the amount of skree is quite bad, with a few big falls. rather fun if truth be told.

    then late afternoon I though why not, and tried my luck with the Cuckoo

    it's very close to average, rather than peak being about half a mile and 500ft climb. And is a hill i have history with.

    so rolled down to the bottom though lets hit this fresh. engage low ratios. the shallower start was as normal, as I passed the pub got to the start of the properly steep bit, slowly inching up out in the saddle, in the rain it wasn't that bad, yes it hurt. yes I needed to have a wee sit on the bench at the top "to look at the view...." but it was done.

    feeling very smug now.....
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    Isn't it odd how some of us (me included) have a fascination with hills? I mean to most sane people trying to ride up some of these hills isn't something they'd actively seek out to do!
    Not sure if it's just for the satisfaction of saying "I can do that!" or if it's some cross-wiring in our brains that makes us enjoy the burning lungs/legs that accompany a good climb :-)
    All I know is that it's rather addictive and the Cuckoo looks like good fun, I'd just hate to meet a car on it - at least when I tried to kill myself on Succombs Hill that was wide enough for 2 way traffic ;-)
    Who's the daddy?
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    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    yup a hill fetish it is, and for me it's the short but steep. the longer ones tend not to do it. not to say that climbing isn't fun but it not the same.

    i must go and try toys etc at some point.

    the Cuckoo you will meet cars normally at the steepest parts, but there is just room to squeeze past so you need to be able to slow as welll....
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    yup a hill fetish it is, and for me it's the short but steep. the longer ones tend not to do it. not to say that climbing isn't fun but it not the same.

    i must go and try toys etc at some point.

    the Cuckoo you will meet cars normally at the steepest parts, but there is just room to squeeze past so you need to be able to slow as welll....

    Yes I like climing too, in that "strange" sort of way, not much good at it but it's still enjoyable.

    Today I finally went out with a cycling club, Cardiff Ajax, a nice run with their slower group out to Ewenny, just over 50 miles.

    It was an easy pace with some of the guys having done a 125 mile audax on Saturday, a very enjoyable ride.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Benno68 wrote:
    Today I finally went out with a cycling club, Cardiff Ajax, a nice run with their slower group out to Ewenny, just over 50 miles.

    Nice one, Benno. Are you joining them? Where do they meet? Maindy?
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    Hey CJ - Yes I think I will join although I'll probably only be able to do 1 Sunday a month.

    Maindy Stadium is the meeting point, a nice mixed group. I found the ride today pretty easy really, I wouldn't have fancied going out with the quicker group which you'd be more suited to.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Good stuff. Was down there this weekend. Cracking day for a ride.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • gert_lush
    gert_lush Posts: 634
    Had a great ride on the Galaxy in North somerset today big figure of 8 from bristol and managed to avoid the rain and get the 1st 100 over the year in :D
    Pretty hilly route around Chew stoke and over the mendips at Harptree before heading down cheddar gorge heading to wedmore and then heading toward street and glastonbury and wells and up old Bristol road :shock: :shock: jeez thats a long steep hilll!!!! Finished off heading across to yatton and clevdon and portishead before back to Briz, job done

    loads of other bikers out and all smiley smiley which was good.

    spot the mendips on the profile :lol:

    FCN 8 mainly
    FCN 4 sometimes
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Tremendous effort, GL. Chapeau!
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • gert_lush
    gert_lush Posts: 634
    cjcp wrote:
    Tremendous effort, GL. Chapeau!

    cheers CJCP

    ...i'm broken :roll:
    FCN 8 mainly
    FCN 4 sometimes
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    gert_lush wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    Tremendous effort, GL. Chapeau!

    cheers CJCP

    ...i'm broken :roll:

    Nothing a good few pints won't sort out I'm sure, for purely medicinal purposes of course!

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • FeynmanC
    FeynmanC Posts: 649
    That's some ride GL! Chapeau.

    Now, get yourself a nice healing cider and relax in a bath to soak away those mendips.

    I got out on my old BSO mountain bike first thing in Ashton Court, with the 4 dogs. Much fun and mud had by all :D
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Top work GL, nice route :wink:

    Now i've gotten the stupid stats March madness out of my bloody I can begin doing weekend fun rides again, can't wait. :D
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    I can't get anywhere near GL's effort. I was hoping to do 100km for the first time this year, in the end I just couldn't face the hilly loop at the end so bailed out at just over 80km. I need to stop planning routes that give me a bail-out at the end.
    A shower or two at the start wasn't the best help and neither was the headwind down the 3.5 miles road near the end that had me struggling to do 20kph! There were one or two stops too many too.
    One stop in particular, at about 25km was interesting to say the least. Single-track road, approaching a crest when a car comes along behind me. We can't see over the crest about 50m, so I don't expect an overtake...when he overtakes. Lunacy. I give a "what was that" style wave, and he stops! A brief chat where he tells me I need to be "considerate" by which he means getting out of his way. I point out that he's in the car, and has the responsibility to overtake safely. We're not getting anywhere, so I cycle off, which he doesn't like. The pass with about an inch to spare was perfectly expected, so I was able to brake a bit and slip back before the gap closed, but expected or not, I was not happy. Calling out his number plate to him really didn't go down well. At the cottage on the corner I stopped to get the mobile phone out, and he stopped again. I still don't really believe I actually dialled 101 but I did. He didn't believe I'd actually phoned the police, so I handed him the phone he could talk to them. Cue 5 minutes of the operator collecting his details and him trying to explain (in full confidence, he actually believes he's right) what happened. I was happy to treat it as a rest stop. He handed the phone back, but there was no point taking the call much further, no witnesses so I said I'd be happy to just shake hands and move on. He still tells me I basically need to get out of the way of cars and just doesn't comprehend that the fact he didn't *actually* hit me means he can't have been driving dangerously. He was taking his son somewhere (about 8 years old). He'd have been quicker following me all down the road.
    The down side is he no doubts is even more convinced he's a great driver and cyclists should get out of his way, but he let slip he's a fireman, so I know he knows police officers and won't be able to resist retelling the story to them. I wonder if they might be able to explain why dangerous driving is a bad thing better than I can.

    I'm still annoyed I didn't finish the 100km. The bike doesn't half need to be cleaned now.
  • londonlivvy
    londonlivvy Posts: 644
    Good effort Gertlusso and Eaurouge that sounds kinda interesting.

    My ride was rather less impressive and less eventful, but was a good ride down lots of kent lanes and over a few hills. I decided not to plan a route but just go where the fancy took me which was refreshing and quite fun - I am still emphatically outclassed by my bike though. More fitness needed!