Your rants here.



  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    suzyb wrote:
    I drive into work today, managing to get here not too late only to find there is a problem with the proxy server so I can't access what I'm working on and none of the people that can fix it are in :roll:

    untick the box to use the proxy server and see if you can access it directly
    Yeah knew to do that from many years ago. Couldn't do that in FF due to security restrictions though so am using IE :?

    However that didn't give me access to our internal development sites. Fortunatly the boss is in now so is off to fix it.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Asprilla wrote:
    Dear Kingston Council,

    I assume that you've seen the weather reports for today and tonight forcasting that it will be the coldest day of the year sof far and probably won't get above freezing and have topped up your gritters accordingly? If this is the case, can you please explain why you sent the road sweepers out this morning to spray water all over the part of the road extending two feet from the kerb?

    It's been a dry night and conditions were perfect, but you thought you'd keep us cyclists on our toes (or backsides) didn't you.....

    Staggering. I initially thought that post was going to be like the council geniuses last year who sent out the gritters and not ten minutes later a road sweeper appeared, which promptly swept up all the newly laid salt!
  • hatbeard
    hatbeard Posts: 1,087
    to the bright spark who thought that the new road width on cheapside is adequate enough for a car lane and a cycle path is insane. in order to get around the traffic cones in the middle of the road where the lane ends for roadworks taking place the other side the buses need to take up over 2/3rds of the cycle lane as well. some poor strike-commuter was nearly squished in front of me this morning because of it and I can't see how the situation will change once the other side of the road is finished did the pedestrians really need that extra foot of space on the pavement was a mere 20 odd foot not enough?
    Hat + Beard
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Left my mini pump hanging from the kitchen cupboard door this morning, luckily I didn't have a need for it today.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • To the idiot on the brompton in Cheltenham last night - going up the outside of the bus just before the traffic island was worthy of a Darwin award. Doing it a second time 50m later at the roundabout when the bus was moving across to the right was truly exceptionally bad cycling. And then topping it off by sitting in the blind spot of the van who promptly tried to turn left and almost killed you proved that you should not be on a bike. Please feel free to kill yourself, just not in front of me on my way home.

    Oh, and to the van driver - they are called indicators. Use them, twonk.

    Oh, and to the focus driver who tried left hooking me earlier, yes, I was blocking the lane. Because of the red lights just ahead, the ice on the road and the cars that had just parked up and were looking to door me. Try a move like that on me again and you'll be looking for your car keys in the back garden of the nearest house. See how much time that saves you.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    To absolutely everyone in my office: it's just a little snow, FFS, get over it

    To the snow: stop fecking blowing into my eyes, it really hurts

    To the temperature: don't drop too low tonight, you b'stard, I'm not risking broken bones

    To the BBC/Met office: "White Cloud" means sweet F'all, you dozy lumps, particularly when it's actually SNOWING. To say your forecasts are inaccurate would be a catastrophic understatement, do you use a willow twig or pig's bladder to predict the weather, you feckin' half-wits?

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    edited December 2010
    The reason it is the people that worked for the a*****e screamer of a boss that are the only ones that have made it into work today is because we were always so scared of him we made it into work unless we were actually dead.

    That doesn't mean we want to be here whilst a blizzard rages outside and it doesn't mean we want to stay here until 5pm.
  • hatbeard
    hatbeard Posts: 1,087
    you know what pisses me off?

    waking up for the second day in a row to the coldest weather since last winter with no hot water or heating because the boiler is f**ked.

    putting on 3 pairs of gloves for the ride in only for one of my alarms to start sounding about 3 minutes after I set off making me having pull over and spend an age trying to coax my phone out of my pocket.

    a further 10 minutes having to do the same because the only flipping button that you can press on the the iphone with it having, no... requiring to feel the warm caress of your velvety smooth fingertip to function acts as a snooze button. cue another fumble outside rotherhithe police station only this time juggling the phone whilst simulataneously trying to remove 3 pairs of gloves that are doing their damndest impression of layers of duct tape.

    or perhaps it's going to the coffee shop having the person behind the til call out my usual and then watching the woman who makes my coffee every morning and who i know remembers what I ask for decides that a skinny cappucino is made with whole milk not skimmed just to save having to steam two pots.

    then the bacon sandwich which was to be my treat for losing 3.5 pounds this week should be confiscated and destroyed under the trades description act. the bun was stale and dry from probably being left in the heater since yesterday, the bacon was more like toughened leather than tasty tasty bacon. in short it was a shambles and i forgot to get any ketchup (or at the very least brown sauce) sachets as I was leaving.

    I'm sure there'd be more if I'd left this to post until later but that's all I've managed to squeeze into my day so far...

    :evil: :evil:
    Hat + Beard

    Stopped at the junction waited for car, car behind stopped and then drove into me, knocking the bike and I over, first traffic accident I've had and the bike is less than a week old....

    In fairness no real damage done a wee scuff to the bike and from years of MTBing I bounce well. And the bloke did look shocked.

    But still not a great start to the day!
  • Fireblade96
    Fireblade96 Posts: 1,123
    To the WVM who pulled out across my path when I was travelling at speed down St. Peter's Hill, I'm sorry I called you all those names, and I accept you were totally apologetic - but I thought I was about to be skittled, on my new bike, and I only managed to stop inches from your van. Please look carefully before crossing a main road.

