Silly commuting racing



  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    My turn to rant: :)

    1. Last night, the PC packs in. It is bereft of life, it has ceased to be, it is pushing up the proverbial daisies.

    2. This morning, I'm relishing getting back on the road bike after a week of hard slog on the MTB (particularly after some fun and games last night :twisted: ). Alas, I find that my rear wheel is either out of true or worse, warped. It's done less than 600 miles. The kids were present so had to restrain myself from turning the air blue... The wheel has gone into the LBS for a checkover. This is the second such incident with the CXP33s. I'm not sure if this is a bad batch of rims because they were built up and tensioned for the commute.

    3. Then I have a puncture on the NKR. Fortunately, the sky is blue and, in the context of the possible need for a new wheel, this is insigificant.


    @Jash - you wear a Chelsea top? :shock: While cycling? :shock: But, when I last saw you, you didn't have a pot belly. And you can speak English. Is there a can of Stella in the bottle cage too? :wink:
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • linsen wrote:
    By the time I got to Winchester I was in a dense fog. When I got to work I realised that it was my glasses that had fogged up, not so much the whole city.......

    Seems to have cleared now, but it was rather misty on the way in this morning, more so than when I left the house, although compared to where I live the city centre is in a 'dip' which may explain it. Frosty, too, which I suppose is the price to pay for a nice clear afternoon yesterday!

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    I cannot understand what is going wrong here, chain tension is fine and it would appear to take a huge amount of effort to jump the chain off the rear cog, i tried getting it back on without loosening the tracknuts and there was no way I could do it. So what is happening? Is the rear cog worn? It doesn't look worn. I think I'm going to invest in a White Industries 16T frewheel, rather than the el cheapo Shimano one. Perhaps that will help.

    I thought that the combo of 50 and 16T plus balls out sprinting might be something to do with it, but lets face it, I'm no Chris Hoy and his chain doesn't bloody jump off.

    It might well be the cheap sprocket. Good ones (White, Phil Wood, Euro-Asia etc) have deep, profiled teeth which help stop the chain skipping. You must be putting an enormous amount of force onto it from that 50T chain-ring. Even Hoy would be impressed!
  • It was reasonably cold this morning (just above zero) and parts of the Uxbridge Raod looked as though they might not have been gritted, but no wind and for the first time for months I had the sun on my face - well for the last 10 minutes of my journey. Not long to wait now... summer's almost here. 8)

    Hmmmmm, another uxbridge road commuter! What sort of time? I need to make sure I'm not there.... or if you see a girl on a squeaky, horrid blue road bike going at about 3mph, say hello as you zoom past!

    It was lovely this morning, even at 3mph. I even wore sunglasses with dark frames! And I overtook 4 people... 2 hoodies on MTBs, one older chap on a genesis hybrid, and a lady on one of those backwards trikes with the enormous box at the front. Go me! ;)

    HSK is like the house of fun, got there and a lady had obviously thought she'd make it across the intersection before the fire engine got there, and thought wrong, and a burst water main has turned Old Court Place, where I work, into a river.

    A river that will no doubt freeze later...

    Ah, but you have a good excuse for your lack of speed. Not sure I would be that restrained after so long off . You must have been some way behind me this morning as it was still dark when I went through Acton, probably around 7.30, which is about par for the course.

    Hope they've found some salt or grit for your road by tonight although the BBC are saying that it won't freeze over until much later. Minus 2 for tomorrow morning though...
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    don_don wrote:
    I cannot understand what is going wrong here, chain tension is fine and it would appear to take a huge amount of effort to jump the chain off the rear cog, i tried getting it back on without loosening the tracknuts and there was no way I could do it. So what is happening? Is the rear cog worn? It doesn't look worn. I think I'm going to invest in a White Industries 16T frewheel, rather than the el cheapo Shimano one. Perhaps that will help.

    I thought that the combo of 50 and 16T plus balls out sprinting might be something to do with it, but lets face it, I'm no Chris Hoy and his chain doesn't bloody jump off.

    It might well be the cheap sprocket. Good ones (White, Phil Wood, Euro-Asia etc) have deep, profiled teeth which help stop the chain skipping. You must be putting an enormous amount of force onto it from that 50T chain-ring. Even Hoy would be impressed!

    Yeah I'm going to upgrade - that's usually my answer to everything anyway :D . As for the force, well I do try! Besides I have to practice my sprinting in prep for the great DDD Vs Jash challenge...
  • don_don wrote:
    I cannot understand what is going wrong here, chain tension is fine and it would appear to take a huge amount of effort to jump the chain off the rear cog, i tried getting it back on without loosening the tracknuts and there was no way I could do it. So what is happening? Is the rear cog worn? It doesn't look worn. I think I'm going to invest in a White Industries 16T frewheel, rather than the el cheapo Shimano one. Perhaps that will help.

