Silly commuting racing



  • Well well! 1 week in sunny Turkey and some 20 pages of updates! Good work kids...


    1. Jashburnham, hope the prince is OK, what happened?

    2. Damn it I missed beers.

    3. I've forgotten all the other stuff I wanted to say. I should have made notes.

    4. So, this morning, first time back on the bike for about 2 weeks, the tour de helsinki doesn't really count...

    Got up and going onto the Uxbridge road, having pumped up the rear tyre to account for the very, very slow air leak, cruising along, dodging buses. As I emerged from the Acton intersection, lo and behold, a gaggle of hi-vis vests! My god! The september sunshine must have brought them out...

    So it's head down, off we go... shot past the guy on the Colnago thingy, 'You there! Hand over your bike and the top of your head! I'll put it in my pannier... sucked in.' Didn't see him again.

    Then a slightly more tricky one - the Condor man. To be fair, he had a pannier, but I had two, and for god's sake, he had gears! And he was swiftly dispatched.

    Guy on fast hybrid, and I do mean fast, kudos to you. It's a shame you RLJ'd, I guess I must get a slice of your skull for all the subsequent overtakings... if it rains on the way home your brain will get wet.

    And lastly, you there, bloke on the SS withthe saggy chain, I'm impressed that you are man enough to have a small sprocket, sadly you're letting yourself and the rest of us down by RLJ-ing constantly and pedalling like a GIRL. In fact, no, that's unfair on me and other girls, including little bianchi. Pedalling like, well, a flan.

    However, your look of horror as I flew past you on the Shebu high street for the 8th time (yes I counted) made it all worthwhile.

    The scalp quilt is growing.

    And I'm back in the game...

  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Aaaargh tosser who RLJs through OXFORD CIRCUS then pushes his way through a crowd of pedestrians crossing on a green man. My thoughts about him and extreme proximity to a bus were not ones I'm proud of.

    I rode the Trek in today after cjcp, the absolute star, replaced my cassette and chain for me on the weekend (and got in trouble with the missus into the bargain - what a gent). It makes a lot of clicky noises, most of which it's been making for ages, and the indexing on both derailleurs is out, but the drivetrain moves very smoothly otherwise! And the Fulcrum 5s are a class above the Alex Rims I had before.

    Having said that, it feels so unresponsive and dull compared to the Focus. The geometry's a little different, the saddle is slight lower (or the BB if higher? Either way my legs extend less during the pedal stroke) and points further down, and the power transfer just isn't there. But having said all that, it's a fine ride, and once I sort out mudguards it should be more than ready for the winter.

    My only other concern is the near-slick 23mm Vittoria tyre I have on the front wheel at the moment - the rear is a 25mm Armadillo and I wonder if I should go for either another Armadillo on the front or replace both with a winter-specific commuting tyre (Marathon Pluses would be the obvious choice, right?).
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    biondino wrote:

    My only other concern is the near-slick 23mm Vittoria tyre I have on the front wheel at the moment - the rear is a 25mm Armadillo and I wonder if I should go for either another Armadillo on the front or replace both with a winter-specific commuting tyre (Marathon Pluses would be the obvious choice, right?).

    I managed to bath the monsters, get them to bed and get some beer in. Settled down to watch the history of Le Tour 1903-2003 (what shocking commentary though :shock: )

    Play around with the gears yourself - this is the beauty of having a trainer. If you completely balls it up, take it to the LBS.

    Re the tyres - as bullet proof as Armadillos are supposed to be, I'd go for something a bit stickier, especially in the wet. I've got Conti Gator Skins 23 and 25mm. Never tried Marathon Plus.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Welcome back LiT!
    Looks like your back on top form, not that we have come to expect anything less really!
    BD and LiT I feel your anguish over the RLJer's - have they no honour! Thankfully the RMJ (Red Marshal Jumping) was eliminated at the Freewheel with some nifty lines of tape, but I was rather tempted to make a sprint for it with BD after finding him on the Mall as it did look like a finish line to go tearing through!

    Also for anyone who's interested head over to and get a quote for the insurance to be entered into a comp to win a 24ct gold Charge SS! The one on display on Sunday didn't appear to be made from the precious metal but it was sporting some lovely white rims to co-ordinate with the other components!
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    Morning All

    Sorry I missed beers on Friday, I managed to miss work as well which was very remiss of me...aha!

