Dragon Ride 2008



  • bigease
    bigease Posts: 86
    I too had a great day.

    It was my first sportive and I had a ball. My official time was 8:36 (7:41 without stops), and I am totally over the moon witht it.

    One of the best parts about the ride for me was the atmosphere amongst the riders, I was made to feel very welcome by the many groups I tagged along with on the route. I would especially like to thank Ian, Ian and Andy from a Port Talbot cycle club who helped me home from the top of Bwyll II. Cheers guys.

    I look forward to riding it again next week.
    Specialized Single Cross: FCN +4 IMAGE

    Trek Madone 5.2: FCN +3 IMAGE
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226
    Pleased with 6.33. First time I'd done this one. Found the organisation to be generally good (clearly they need to look at staffing the car park to prevent the tail backs next time). The ride I thought was relatively easy compared with those I've done previously, hence the fast times. Bwlch and Rhigos are not very hard (just long) but this was offset by the speed on the rest of the ride (on the Etape du Dales for example on the flatter bits you tend to be concerned with saving energy between climbs, which was not a factor here). Although the second Bwllch was a mild sting in the tail. Tremendous scenery for most of the way, and I have to say the traffic was extremely tolerant (I've found this before in the Valleys) - except for the tubby chap in the Vectra at the lights in Cimla....

    One huge cause of upset for me was the amount of gels etc littering what were often otherwise pristine roads. I complained when one chap (yes - you in the Gerolsteiner kit) threw a gel on the floor in front of me. I took his number so I'm tempted to report him. Sadly, perhaps Matthew Paris was partly right...

    Good event, excellent scenery, tolerant traffic, friendly locals to cheer us on and a little easier / faster than other events (which at least made a nice contrast). Well done Dragon Ride.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Mossrider wrote:

    One huge cause of upset for me was the amount of gels etc littering what were often otherwise pristine roads. I complained when one chap (yes - you in the Gerolsteiner kit) threw a gel on the floor in front of me. I took his number so I'm tempted to report him. .

    I think you should

    If you're absolutely certain, you could find the name from the results, and post it here
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Bronzie wrote:
    Ken Night wrote:
    I believe the growing sportive scene is attracting higher quality riders, and generally the standard is going up as people get used to the format of 100+ miles rolling to hilly routes
    Yeah, but I'm not getting any quicker! :roll: There is no way I'd have done just over 6 hours last year (if I hadn't fallen off) - was on target for 6-40 or so - by my reckoning the course was at least 30mins faster than last year.

    Shame I didn't meet up with you Ken, but there were a LOT of riders milling around. Too many jerseys to take in. I did end up buying Oldwelshman a lamb burger though - just so he felt at home like :P

    Club of the Day Award must go to Cardiff Jif - riding in a nice group and they obviously have a great sense of humour - check their website if you don't believe me:
    A bit like the Cardiff Ajax, but they get those stubborn stains out that lesser clubs leave behind :wink:

    Actually took the time to post an email to these guys, I rode most of the way after the split with them, unashamedly sat in, as I'd been destroyed in the WRC the week before, didn't get the chance to say thankyou at the time as they stayed to regroup on the bwych after the 2nd ascent. Great team riding by them
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!

  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    I've got my time now. 7HOURS AND 6 BLOODY MINUTES!! :twisted: :twisted:
    I'm going at my pace next year

    Ken, please report him. I'm not sure what anyone will do but you're right I was disgusted bu=y the ammount of wrappers, etc strewn all over South Wales. there is no need for these pigs to be riding

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • taffyscouser
    taffyscouser Posts: 190
    For those that complained about some of the bends....were they not marked with standard road chevron signs? Keeping an eye out and remembering you are using public roads is all important on a sportive and not expecting marshals on every junction etc is also important. "Rider beware" is the best advice and before anyone asks I have no connection with the event.

    Complete twat at Cimla in an old Orion charged past group, shouted obsenities, we returned said phrases then he slammed brakes on and reversed back into the on coming cyclists. Soon realised that there were many more coming and sped off. Complete fat arsed, red faced inbred.

    Great event, lots of organisisng and its always easy to pick points for improvment but hindsight is a wondrous thing.

    Thank you to all involved.
    Local rider.
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    Great event, lots of organisisng and its always easy to pick points for improvment but hindsight is a wondrous thing.

    Thank you to all involved.
    Local rider.

    couldnt agree with you anymore...!!!!!!

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    Jut a quick Q. Did anyone see the big guy in yellow coming down The Bwlch with a huge Jamaican style hat over the dreads? Now that was a surprise and I had a double take there as I passed.

    There was the idiot going down the Bwlch on the wrong side of the road at the blind right hand bend. the road was open not closed mate!