    I thought that the combo of 50 and 16T plus balls out sprinting might be something to do with it, but lets face it, I'm no Chris Hoy and his chain doesn't bloody jump off.

    It might well be the cheap sprocket. Good ones (White, Phil Wood, Euro-Asia etc) have deep, profiled teeth which help stop the chain skipping. You must be putting an enormous amount of force onto it from that 50T chain-ring. Even Hoy would be impressed!

    Yeah I'm going to upgrade - that's usually my answer to everything anyway :D . As for the force, well I do try! Besides I have to practice my sprinting in prep for the great DDD Vs Jash challenge...

    Also, have a really good check that a) your chain's not worn or stretched, b) the teeth on your sprocket are in good nick and, perhaps most importantly, c) that your chain, sprocket and chain ring are all perfectly in line.

    c) was what caused my old commuter to drop its chain every time I rode it... and had the same trouble briefly with Gollum. Especially when you're pushing a big gear, a microscopic misalignment can cause the chain to make a sharp exit...
  • It was reasonably cold this morning (just above zero) and parts of the Uxbridge Raod looked as though they might not have been gritted, but no wind and for the first time for months I had the sun on my face - well for the last 10 minutes of my journey. Not long to wait now... summer's almost here. 8)

    Hmmmmm, another uxbridge road commuter! What sort of time? I need to make sure I'm not there.... or if you see a girl on a squeaky, horrid blue road bike going at about 3mph, say hello as you zoom past!

    It was lovely this morning, even at 3mph. I even wore sunglasses with dark frames! And I overtook 4 people... 2 hoodies on MTBs, one older chap on a genesis hybrid, and a lady on one of those backwards trikes with the enormous box at the front. Go me! ;)

    HSK is like the house of fun, got there and a lady had obviously thought she'd make it across the intersection before the fire engine got there, and thought wrong, and a burst water main has turned Old Court Place, where I work, into a river.

    A river that will no doubt freeze later...

    Ah, but you have a good excuse for your lack of speed. Not sure I would be that restrained after so long off . You must have been some way behind me this morning as it was still dark when I went through Acton, probably around 7.30, which is about par for the course.

    Hope they've found some salt or grit for your road by tonight although the BBC are saying that it won't freeze over until much later. Minus 2 for tomorrow morning though...

    :) I may have been exaggerating slightly about the 3mph, although I don't know how fast I am going as I can't find my computer.

    Good well if you're in Acton at 0730, my alarm's just about to go off. I'm safe. ;)
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Everything is in line, and the chain is not worn. Sprocket looks ok but I suspect Don Don is right, perhaps it is a question of tooth depth.
  • Everything is in line, and the chain is not worn. Sprocket looks ok but I suspect Don Don is right, perhaps it is a question of tooth depth.

    Well I hope it is! It's such an annoying thing to have happen. I've never had any problems with sprockets... maybe it's my insistence on half-link chains!
  • Feltup
    Feltup Posts: 1,340
    Not had the chain jump on my fixie yet but I did hit a steep hill on saturday and the wheel shifted out of line as I put the power down. I had to release the brakes totally and limped home with the back wheel tracking off to the left.

    No one to race this morning which was just as well as I had to concentrate like mad on avoiding the black ice. Loads of new frozen lakes have popped up around here and cars are dragging nicely cooled water all over the roads. I tried to ride down Winter Hill which is 1:10 without braking just using backpressure on the pedals but bottled it at the hairpin!
    Short hairy legged roadie FCN 4 or 5 in my baggies.

    Felt F55 - 2007
    Specialized Singlecross - 2008
    Marin Rift Zone - 1998
    Peugeot Tourmalet - 1983 - taken more hits than Mohammed Ali
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Winter Hill? As in a few miles from Bolton? On your commute?

    I wish I had a commute like yours :D
  • Well, having had a 7.30am conf call this morning (the joys of working in a global team), had a rather late commute...didn't leave the house till 9.40. Seeing that the majority of the cycling I do is on my commute, I always find it strange when I do cycle in late or cycle into town at the weekends and encounter very few fellow cyclists.

    Having said that, with the sun out and blue skies, it was a very nice trip in indeed and a welcome respite to 'not trying' and stealth checking over my shoulder.

    Meeting my brother in St Pauls this evening so looking forward to some action on the hallowed tarmac of the Embankment to get there though I'm not sure how much eastbound traffic there is in the evening....
    "Come at the king, you best not miss." - Omar, The Wire

    FCN 4: Willier Izoard XP
    FCN 7: GT Legato 4.0

    *GAME* competitor
  • Good fun this morning for my first commute on the bike this week!

