Dragon Ride 2008



  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Yeah I enjoyed it very much as well. I like this from the regs:

    "Safety-approved cycling helmets are compulsory."

    Hope it's enforced. (Yes I'm a member of the SS).
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • MartinJ
    MartinJ Posts: 104
    I'm in too!

    It was one of my favourite rides in 2006. Missed it last year through injury so looking forward to a great day out.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    I'm in too - hooray! :D
  • Think I got in - but a strange message at the end of the sign up process and no email confirmation. Anyway of checking Dragonmaster?
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I am in again this year, only doing 2 or 3 this year.
    See if I can get below 5:20 this year :D
    Better start training I guess.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Thanks to Vermooten, for sending my the CW link, I'm in

    Would like to meet Old Welshman though you will have showered and be outside your third beer by the time I flop over the line
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Cycling Weekly - 100 advanced Dragon Ride entries.

    Your internet provided may be filtering out the confirmation message telling you you've entered the Dragon Ride.

    We will also check with British Cycling, just in case there is a glitch in their system which sends out the confirmation.

    There will be an entry list on the Dragon Ride website towards the end of the week showing the 100 entrants. The link to the memory map site for the detailed maps should also be available in the next few days.

    Lou Lusardi
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Saw this a bit late, now the 100 places have gone. Bugger :cry:
  • well its just accepted my order....how did you know the 100 places had gone??

    EDIT - I have just received order entry confirmation by email for the 180Km ride. The entry "form" is just below the instructions on the CW page - dont go to the Every Day cycling site, its not there, or at least I couldn't find it!
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    I clicked on the page on cycling weekly site, but it said event is now full?????????
  • APIII wrote:
    I clicked on the page on cycling weekly site, but it said event is now full?????????

    I just checked again, and it does say full now. It wasnt last night.....
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Ken Night wrote:
    Thanks to Vermooten, for sending my the CW link, I'm in

    Would like to meet Old Welshman though you will have showered and be outside your third beer by the time I flop over the line

    Well you might meet me there Ken, depends when we start and how I feel on the day :D

    Lets just say, I am probably the most noticable cyclist out of the entire field :D
    If you see me , you will know it is me, I will say no more :D

    Aha, just realised, it depends if it is warm enough for shorts I guess, with longs on I look the same as the rest 8)
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005

    Well you might meet me there Ken, depends when we start and how I feel on the day :D

    Lets just say, I am probably the most noticable cyclist out of the entire field :D
    If you see me , you will know it is me, I will say no more :D

    Aha, just realised, it depends if it is warm enough for shorts I guess, with longs on I look the same as the rest 8)

    You'll be the one with the boat, or is it the camel toe?
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Bngger bngger bngger. It clashes with the Welsh CA 50 . So welsh champs and a possible good BAR time or the Dragon....? Race.., or pretend race..?
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Go for the dragon Steve, much more fun than a TT which is not a race anyway :D
    Ken. Yes the shorts are a bit tighs and loads of padding, I would like to claim it is my physique bulging but unfortunately its the shorts :D
    You cannot quite make out all my tattoos in this pic as the sun is masking them, but you would certainly notice them when I am cycling . :D
  • narbs
    narbs Posts: 593
    Has anyone tried to enter yet? I don't seem to be able to register from their site.

    EDIT: That's because I'm a day early. Right, back to bed it is then.
  • You will be able to enter via the "Enter now" icons on the website www.dragonride.co.uk from one minute past midnight tonight.
  • There was supposed to be a lits posted on the website of the 100 early entries via the CW website, but I can't see anything....???
  • The links are on the website to the BC entry system and you can enter now.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    I've just enetered :D
  • We have now added the list of names from riders who entered in advance via Cycling Weekly.

    Over the next few weeks we will gradually add the names of the rest of you who enter.
    Please be patient as we may need to sort out any errors before posting the lists.

    Lou Lusardi
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Me too :D
  • Thanks Lou.

    Last man in the earlybirds...much like the result of the real thing.... :roll:
  • Pirahna
    Pirahna Posts: 1,315
    I'm in and accomodation booked.

    My wife has also entered as she reckoned it looked like fun last year. Should be entertaining trying to get her fit enough. :twisted:
  • Entered. 180km. Crikey! :shock:
  • Me again and another t-shirt.
    O'h no what have I done?
    I liked the roll out to Port Talbot as it gave me a chance to warm up and to chat to other people. Now we are straight into the first climb (I am a very slow climber) so will end up riding on my own. :(
  • Yippee, I've just signed up as well, along with all 3 days of the Tour of Wessex.
    Looks as though there is a bit of training ahead of me in the New Year...
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Have enetered. Any recomendations for accomodation locally?
  • Bathory wrote:
    Me again and another t-shirt.
    O'h no what have I done?
    I liked the roll out to Port Talbot as it gave me a chance to warm up and to chat to other people. Now we are straight into the first climb (I am a very slow climber) so will end up riding on my own. :(

    Don't worry, there are a few of us trucks taking part, just join the slow lane convoy... :wink: and take some pleasure in catching and passing a third of those that passed you on the way up during the descents.
  • Re, accomdation..

    Last year we stayed at the the Best Western 'Heronston' Hotel in Bridgend, very impressed, food & rooms excellent, also a Spa & Pool, and plenty of other riders for the "war" stories over breakfast. £69.50 for two adults in a double room.


    "Snakes, why did it have to be snakes...."