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • dbg
    dbg Posts: 846
    yeah I saw the guy with the dreads & hat that was pretty funny - couldn't see if he was wearing it over a helmet. Perhaps rasta's have special dispensation like Sikhs!
  • Droops
    Droops Posts: 204
    Congrats to Lou Lusardi and his team for running a really enjoyable event.
    This was my first sportive and I'm hooked!
    I've nothing to compare against, of course, but I think the marshalling was excellent, the safety/support motor bikes did a great job, the finish park ladies and gents were very supportive and cheerful. Just marvellous.
    Great atmosphere amongst the riders too, although one or two seemed a bit precious. Mind you, having looked at some of the staggering times posted I can understand why some guys were a bit serious!
    Thanks to everyone who chatted and joked and helped to make it a really enjoyable and satisfying day. Particular thanks to Sam, (ex-Trek) a lovely lady with whom I rode most of the course. Also the Kiwi with the carbon Look with downtube shifters (yes, really!) and her companion from Llandough. If you would like to ride out some time send me a PM.
    See you all again soon I hope. Steve.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I have to admit I dropped on gel packet. I put the other two in my back pocket and the other one slipped out of my hand as I was putting it in back pocket, but as I was descending about 40mph down Rhigos at the time, felt it would take to long to stop and go back to find it :D
    Mark, I also was descending on the wrong side of the road at times 8) but not on blind bends.
    I only did this on the Bwlch descent wher you can see right round the bend, and also on the Rhigos descent where you can see befoe the bend, this meant I could cut the corner and get a nicer line through. Obviously I would not have done it with traffic though.
    That is why I was slower on last descent with the sharp blind bends.
    One of the Ogmore Wheelers guys went past me at bottom of the Bwlch second time, he was on a big gear and as I was on 158 hr I was staying where I was :D I passed him on last bend of the climb and he was going backwards :D my hr was 150 to 160 all the way as I did not want to blow up.
    he was with a guy in Bush kit.
    I managed to tag on with the guy from Bush after the descent and a few others and we did through and off until the finish. Well 4 out of 8 of us did.
    There was another guy with lots of tattoo's on his legs and he said several people asked if he was oldwelshman :D It must have been the tattoos as he was uglier than me 8)
  • Droops
    Droops Posts: 204
    By the way, I chatted to a guy on a Langster fixie at the start. Top marks for having the bottle to even try!
    Anyone know if he made it round?
  • Folks, while you can obviously get the results elsewhere we've posted them on the site according to both race number and by finishing time/gender, together with a brief report and some pics.
    http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/d ... mber-17032

    Lou is keen to get all the feedback he can, he dips into this forum from time to time so fire away with your suggestions and (hopefully) constructive criticism. Well done to all who took part, I agree with others posting here - it was well organised and a lot of fun.
  • Just like to add my thanks to Lou and the team for an excellent event. The marshals were excellent with clear instructions at junctions, which helped loads. Feed stations were well stocked which was a surprise as I must have been in the last set of riders through most of them (It took me 9 hours for the 180K (8 hrs 40 mins rolling time), which was on target for me :shock: ).

    The route was challenging but I managed to get round so it is not impossible and the support from the local people was great and really helped.

    Thanks also needs to go to guy, sorry cannot remember your name, who worked with me to the second feed station and a little bit beyond before I finally blew and had to easy off.

    Now to the minor areas for improvement:

    Start needs to be improved, there was a lot of waiting and the sound system could not be heard until you were virtually at the start line. The parking was the best I have seen for a sportive but access caused some issues.

    Not finishing in the main arena but at the end of a lane was a bit of an anti climax, the previous two events I have ridden this year finished in the main arena which created a bit of atmosphere at the end.

    The traffic light on the hill, this is just an accident waiting to happen, especially when you have stationary cyclists and cyclists trying to clip in and get started, coupled with moving cyclists and cars.

    All said, it was a great day and if you do introduce the short 40k route I will be back next year with the other half otherwise it might be difficult to justify the trip from Scotland again.

  • dbg
    dbg Posts: 846
    You'd come down from Scotland to ride a 40K sportive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MartinJ
    MartinJ Posts: 104
    I thought it was a great event. It was my third Dragon Ride, did 2005 and 2006 - missed last year through injury. I liked getting straight into the climbs, compared with earlier versions of the event which started with an easy 30 miles before things got going.

    The start/finish location was a great improvement - no being held up by traffic lights on the run in to the finish. It was a shame about the delays at the start - having got to the start at about 7.30am we then watied an hour before any riders were able to start - people at the back must have waited for ever. There didn't seem many toilets for the number of people all there at the same time - good thing there were plenty of bushes!

    Marshalls were excellent - this is the first event that I've done where the marshalls stopped traffic at junctions. I also liked the police at the traffic lights in Treorchy - who made sure we stopped at the red light - but then waved us through when it was clear.

    I like the fact that the Dragon is quite different from events like the Etape du Dales and White Rose Classic (both of which I think are excellent and very challenging). The Dragon's long steady climbs and fast flowing descents give it its own character. It was enjoyable to do a sportive that wasn't quite so tough and therefore ride much faster. The second climb of the Bwlch was a satisfying challenge!! I hope the organisers don't feel the need to compete with the "being the toughest sportive" approach. This is a great event and should keep its unique challenges.

    I was really pleased with my time of 6.09.

    I was fascinated watching people approaching the finish. There seemed to be three types of rider:
    1 comfortably riding along, perhaps having a chat
    2 on there last legs just about keeping moving to the finish
    3 eyeballs out - going for it - trying to save every second

    Thats one of the great things about sportives - there isn't a right or wrong way to approach them. They satisfy so many different riders - all in one event.

    Thanks Lou and all your team for a great day. :D
  • I'd say another big thumbs up, uch improved from last years start/finish. Anyone moaning about entry fees should try my experience of being helped by a) medibike b) Tim in the support car c) mobile mechanic d) broom wagon. That alone makes it worthwhile "insurance". About the only suggestion for improvement I could make wol be to ad some savoury salty food at even ust the last fod stop. The White Horse did this, and was very popular, it was "only" tuc biccies I think but a bit of salt as a change from maltodextrin and glucose is very welcome.

    I did think that 3000 riders was a 1000 too far, but realised that the delays at the start were due to cars arriving crossing departing riders which slowed everything down which if avoided would make a big difference at the start. However, in all I was very impressed with the marshaling for the first 10 miles or so, and of course that support to get ou home when it all gos wrong (and there is no phone signal). Thanks Lou for a great event, even if it was only 37 miles :D
  • Browneaves
    Browneaves Posts: 52
    Stamina is on S4C at 5.30 tomorrow wednesday. I dont know if this is the edition that will feature the Dragon Ride but the young lady filming at the bottom of the Bwlch first time round is one of the presenters.
  • pizzoferro33
    pizzoferro33 Posts: 110
    What a day ! This was my third Dragon. I love it - I'll keep coming back every year - If my wife lets me.
    Well organised, great route - perfect weather. I'm one of those cyclists that enjoys the riding, meeting others, and I have to say that most of the riders were friendly, with nods and "how you doings?" going on. A handful of club riders I found rude and inconsiderate - slicing far too close to my wheel one after the other, along with shouting as they passed when they felt "their" cycling line was where I was and told to "mind myself" - sorry guys - that was "MY LINE" - please show more consideration on your next ride. That aside - brilliant. Well done Lou, again !See you all next year.
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    Great event and thanks to Lou and the team for organising it. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride - good prep for the upcoming Etape.

    Greetings and particular thanks also to the guy who gave me a tow through part of the Brecon Beacons - sorry I couldn't keep up to return the favour, I hope you caught that group we were chasing;

    the two from South Elmsall CC (one was a girl on a new pink bike, very fast) and their companion who did likewise - afraid I lost you on the main road downhill before the left turn that led up to Cray; the guy who towed me a fair way around Cray - I did try to take the lead but you accelerated every time I pulled out!

    Thanks too to all the mostly patient motorists, and the locals cheering us through the villages, that was a big help towards the end.

    Cannot wait for next year.
  • Nelsont
    Nelsont Posts: 1
    I agree with Dazza about the disappointing finish which I also felt was under signposted.The Canterbury finish to the British Sportive last year was a real event finish- coned off lane etc. It was also a bit galling to negotiate earlier finishers cruising back to the car park between the two roundabouts with goody bags swinging off their bars as I was pushing on to the line.Is there another route back to the car park, as it would be better to keep the groups separate?
    Otherwise a great ride to participate in:count me in for next year.Any more rumours of the hill with no name being back on the route?
  • snipz
    snipz Posts: 85
    Overall an ok day, the hairpin on the last little hill caught me out and there was no normal roadsigns/chevrons either.
    The start was a cock-up though and, if it was raining ,that narrow dust covered strip of concrete where we had to wait for an hour wouldn't have been pleasant. European sportives just don't have this problem, perhaps a closed rolling road for the 1st 10 miles would be an option...
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  • snipz wrote:
    Overall an ok day, the hairpin on the last little hill caught me out and there was no normal roadsigns/chevrons either.
    The start was a fool-up though and, if it was raining ,that narrow dust covered strip of concrete where we had to wait for an hour wouldn't have been pleasant. European sportives just don't have this problem, perhaps a closed rolling road for the 1st 10 miles would be an option...

    It was almost, which is why the start was delayed as the route took the riders acros the path of those trying to get into the car park by car. Helps if you read all the prededing posts... :wink:
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  • mrmo
    mrmo Posts: 10
    phips wrote:
    Since this seems to have caught a lot of people out, can we assume folks don't know about using the 'vanishing point' of the bend to assess the speed you can take it at? If the vanishing point of the bend is approaching you, you need to slow down. If it's moving away, you can safely speed up, and if you're tracking it, you're moving at the best speed for the bend. If you follow this rule you'll never get caught out halfway through a corner.

    Can you explain this? trying to explain it in my head and not convincing myself, having ended in the bushes any advice is welcome. I didn't think i saw any chevrons on this one, and the speed i went in was fine for the first half of the corner, just a bit too much coming out.
  • The vanishing point is the point at which you cannot see the road frther ahead. On a end this is the apex, on a straight road it cold be miles away. The idea is that you should never travel at a speed faster from which you can stop within the vanishing point, that way you would never hit an unseen obstacle such as a horse or indeed the opposite verge.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    nice avatar picture steve :)
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