    Had a fun ride in this morning. For the first time in weeks since Mrs L has been off the bike, I had a decent spar with another cyclist. A fast hybrid that passed me unexpectedly along Grosvenor Road. Of course I didn't let this stand for long and so eased past him towards Vauxhall Bridge lights and left him behind, but I got caught at the lights and he passed me filtering along Millbank. We continued swapping position but I'll be honest I was teasing him a little bit. Just as I was about to unleash a world of hurt on him and attack in fine style, another set of lights and he RLJd :evil: FFS!!! I told myself he'd only done this knowing that he'd blown his form already and had no other way of losing his scalp which was already hanging by the merest thread, but what a disappointment :(
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • cjcp wrote:
    biondino wrote:

    Re the tyres - as bullet proof as Armadillos are supposed to be, I'd go for something a bit stickier, especially in the wet. I've got Conti Gator Skins 23 and 25mm. Never tried Marathon Plus.

    FWIW I'm running Marathon +'s on my Giant and I was still flying on Sunday! Can't say I've really put them to the test for cornering and grip as I'm not that brave! They handled the slalom run through Blackfriar's fine and I was hitting 30 at some point's through there :-D
    Haven't noticed much difference between the factory fit Michelin Dynamics really, except possibly some better handling in the wet due to the fact they have a tread so aren't really slicks!
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • dav1
    dav1 Posts: 1,298
    my FCN has just dropped from 5 to 4 this morning as it was my first commute on SPDs.

    As if its not hard enough on my route to get points already.

    Only thing that makes it worse is at the 4.5 mile point where I was dropped by a rank 5 last week I was out of energy (still getting back up to fitness after 6 weeks off the bike) and praying he wasn't around again to give me the dreaded -1...
    Giant TCR advanced 2 (Summer/race)
    Merlin single malt fixie (Commuter/winter/training)
    Trek superfly 7 (Summer XC)
    Giant Yukon singlespeed conversion (winter MTB/Ice/snow)

    Carrera virtuoso - RIP
  • Well well! 1 week in sunny Turkey and some 20 pages of updates! Good work kids...


    1. Jashburnham, hope the prince is OK, what happened?

    Welcome back Lit. The Prince is fine (thank you for your concern) :wink:
    Went in for it's first annual service - and I mentioned that the rear derailleur hadn’t been shifting properly despite my best efforts to re-index. Turned out the derailleur hanger was bent (thanks to my Etape crash) – on the Prince this is made of carbon fibre and cannot be replaced, so if it breaks that’s it for the frame! Anyway the stars at Sigma managed to get it back in alignment without snapping it so all is good. Had a pootle in the park on sat and a freewheel blast on Sunday and it’s as good as new. So huge sigh of relief from me!
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Turned out the derailleur hanger was bent (thanks to my Etape crash) – on the Prince this is made of carbon fibre and cannot be replaced, so if it breaks that’s it for the frame!

    What a stunningly dumb way to design a vastly expensive bike! But for a hap'orth of tar...

    (also, I thought carbon fibre didn't bend?)
  • biondino wrote:
    Turned out the derailleur hanger was bent (thanks to my Etape crash) – on the Prince this is made of carbon fibre and cannot be replaced, so if it breaks that’s it for the frame!

    What a stunningly dumb way to design a vastly expensive bike! But for a hap'orth of tar...

    (also, I thought carbon fibre didn't bend?)

    There are good reasons for it actually - lighter and stiffer and (supposedly) makes for better gear changes. Remember that it is a bike essentially designed for pro level racing - they of course can afford to replace frames and appreciate the added shifting performance. To be fair though it's quite rare to need to replace a hanger on a roadie anyway and I knew the risk when I bought the bike; having test ridden the bike, there was no way I wasn’t having it! As I don't race I reckoned it was a fair gamble, especially as the bike does not go out in the rain if I can help it. Of course I didn't forsee rain in the South of France in July... rain and diesel, always a great mix! I just hope I don’t crash it again…

    Oh and it was only very slightly bent, but enough to cause trouble.
  • All's well that ends well!

    If you crash again you'll know to try to defend the hanger with your body... :wink:
  • As an avid and amused reader of 'The Game' I am starting to feel a bit left out. You see the issue is, I don't have anyone to pass. It's not that I am too slow and am getting passed by all and sundry, it is, up here in West Yorks (Cleckheation to Halifax via Queensbury, or Brighouse) there are just not many other cyclists. I probably pass about 1 per day going the other way.

    I have tried everything, leaving at different times even waiting in bushes for people to pass to allow me to chase them down. Incidentally, this was how I made my only overtake in the last 3 months, she went past (Yes a girl, I know but I can't be picky, I was freezing sat in the hedge waiting) and I shot out like a scalded cat and blew her away. She looked amazed, so did her mum who was holding on to the handle on the back of her bike! :oops:

    Is there anyway I can feel part of this? I have nearly had a couple of moped riders from a standing start (Admitidly down hill), and had the odd tractor and car but I don't get the same sense of fun!

