Men over 8-stone shouldn't wear Lycra



  • chippyk
    chippyk Posts: 529
    Does anybody actually give a toss what others wear or what anybody else thinks of what you like when you're on your bike? I couldn't give a sh1t if someone thinks I look fat or the one piece of team kit I own, Rapha Sky Pro Team bibs which were a £56 bargain since you ask, make me look a knob. F@ck 'em, it's their problem not mine.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,118
    ChippyK wrote:
    Does anybody actually give a toss what others wear or what anybody else thinks of what you like when you're on your bike? ...
    Quite a few tossers on here apparently. :lol:
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • HaydenM wrote:
    To play devil's advocate for a second (I don't really care what people wear although I don't wear team kit myself), why buy pro kit deliberately? It's just like non-team kit but doesn't look as good and has names of sponsors who don't sponsor you all over it. The difference between me and them in your example is that they are sponsored by the people the kit features and I'm not. In my head the 'I like Froome so I'm going to ride in replica Froome kit' doesn't make much sense to me, but then a lot of things don't make sense to me...

    I wear the team kit because my company sponsors the team and our company logo is on the kit.

    And the company foots the bill to buy the kit if we wear it in a company endorsed non-pro event.

    That's my excuse. But, our kit from 2016 was horrid. Horrid. Lots of white, enough said. I refuse to wear the bib with it. I wear black bibs with just the jersey.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062

    I wear the team kit because my company sponsors the team and our company logo is on the kit.

    And the company foots the bill to buy the kit if we wear it in a company endorsed non-pro event.

    That's my excuse. But, our kit from 2016 was horrid. Horrid. Lots of white, enough said. I refuse to wear the bib with it. I wear black bibs with just the jersey.

    That's not 'team kit' as in the argument here.
    For quite a few years I rode and raced under fairly famous bike shop/framebuilder's colours.
    I was PART of the team as it were. It was not part of my mindset that I was a moving billboard.
    You can now put your money where your mouth is in order to keep a pro team afloat with Slipstreams attempts to crowdfund... wearing whatever kit they will wear in the future then makes an 'apeth of sense.. but sadly they will more likely go under.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,954
    PBlakeney wrote:
    Quite a few tossers on here apparently. :lol:
    Indeed, no tosses should be given.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Just to be clear, you cannot rock up in pro team colours in a BC race.
    TLI/LVRC a bit more lenient, but it is still unusual to see someone in say a Belkin kit that was had cheap.
    Generation thing , I think.
    I'm old.
  • JGSI wrote:
    That's not 'team kit' as in the argument here.

    I don't understand. Explain?

    It's this exact kit.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    You were wearing your sponsors kit - You / your business.
    I'd do the same if I had the geld.
    The argument abounding in the grand old U of K is that wearing Team Sky Rapha/Castelli etc etc etc is such a flaming cliche.
    I propose everyone in PHONAK please.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,118
    JGSI wrote:
    You were wearing your sponsors kit - You / your business.
    I'd do the same if I had the geld.
    The argument abounding in the grand old U of K is that wearing Team Sky Rapha/Castelli etc etc etc is such a flaming cliche.
    I propose everyone in PHONAK please.
    I'll take it further. Nothing gets people going more than Sky. Much more so than the etc etc.
    Probably due to the Rapha affiliation. Wonder if that'll decrease with Castelli. All of which I have, and various other teams. No affiliation, just good quality kit on the cheap. I started with Once in the mid 90s. I don't give a toss.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    So Hoy thinks he was quoted out of context. Then he probably failed the media training course he went on
    when he was part of British Cycling Performance Plan. Surely, he should have be advised that when talking
    to journalists "be careful, what you say to them will not be exactly what is printed". :roll:
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    There was a post on here somewhere saying there was a sale on the Tour De France site. They were flogging Sky Castilli stuff of really cheap, I tried to buy a rain jacket, so it seemed did lots of other people as well as the site crashed.
    They were all gone the next day.
    A quality rain jacket for a third of the usual price, it could have had c*ck in big letters across the back and I would have bought it never mind it having Sky on it.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,118
    Webboo wrote:
    There was a post on here somewhere saying there was a sale on the Tour De France site. They were flogging Sky Castilli stuff of really cheap, I tried to buy a rain jacket, so it seemed did lots of other people as well as the site crashed.
    They were all gone the next day.
    A quality rain jacket for a third of the usual price, it could have had c*ck in big letters across the back and I would have bought it never mind it having Sky on it.
    I got one. :twisted: Prime examples from my post above.
    Plus a Direct Energie and Wanty jersey, total cost less than £85. Missed out on the FDJ though. :evil:
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,416
    Webboo wrote: could have had c*ck in big letters across the back and I would have bought it...
    All depends on how big are the letters innit.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    No it doesn't.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,416
  • I do believe he was taking the piss. Although Scottish humour seems to be lost on many of you.
    Seriously, who weighs 8st? Mo Farrah is 55kg - slightly over 8st and he looks tiny.
    Who gives a shit what you wear? Wear what is comfy and affordable, it isn't a catwalk ffs.
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    PBlakeney wrote:
    I'll take it further. Nothing gets people going more than Sky. Much more so than the etc etc.
    Probably due to the Rapha affiliation. Wonder if that'll decrease with Castelli. All of which I have, and various other teams. No affiliation, just good quality kit on the cheap. I started with Once in the mid 90s. I don't give a toss.

