broken hip recovery advice needed...............



  • Hi Good people, another sheepish new member of the broken hip club.

    20th Jan I slipped on some ice getting into my car. Intercapsular fracture with 3 screws holding it together (i'm told...), operated on within 6 hours of injury, I'm a big MTB'er and "was" active member of my local Mountain Rescue Team, I'm 32 (just), athletic build at around 75kg. I'm at my 4 week point tomorrow and happen to have my first trip back to hospital tomorrow too which I'm looking forward to with some trepidation, I've got to say I feel pretty abandoned by the NHS just now, but luckily have a fall back in the way of private medical insurance through my work, after seeking advice from various medical friends whom have advised me to stick with the NHS, it will very much hinge on how I leave tomorrows appointment.

    Like previous members before I'd just like to thank everyone who's contributed to this thread, where the NHS is lacking (in my case), info here has given me a bit of confidence and guidance in how I need to move forward (not having had an injury like this before...).

    A quick summary of my recovery so far, was in hospital for 3 nights, after the quickest physio session on the planet and doing the stair test I was discharged. week 2 was pretty rubbish, very little movement of knee joint possible, was very stiff and sore, week 3 into 4 after keeping doing stretches and the basic horizontal leg exercises I've now got a good bit of mobility back in the leg, not having had any more advice i'm still on my under arm crutches which are a bind, but I'm learning to live with them. I've got to say the whole experience has been a huge shock to me especially the amount of apparent soft tissue damage., but hey ho, I've got to page 20 of this topic, so will spend the rest of the week catching up to here.

    Thanks again for listening.
  • Hi Maverick, sorry to hear you have joined the club too, like you I found this thread and found it useful to see other people have got over this injury. I was also disheartened with the NHS and had a super quick Physio seession if that's what you can call it, just given a few exercises to do in a leaflet that was aimed at the elderly not someone in there 30's I am in week 4, but am not due back to hospital to week 6, I had a intracapsular displaced neck of femur. I had a Taragon plate fitted and 4 screws I think this is a new procedure? 2 into my hip and 2 into the femur its strange we have a similar injury but have different treatments under the NHS I amd using standard crutches with 50% weight bearing allowed. Like you I am a big lover of mountain biking as I live on Dartmoor and my new Canyon Nerve is only 6 months old, so am desperate to get back on it.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    I suffered a radial fracture in three places of my tin and fib and the healing process is subjective to each individual

    Your calorie usage will increase as your body repairs the damage and that means appropriate rest as well. Its tempting to push too hard too soon and endure the adverse outcomes that can bring. It's amazing how your mental approach is crucial in your recovery and its great to share your experiences on here. Don't go researching your injury on the net unless you want to scare yourself stupid and increase your stress levels and thereby degrade your ability to recovery.

    Don't worry about muscle wastage as there is realistically sweet FA you can do to change that outcome except to eat appropriately and keep the nut tightened on the chocolate and cake. Don't fall, like myself, when my better half suggests I'm keeping the weight off only for me to relax and turn into a porker. Mind you need to ride more to get a grip so its not all bad..

    Best wishes for the recovery all and the fears of breaking another bone with an off on the bike soon drops away when you get back on the saddle.
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • Hi Guys! 'Welcome' to the club..... :?
    Lots of info here. Lots of reading in the only place that has info for us youngsters!
    I was in the same position as you Maverick. Quick stay in hospital, crutches lesson then thrown out after 3 days!
    I note you are in Aberdeenshire. I stay in Aberdeenshire now. Can't comment on NHS Grampian as I was resident in Fife when I did mine. But I would expect much of a muchness!

    Take it easy guys. Get well soon...
  • gd11_be
    gd11_be Posts: 1
    So here I am, also a member of the DHS club

    With me it happened during sport (Cross Skating) on March 9th. While standing still, lost balance, and just fell on my hip. Despite all the protective gear & trousers, I somehow still broke my hip. I went to the hospital immedeatly and I had surgery the same day in the afternoon. DHS placed with 4 screws to hold it all in place.

    Due to my Cross Skating, (> 1000 Km since May last year), I had well developed muscles in my legs, and the results is that the surgery was not easy, what the doctor said: very challenging to open it all up. And I lost lot of blood during the surgery.

    I was in the hospital for 5 days (Mon - Friday) and was back home on one crutch during the week-end. The first week was very tough at home. And since then slowly getting better with good exsercise at the physio.