    Any suggestions are welcome.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    BenBlyth wrote:
    As an avid and amused reader of 'The Game' I am starting to feel a bit left out. You see the issue is, I don't have anyone to pass. It's not that I am too slow and am getting passed by all and sundry, it is, up here in West Yorks (Cleckheation to Halifax via Queensbury, or Brighouse) there are just not many other cyclists. I probably pass about 1 per day going the other way.

    I have tried everything, leaving at different times even waiting in bushes for people to pass to allow me to chase them down. Incidentally, this was how I made my only overtake in the last 3 months, she went past (Yes a girl, I know but I can't be picky, I was freezing sat in the hedge waiting) and I shot out like a scalded cat and blew her away. She looked amazed, so did her mum who was holding on to the handle on the back of her bike! :oops:

    Is there anyway I can feel part of this? I have nearly had a couple of moped riders from a standing start (Admitidly down hill), and had the odd tractor and car but I don't get the same sense of fun!

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    Welcome BB!

    Move. :)

    Are you our most isolated "racer"? Even Attica and UPL see people.

    Are there wild horses you can race? What about angry sheepdogs?

    Are there any "SCR" programmes for turbo trainers (now there's an idea. Sod Alpe D'Huez; put busy commuter routes on a CD)?
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • You're not alone, i also feel like i'm missing alot, have had a few and also threw up trying to chase a club rider up a hill :oops: I'll get 'im next time :x
    Maybe we could get enough of us and spend a w/end in London :?:
  • At the risk of sounding like I am taking the ****, I did have a horse and cart pull out behind me this morning. I was struggling into a strong headwind up a very slight incline and I did have to put a bit of a push to make sure I wasn't passed. That would have been embarassing!
  • Just wanted to say it was great to put finally some usernames/propernames to faces (and cycling attire....let's just say Greg66's ensemble caused quite a furor on arrival).

    Apologies that I had to dash - don't want to rock the whole Friday thing but I was wondering perhaps it would be could try another day of the week next time? A Thursday perhaps? Ooer.

    I absolutely charged home from The Morpeth...not sure what was in that Peroni but I helped me get back in super-quick time. My exertions (wasn't trying, honestly, guv) also meant subsequent Caiparinias went straight to my head. God, they were strong! :shock:
    "Come at the king, you best not miss." - Omar, The Wire

    FCN 4: Willier Izoard XP
    FCN 7: GT Legato 4.0

    *GAME* competitor
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    SiHughes wrote:
    don't want to rock the whole Friday thing but I was wondering perhaps it would be could try another day of the week next time? A Thursday perhaps? Ooer.

    I think that makes a lot of sense. Thursdays, anyone?
  • Nooooooooooo if we do thursdays I'll have to be sensible due to work the next day!

    Fridays all the way...
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Nobody does any work on a Friday, though...

    Or is that just me?? :oops:
  • Coriander wrote:
    Nobody does any work on a Friday, though...

    Or is that just me?? :oops:

    I generally try to do as little as I can whilst appearing to be busy.......
    As I ride home afterwards I try not to drink to much anyway, not helped by some people not understanding what a half is :shock: , so could in theory do most days!

    Needless to say I felt like I flew home on Friday........
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • Coriander wrote:
    Nobody does any work on a Friday, though...

    Or is that just me?? :oops:

    I generally try to do as little as I can whilst appearing to be busy.......
    As I ride home afterwards I try not to drink to much anyway, not helped by some people not understanding what a half is :shock: , so could in theory do most days!

    Needless to say I felt like I flew home on Friday........

    Bassjunkie, did you actually manage to bring a bike to friday's drinks? That must be a first :P

    Alas I have to work on Fridays more and more now summer is over, trying to get things done before the weekend, and I'm often out of the country in the week, which is why I'm pro-friday! :)
  • Littigator
    Littigator Posts: 1,262
    BenBlyth wrote:
    I have tried everything, leaving at different times even waiting in bushes for people to pass to allow me to chase them down. Incidentally, this was how I made my only overtake in the last 3 months, she went past (Yes a girl, I know but I can't be picky, I was freezing sat in the hedge waiting) and I shot out like a scalded cat and blew her away. She looked amazed, so did her mum who was holding on to the handle on the back of her bike! :oops:

    That's hilarious, I hope you uttered a shrilling dry of "BANZAI" as you rocketed past followed by lots of air punches after the manouvre.

    I have to echo other suggestions of "Move House" really, join us in London, you'll marvel at the range of territory your cycling skills will be put to. Marvel at the sharp inclines of the Col de Putney, let the graceful ascent of the Alpe D'Tower Hill carry you away and test your nerve and mettle on the sharp switchbacks of Hyde Park!
    Roadie FCN: 3

    Fixed FCN: 6
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Littigator wrote:
    BenBlyth wrote:
    I have tried everything, leaving at different times even waiting in bushes for people to pass to allow me to chase them down. Incidentally, this was how I made my only overtake in the last 3 months, she went past (Yes a girl, I know but I can't be picky, I was freezing sat in the hedge waiting) and I shot out like a scalded cat and blew her away. She looked amazed, so did her mum who was holding on to the handle on the back of her bike! :oops:

    That's hilarious, I hope you uttered a shrilling dry of "BANZAI" as you rocketed past followed by lots of air punches after the manouvre.