    Quite embarassed at badly I lost it :oops: not my usual style at all.
    Misguided Idealist
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Being shouted at by a ped with a labrador to stop at a zebra crossing when I was less than 6 foot from it with a car up my @rse. I might have been able to stop but the car behind?
    Had to say a sad farewell to my Mars 3.0 tonight. It committed suicide by jumping off my saddlebag on a 3 lane roundabout :(
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Packing bags for a week of all inclusive indulgence in Barbados to find that the airports closed and the flights cancelled. Bugger.

    I'm going no where, literally, i,m on the ring road..
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    FB, you have my sincere sympathies. Hope you manage to get a flight out before too long.
  • georgee
    georgee Posts: 537
    Buy a new car (second hand) take for MOT/service, get told you've got to spend £1200 to get it through!
  • Cafewanda wrote:
    FB, you have my sincere sympathies. Hope you manage to get a flight out before too long.

    Why thankyou nice lady. All is well as now going in Jan, jolly good service from BA. + I wont be jet lagged on the 10th for curried fun.
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • Mr Plum
    Mr Plum Posts: 1,097
    FCN 2 to 8
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    bloominn cold and snow GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR !!!! :wink:
    FCN 3/5/9
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,974
    really should not have gone running yesterday.... can hardly move this morning, the commute could be slow this morning
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Stupid snow has ruined all my post working on site plans :evil:
  • EX57 XLT, a british gas van could play left hook for England.
    Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
  • Mr Plum
    Mr Plum Posts: 1,097
    I spent about an hour installing a new cycle computer last night and it's complete sh*t. Maybe it was £30 reduced to a tenner for a reason... POS!!!!
    FCN 2 to 8
  • nich
    nich Posts: 888
    Lost my water bottle, must have flinged out.. grrrr! :evil:
  • to the idiot riding the scooter who decided to miss me by inches as I was pulling on to rotherhithe roundabout, then just infront of me skid, drop the scooter and slide along the are a prize plonker. you got up but ignored me. perhaps you didn't speak English, or were dazed (unsurprisingly) but to then just pick up yr scooter, start it an ride off was idiotic. admittably you only went to the island before stopping. an ambulance was whizzing up behind us and pulled along side but you still failed to acknowledge anyone. you had no regard for anyone around you. plonker. think the ambulance driver was probably along the right lines when he said to me that you were unlikely to have insurance!! sincerely hope you were ok (the ambulance cancelled his emergency and stopped to check you were) but you were a total idiot. go learn how to ride properly and take a full bike licence and get an appreciation for other road users.
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    Fog lights and the correct use of them
    "You MUST NOT use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced (see Rule 226) as they dazzle other road users and can obscure your brake lights. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves."
    You MUST use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 metres (328 feet). You may also use front or rear fog lights but you MUST switch them off when visibility improves (see Rule 236)."
    Less than 100m is quite rare in the UK. So if 95% of cars have them off and you can see the car in front of you clearly and he hasn't got his on. TURN YOURS OFF! :roll:
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Fog lights? Headlights? Nah - don't be a wooss, be a taxi driver. Sidelights just fine thanks for taxi drivers, even when they loom out of a bank of freezing fog mid-afternoon with two tiny dim sidelights alerting the world to their arrival. Gits.

    I mean - if you forget to put headlights on you're a div, albeit a forgetful div; no malice, just dim. If you forget to put your fogs off when it's no longer foggy, again you're a bit dim [and a complete numpty too]. But to actively make an effort to swtich lights on, and then to decide that you really don't want to make yourself too visible in the freezing darkening fog, that takes an extra level of stupidity and gormlessness to do that.
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    I agree. I don't really know what sidelights are for. Parking up maybe while the engine is off? Perhaps they shouldn't fit a switch to them. Either headlights or nothing.
  • zanes
    zanes Posts: 563
    CiB wrote:
    Fog lights? Headlights? Nah - don't be a wooss, be a taxi driver. Sidelights just fine thanks for taxi drivers, even when they loom out of a bank of freezing fog mid-afternoon with two tiny dim sidelights alerting the world to their arrival. Gits.

    I mean - if you forget to put headlights on you're a div, albeit a forgetful div; no malice, just dim. If you forget to put your fogs off when it's no longer foggy, again you're a bit dim [and a complete numpty too]. But to actively make an effort to swtich lights on, and then to decide that you really don't want to make yourself too visible in the freezing darkening fog, that takes an extra level of stupidity and gormlessness to do that.

    +1. I genuinely think that sometimes the thinking of sidelights instead of headlights boils down to "Feck it, It'll only wear out the headlight bulbs"

    Happily with the DRL requirements it looks like several new cars don't have a sidelight switch- just "off" or "main beam". Sidelights for parking etc (only available when the engine's off) are activated by a stalk movement of some description once the ignition's off.
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    To the T-mobile pop-out banner ad on this site: feck off
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • hatbeard
    hatbeard Posts: 1,087
    JonGinge wrote:
    To the T-mobile pop-out banner ad on this site: feck off

    Hat + Beard
  • hatbeard wrote:
    JonGinge wrote:
    To the T-mobile pop-out banner ad on this site: feck off


    i'm getting very close to the shall I get a ad blocker because of that ad.