    Now about 10 weeks further, I can walk without crutches relatively OK, but it still hurts to get out of the sofa, start walking and my knee still hurts. Just went on holiday/family visit with long flights (2 x 8 hours, single trip) but all went well. I did use one crutch at the airport for security.

    I hope I will be back on my inline / cross skates shortly but I suspect it will take another 1 to 2 months. This Friday I have the first checkup with the doctor and the first X-ray in 10 weeks. So lets see ! Hope everybody here on the forum will revalidate well and quickly as they desire.
    Regards, from Belgium
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    Well, on the 18th of January I fell on the ice whilst on a Sunday club ride and suffered a broken neck of the femur.

    My club mates reacted quickly and being unable to move my leg called for an ambulance, within 6hours I was on the table having 3 canulated screws inserted, then the next morning the physio's got me up out of bed and after 3 nights in there I was discharged and sent home.

    I have my 12 week review with the consultant next week and have been weight bearing since week 6 so I have been making progress.

    Physio started at week 2 with just a range of movement check and a continuation of the basic exercises given to me in hospital then this progressed to weight bearing after the 6 week X-ray.

    I'm really suffering with a lack of muscle strength in the affected side glute but I'm keeping up with the exercises and remain positive.

    Still can't really lay on the bad side in bed etc and even laying on the other side takes its toll after a while so I'm stuck sleeping on my back which isn't great.

    I've got a spin bike in the garage so hopefully the physio can work with that in due course but I'm so nervous about actually getting back out on the road, I really don't think I could go through this experience again!

    Did I mention that I was due to go back to work the following day after my accident following my paternity leave, yep I'm really in the good books having broken my hip with a 2 week old son just born!

    It has been nice to spend all this time with him though, I'm still off work so have been enjoying the moments.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • Matt_N wrote:
    Well, on the 18th of January I fell on the ice whilst on a Sunday club ride and suffered a broken neck of the femur.

    My club mates reacted quickly and being unable to move my leg called for an ambulance, within 6hours I was on the table having 3 canulated screws inserted, then the next morning the physio's got me up out of bed and after 3 nights in there I was discharged and sent home.

    I have my 12 week review with the consultant next week and have been weight bearing since week 6 so I have been making progress.

    Physio started at week 2 with just a range of movement check and a continuation of the basic exercises given to me in hospital then this progressed to weight bearing after the 6 week X-ray.

    I'm really suffering with a lack of muscle strength in the affected side glute but I'm keeping up with the exercises and remain positive.

    Still can't really lay on the bad side in bed etc and even laying on the other side takes its toll after a while so I'm stuck sleeping on my back which isn't great.

    I've got a spin bike in the garage so hopefully the physio can work with that in due course but I'm so nervous about actually getting back out on the road, I really don't think I could go through this experience again!

    Did I mention that I was due to go back to work the following day after my accident following my paternity leave, yep I'm really in the good books having broken my hip with a 2 week old son just born!

    It has been nice to spend all this time with him though, I'm still off work so have been enjoying the moments.

    Hi Matt,

    I've still got issues with that myself although its got loads better I doubt I'll be able to ever sleep on the affected side again but the other side I don't have issues with at all.

    I'll bet you weren't popular with the missus I certainly wasn't and mine was 18 months when it happened 8)

    Stay positive.
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    Yeh the last few months have been hard all round with little'un!

    I broke my right side but normally sleep on my left so hopefully it does get better, I just find that even laying on my left with a pillow in between my legs, the right side still goes kind of numb after 15-20 minutes, but it has been getting better as my strength builds up.

    12 week x ray on Tuesday, fingers crossed.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,222
    daninexile wrote:
    Matt_N wrote:
    Well, on the 18th of January I fell on the ice whilst on a Sunday club ride and suffered a broken neck of the femur.

    My club mates reacted quickly and being unable to move my leg called for an ambulance, within 6hours I was on the table having 3 canulated screws inserted, then the next morning the physio's got me up out of bed and after 3 nights in there I was discharged and sent home.

    I have my 12 week review with the consultant next week and have been weight bearing since week 6 so I have been making progress.

    Physio started at week 2 with just a range of movement check and a continuation of the basic exercises given to me in hospital then this progressed to weight bearing after the 6 week X-ray.

    I'm really suffering with a lack of muscle strength in the affected side glute but I'm keeping up with the exercises and remain positive.