    I doubt it, Sky get that whole Murdoch baggage with them as well as the grief about being winning without "elan", always get compliments on my Canyron Sram top, even as curvy lass, which no one seems to care is Rapha much.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Well, I for one am glad of a bunch people wear pro kit.
  • milemuncher1
    milemuncher1 Posts: 1,472
    The thing that made me chuckle, is that almost immediately after the whole furore kicked off, the majority of the people who started attention whoreing, were the exact thing that Hoy was talking about. Chris Hoy says some people look like a badly stuffed sausage / over packed bag of spuds, when they wear tight (ill ) fitting Lycra, some badly stuffed sausages / over packed bag of spuds, in tight ( ill ) fitting Lycra, chuck their toys out of the pram, and prove the point. Ironic.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,118
    Did they put on their Lycra kit on specifically to chuck their toys?
    I am curious as to how you would know this. :lol:
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • milemuncher1
    milemuncher1 Posts: 1,472
    PBlakeney wrote:
    Did they put on their Lycra kit on specifically to chuck their toys?
    I am curious as to how you would know this. :lol:

  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,848
    I do believe he was taking the wee-wee. Although Scottish humour seems to be lost on many of you.
    Seriously, who weighs 8st? Mo Farrah is 55kg - slightly over 8st and he looks tiny.
    Who gives a shoot what you wear? Wear what is comfy and affordable, it isn't a catwalk ffs.

    I could see that it was meant as 'funny' but the trouble was that it engaged and played to the same tired old cliches and lazy easy targets that every tabloid hack and pub bore grab onto. I mean, taking and quoting Alexie Sayles opinion on cyclists, really?
    I think the level of the article came into its own when the Daily Wail cut it about and used it to further belittle cyclists which fitted in perfectly with their own agenda.

    If he really is so stuck for a positive way to write a column then maybe he should give it a miss.
    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    Wear what you want. No fucks given.

    Chances are I will never see the random strangers that I've cycled past ever again. So why should I care what they think.

    Enjoy yourself on your bikes
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • I have never understood why anyone honestly cares about what other people wear. Literally baffles me.

    Wear what you want to. Use whatever equipment you want to. Put anything on your bike you want to.
  • Funny how things change over time. Back in the dark 80s, non-team jerseys and shorts were pretty undesigned and certainly round my area, riders would wear whichever mismatching teams jersey/shorts they fancied. (Never trophy jerseys like the yellow or polka dot as they were earned).

    I don't remember team jerseys as having to be earned, they just looked better. Seemed to be in the 90s that matching full kit started to become a thing and now people think it has to be earned.
  • Funny how things change over time. Back in the dark 80s, non-team jerseys and shorts were pretty undesigned and certainly round my area, riders would wear whichever mismatching teams jersey/shorts they fancied. (Never trophy jerseys like the yellow or polka dot as they were earned).

    I don't remember team jerseys as having to be earned, they just looked better. Seemed to be in the 90s that matching full kit started to become a thing and now people think it has to be earned.

    Again, this never fails to crack me up. You can buy replica Maillot Jaune / polka dot / sprinters jerseys, in lots of places. If it was such a big deal, you couldn't. 'Earn it' my ar$e. :lol:
  • PBlakeney wrote:
    ...and just how heavy was Chris when he wore Lycra?

    He looks pretty heavy. :lol:
  • Interesting quote from the non profit US cycling organization:

    "Club Jerseys. In competition, no rider shall wear the
    emblem, inscription, or uniform of any club or team which
    the rider is not eligible to represent, nor may a club/team
    create a jersey, design or emblems that might be confused
    with the US National Team or National Champion jersey."

    Guess that means no pro kits in amateur races. :mrgreen:
  • Interesting quote from the non profit US cycling organization:

    "Club Jerseys. In competition, no rider shall wear the
    emblem, inscription, or uniform of any club or team which
    the rider is not eligible to represent, nor may a club/team
    create a jersey, design or emblems that might be confused
    with the US National Team or National Champion jersey."

    Guess that means no pro kits in amateur races. :mrgreen:

    I get that, in a competition no FPKW allowed. However, would they still allow a wobbly Sportive type rider to struggle over a speed bump, wearing a Polka Dot jersey? That's just comedy entertainment, and should be encouraged.

  • I get that, in a competition no FPKW allowed. However, would they still allow a wobbly Sportive type rider to struggle over a speed bump, wearing a Polka Dot jersey? That's just comedy entertainment, and should be encouraged.

    Talking of FPKW.
    36874879552_7ebf31f752_b.jpgmilemuncher by Bobin Noggs, on Flickr


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