West Lothian Roadies

Fat Head
Fat Head Posts: 765
Would anyone in the West Lothian area fancy the prospect of some organised training rides? I regularly ride around the area and see plenty of other roadies, especially going through the Bathgate hills, Linlithgow and heading between there and Queensferry. There is also good riding out through Avonbridge, Heights, etc, and also to the South around Forth, Braehead, etc, although I don't go up there too much because I don't know the roads too well there and the surfaces are pretty poor (not, then, down to the fact that it's a big hill heading up there!).

Ok, here's the scoop, how about mooting a Saturday morning run so it won't clash with existing club runs, leaving 8am from the snack bar in the lay-by at Drum, between East Whitburn and Bathgate? An evening run may also be a good idea, on Tuesdays, say, leaving about 7pm from the same place?

Would anyone be up for either/both of these, or care to offer alternative suggestions? Lets here what you think.

Fat Head


  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Found out there is a ride leaving PedalPower West Calder Tuesday nights at 6.30 so lets leave the midweek one, anyone fancy something on Saturdays?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hi 'Fathead'...

    Me and my brother and mate are over those hills all the time...unfortunately the only time I do those roads on a Saturday is only if for some reason I can't get away somewhere for a biggy...My Saturday is most other cyclist's Sunday...I HATE cycling a Sunday then having to get home after a killer route and know i'm up early next day for work!

    But there are some Saturdays that I'm forced to go out and get 3 hours worth up there...I'm from Bo'Ness...so i'd simply cycle upto a point and meet you somewhere...would be maybe able to get 2/3rds of a route together, have a wee blether etc...

    My Brother and mate are up that way a hell of a lot more than me...no doubt my bro will see this entry and reply...should be able to organise something sometime...you can always email me/bro and let us know your intentions for a Saturday...If we can manage it - we will...
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Hi Richy, I thought about you and your bro with this post in mind because you are both among West Lothian's more prominant posters on here!

    I have a wedding to attend tomorrow so won't be out.

    I frequently ride midweek evenings, last night I went out to Limerigg (heading towards Airdrie) and back, you can combine loops out here with a tour of the batgate hills nicely. Do you get out in the evenings at all?

    We'll wait for your bro to throw his bit in and then we'll take it from there....
  • LorneC
    LorneC Posts: 149
    There is also a cycling club in Linlithgow meeting every 2nd Sunday (which always seems to coincide with the weekends my Mrs. is working, so I am left to look after my 3yo son)

    They advertise in the Linlithgow Gazette, within the notices of what is happening in the town. I seem to remember the contact email is linlithgowcycling@blueyonder.co.uk
    Already signed up for the following 2010 rides:

    Etape Caledonia (May 16th)
    AMR's Trossachs Ton (June 20th)
    AMR's Cross-Border Sportive (Sept 19th)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fat Head</i>

    Hi Richy, I thought about you and your bro with this post in mind because you are both among West Lothian's more prominant posters on here!

    I have a wedding to attend tomorrow so won't be out.

    I frequently ride midweek evenings, last night I went out to Limerigg (heading towards Airdrie) and back, you can combine loops out here with a tour of the batgate hills nicely. Do you get out in the evenings at all?

    We'll wait for your bro to throw his bit in and then we'll take it from there....
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yeah I get out around 1 or 2 evenings per week...depends on the wifes work....usually no more than 2 hours...just email me when your going out and if I can i'll meet up with you....tomorrow I'm heading south for one of our pilgrimages to the York dales...60 miler taking in Lams Moss / Tan Hill / Fleak Moss / Coal Road(the harder way up from Cowgill)...its going to hurt!

    As I said just email me when your heading out thorugh this forum and i'll do my best....
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Richy, ok mate, I'll be in touch through PM probably. Those hills be easy with you being a Bathgate Hills veteran, no??? What would you say is the toughest climb in our local hills? Nothing major but several very scenic ones, eh? Saying that, coming from Linlithgow then going over the Cairnpapper 'hummocks' gets the old pipes opened! We're lucky having such good cycling closeby, pitty about some of the nugget drivers kicking around..

    Wonder what kind of numbers they get out Lorne..
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fat Head</i>

    Richy, ok mate, I'll be in touch through PM probably. Those hills be easy with you being a Bathgate Hills veteran, no??? What would you say is the toughest climb in our local hills? Nothing major but several very scenic ones, eh? Saying that, coming from Linlithgow then going over the Cairnpapper 'hummocks' gets the old pipes opened! We're lucky having such good cycling closeby, pitty about some of the nugget drivers kicking around..