    Picked up my first roadie in Streatham, joining the main road at the same time as me. He was on a Kron and was making good pace. I tucked up just off his six so I can't be accused of drafting and also as I know the road condition is less then ideal in the bus lane :-)

    I see the gap and take him without showing any external signs of "trying". We trade positions as we approach the next set of lights and we then both turn up towards Tooting! More fun! He gets out of the saddle for the small incline as we round the following corner - I remain seated and just apply a little more awesome to get to the lights level. Pulling off from the lights I again take the lead until we part ways with him heading left and the end of the road and me going straight over!

    I did forget to mention that during our tussles on the main road I narrowly missed getting my left foot cleaned by a lovely cyclist as I was passing who choose that precise moment to rid himself of the phlemy build-up from all his "trying" :evil:

    Carrying on towards Balham I wait patiently for the lights to change outside Waitrose and watch as 6 or so roadies ride past :-( When the lights go green I set about attempting to chase them down. I catch one who is trundling along at just under 15mph!!! I'm trapped behind him with cars solid alongside us!! Knowing the road tho I bide my time and wait until we pass the petrol station where the bus lane begins. As he starts searching for a lower gear and power past in the same gear I was using, accelerating up the hill! I'm not claiming a scalp on that one that as it really was like taking candy from a baby.

    The run from Clapham to Stockwell saw a nice fast hybrid rider who despite nipping past as I was filtering, didn't have the legs to match me when the road opened again. I arrived at Stockwell choob and lined up in the ASL with quite a few other riders, some of who pulled up ahead of me. As the lights go green we all pull off and the lady to my right utters "what the f*ck you doing??". At the time I probably was about 6-12" away from her, but only cos the guy on my outside was pulling into me and not making good speed :-(
    I said I was trying to avoid the other guy and when I saw my gap put down some power and cleared the floatsam, muttering a "if your gonna go to the front at least make the effort!!!" Lights round the corner went amber and not wanting to chance it I stopped, fully expecting her to give me some verbal. Low and behold she just went straight through the red.........I really had to resist a "what the f*ck you doing, that was a red" as I bombed past her 20 yards up the road but thought I'd be polite :wink:

    All in a decent commute and a great way to un-wind after the 5 hour drive back from training yesterday!!
    Who's the daddy?
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    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    biondino wrote:
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?

    Mmm I'd not considered this. It is an Alu frame and so this could be possible I suppose. Both times it's happened the chain has jammed with the left pedal at 6o'clock. If it is the frame then that's a right bugger, no easy fix and I want to do a fair bit of training on the SS over the next few months.
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    Have you checked for play in the BB? I guess that could have a similar effect but you'd probably have noticed it
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • I think we just have to accept that JA has got to such a level of awesome, only the lurvly carbon frame of the Prince can cope with his power ;-)

    DDD - take this as a warning, you want to race a man that can rip the chain off his SS :twisted:
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    I think we just have to accept that JA has got to such a level of awesome, only the lurvly carbon frame of the Prince can cope with his power ;-)

    DDD - take this as a warning, you want to race a man that can rip the chain off his SS :twisted:

    :lol::lol: You mean like this:


  • Indeed! I remember looking at one of the Cervelo frames in DeVers and looking in awe at the sheer amount of material around it thinking it must be rather solid, but that is the first time I've been given the opportunity to see the Princes BB in such detail :-)
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    biondino wrote:
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?

    Mmm I'd not considered this. It is an Alu frame and so this could be possible I suppose. Both times it's happened the chain has jammed with the left pedal at 6o'clock. If it is the frame then that's a right bugger, no easy fix and I want to do a fair bit of training on the SS over the next few months.

    Or there's a crack in the frame near the BB/chainstays? :(
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    don_don wrote:
    biondino wrote:
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?

    Mmm I'd not considered this. It is an Alu frame and so this could be possible I suppose. Both times it's happened the chain has jammed with the left pedal at 6o'clock. If it is the frame then that's a right bugger, no easy fix and I want to do a fair bit of training on the SS over the next few months.

    Or there's a crack in the frame near the BB/chainstays? :(

    I let out an involuntary whimper when I read that! Getting funny looks now. I will check that before I ride home.

    Thanks for all the advice guys, mucho appreciated. I've sourced a White Industries 16t so will order that and give the bike a serious once over this evening.
  • don_don wrote:
    biondino wrote:
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?

    Mmm I'd not considered this. It is an Alu frame and so this could be possible I suppose. Both times it's happened the chain has jammed with the left pedal at 6o'clock. If it is the frame then that's a right bugger, no easy fix and I want to do a fair bit of training on the SS over the next few months.