    Still can't really lay on the bad side in bed etc and even laying on the other side takes its toll after a while so I'm stuck sleeping on my back which isn't great.

    I've got a spin bike in the garage so hopefully the physio can work with that in due course but I'm so nervous about actually getting back out on the road, I really don't think I could go through this experience again!

    Did I mention that I was due to go back to work the following day after my accident following my paternity leave, yep I'm really in the good books having broken my hip with a 2 week old son just born!

    It has been nice to spend all this time with him though, I'm still off work so have been enjoying the moments.

    Hi Matt,

    I've still got issues with that myself although its got loads better I doubt I'll be able to ever sleep on the affected side again but the other side I don't have issues with at all.

    I'll bet you weren't popular with the missus I certainly wasn't and mine was 18 months when it happened 8)

    Stay positive.

    I realise that everyone who suffers this injury responds differently and not everyone's outcome will be the same, however if it is any help I had the same problem with sleeping as you guys. In time you should be able to sleep on your affected side, it just takes awhile to readjust after having to sleep on your back/good side for an extended period of time.

    Follow the advice of your consultant and physiotherapist remain positive and be patient.
  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    daninexile wrote:
    Matt_N wrote:
    Well, on the 18th of January I fell on the ice whilst on a Sunday club ride and suffered a broken neck of the femur.

    My club mates reacted quickly and being unable to move my leg called for an ambulance, within 6hours I was on the table having 3 canulated screws inserted, then the next morning the physio's got me up out of bed and after 3 nights in there I was discharged and sent home.

    I have my 12 week review with the consultant next week and have been weight bearing since week 6 so I have been making progress.

    Physio started at week 2 with just a range of movement check and a continuation of the basic exercises given to me in hospital then this progressed to weight bearing after the 6 week X-ray.

    I'm really suffering with a lack of muscle strength in the affected side glute but I'm keeping up with the exercises and remain positive.

    Still can't really lay on the bad side in bed etc and even laying on the other side takes its toll after a while so I'm stuck sleeping on my back which isn't great.

    I've got a spin bike in the garage so hopefully the physio can work with that in due course but I'm so nervous about actually getting back out on the road, I really don't think I could go through this experience again!

    Did I mention that I was due to go back to work the following day after my accident following my paternity leave, yep I'm really in the good books having broken my hip with a 2 week old son just born!

    It has been nice to spend all this time with him though, I'm still off work so have been enjoying the moments.

    Hi Matt,

    I've still got issues with that myself although its got loads better I doubt I'll be able to ever sleep on the affected side again but the other side I don't have issues with at all.

    I'll bet you weren't popular with the missus I certainly wasn't and mine was 18 months when it happened 8)

    Stay positive.

    Chaps, I broke my right hip 'neck femur' and had 3 cannulated screws. No way could I lay on my right side. In time my screws had backed out which made it so sore to lay on. I had the screws out in November & can lay & sleep on that side with no problems at all!! Take your time!
  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    Just had my 12 week x ray all is OK and no sign of avn, start back to work next week hip still painful and have small limp start hydro therapy on Monday hope that makes a difference
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    We must be a very similar timeline Hawkins as I too had my 12 week x ray yesterday and got the all clear 8)

    I'm back to work next Monday and have been on the spin bike tonight for 15 minutes following the consultant giving me the nod to do so.

    My walking is pretty good but does suffer when I get tired but I'm just taking each day at a time and making sure I keep up with my exercises, walking and most importantly rest!

    All the best.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    Hi Matt_N
    My accident was on Sunday 18 Jan also on black ice being the culpret my fracture was badly displaced and I'm really hoping not to get avn doing lots of swimming and been giving the OK for spin bike but not a loud back on mountain bike yet :-(
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    Sunday 18th here too.

    Sorry to hear that it was a nasty fracture.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    was your brake displaced are you in much pain at 12 weeks and are you aloud to go back on a bike yet
    Hope you injoy being back at work

    all the best
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    I had a clean break and the 3 canulated screws have pulled everything back together with no displacement or misalignment according to my last x ray.

    I'm not in pain as such more muscle fatigue after walking for a while and after my exercises, as said I can't lie on the broken side though.