    Wonder what kind of numbers they get out Lorne..
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    NO! Lams Moss 312 meter climb 20% sections
    Tan Hill - 3 x 20+% sections
    Fleak Moss - 350 meter climb 25% gradients
    Coal road - 300 meter climb...2nd toughest climb in the
    Dales...1st km is 14% average...
    (after Park Rash)

    Bathgate hills merely a warm up in comparison...theres nowth in Scotland like Northern England Hills apart from around 5..
    Bealach / Glen Quaich / Glendaruel / Cairn O Mount / Waterboard climb

    Only the Bealach is tougher than the Coal Road....

    Toughest climb over bathgate hills? For me no doubt Kinscavle...really wastes me it does...other worth mentions are Preston Road upto Beecraigs, Limefield from Bathgate upto Cairnpapple, Bathgate Sports Center upto Cairnpapple....all tough going...good quiet roads...

    Give us a shout anytime and i'll do my best..
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Fathead - as my bro says we would be up for it. Our mate George is also up ther 3-4 times a week. We'll manage something soon. Email me or my bro and we'll take it from there.

    My nemesis climb in Bathgate - Puirwive's brae or something like that. I can do it with plenty of gears to spare but I can never get the right gearing and either labour or spin.

    Brian B.
    Brian B.
  • BillR1
    BillR1 Posts: 271

    I am also a Bathgate hills veteran living in Torphichen. I am in the hills 3 to 4 times a week and also do the Greengairs loop via Slamannan etc infact just back now from that run 32 mls. Hardest hill in the area is as agreed with Richyboy, Kingscavil what a slog !!!
    Myself and my brother in law cycle the hills regularily and the surrounding areas. I have trained with Pedal power and the Falkirk club which are Tues and Thurs respectively. Start a post if you want to go out anytime mid week Wed would be good and Sat morn, maybe we could get our own club going !!

    Regards, Bill
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    what one is Kingscavil? i'm not up on the names yet. I do preston road and the one from bathgate sports centre most.

    Bill, i'm aiming to do the pedal power run this tuesday. I was out for an hour and a half today late morning, whitburn, blackburn, west calder, woolford, braehead, forth, then home.

    I will be out tomorrow i think, during the day at some point.

    everyone, what are your plans for this saturday? do you fancy doing something long early am? i was thinking of heading down to do the pain in the penines sportive but i only went and complicated things by getting a 10 week old labrador puppy....what was i thinking??
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hi Fathead,

    Well I can safely say that me/bro will be out this Saturday...we are all heading to Macclesfield for the Polkadot Challenge on the Sunday[;)]

    Really looking forward to cycling the Peak District and all its famous climbs.

    Kingscavle....its on the eastern side of Linlithgow...basically head for Winchburgh from Linlithgow on the B9080...youll see a right cutoff just by a church...take this...youll descend a bit then climb the bugger...its a real sapper...I just HATE it...at the top you can then take the right...you'll descend then up passed the farm take the left cut-off...thats another bugger of a climb...taking you upto Beecraigs Resturaunt....good climbs
  • BillR1
    BillR1 Posts: 271
    Fat Head

    See you tomorrow at the Pedal Power run.

    Rgds, Bill

    Spesh S Works Roubaix
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    richy, good luck down south, you must be a strong rider to take on all these sportives.

    i've never done kingscavle, been along the B9080 several times though, usually cutting left down to the park bistro, the place i am doing my best to boycott after a little pleb saw me enter the compound with my bike, came rushing out and told me to put it in the bikestand which is out of sight. was only checking to see if they were still open for a cuppa, but ended up telling him where to go and that i'd never be back!

    bill, see you tomorrow, you'll need the roubaix for some of the road surfaces up there! i'll be on a black kuota kharma with red tyres
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fat Head</i>

    richy, good luck down south, you must be a strong rider to take on all these sportives.

    i've never done kingscavle, been along the B9080 several times though, usually cutting left down to the park bistro, the place i am doing my best to boycott after a little pleb saw me enter the compound with my bike, came rushing out and told me to put it in the bikestand which is out of sight. was only checking to see if they were still open for a cuppa, but ended up telling him where to go and that i'd never be back!

    bill, see you tomorrow, you'll need the roubaix for some of the road surfaces up there! i'll be on a black kuota kharma with red tyres
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Don't know about strong fathead...just know that if i'm steady I should make it...All these sportif's are very difficult...especially the ones in Northern England and North Wales...but after the Fred Whitton Challenge i've got a fair bit confidence...Managed to scale Hardknott/Wrynose Pass without walking(just)...if I can do them at 100miles then theres not too much to be frightened off....but no doubt i'll suffer bigtime on Sunday....