    I have to echo other suggestions of "Move House" really, join us in London, you'll marvel at the range of territory your cycling skills will be put to. Marvel at the sharp inclines of the Col de Putney, let the graceful ascent of the Alpe D'Tower Hill carry you away and test your nerve and mettle on the sharp switchbacks of Hyde Park!

    And as for Embankment, it's like jumping into one of those particle accelerator thingys
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    ...the wrong way.
  • cjcp wrote:
    Littigator wrote:
    BenBlyth wrote:
    I have tried everything, leaving at different times even waiting in bushes for people to pass to allow me to chase them down. Incidentally, this was how I made my only overtake in the last 3 months, she went past (Yes a girl, I know but I can't be picky, I was freezing sat in the hedge waiting) and I shot out like a scalded cat and blew her away. She looked amazed, so did her mum who was holding on to the handle on the back of her bike! :oops:

    That's hilarious, I hope you uttered a shrilling dry of "BANZAI" as you rocketed past followed by lots of air punches after the manouvre.

    I have to echo other suggestions of "Move House" really, join us in London, you'll marvel at the range of territory your cycling skills will be put to. Marvel at the sharp inclines of the Col de Putney, let the graceful ascent of the Alpe D'Tower Hill carry you away and test your nerve and mettle on the sharp switchbacks of Hyde Park!

    And as for Embankment, it's like jumping into one of those particle accelerator thingys

    The LHC is a walk in the park compared to embankment, I laugh in the face of 99.99999993% the speed of light!
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • DonDaddyD
    DonDaddyD Posts: 12,689
    I still feel rubbish for crashing into two kids on Sunday and my sheer inabiility to keep up with Bass on the journey back from Freewheel. I won't lie he is somewhat faster than me but for some reason the journey back home I had no power what-so-ever... :cry:

    I set off for work late today, 10am... so absolutely no scalps to had accept mine as a guy on a old GB racer took my scalp, head and most of my neck as he passed me. I blame it on still being shell shocked by those kids that swerved infront of me on the Embankment. The kids were fine and walked off as though nothing happened - kids always grow back anyway - I have cut hand, bruise and damaged pride, ego and confidence... I may need to lower my FCN score by 3 points as punishment to myself.

    Once again Iould love to meet the rest of the gang however Iill be in Spain by Thursday... Yay!
    Food Chain number = 4

    A true scalp is not only overtaking someone but leaving them stopped at a set of lights. As you, who have clearly beaten the lights, pummels nothing but the open air ahead. ~ 'DondaddyD'. Player of the Unspoken Game
  • Coriander wrote:
    Nobody does any work on a Friday, though...

    Or is that just me?? :oops:

    I generally try to do as little as I can whilst appearing to be busy.......
    As I ride home afterwards I try not to drink to much anyway, not helped by some people not understanding what a half is :shock: , so could in theory do most days!

    Needless to say I felt like I flew home on Friday........

    Bassjunkie, did you actually manage to bring a bike to friday's drinks? That must be a first :P

    Alas I have to work on Fridays more and more now summer is over, trying to get things done before the weekend, and I'm often out of the country in the week, which is why I'm pro-friday! :)

    It was quite strange being there with my 2 wheeled friend alongside me and yes it was a first. So much so that my original appearance had been erased from JA's memory as I wasn't in cycling attire that time :-)
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5

  • It was quite strange being there with my 2 wheeled friend alongside me and yes it was a first. So much so that my original appearance had been erased from JA's memory as I wasn't in cycling attire that time :-)

    He probably just refused to remember you... :D

    All the above comments about the col de putney etc. make me realise why all the oop norf lot think us southerners are soft...

    Although the Embankment Large Hadron Collider did make me giggle :lol:

  • Although the Embankment Large Hadron Collider did make me giggle :lol:

    I really hope that never changes to "YEP!"
    Who's the daddy?
    Twitter, Videos & Blog
    Player of THE GAME
    Giant SCR 3.0 - FCN 5
  • dav1
    dav1 Posts: 1,298
    edited September 2008
    SORRY double post

    delete me
    Giant TCR advanced 2 (Summer/race)
    Merlin single malt fixie (Commuter/winter/training)
    Trek superfly 7 (Summer XC)
    Giant Yukon singlespeed conversion (winter MTB/Ice/snow)

    Carrera virtuoso - RIP