    Consultant gave me thr go ahead to use a spin bike somibe done two 15 minute sessions the last two days, no pain and legs seems to be tracking normally but the strength in the bad leg has really gone, can't get much past level 2/3 resistance so I'm just spinning away lightly at the moment.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    Matt_N wrote:
    I had a clean break and the 3 canulated screws have pulled everything back together with no displacement or misalignment according to my last x ray.

    I'm not in pain as such more muscle fatigue after walking for a while and after my exercises, as said I can't lie on the broken side though.

    Consultant gave me thr go ahead to use a spin bike somibe done two 15 minute sessions the last two days, no pain and legs seems to be tracking normally but the strength in the bad leg has really gone, can't get much past level 2/3 resistance so I'm just spinning away lightly at the moment.

    Easy. Does it Matt, you'll get there pal!
  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    When are people getting back on a real bike ?
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    God knows, that's the really daunting bit for me, I just couldn't face all this again!

    I live near Castle Combe circuit so they have an open track on a Tuesday night so I'm aiming to go up there and bumble around at my own pace with no cars, hills or ice to worry about and see how it goes.

    I'm thinking maybe mid to end May at present but will take it on gut feel.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • reborn2
    reborn2 Posts: 42
    It's been a year to the day since my accident so I thought I'd post hopefully to give some light at the end of the tunnel for the poor souls lying recovering at present.

    I crashed whilst out on my road bike April 14, I hit a wet patch doing about 20 mph and my front wheel washed out. Laying in the road in the middle of no where I knew pretty much straight away what I'd done. I was unable to crawl to my bike to turn the garmin off, I can't believe at that stage I was worried about strava!!! Lol. With no phone signal I lay in the middle of the country lane in growing pain till a car luckily stopped and phoned for help.

    I was in terrible pain by the time the amblulance arrived and was glad of the morthine and oxygen even if they were too stingy with it! X-ray showed my pelvis broken in 3 places. Including a large transverse fracture of the acetabulum. After a few days I was transferred to a specialist surgeon and had the surgery fixing it with a 10 hole matta plate and screws, thankfully the other breaks they were able to push back in place.

    All the while laying there in hospital I went through varrying emotions. Anger at myself for such a stupid crash, then I was down thinking of all the fitness I was loosing whilst my legs wasted away. Upon release after 2 weeks I'd decided I was going to push as hard as I could to get back to where I was.

    The hospital physio was rubbish, giving me a sheet of excercises designed for the elderly. At home I was still in a lot of pain and bearly able to leave the sofa for a couple of weeks. The stairs were a problem.

    The wife would go to work and I'd be sat there all day watching crap on tv. I think I watched every box set in existence. After 3 weeks at home I was allowed to leave the wheel chair and use crutches. A week later I waited till the wife went to work and after a struggle and a lot of discomfort got the turbo trainer set up hidden in the garden. That first session only lasted 15 mins of very light spinning but I'm convinced that was the key to how I've recovered. The surgeon had insisted even no physio for 3 months, I wasn't having that. My legs were stiffening up badly. The light spin sessions continued daily until disaster, my wife (an itu nurse) discovered the turbo and went mental. I continued regardless. Looking back at strava, it was 14 weeks after the accident I climbed awkwardly on my road bike for the first time. I was still supposed to be on crutches so it was a bit daft really. At this stage I got myself back to work a bit early.

    Something was very apparent for the first couple of months back on the bike, i ws very nervous about crashing again. I took descents very slowly. The first time I went back past the crash site was a bit tense as well.

    Luckily being in the army, I had an excellent unlimited use of physio and facilities and to be fair, their very good. I got a bit cocky and took on an intensive 8 week bike training program I found on the net. I was doing a lot of miles (for me) and the 3-4 physio sessions a week. I was actually faster on the bike than before the accident until the 7 week point.The inevitable happened, my limp came back and I regressed.

    I took the whole of the winter off with just the once a week trip on the bike and continued physio. I've now been training again on the bike for a couple of months and I feel great. The limps gone, a little discomfort sleeping on that side but that's it. Got my review with the surgeon soon.

    To sum up, I really believe early movement and light non weight bearing exercise sped up my recovery massively, but. Don't do what I did and go mental too early. Keep your chin up and stay determined!
  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    Hawkins6 wrote:
    When are people getting back on a real bike ?

    I was back out on the road in about 12 weeks. I went on holiday to Italy & rode everyday...... BLISS!

    The nerves soon go, and in the hospital bed I'd made a vow.... "just let me ride again & be fit & I promise I won't cane it anymore!

    I'm happy & content sticking to that!
  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    First week back at work going really well doing 30 minutes on exercise bike daily :roll: and swimming twice a week is really helping the dilema I've got consultant said no to going back out on my bike has anyone else had this at 12 week mark
  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    No, my surgeon said cycling was fine. He did however add one caveat........ Don't fall off again!
  • Hawkins6
    Hawkins6 Posts: 16
    drummer wrote:
    No, my surgeon said cycling was fine. He did however add one caveat........ Don't fall off again!

    Drummer how much pain were you getting at about 14 weeks some days worse then other's :-(
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    Well I've been working from home for just over a week now with the intention of going back into the office next week.

    I was discharged from physio today moving onto advanced physio circuits for a 6 week programme starting on the 15th of May.

    My walking is pretty good now, limp has gone but I'm still getting tired without even walking a mile.

    I've been on the spin bike in the garage every other day for 20-25 mins, all feels good.

    I do get an achy sensation on the outside of my thigh, I think where the screws are setting into the none, but other than that no other pain.
    Colnago Master Olympic
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  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    Hawkins6 wrote:
    drummer wrote:
    No, my surgeon said cycling was fine. He did however add one caveat........ Don't fall off again!

    Drummer how much pain were you getting at about 14 weeks some days worse then other's :-(

    It's a bit hard to remember pal, I wrote a thread on it so not sure if you can pick that up?

    You have to accept that there will be discomfort for a while. My leg would get tired and sore when exercising or walking a distance. It's taken me maybe 20 months to walk normally again.
    My biggest problem was that from early on, my screws started to back out. This caused me loads of discomfort right until I had them out in November.

    14 weeks is still early in the game pal, just take your time!
  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    Hawkins6 wrote:
    drummer wrote:
    No, my surgeon said cycling was fine. He did however add one caveat........ Don't fall off again!

    Drummer how much pain were you getting at about 14 weeks some days worse then other's :-(

    Here's a bit of a timetable pal!
  • mortenbh
    mortenbh Posts: 1

    I signed up for this club end November last year and thought I wanted to share and ask. on Dec 2nd i got a DHS fitted with 4 screws to the femur. After 4 weeks i was back on the indoor trainer and at week 5 i went out on the roads again with support from my son to help out just in case. I kept on adding to the training, got a pair of Vector pedals to track progress. and exactly after 3 months after surgery I went for my first MTB race. I almost had the full power and took a second place. Got inspired and went for a 3 day stage race where i won the +40 category. All good so far, however now im having pain in my femur, more when I train hard and clearly around the area where the screws are fitted.

    My question is how soon Ican I possible expect to have this L-bracket removed?
    I see some had had their in for years, but mine is clearly having a negative impact so im really keen to get it out, and yes i have seen and red they say it cant be taken our until after a year. but who? My thinking is the longet it stays the harder it will be to get out again...

  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    mortenbh wrote:

    I signed up for this club end November last year and thought I wanted to share and ask. on Dec 2nd i got a DHS fitted with 4 screws to the femur. After 4 weeks i was back on the indoor trainer and at week 5 i went out on the roads again with support from my son to help out just in case. I kept on adding to the training, got a pair of Vector pedals to track progress. and exactly after 3 months after surgery I went for my first MTB race. I almost had the full power and took a second place. Got inspired and went for a 3 day stage race where i won the +40 category. All good so far, however now im having pain in my femur, more when I train hard and clearly around the area where the screws are fitted.

    My question is how soon Ican I possible expect to have this L-bracket removed?
    I see some had had their in for years, but mine is clearly having a negative impact so im really keen to get it out, and yes i have seen and red they say it cant be taken our until after a year. but who? My thinking is the longet it stays the harder it will be to get out again...


    My surgeon told me he wouldn't touch metal work for a minimum of 18 months. I had 3 screws, so could be different for a plate?
  • simonfr
    simonfr Posts: 57
    I have a DHS. My surgeon told me 18-24 months.
    He (they?) will only remove it if it causes extreme discomfort and effecting your day to day activities.
    I get the pain as you describe. It's not, in his opinion enough reason to remove.
    The risk of removal post 24 months is the bone grown over the metalwork etc. but also the risk the neck of femur breaks again upon removal. Back to square one.....
    They (my surgeon) are unwilling to take the risk even if I am.