    To give an idea about the Fred Whitton Challenge -we did the full route as a Training run 1 month before the real event...you can read about my suffering here if you want:-

    http://www.bikeit.eclipse.co.uk/localri ... /index.htm

    If you have taken the left of the B9080 road down to the wee cafe at the canal...then the Right for Kingscavle is about 200meters passed that...youll like that climb[xx(]
  • BillR1
    BillR1 Posts: 271
    Fat Head,

    I have got an entry to the Northern Rock Cyclone on Saturday but depending on the weather forecast I may just do the Edinburgh to St Andrews as a training ride instead.

    See you tomorrow, Bill
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    I did Kingscavle tonight, that'll be the shortish, straight one? Was a lovely night, 21 degrees at 7pm when I left. Did the climb from the sports centre, down into Linlithgow, then up Kingscavle, eventually going passed cairnpapple, and down into bathgate, enjoying whizzing through the town centre.
  • tombt
    tombt Posts: 121
    Hi fathead, Sounds interesting, I tend to use the roads heading through to south lanarkshire,not as good surface but they're a bit quieter, doing LEPRA this weekend with the kids, but I'll subscribe to this post and keep an eye on when you are going out, I'm not young and I'm not quick, what sort of rides are you looking for, sociable spin or hard burn up??

    Ironic isn't it, that God gave the tortoise a drag factor of 0.03.
    Ironic isn\'t it, that God gave the tortoise a drag factor of 0.03.
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    hi tombt, hard to say about the pace given that we havent done any rides yet but i guess all would be welcome and if a few did put the foot down, they would eventually wait for the stragglers.

    i dont think there will be anything this saturday given people's commitments elsewhere, although i may end up going out locally myself if i cant be bothered heading down to halifax to do the pain in the penines, which is very very likely. brian b, will you be out saturday morning?
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    What would you say is the toughest climb in our local hills?

    Hi some of those hills in Bathgate,Linlithgow etc are great climbs but have youi ever considered the other side of the Forth ? There are some great climbs to be had there once you get away from river The hardest hill climb for me in Central Scotland is the climb up to Castle Campbelll in Dollar its not the longest but the 2nd section of it after the car park almost has me heaving up lol . For me its harder than Crow Road,Takemedoon, Bathgate hills only the climb up by Logie Kirk comes close.

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Depends on what you mean 'local'...is around loch tay local? if so then Glen Quiach is most difficult no doubt.

    Is all Fife included...hardest I've did over there most probable Lomond Hill from Falkland or the climbs out of Dunning I guess(especially going upto Path of Condie -steepest climb ive did in Scotland)

    This side of the water most definately Crow/Tak
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Moray Gub,

    Thanks for pointing out those climbs....yeah looking at the contour lines that climb upto Castle Campbell looks brutal...maybe around 25%...it must be doen.

    Took a fair bit of time to find the 'logie Kirk' climb but found out thats the one upto Sherriffmuir...excellent! I've never did these and now Ive worked out a real nice 70miler:-

    Kinross - Climb up past Loch Glow - then the Climb up past KnockHill - on the descent I can take the road left to Saline but head to Dollar aswell...I'll then climb that brute upto Castle Campbell...then descend back down - then head to Bridge of Allan via the B9140 - take the climb up Logie Kirk to Sherriffmuir - Braco - Auchterarder - Dunning - Path of Condie - Kinross.

    Since the climb upto Path of Condie from Dunning is the steepest I've ever did in Scotland I wonder if this climb upto the castle will outgun it?...cheers anyway - new terrain!
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    hi richy, glad to see you made the move to this place, not like the old place eh??

    when you doing this run and do you have any others planned, we should get something together
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fat Head wrote:
    hi richy, glad to see you made the move to this place, not like the old place eh??

    when you doing this run and do you have any others planned, we should get something together

    Hope to do this sometime in August(most probably a Saturday)...you are very welcome to join us in our suffering...looks like this route will take in a few real steepies...I know for sure that climb upto path of Condie is 25%..and ther 20%ers after that back to Kinross...this climb upto Castel Campbell looks 25% aswell...and the start of thye Sherriffmuir climb aint nice either...i'll need the triple definately...I've also got a 100miler planned out up at Ballater...taking in the 'snow roads'...hard route takiing in some fearsome climbs...again hoping for August(again most probably a Saturday)

    I'm away now for 2 weeks in Tenerfie with the family...taking my bike and taking in 2 ascents of Mount Teide and also the dreadful Masca climb...its going to be hard!