    Or there's a crack in the frame near the BB/chainstays? :(

    IIRC JA's SS is a Pearson NOT a Cervelo ;-)
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    don_don wrote:
    biondino wrote:
    Jash, is there any chance that when you put the power down the frame is flexing in a way that effectively loosens the chain (by shortening the distance between BB and rear axle) or puts it out of alignment? Was it happening specifically when you pushed with your left or with your right foot?

    Mmm I'd not considered this. It is an Alu frame and so this could be possible I suppose. Both times it's happened the chain has jammed with the left pedal at 6o'clock. If it is the frame then that's a right bugger, no easy fix and I want to do a fair bit of training on the SS over the next few months.

    Or there's a crack in the frame near the BB/chainstays? :(

    IIRC JA's SS is a Pearson NOT a Cervelo ;-)

  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    Erm, I was kind of only half-serious about the crack thing Jash.

    I sincerely hope that's not the issue. I'm sure you would have noticed if it was.

    I'm a bit of a Touche fan, owning one myself :)
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    Jash wrote:
    I thought that the combo of 50 and 16T plus balls out sprinting might be something to do with it
    Jash wrote:
    Besides I have to practice my sprinting in prep for the great DDD Vs Jash challenge...
    Bass wrote:
    DDD - take this as a warning, you want to race a man that can rip the chain off his SS

    Ah sh*t!
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • don_don wrote:
    Erm, I was kind of only half-serious about the crack thing Jash.

    I sincerely hope that's not the issue. I'm sure you would have noticed if it was.

    I'm a bit of a Touche fan, owning one myself :)

    +1. Doubtless it will be something more prosaic.

    Since I had a rear wheel puncture on mine a few weeks ago I have been unable to get the back wheel properly lined up despite my best endeavours. It spins well enough but out of the saddle doesn't feel right. I am thinking of getting a chain tug as a last resort, as this does generally seem to be an issue. Since then I have felt the chain slip a couple of times. I have done about 2000 miles on mine with the original drivetrain, so not sure at what stage I'll need to replace stuff. Will be getting a smaller sprocket when I do as I'm spinning out at 24 on the embankment. This morning two guys on SS bikes were doing that with ease and I was at about 120 rpm trying to keep up. :cry:
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    edited February 2009
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Jash wrote:
    I thought that the combo of 50 and 16T plus balls out sprinting might be something to do with it
    Jash wrote:
    Besides I have to practice my sprinting in prep for the great DDD Vs Jash challenge...
    Bass wrote:
    DDD - take this as a warning, you want to race a man that can rip the chain off his SS

    Ah sh*t!

    In fact, what am I saying.

    Jash, you really want a piece of this:


    [Trash Talk]Considering mine is fully loaded with:
    Fulcrum Racing 7 "woooo"
    Bontrager Carbon Seat post "wooooo"
    Silver bar tape "woooo"
    Button of Ultimate Doom - other wise known as Sora shifters "Woooo"
    [/Trash Talk]

    While I'm being a tit (better to burn out than fade away and what not) Greg66, Biondino, Bass, LiT. Guantlets been thrown down at your feet as well.

    I'm bored in my life
    Expect never to see me at the Mopeth ever again...

    *Disclaimer*I don't honestly believe I'm faster or fast enough to compete with any of the names listed above, but a drag race would be fun and watching would be a great oppurtunity for me to learn. I'm still gonna race, give it my all and do my bike proud.*Disclaimer*
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • DDD - you will kick my @rse all the way into next week in my current condition!

    Just worked out the GI I've been recuperation riding around on - it's 52/18 or 78. Blast and damn. Must ride a shorter gear. :roll:
  • Feltup
    Feltup Posts: 1,340
    DDD - you will kick my @rse all the way into next week in my current condition!

    Just worked out the GI I've been recuperation riding around on - it's 52/18 or 78. Blast and damn. Must ride a shorter gear. :roll:
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
    Short hairy legged roadie FCN 4 or 5 in my baggies.

    Felt F55 - 2007
    Specialized Singlecross - 2008
    Marin Rift Zone - 1998
    Peugeot Tourmalet - 1983 - taken more hits than Mohammed Ali
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    DDD - you will kick my @rse all the way into next week in my current condition!

    Just worked out the GI I've been recuperation riding around on - it's 52/18 or 78. Blast and damn. Must ride a shorter gear. :roll:

    You scare me sometimes :shock:

    Try 65ish (46x18, 48x20) and spin a bit more. It'll feel wrong at first but you can still do 20mph on the flat without spinning too silly.

    What must your thighs look like?

    Damn and blast I wish I hadn't said that out loud :oops: :oops: :oops: