Your rants here.



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Anyway, I want to make it quite clear, that I think camera people who upload stuff to youtube are pikey scum, and are no better than some low level stasiofficer.

    So they can all f*ck off.
  • adskis
    adskis Posts: 85
    Every morning I take my 3yo to nursery on the bike. Its about 11 miles (right by my work) and almost entirely on segregated cycle facilities. Its really lovely ... most days!

    In what universe do you think it is it okay to wheel suck and bloody half wheel me!
    Grow a pair and push your own headwind!

    I don't know you... and frankly have no idea how much coffee you had this morning.

    Go past or back off!
    (rant over... and breathe)
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Wheelsucking someone with a kiddie on the back on a segregated cycle lane? That's a new low. I'd have had words.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    I used to take my little 'un to nursery and then child minder in one of those Hamax seats until she got so big that the seat used to rub on the back wheel. I'd have been livid if someone was stupid enough to sit on while she was in the seat.
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    Anyway, I want to make it quite clear, that I think camera people who upload stuff to youtube are pikey scum, and are no better than some low level stasiofficer.

    So they can all f*ck off.

    I'm fairly certain you've said this sort of thing before.
    Now because your boss is a bit weird you're trying to justify getting wound up.
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Rant at myself.
    I've been trying to work out why my ancient garmin 705 seems to be dead/wont' hold a charge.
    Put a new battery in tonight, and it still wouldn't charge.
    touched it, and it started charging.
    Curious, investigated and realised that the internal contacts on the USB port (replaceable) the motherboard are split when the case is open, and it appears that when i Sugru fixed the screw receptacles on the back case together, i didn't quite make sure they were deep enough to hold the full length of the screw.
    Therefore, the contacts weren't being held together.
    Quick 1mm drill bit out and a zip tie around the case and it's all tickety boo.
    In the meantime, i've failed to track 22 days of riding.
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    PS - Rick, Understand your situation, and yeah, that's a bit crap.
    after all, who would want a boss that reads/views the daily mail website? ;-)

    Without video supporting social media driven complains, we wouldn't be in the situation of vidletteUK etc being held to account when the police do nothing.

    So in some situations, it's great. In others, no so.
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    Thought I'd better look at it again just to be sure. Rick: I didn't recognise you despite having met you in person (albeit briefly) and you aren't named anywhere in the DM article (nobody is). If you hadn't posted here, few of us would have realised it was you. Yes it would have been good if they blurred out your face, and it is a bit grubby flogging the footage, but I really don't think it's worth losing sleep over it, much less deciding never to help out in case you get filmed again. FWIW, the original poster has taken the video down, although the edited version on the DM website is still there.

    Given that you were complaining about air quality a while back, you could always wear a face mask if you want to be more incognito.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Had the worst close pass I've ever experienced this morning, by a flat bed lorry. Seriously scared the sh*t out of me.

    Pootling into work this morning recovering from a cold, come up to a dog leg left over a bridge which is blind. Truck decides to overtake not knowing what is coming the other way, as he starts going past I'm thinking I hope he hasn't got a trailer. He did.

    The cab started out far enough away, but as the trailer starts to pass me he has to pull further in to avoid the car in the opposite lane - squeezing me right into the kerb where I could have easily rested my elbow on his flatbed. Even more scary is that if I needed to leave the road I wouldn't have been able to as there is a road barrier between road and footpath.

    Que a few choice hand signals in his direction, and he then starts slowing down. Because I've taken offence or to apologise?

    Nope, because of the queue of traffic in front of him. Willing to squish a man with a 28 week pregnant wife, who celebrated his 1st wedding anniversary yesterday to join a queue of f*cking traffic.

    Pull along side him and unleash a verbal assault of 4 letter words, him giving me a look of "know your place" before looking rather sheepish as my rant continued.

    Horrible f*cking c*nt.

    Decide to leave it there and be on my way before I seriously loose my sh*t....and then 30 seconds later realise I hadn't noted what company he was working for or better still taken a photo of him which I had ample time to do.

    So the search begins for brown/maroon truck liveries in the north-east because that c*nt will kill someone if he doesn't get a rap on the knuckles.
  • On the subject of close passes there is a serial offender on one of my routes in to work driving a Range Rover with personalised plates that persistently close-passes on purpose and I'm now wondering if I should report it and whether plod would be interested?

    Basically he passes at around 40mph by about 50cm on a wide single carriageway with no oncoming traffic.

    You get quite a wobble due to the rush of wind from the car.

    I've been 'done' twice by him on one of my road bikes and have also seen him do the same to another chap on a touring bike and a lady on a hybrid.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    On the subject of close passes there is a serial offender on one of my routes in to work driving a Range Rover with personalised plates that persistently close-passes on purpose and I'm now wondering if I should report it and whether plod would be interested?

    Basically he passes at around 40mph by about 50cm on a wide single carriageway with no oncoming traffic.

    You get quite a wobble due to the rush of wind from the car.

    I've been 'done' twice by him on one of my road bikes and have also seen him do the same to another chap on a touring bike and a lady on a hybrid.

    Two things I'd do here ..

    1 - get it on camera
    2 - see if you can contact other riders to see if a) they're willing to make a complaint and b) get it on camera too

    I wouldn't attempt to draw attention to the fact that you're recording it or attempt to confront the driver - however big you are - a Range Rover is going to trump your bike every time.
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    On the subject of close passes there is a serial offender on one of my routes in to work driving a Range Rover with personalised plates that persistently close-passes on purpose and I'm now wondering if I should report it and whether plod would be interested?

    Basically he passes at around 40mph by about 50cm on a wide single carriageway with no oncoming traffic.

    You get quite a wobble due to the rush of wind from the car.

    I've been 'done' twice by him on one of my road bikes and have also seen him do the same to another chap on a touring bike and a lady on a hybrid.

    Definitely. Report it. Each day. It's a nause, but do it.
    Capture it on video .Capture him doing the same to other cyclists on video.
    Then, after 2 weeks of reporting it each day, ask for a Section 59 to be taken out against the car.
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • DrLex
    DrLex Posts: 2,142
    Then, after 2 weeks of reporting it each day, ask for a Section 59 to be taken out against the car.
    If you want to go all Statutory on his ass, might as well also ask for action under s3 or s34 RTA 1988 at the same time.
    Location: ciderspace
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    DrLex wrote:
    Then, after 2 weeks of reporting it each day, ask for a Section 59 to be taken out against the car.
    If you want to go all Statutory on his ass, might as well also ask for action under s3 or s34 RTA 1988 at the same time.

    Yep, that's the "ideal", but S59 is more a "matter of opinion" for "antisocial type" driving, rather than S3/S4 definitions, I've been told, so can be easier to implement if they contest the careless driving. - With 2 weeks of evidence, it's shows repeated antisocial driving... a perfect use of the S59.
    Although doing both would be great!
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • DrLex
    DrLex Posts: 2,142
    IMO, it's badly-drafted, and is another example of knee-jerk legislation. A PO with a grudge could really spoil a driver's day without needing any evidence. However, for Nellyspania's situation, it may be just the ticket.
    Location: ciderspace
  • adskis
    adskis Posts: 85
    I have a theory.
    I think that a lot of drivers are not expecting us to be going the speed we are going when commuting.

    bear with me...

    I have two persona on the bike
    1. kiddie on the back and cruise about 12 - 15mph, stick to shared use paths, try to stay safe, visible, predictable, etc.
    2. In baggies on a 'fast hybrid' and regularly cruise above 20mph and when pushing I am mid - high 20's - i.e. traffic speed, on the road.

    I have noticed a vast difference in reaction from drivers in mode #2. I am going at the speed of other cars but don't get treated like other vehicles. In situations where drivers would give way, or give space to any other type of vehicle (scooter, motorbike, tractor, bus etc.) they don't to me when I'm on the bike.

    I think some drivers think everyone on a bike is in 'mode #1' and are surprised when I am coming along at mid 20's.

  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,974
    Adskis wrote:
    I have a theory.
    I think that a lot of drivers are not expecting us to be going the speed we are going when commuting.

    bear with me...

    I have two persona on the bike
    1. kiddie on the back and cruise about 12 - 15mph, stick to shared use paths, try to stay safe, visible, predictable, etc.
    2. In baggies on a 'fast hybrid' and regularly cruise above 20mph and when pushing I am mid - high 20's - i.e. traffic speed, on the road.

    I have noticed a vast difference in reaction from drivers in mode #2. I am going at the speed of other cars but don't get treated like other vehicles. In situations where drivers would give way, or give space to any other type of vehicle (scooter, motorbike, tractor, bus etc.) they don't to me when I'm on the bike.

    I think some drivers think everyone on a bike is in 'mode #1' and are surprised when I am coming along at mid 20's.


    People who use this as a polite enquiry thread.....start a new thread don't turn this into a children's corner
  • adskis
    adskis Posts: 85
    gbsahne wrote:
    Adskis wrote:
    I have a theory.
    I think that a lot of drivers are not expecting us to be going the speed we are going when commuting.

    bear with me...

    I have two persona on the bike
    1. kiddie on the back and cruise about 12 - 15mph, stick to shared use paths, try to stay safe, visible, predictable, etc.
    2. In baggies on a 'fast hybrid' and regularly cruise above 20mph and when pushing I am mid - high 20's - i.e. traffic speed, on the road.

    I have noticed a vast difference in reaction from drivers in mode #2. I am going at the speed of other cars but don't get treated like other vehicles. In situations where drivers would give way, or give space to any other type of vehicle (scooter, motorbike, tractor, bus etc.) they don't to me when I'm on the bike.

    I think some drivers think everyone on a bike is in 'mode #1' and are surprised when I am coming along at mid 20's.


    this is a rants thread....not a polite enquiry thread

    I got clipped last night on the way home by a tw*t who decided that he didn't need to give way to me when there were parked cars on his side of the road, I was in primary, in my lane, doing about 25mph.
    He looked straight at me and pulled out, and his wing mirror clipped my hand as I dove for the footpath.
    There was no space to pass safely on a narrow road, parked cars all down one side, hence me in primary.
    Enough of a rant?
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Your learning quickly!
  • timothyw
    timothyw Posts: 2,482
    Lets get this back on track then....

    The fucking cunt van driver who punishment passed me got away....

    I could hear him gunning it to overtake on a narrow bridge with a completely blind corner at the end of it, so took primary and put my arm out to stop him.

    He proceeded to sit about 3 feet away before cutting me up as he overtook at the corner, I could only bang on the side of the van and unleash a torrent of abuse.

    He was wise to not hang around, as if he had I'd have dragged him from his cab and kicked the shit out of him.

    Still, did mean that I PR'd the segment, despite the headwind, as I gave chase.
  • adskis
    adskis Posts: 85
    gbsahne wrote:
    Adskis wrote:
    I have a theory.
    I think that a lot of drivers are not expecting us to be going the speed we are going when commuting.
    I think some drivers think everyone on a bike is in 'mode #1' and are surprised when I am coming along at mid 20's.


    People who use this as a polite enquiry thread.....start a new thread don't turn this into a children's corner

    Thanks for the pointer. New thread started.
    p.s. like the edit you made between posts. much more rant like!
  • vpnikolov
    vpnikolov Posts: 568
    Bus companies don't really give a f*ck about any CCTV requests (apparently).

    I had a small accident with a car where it pulled in front of me from a side road and I ended up on the bonnet. There was a bus right behind me so was sure there is CCTV footage. Needed it for my insurance claim against the driver. (I will not be uploading it, Rick!).

    Identified the bus operator through TfL, got their contact details and gave them a call. Lady on the phone was really nice, wrote down my phone number and said I will be called tomorrow by the person who deals with SARs. That was easy (I say to myself). Never received a call.

    Called again, same lady picks up, apologizes and I am again being told I will receive a call the following day as she is busy.

    As you might guess by now, my phone did not ring again. At that point I have wasted three days attempting to submit my request to them.

    I call again and this time I am redirected to the lady who is supposed to deal with Subject Access Requests. Apparently they have been going through some change and she finally admitted she is NOT AWARE OF THE PROCEDURE for CCTV footage requests. I maintain my calm and agree to call back again tomorrow. I call at the earliest opportunity as I was travelling to Italy. Called at 16:00 UK time to get told by some other lady that all have left the office and there is no one I can speak to as she is merely a secretary. ARE YOU F***** JOKING?!

    I am really contemplating submitting a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, but probably it will be just a waste of time as well.
  • prowlbass
    prowlbass Posts: 159
    They're notorious for it - send them a written (email) request, copying in TFL and the police requesting that any CCTV footage from (insert bus details, day, time location etc. here) be preserved as part of an ongoing police investigation (insert incident number). Be quick though as footage is generally wiped after around 4 days... At the moment, the footage will be routinely wiped and they'll have 'no record' of your request. Harder for them to deny when TFL and the police are copied.
  • vpnikolov
    vpnikolov Posts: 568
    A lot of time passed since then. Police was not involved as well as I got away lightly (slight bruise on inside of right knee), driver was very apologetic and we also exchanged details. CCTV footage would have strengthened my case. Still I can't imagine he will dispute, given my GPS recording and the damage on both the bike and the car. Funny thing is, I have a camera that I was using up until a month or so ago and decided it is too much of a hassle to delete footage and charge it all the time. Now I am not commuting without it.
  • Slowbike wrote:
    On the subject of close passes there is a serial offender on one of my routes in to work driving a Range Rover with personalised plates that persistently close-passes on purpose and I'm now wondering if I should report it and whether plod would be interested?

    Basically he passes at around 40mph by about 50cm on a wide single carriageway with no oncoming traffic.

    You get quite a wobble due to the rush of wind from the car.

    I've been 'done' twice by him on one of my road bikes and have also seen him do the same to another chap on a touring bike and a lady on a hybrid.

    Two things I'd do here ..

    1 - get it on camera
    2 - see if you can contact other riders to see if a) they're willing to make a complaint and b) get it on camera too

    I wouldn't attempt to draw attention to the fact that you're recording it or attempt to confront the driver - however big you are - a Range Rover is going to trump your bike every time.

    Well I am now looking at a camera...

    ...rode in by a different route this morning and got winged by car turning right from the opposite carriageway, incredibly the bike got bashed out from under me and I landed on my feet! Pedal and bar tape got a (very) minor scuff plus some bonus white car paint smeared on my shoe...

    Still not sure how I landed feet first - last thing that went through my head was the classic "this is gonna hurt"
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Slowbike wrote:
    On the subject of close passes there is a serial offender on one of my routes in to work driving a Range Rover with personalised plates that persistently close-passes on purpose and I'm now wondering if I should report it and whether plod would be interested?

    Basically he passes at around 40mph by about 50cm on a wide single carriageway with no oncoming traffic.

    You get quite a wobble due to the rush of wind from the car.

    I've been 'done' twice by him on one of my road bikes and have also seen him do the same to another chap on a touring bike and a lady on a hybrid.

    Two things I'd do here ..

    1 - get it on camera
    2 - see if you can contact other riders to see if a) they're willing to make a complaint and b) get it on camera too

    I wouldn't attempt to draw attention to the fact that you're recording it or attempt to confront the driver - however big you are - a Range Rover is going to trump your bike every time.

    Well I am now looking at a camera...

    ...rode in by a different route this morning and got winged by car turning right from the opposite carriageway, incredibly the bike got bashed out from under me and I landed on my feet! Pedal and bar tape got a (very) minor scuff plus some bonus white car paint smeared on my shoe...

    Bloody hell. Glad your ok, hope they stopped & you exchanged details.
    Guessing not though, based on the need for a camera :(

    Still not sure how I landed feet first - last thing that went through my head was the classic "this is gonna hurt"
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Rant at myself.
    I've been trying to work out why my ancient garmin 705 seems to be dead/wont' hold a charge.
    Put a new battery in tonight, and it still wouldn't charge.
    touched it, and it started charging.
    Curious, investigated and realised that the internal contacts on the USB port (replaceable) the motherboard are split when the case is open, and it appears that when i Sugru fixed the screw receptacles on the back case together, i didn't quite make sure they were deep enough to hold the full length of the screw.
    Therefore, the contacts weren't being held together.
    Quick 1mm drill bit out and a zip tie around the case and it's all tickety boo.
    In the meantime, i've failed to track 22 days of riding.

    Nope, it's dead. Dead as a dodo.
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • Walls82
    Walls82 Posts: 126
    Two rants - first going over Richmond Bridge last night and a girl steps out looking at her phone had to lock the rear wheel and server round her, surely nothing on your phone is more important than getting hit by a car or bike!?

    Non shoulder checking mountain biker commuter this morning - only slightly annoying as I was semi expecting him to cut into my path to go round a car - Feel like a nerd when I tell people how to ride but still told him he would get himself killed unless he shoulder checked.

    Must be getting old with less tolerance for idiots...
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Dinyull wrote:
    Had the worst close pass I've ever experienced this morning, by a flat bed lorry. Seriously scared the sh*t out of me.

    Pootling into work this morning recovering from a cold, come up to a dog leg left over a bridge which is blind. Truck decides to overtake not knowing what is coming the other way, as he starts going past I'm thinking I hope he hasn't got a trailer. He did.

    The cab started out far enough away, but as the trailer starts to pass me he has to pull further in to avoid the car in the opposite lane - squeezing me right into the kerb where I could have easily rested my elbow on his flatbed. Even more scary is that if I needed to leave the road I wouldn't have been able to as there is a road barrier between road and footpath.

    Que a few choice hand signals in his direction, and he then starts slowing down. Because I've taken offence or to apologise?

    Nope, because of the queue of traffic in front of him. Willing to squish a man with a 28 week pregnant wife, who celebrated his 1st wedding anniversary yesterday to join a queue of f*cking traffic.

    Pull along side him and unleash a verbal assault of 4 letter words, him giving me a look of "know your place" before looking rather sheepish as my rant continued.

    Horrible f*cking c*nt.

    Decide to leave it there and be on my way before I seriously loose my sh*t....and then 30 seconds later realise I hadn't noted what company he was working for or better still taken a photo of him which I had ample time to do.

    So the search begins for brown/maroon truck liveries in the north-east because that c*nt will kill someone if he doesn't get a rap on the knuckles.

    The sheer stupidity of some folk...

    Sent an email round at work asking if anyone knew of Brown/Maroon trucking companies in the area, explaining that I'd suffered a close pass on the way to work.

    Should explain, quite a small close knit office.

    Been a busy week so haven't managed to see the folk who work downstairs till this lunchtime where 3 of them asked about the incident. Talking through it they all twigged that the close pass was when I was on my bike and not in the car.

    The car I've driven into work 5 days in total so far this year :?
  • vpnikolov
    vpnikolov Posts: 568
    To resurrect the hot topic from the other day - video that Rick was so upset about.

    Same junction layout - different location:

    Keeping myself in the lane to go straight (as I should), received what looks like a punishment pass.

    I have the feeling whatever we do as cyclists on the road other drivers think we are wrong, regardless of whether that is true or not.