    I'll give you a godd 'heads up for these runs and if you can make it then your very welcome.


  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    a heads up would be good mate, would be up for them both

  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Kinross - Climb up past Loch Glow - then the Climb up past KnockHill - on the descent I can take the road left to Saline but head to Dollar aswell...I'll then climb that brute upto Castle Campbell...then descend back down - then head to Bridge of Allan via the B9140 - take the climb up Logie Kirk to Sherriffmuir - Braco - Auchterarder - Dunning - Path of Condie - Kinross.

    Since the climb upto Path of Condie from Dunning is the steepest I've ever did in Scotland I wonder if this climb upto the castle will outgun it?...cheers anyway - new terrain![/quote]

    Hi Richy no problem mate i am always looking for new hills to climb etc round these parts myself, i live in Kincardine and cycle to Grangemouth over tha bl**dy bridge every day so i tend to do most of my cycling on this side of the Forth in and around your planned route. There are some brutal climbs in there to do in one day !!! Be careful on the descent from Castle Campbell its quite narrow and there are blind corners often there are cars coming up as you are bombing down and if its raining be extra careful it get a bit of moss etc on it and can be deadly, apart from that its fun :-) That road from Dunning to Path of Condie is very very hard the local cyclists call that climb out right of Dunning the Dragon Hill and from there to the Path and beyond to Kinross as you know it features some absolute horrors. POC is probably steeper but CC is longer and much harder imo , probably hardest ive done was during a Lands End to John O Groats tour when i came across the delights of the Berriedale Braes. Anyway hope you enjoy your 70 mller and if you come across any more good climbs let us know

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • scapaslow
    scapaslow Posts: 305
    Hi there, i'm based in Dollar. Seeing as you are coming this way i thought i might add a few extra local climbs for your consideration as you seem to want some pain!

    I agree with Moray Gub that the Castle Campbell climb is an absolute killer and the hardest round here. I've only tried it recently as it is a dead end - beware of the cattle grid at the top. I must admit to cheating slightly as there is a car park halfway up which you can bail out to get some breath back before tackling the second half. I'm going to add this climb to the end of my local training run and work at it to get up in one go. Descend carefully!

    Once you've decended turn left at the T junction (a wicked vertical 50M) then left again at the next T junction and head up the climb to Law Hill (pretty tough). Continue till you join the A91 almost at Muckhart. Turn right heading for Dollar and after the Cowden bends take the left signed for Blairingone/Vicars Bridge. Descend to Vicars Bridge turn left over the bridge and ascend to Blairingone. (V tough). Turn right onto the A977 then almost immediately left for Saline. At the top of this climb take the unsigned road on the right for Solsgirth (first group of houses you meet). This joins the B913 from Saline. Turn right to the junction with the A977 and cross over (carefully!) to rejoin the B913. Don't turn onto the B9140 just yet but keep on the B913 and descend towards Dollar. About 50M before the bridge take the unmarked single track road on the left which rises in a near vertical manner to join the B9140. Turn right and head toward Coalsnaughton. Note the B9140 can be busy near to Alva/Tullibody. Best bet to get to Logie's Kirk is to rejoin the A91 at Menstrie.

    I do the loop up Loch Glow then Knock Hill quite a lot. The Loch Glow climb is not too bad and is steepest at the start and finish. At Hill End turn left for Saline. Turn left at Busses Farm rather than going all the way into Saline and enjoy a rapid descent. Turn right at the next junction (just past the stables) and descend to Blairingone. Right and then left to cross the A977 and descend to Vicars Bridge (this is fabulous). Cross the bridge and carry straight on for a short but vicious climb to join the A91. Left for Dollar. Turn right at the Clocktower on the bridge for the Castle Campbell and/or Law Hill climbs.

    I've only ever gone down the Path of Condie hill to Dunning and can safely say it is the fastest speed i have ever reached on a bike. Absolutely exhilarating. Anyone who can climb it deserves respect. I'll need to add this to the must do's.

    I sometimes do a very nice loop from Dollar Climbing up to Hill End, Cleish, Kinross, Milnathort, Stronachie, Path of Condie, Dunning, climb up the B934 (tough) and descent to Muckhart then Dollar. It's hard enough going this way but sounds like i'm going to have to try it in reverse for some real pain.

    Good luck with your climbfest Ritchyboy!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Well today I did the following promised route:-

    Kinross - Climb up past Loch Glow - then the Climb up past KnockHill - on the descent I can take the road left to Saline but head to Dollar aswell...I'll then climb that brute upto Castle Campbell...then descend back down - then head to Bridge of Allan via the B9140 - take the climb up Logie Kirk to Sherriffmuir - Braco - Auchterarder - Dunning - Path of Condie - Kinross.

    Done it in the foulest of weather...I kid you not I had a torrential downpour for 5 hrs worth...soaked to the skin....even my sealskin socks had around 1/2 pint of water in them when I finished.

    This route works out at 70odd miles and near 2000 meters climbing.

    Having now climbed Castle Campbell(after getting lost and cycling up a great bloody steep climb for 1km before realising) I must admit thats a real relentless sod...I found the climb very similar all the way up...maybe getting a bit steeper the higher you went...upto around 20+%...very sore climb but the suffering very short...in fact when I approached the small carpark over the horrid cattle grid I prepared myself for the steepest section but then found out I was at the top...still pretty steep.

    I then headed west out of Dollar on the main road then took the left onto the B913 then around 1km later took a sharp right onto a right steep bugger of a climb upto the B9140, from there I headed to Tullibody then Menstrie then tackled the climb up past Logiekirk upto Sherriffmuir....

    This climb was pretty long...and pretty darn steep...upto around 20% again but managed to save a gear...wheras Castle Campbell was maybe steeper this went on a whole lot longer...and the climb up Sherrifmuir went on for ages...all in atrocious conditions...the surface of this road on the steep section past Logiekirk was disgraceful..glad I was going slow up it as it could cause damage coming down this at speed...never the less it was a sore climb and caused me serious discomfort!

    Then I made my way to Dunning...I then climbed the notorious climb from Dunning upto the Path of Condie...done this many times...as I had now ridden all 3 climbs in one day I must say that the Path of Condie climb was still more difficult than the Castle Campbell / Logiekirk climbs (not much),,,its just that even in the 30 x 27 the Path of Condie climb was so much steeper than the other 2....(and the section leading out to Path of Condie is around 16% sustained before you even hit the steep part)it takes a real effort....

    Funny thing was that after the big climbs the other 'horrors' Moray Gub speaks off really took there toll on me...countless small 20% ers all the way back to Kinross....was really buggered by the time I got back...but the rain was one of the main difficulties...

    Thanks Moray Gub for your climbs...they certainly never disappointed..it was a good hard run despite the terrible conditions....

    P.s Maybe because I've cycled all over the Lakes / York Dales / NY Moors these climbs feel not so abnormal to me...

    Thanks again.
  • OS 65
    OS 65 Posts: 415
    HI There
    I'm based in Linlithgow and regularily ride around the Bathgate hills and up to Limerigg.
    Because of family commitments riding with local clubs isn't appropriate because they tend to get back too late for me. I start out at around 7 - 7.30am on Saturday and Sunday in the summer and 8 ish in the winter. riding for around 2-3 hours.

    It would be great to meet up with a regular group

    Anyone interested in starting a chaingang on a Saturday morning? I've been trying to find a good circuit about 5-7 mile long and not too hilly and safe enough for a group.

    The most appropriate (but not ideal) route I've come accross starts at Faucheldean and heads west on a minor road which Joins B8046 heading to Ecclesmachan then taking a left after Ecclesmachan and heading back towards Winchburgh joining the B8024, turning left to Faucheldean before Winchborough to complete the circuit.Does anyone know a more appropriate route?
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Hi Os,

    I'm just back from a fortnight's riding in Spain so haven't said anything on here for a while.

    Me and Bill (from this thread) have met up once already, meeting at 8am on a Saturday morning at the Korean War Memorial in the Bathgate Hills. We haven't done anything for the last 3 weeks or so due mainly to me being on holiday.

    I am up for a 2-3 hour ride this Saturday, possibly meeting at the same place, would you fancy it?

    Richyboy, how are you placed for this Sat?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fat Head wrote:
    Hi Os,

    I'm just back from a fortnight's riding in Spain so haven't said anything on here for a while.

    Me and Bill (from this thread) have met up once already, meeting at 8am on a Saturday morning at the Korean War Memorial in the Bathgate Hills. We haven't done anything for the last 3 weeks or so due mainly to me being on holiday.

    I am up for a 2-3 hour ride this Saturday, possibly meeting at the same place, would you fancy it?

    Richyboy, how are you placed for this Sat?

    Sorry Lads, On saturday I'm driving to Bala in Wales to do the Wild Wales Challenge...its finishing with the infamous Bwlch Y Groes then the Hirnant Pass...sounds like pain to me...weathers looking great! Have a good un.